When The Past Becomes The Fut...

By LightningPelt12_

19.5K 447 379

Pain and sadness have always been a part of my life. I've never felt truly loved or cared for. I'm all alone... More

Rocky's Nightmare
Rocky's Past Part 1
Trouble At Sea
Strange Happenings On A Strange Island
Rocky's Past Part 2
Rocky's Past Part 3
Fire In A Hospital
Pups Have Fun
Outside The Law Part 1
Outside The Law Part 2
Power, Guilt, and Pain
When Pups Fight
Do You Trust Me?
The Price You Pay For Freedom

Life And Love

1.1K 21 34
By LightningPelt12_

Hours passed, as the pups adjusted to their new reality. Nature itself seemed to protest such injustice, and the sky began to darken. Thunder boomed, and lightning streaked across the sky. The wind picked up, blowing the pup's fur this way and that way. The air pressure dropped, a sure sign of coming rain.

The moment Michael had left the facility, he began to dim. It was gradual, but he was slowly disappearing. All the pups looked to him. Besides, he was the only living part of Rocky left.

"Michael, what's happening?" Zuma asked him in fear.

"Oh, Zuma. I'm sorry." Michael pressed his nose against Zuma's. "I can't stay here any longer. I've been away from a power source too long..." The wind whipping fiercely, chilling the pups.

"What?! You're leaving? What are we going to do without you?" Skye asked.

"I'm...I'm sorry." Rocky's double respond, looking at her with tearful eyes.

"You are all we have left of him," Ryder said.

"I wish I could stay. I do. But, Rocky's spirit is calling me. I can't disobey." He was now a thin silhouette and the pups strained to see him.

"Calling you... Does that mean he isn't dead?" Marshall said, sudden hope in his heart.

"I don't know," he responded. He thought for a bit. "There may be a way to save him, though. Rocky's body may be lifeless, but his spirit remains. I can feel him... There might yet be hope, but time will run out...is running out... Keep him safe." Michael said, giving them a spark of hope before disappearing like mist.

"Did you hear that?" Zuma said. "He can still save Wocky!" His momentary sorrow disappeared like mist before the sun, and hope roared as a flame in his heart.

"But what can we do?" Taja asked.

"We were told to keep him safe. Now we wait," Zuma responded confidently.

"Zuma, I don't want to crush your hope, but if Rocky can't be saved..." Ryder trailed off.

"He will come back to us. To me..." Zuma whispered to himself.

"Just...don't get your hopes too high. The higher they are, the farther they have to fall." Chase said. Zuma stubbornly refused to listen to their counsel.

"I said, he will be fine! It's like you want him dead!" he snapped. No one else dared to challenge him. A few drops of rain began to fall from the sky. The clouds swirled together, and in the center, the clouds began to boil.

"Something feels...familiar..." Zuma mumbled.

"At any rate, we need to find shelter." Marcus barked sensibly. Ryder looked at Chase.

"Could you look around for somewhere to stay?"

"Say no more!" Chase said, taking off in a flash of light. A few minutes later, he came back, panting and out of breath.

"About a mile from here, there is a large stone cave. We can stay there for the night!" The wind speed had increased, and it looked like Skye and Taja were going to be blown right off the mountainside.

"Ok, Chase. Lead the way." Marcus said, taking charge.

"Hey, where is Zuma?" Skye asked. They looked behind them, and saw Zuma wiggle up under their dead freind, and situate his paws around his neck. He ran (as well as he could) and caught up with them.

"Here, let me help you," Marcus said.

"No," Zuma said, a little too quickly and a little too sharply. "I mean, I got it." Zuma hastily amended. Marcus looked at him for a moment, before dipping his head and turning away.
"I've got you Wocky, I won't let anything else happen to you," Zuma murmured.

There was a flash of light, and Michael opened his eyes. It was very bright, and the light stung them. He stood on a gray patch of ground. It looked like someone took a section of grass, they drained it of all color. On his right, he saw the moral world, and his friends, gathered around Rocky's body and conversing together. On his left, he saw an endless field of green that stretched into eternity. Michael found himself drawn to the left side. His ability to sense Rocky was accurate, for that is where he found him.

"Hi, Michael!" Rocky greeted. Michael whipped around, and saw himself.

"Rocky...where are we?" Michael asked.

"Meres calls it, The Great Beyond. He created it after his first death. I even got to meet our mother, she's here too!" Rocky said, spinning around in happiness. Michael looked down at himself. He was quickly fading.

" Yeah, that's great but, Rocky, must leave this place. Your friends need you!" Michael said.

"Come back! Are you serious? I'm happy here, and I'm never hungry or alone, or cold...This is the total opposite of the life Jason carved out for me." Rocky responded, licking his paws.

"But...what about Ryder. What about your friends? They love you!" he repeated. Rocky looked at him sadly.

"They will have to live without me. Meres has promised they can join me when they die. Sure it will be hard but...I don't wanna go back. I can't continue fighting for my life every day! Feeling so guilty for it all. I wanted to die, Michael! And now that I have, I wish I had sooner." Rocky retorted. The clock was ticking, and Michael knew it. He saved his most persuasive argument for last. He knew Rocky as he knew himself, and knew only one thing could persuade him to go back. And it wasn't a long, drawn-out speech. It was a simple, three worded question.

"What about Zuma?" Rocky's eye's widened, and he staggered to the side as if he had been hit.

"Don't bring him up, Michael," he warned. "You know I have conflicting feelings for him."

"He loves you. And you love him. At least, I thought you did." Michael said, ignoring him. He and Rocky glanced across to the other side. Zuma was diligently carrying Rocky's spiritless body, speaking to it as if it could hear him.

"It's okay. I'm not going to leave you. It going to be okay." he whispered. The image got fuzzy, and The Great Beyond began taking over the side that was still mortal. It grew smaller and smaller in size. The mortal realm was quickly leaving the pups. access. Micheal lifted his paw. He could no longer see it. He was fading, dying with Rocky's quickly departing soul.

"You are leaving the mortal realm." A deep, resonant voice called behind them. Michael turned, and looked into the eyes of his father. "You must make a decision, Rocky. I will not make you do anything, but your time to choose is ending soon. Be forewarned, if you leave here, you will never remember this. You will think it was a dream, and you will eventually forget all about it. Most of your soul is here, but something is keeping the rest of it on earth."

"Zuma would leave everything to be with you. You know that! You can't bail on him." Michael snapped at himself, turning to face Rocky.

"But I can't go back, you know what my life was like." Rocky pleaded.

" You're pathetic..." Michael muttered, turning away from him.

"What?" Rocky sputtered.

"Yeah, I said it. You're just a pathetic excuse for a pup! " Rocky recoiled in shock.

"Huh? What do you mean?" his fur bristled.

" Get over yourself! Do you think they aren't hungry? Huh, Rocky? Do you really believe that they aren't hurting? Well, they are! Difference is, they are trying to move on in life. But not you. No, no, no, no, no! You are going to run away from it all, and leave them to suffer for it. What does that make you? A pathetic coward, that's what! And because of your cowardice, when your spirit leaves them, not only will you give them more suffering and more grief, you will tear Zuma's heart out and grind it into the dirt!" Michael spat furiously. "He has high hopes for you, against everything that everyone else has told him. And you are going to bail on him! What type of pup are you anyway?!" He spat. Then he sighed. "I have nothing more to say to you, do what you will," he muttered bitterly. he turned away from him. Rocky looked tortured for a while. He remembered the state he was in at his death. He remembered seeing blood pooling up under him, his chest screaming at him. And through it all, there was one face Rocky took comfort in. Zuma. He had always been there for him, counseling him, comforting him. Hell, he even helped me get over my fear of water! He's right, I am being a pathetic coward... "Zuma..." Rocky murmured. "I have to go back. I can't leave him." he decided. He touched his lips softly, remembering how Zuma's felt against them. Michael looked up at him with tearful eyes. But they were tears of joy. "I knew I could get through to you," he whispered.

"Then go now. There is limited time. You and Zuma have a special bond, and he hopes very much that you will return to him. It is so strong, it is stopping your spirit from leaving his dimension. Still, your soul has all but completely left the mortal realm. Go, my son. I will see you again." Mere's said. Rocky stepped into the vanishing side of the world, and Michael joined him.

"Goodbye, father." they chorused.

"Goodbye, son," he responded, dipping his head to them. "Safe travels."

The light disappeared, and Rocky felt as if he was falling, but he was standing up. He whipped his head around, looking for his duplicate self.

"Michael! Where are you?" he cried in terror.

"You cannot see me for now, but you must quickly enter your body, or we will perish, and be trapped forever between heaven and earth. I will guide you back." Michael's voice came. "Do you see the light at the end of this dark expanse?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I do," Rocky said. The light was getting dimmer and dimmer. The feeling of falling tapered off, but it was still there slightly.

"You must make it there before that light goes out. That light represents Zuma's hope for you. It is the thing keeping you here. But if he gives up hope of you surviving, it will go out." Michael said. "And if it goes out, we will never find our way out of here. Quickly, now! You must reach the flame, and in its light, we must hope to become one with the mortal world again."Rocky began to run, trying to move as fast as he could. But the more he ran, the farther away it seemed to get.

"Michael, it's running away from me!" Rocky cried.

"Don't stop running! You are getting closer!" Micheal shouted. The light fled in the other direction. Rocky ground to a halt. "I'll never make it!" he said in despair.

"No, Rocky! You mustn't give up! This is a test for you. The light never moved, but you think it has. You must have faith in yourself, in him. I can see it. You are very close! I know you can't see that, but you must trust me." Michael pleaded with him. Rocky gritted his teeth and ran again. Still, the light grew farther and farther away, until he could no longer see it. I'm doing this for you, Zuma. I'll run for the rest of my life if it means I get to see you again. So even though this seems impossible, I will still run on for you. The moment he set his resolve, the flame of hope flickered, and ceased to run away from him."Just a little farther! You are almost there!" Michael cheered for him. As he grew closer, he could see Michael, waiting at the fire for him. Rocky pressed on, determined to leave that place.

The wind grew stronger, and the pups had to fight it to move forward. For every pace they took, they were pushed a half-stride back.

"What's going on!" Taja yelled.

"I don't know!" Skye said. She had given up trying to control the wind a long time ago. It was too strong. Of them all, Zuma seemed to be having the hardest time keeping up. Lightning flashed for the heavens, and the sky turned gray. Lightning touched down directly behind them, as if it too were trying to catch up with them. The cave was eventually in reach, and they hauled themselves into it just in time.

"Made it!" Zuma said, setting down the gray pup. The body was cold and stiff, and Rocky's scent was all but gone.

"Please come back." Zuma cried. "You can't leave us now. We love you." he sniffed. Taja came up behind him. "I'm sorry, Zuma. I think it's time for us to let him go now. I'm sure he did his best." Zuma's heart rate began to increase.

The flame decreased in size rapidly.

"Michael, what's going on!" Rocky shouted. The ground under him began to fall away, and he had to look out for falling pieces of the ceiling.

"He's giving up hope! Hurry!" Michael cried. Jumping over a wide cavern, Rocky drew closer and closer. Come on, faster!

"No, he's still in there somewhere!" Zuma replied.

"I know we want to believe it, but it's over Zuma. You must give him up. You must leave him be." she said. Zuma's faith took a hit, and he staggered to the side. "No...no you can't leave me...you can't!"

It was almost complete darkness now. Rocky no longer could see the flame, but he knew where to go. Hoping he didn't fall, he ran on, till he hit something soft.

"Oof!" Rocky exclaimed. He had run straight into Michael. In front of them was a small flame, no bigger than a match.

"Hurry, Rocky!" he said. He placed his paw in Michael's, and tried to project himself back on earth. He thought about his life there, he thought about his friends, his family. What his job on the Paw Patrol was like, the warm summer days. He focused his mind on Zuma in particular. Don't give up on me. He pleaded. Without warning, the flame went out.

"Did we fail?" Rocky asked. Michael looked at him sadly. "Is it over?"

"He gave up on us, Rocky..." Rocky was stunned, and collapsed on the ground, closing his eyes in sadness. No... I'll be stuck here forever...

Then, a small light began to glimmer.

Zuma was broken completely as he cried into Rocky's cold fur. He's gone. Michael couldn't save him. He wanted to howl in pain, but the shock froze him. Then, as he turned away from him, and there crack of thunder, and the cave roof was destroyed, carried away by the wind.

"What the hell!" Marshall screamed. "That was solid rock!" The air buzzed with electricity, and Zuma looked into the sky. That's what was so familiar! He thought, smiling. Rocky's not gone yet! He's coming back!

"Everyone! Back up! Now!" he shouted. They all obeyed, and just in time. The Bolt of Meres had finally finished forming, and the lifeless body that had been Rocky was struck, absorbing the life and light. Zuma was giddy, knowing what would happen next.

"Zuma, what's going on!" Ryder shouted. The wind whipped his brown hair back, and the pups had to get down low to stand their ground.
"It's Wocky! He didn't leave us. He's coming back!" Zuma cried. The still pelt crackled and popped. And Rocky stood up, eyes blazing.

"Zuma...Zuma..." he murmured with a voice that was only a shadow of the one he owned. He struggled to open his eyes.

"Wocky, I'm here! I'm here!" Zuma shouted, getting as close as he dared, diffing his claws into the dirt.

"This isn't possible. He was dead. He died! How is he here!" Chase screamed in terror.

"Chase, it's only me," Rocky said, finally snapping them open. There was a small explosion, and the pups were knocked back by a sonic wave.

The lightning strike finally ended, and Rocky's amulet glowed brightly, crackling with raw power. Feeling faint, Rocky collapsed on the dirt, trying to get his breath back.

"Wocky!" Zuma cried, rushing over to him as quickly as his paws could take him. The rest of the pups, were frozen in shock.

"Zuma..?" Rocky said. After his resurrection, he assumed the current condition of his health when he had died. Zuma rolled him over, standing over him in happiness.

"You came back! I knew you wouldn't leave us!" he shouted, licking his face incessantly. Rocky didn't want to sound whiney, but he was really hungry at this point. He had been when he died so he was now that he was alive. He whimpered a bit.

"What's wong, Wocky?" Zuma asked, pausing in his licking. "Is it something I did?"

"No, no, I'm just hungry right now." Rocky's tummy growled loudly as if to prove his point.

"I'm sure we will find something to eat later," Zuma said sympathetically. "I'm just so happy you're alive!"

The pups slowly approached him. Rocky was swamped with 'we're so glad you're okay!'s and 'we thought we had lost you!'s the moment they got there. Then Chase said.

"Rocky, you have a lot of explaining to do. And by the looks of it, you too, Zuma," he said. Rocky tried to make himself look very small.

"Hey what's that?" Skye asked, reaching a paw out to his exposed amulet. Rocky slapped her paw away.

"Don't touch that!" he commanded. Skye quickly wrenched her paw away.

"So, Rocky? Zuma? We are waiting." Chase continued.

"Look, I don't feel like talking about this right now, okay? I just want to sleep." Rocky said. "And eat. Preferably both..." he said, avoiding the question.

"No, you are not. Not right now." Ryder said, siding with Chase. "You've been keeping secrets from us. And we want to know what it is."

"If I wanted everypup to know, I would've said something when I got these abilities." Rocky snapped.

"I'm sorry, Rocky, but we are talking about this. Right now." Ryder said firmly. Rocky hung his head and hid behind Zuma, who stood in front of him protectively.

"Hey, back off, Wyder! He's been thwough a whole lot in the past few minutes. Can we wesume this conversation in the mowning?" Zuma growled in a deep voice. Ryder looked like he was about to say something, but thought better of it, not wanting to piss Zuma off further.

"Fine. We will talk tomorrow. But make no mistake, this isn't over." Ryder said sternly. I can' believe Rocky would keep secrets from me. Zuma too! Well, Rocky has always been the sly pup...Zuma was probably just following his lead. This thought lead Ryder to think about other things that the two might've lied to him about. He will have to be punished later...

"Why don't we look at our present needs right now?" Marcus said quietly. "We still need shelter, and food."

"Right. Zuma, Taja, Chase, you go out and see what you can find for food." Ryder said. Rocky whimpered and held onto Zuma.

"Please don't leave," he whispered so only he could hear. "It's gonna be so awkward if you leave. Everyone will stare and ask me questions..." Zuma nodded sympathetically.

"Umm...Wyder, can I stay here, please. I want to be with Wocky." Ryder raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"Ok. Marshall, you will take Zuma's place, yes?" Marshall nodded.

"Ok, you have your task. Stay together, ok?" Ryder admonished."We will." the designated pups said. There were out of sight soon. In hindsight, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to send my clumsiest pup hunting... Ryder thought. Rocky looked at the ground, and his paws glowed. The ground beneath them bent and contorted to his will, and by the time the hunting patrol came back, he had fashioned a very elaborate shelter, to say the least, much to the pups' amazement. They asked him question after question, but he refused to say anything.

"There, that should do for now," Rocky said. Marshall started a fire in the middle, and they went through what the pups had caught.

"Three rabbits and a small mouse." Marshall counted. "Not bad. Not bad at all." he arranged them in a circle around the fire to roast. All the pups came in, and Rocky distanced himself from the rest, trying to make them forget about him. What am I going to do? He asked himself over and over again. Zuma came over with some meat and licked him on the nose.

"I bwought us some," he said, lying down beside his best friend. Pelts touching, the two dug into the warm, rich meat.

"Wow! This is weally good!" Zuma said.

"I've never had rabbit meat fresh before. It tastes so much different than what it does when it comes out of the can. It has more flavor..." Rocky observed, mentally making a note that he licked fresh meat better than processed.

The night had fallen, and the pups had gone to sleep. Rocky fidgeted the whole night though, afraid that if he closed his eyes he would never wake up. His fear was too great, and he padded outside for a bit to clear his mind. He would never know when she got there, but he turned as saw Taja sitting beside him.

"Oh, hi Taja. I didn't mean to wake anyone up." Rocky said, looking up into the full moon.
"No, it's fine. I came out here to think myself." She bit her lip. "Maybe you can help me?" she half-asked, half-told him after an awkward silence.

"As long as it's not about me," Rocky said. "Too many pups have asked me too many questions about that already...."

"Oh, it's nothing like that. Ummm...god this is hard..." She said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Are you and Zuma are close, right?" she asked.

"We practically sleep together," Rocky responded, nodding his head. Taja looked at him queerly. "Sorry, bad joke," Rocky said quickly. Though it is the truth...

"So you know what he likes, right?" she continued.

"For the most part..."

" This is hard to tell you, but I need you to help me." She said. "I think...sigh... I love him, Rocky." Rocky's fur bristled, and everything came to a screeching halt in his mind. Taja didn't notice due to the limited light.

"What?" Rocky said.

"I said, I think I'm in love with Zuma. Has he...said anything about me to you?" she said. Rocky felt anger, then sadness.

"Ummm...he might've..." he mumbled. "I haven't really been paying attention," he said. How am I going to explain this!

"Could you help me get Zuma to notice me? I'm too afraid to tell him myself..." she murmured, looking at Rocky hopefully. I can't tell her Zuma doesn't like, and that he loves me. Then my other biggest secret would be out. I'd ruin Zuma's life! What if we are rejected? Rocky sighed. Maybe we aren't going to work out after all. If Taja likes him...what am I supposed to do?

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell Zuma about it later." Rocky said, feeling a knife stab into his heart.

"NO! Don't tell him! Just... hint at it?" Taja said.

"Yeah, of course. Umm... I'll see you in the morning." Rocky said quickly, ducking back into the shelter, leaving Taja to fantasize about Zuma. He knew he was going to break that promise within 24 hours. A few minutes passed, and Taja came in, winking at Rocky. She fell asleep quickly, and Rocky was alone again. Now burdened with this thought as well, Rocky really couldn't sleep now. Taja likes Zuma, and she wants Zuma to like her, too. Rocky said.

NO! Zuma is mine! He thought fiercely. Taja can't have him. Unless, Zuma does like her. Rocky's heart stopped at the thought. Because what isn't there to like about her? She is cute, funny, and very pretty. She has a great sense of humor, loves to laugh, and she's a fighter. I'm just a pup who is lost and confused, with zero confidence in himself, who falls apart constantly, with Zuma putting the pieces back together. I'm also a male. That makes things weird. Rocky laid down beside Zuma, wanting to touch him. You can't, Rocky! Don't get too attached in case... Rocky whimpered and turned away from him, feeling his heart squeeze painfully. I'm so stupid! He thought. I never think these things through! Why does love have to be so difficult?! Though the air was warm, Rocky still shivered. Rocky closed his eyes and tried to sleep, tried to put out these thoughts that were haunting him. But all he could think about was Zuma, and the fact that he might have to let him go was killing him. His tossing and turning must have woken up the Chocolate Lab, because he yawned, and looked at him.

"You okay?" he whispered softly

"I can't sleep," Rocky replied.

"Come 'ere," Zuma said, holding out his paws. Rocky happily slid over to him. He's so cute! Rocky thought. Zuma's paws found Rocky's waist and he pulled him close to his chest. Rocky felt tingles shoot up his spine as he snuggled into his friend's fur. Zuma bent his head and licked Rocky's face softly. Rocky knew his resolve slipping away, he could feel it."Hey, are you okay?" Zuma murmured. Rocky wrapped his paws around Zuma's neck and looked into his eyes.

"I don't know, Zuma," he responded truthfully. "I feel like my life is about to fall apart, and there's nothing I can do about it," Rocky said.

"What do you mean?" Zuma asked.

"I don't know how I can keep hiding who I am. It's essential, no, imperative that no one finds out, but I don't know how I can keep lying. I don't want to lie anymore. But I don't want to tell the truth either." Rocky looked out the cave entrance.

"Zuma I'm going to tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone, ok?" Rocky said.

"Yeah, sure," Zuma replied.

"I'm not coming back to the Paw Patrol. After I get everyone home, I'm leaving it all behind." Zuma's jaw dropped.

"Why! You love your job! What about us? Your fwiends? Marcus?" Zuma said.

"Because, Zuma. I've done too much! Jason knows who I am now. The FBI still wants to know who the figure in the fire was. Refusing to turn yourself in is probably a federal offense, but framing someone for what you did will definitely land you in prison. The truth will come out, it's inevitable. But I can't disgrace the Patrol, not after everything they have done for me. People will interrogate Ryder, and they might shut down his entire operation. I can't...I won't do that. So I will just leave. When the government comes knocking on his door, they won't find me there." Rocky said. "Besides, all of this happened because of me. It's been two months, Zuma. Two! I'm sure that the sight of me makes them sick."

"That's not true, Wocky!" Zuma cried.

"Yes, it is. I heard Chase and Marshall talking the day before we escaped. Chase said that he blames me for what happened. Marshall tried to protest in my defense, but Chase shut him down. "If only he hadn't gone looking for his beloved friend, we would still be okay!"

"Hey, it's not his fault we went looking for him?" Marshall replied.

"Yeah, like we were going to leave on of our own. We didn't think this would happen, though." Chase said. "We should've just stayed home." A tear rolled down Rocky's cheek.

"Chase...I'm going to tear his a..." Zuma began, growling deeply. Rocky put a paw on his lips.

"No, Zuma. It's not his fault. I get it. Everyone was upset, but that doesn't make his words any less true." Rocky stopped him. "This is why I'm leaving. Because of me, they've been scarred for life!"

"So have you and Skye, but you got over it. It not fair to think about youwself like this." Zuma said, removing Rocky's paw.
"You can't change my mind, Zuma. I'm leaving and that's not about to change." Rocky said. He softly kissed him. "I guess I will see you...around..." Rocky murmured. He felt like his insides were tightening up, squeezing the life from him.

"What do you mean?" Zuma asked incredulously.

"I'm leaving you behind," Rocky said.

" Oh, I see. I have just one thing to say." Zuma said regretfully, turning away from him.

"What is it?" Rocky asked.

"Like hell, you awen't!" Zuma whipped his head around and barking into his face, showing his pearly white fangs. Rocky trembled in fear. "You awen't leaving me again! I didn't care for you while you were dead for you to leave me while you'we alive. I won't go thwough that again!"

"Then wh..wha...what are you go...gonna d...do.. ?" he stuttered, ears pressed against his head.

"If I can't talk you out of leaving, then I will go with you," Zuma said in a much gentler voice.

"No, Zuma, I can't let you..." Zuma leaned in and quickly kissed him to shut him up.

"You don't get to make that decision."

"But you have a life with them!" Rocky said desperately. No, no! I didn't mean for this to happen...

"But I want a life with you!" Zuma retorted. There was a short silence. After a minute he spoke again. "I'm sowwy for shouting at you."

"No, don't be, I...I liked it." Rocky said quickly.

"What?" Zuma asked, confuzzled.

"Well, not the shouting, but... I like it when you act dominant," Rocky said quietly, nuzzling his neck. A slight red color ran up into his cheeks.

"Weally?" Zuma asked. Rocky nodded shyly. Zuma looked him straight in the eyes, and his hot breath washed over Rocky's face. Rocky shivered in pleasure. Zuma bent his head to kiss him, but Rocky turned away.

"Zuma, there's something... I have... to tell you..." Rocky whispered.

"What is it?" Zuma replied, feeling his need for Rocky grow.
"Don't tell anyone...I promised Taja I wouldn't tell, but I have to."

"Your...err...her secwet is safe with me."

"It's about you," Rocky said.

"Weally?" Zuma questioned.

"Yeah. Umm... Taja told me that she..."


"Taja likes you. And she hopes you like her..." Zuma was lost to a stunned silence.

"I told her I'd get you to notice her...I guess I did that now..." Rocky said.

"Why? Why would you...help her?" Zuma asked.

"Because, if I refused, she'd ask why. Then what was I supposed to say?" Rocky said. "Besides, I've already done my part now." Rocky cringed, guessing what his response would be. All he got was silence.

"What, are you going to say anything?" Rocky said. Zuma began to tremble a bit. "Do you...like her?" Rocky asked bluntly.

"I don't! I mean... I do, but..." Zuma stammered. "It's complicated, okay?" he said finally. Why is this so hard for him?... I thought he loved me! But what if he actually does like her? Oh no...

"Zuma if..." Rocky gulped. "If you like her...then I won't...get in the way." Zuma whipped his head around and looked at him.
"What?" Rocky wiggled away from him, and stood on his paws. He hung his head.

"I mean that if you like her, you should go after her. No one was supposed to know about us anyway. You are very good looking, and I don't know what girl wouldn't fall for you."

"Yeah, but what do you mean, 'you won't get in the way?'"

"I just...umm...oh god..." Rocky stammered, running away from him as tears dripped down his face. Zuma sat in shock, orienting his thoughts. Does Rocky think Taja would be better than him? He has such low self-confidence. Haven't I made it clear I don't want anyone else but him? Maybe I need to make myself a little more...plain... he thinks, getting up to run after him. I have to make him see how much he means to me...

Rocky slowed down after he felt he had gone a safe distance and walked slowly away. He let his tears fall silently onto the ground, and he was so absorbed in his thoughts that he never heard Zuma behind him. Zuma stalked him, then took a flying leap and tackled him to the ground. Surprised, Rocky looked up into the face of his assailant.

"Z...Zuma?" he stammered. Zuma stood over him.

"Listen, Wocky, I'll be honest. I did kinda have a thing for her when I first met her. And that's pwobably why she likes me. But I never did anything with her. I just thought about her. At first, I was confused. I asked myself whether or not I had fallen in love with her, or if I was just infatuated with her. The latter ended up being true, and after a couple of weeks, my feelings for her went away." Zuma explained. " I don't know why I liked her, I just did..."

"But, could you...do you...still like her?" Rocky asked.

"No. Because she could never take my heart, because it's alweady been iwwevocably stolen."

"By who?" Rocky asked.

"You," Zuma responded. " And tonight, I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me." Zuma laid down on him, and began licking Rocky's face, washing the tears away.

"Oh...Zuma..." Rocky murmured. When the tears were gone, Zuma licked his lips happily.

"Why are you..." Zuma dipped his head and caught Rocky in the passionate kiss he had wanted to give him earlier. A growl built up in Zuma's throat, and Rocky could feel its vibrations through his pelt. Rocky wrapped his paws around his neck, and pulled himself deeper in. Zuma's tongue pressed against Rocky's teeth, begging him for entrance. Rocky teased him for a while, denying him access. The growl in his throat intensified, and he pushed harder against Rocky. Rocky opened his mouth slightly, and Zuma darted his tongue in, pushing against the mix's. Rocky fought him, but Zuma was always the more competitive one, and he won. Rocky ran his tongue along Zuma's sharp fangs, enjoying their sharpness and hardness. Rocky felt a little light-headed, and he felt a growl building in his own throat. He forcefully repressed both, trying to remain in control of his actions. Zuma broke contact with him, and he panted directly in his muzzle. He nuzzled at Rocky's exposed neck.

"Zuma...you make me feel so good...I don't deserve you..." Rocky breathed.

"Well, I deserve you," Zuma said, nibbling at a tuft of fur at his throat. He pulled on it lightly, and he heard Rocky suppress a moan.

"Why are you denying youwself?" Zuma asked. "I want to heaw every sound you make." Rocky shook his head.

"I want...to stay in control...of my actions." he panted. "You make it... so difficult... though..."

"You don't always have to be," Zuma said. "For once, I want you to just enjoy youwself.". Zuma rubbed Rocky's furry tummy with his warm paws. This time, Rocky gave in and Zuma heard him gasp for breath as Zuma pleasured him.

"Zuma...yes...right there..." Rocky howled, eyes rolling back into their sockets. Rocky was still a puppy, and he was a sucker for belly rubs. Zuma knew this, and used it to his advantage.

"When I'm finished with you, you will never doubt again how much I love you," he growled fiercely into Rocky's velvety ear. Zuma hit just the right spot in between his chest and his hindquarters, and Rocky wiggled and squirmed, panting. Zuma smirked and undid Rocky's collar, flinging it somewhere on the ground. He licked it slowly, enjoying his lover's taste. He sucked feverishly at Rocky's neck, turning the area red with blood."Z...Zuma..what are...you...doing?" Rocky whined, unable to take much more. He was moaning and whimpering and he was quite embarrassed at himself for his lack of control.

"I'm showing you once and for all that I love you. You are the pup I desire, Wocky. You are the one who constantly shows himself in my dweams. I need you, Wocky. I want you so badly sometimes. I want you to know forever the way you make me feel every single day." Zuma said, looking at the trembling mix. "Do you love me?" he asked.

"Yes, Zuma. I love only you. You are first in my heart." Rocky whispered. Zuma's paws were doing their devilish work, and Rocky began giving into his primal desires. He grabbed Zuma's muzzle and forced it down to his. Zuma did not expect this, and was shocked for a moment. Rocky kissed him intensely. He pulled back rather quickly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Zuma roughy lifted his head.

"New rules. I want you to do what you want with me, because I surely am doing what I want with you. I'm not fwagile. Please, don't be so shy. Don't you want me? Am I not desirable enough to you?" Rocky went to kiss him again, but Zuma stopped him, seeing the fire in his eyes. Yes, I want to drive you fully insane. I want you to scream my name. Zuma thought devilishly. Rocky struggled against him, trying his hardest to get closer to him, but Zuma teased him, letting him so very close to his goal before stopping him. Zuma didn't look it, but he was a lot stronger than Rocky physically.

"I'm waiting for an answer," he growled deeply.

"Yes, Zuma! I do want you! I want you now! You are my only desire." Rocky cried, struggling even harder. "Please, Zuma! Please!" he whimpered. "I love you! Zuma!" Rocky shouted into the heavens. Having been gratified with the words he wanted to hear, Zuma stopped resisting and let Rocky take him. Rocky's lips crashed against his, and they moved in synchronization with his. Rocky was no longer being gentle with Zuma. No, he was wild. He bit at Zuma's bottom lip roughly, almost drawing blood. Zuma moaned into the kiss that had been intensified by Rocky's longing for him. Zuma pulled away from his lover, needing to say one last thing.

"I will never let you go for another." he panted.

"Zuma... what are you doing?" Rocky asked again.

"This will show everyone that we are bound together, forever. I don't care about our gender or our backgrounds. Because you are mine!" he showed off his set of sharp, white teeth, and plunged them into Rocky's neck. "Ah..ah...AHHH!" Rocky cried, as Zuma's teeth bit at his skin. Zuma nipped at Rocky's throat hard, and blood began trickling out. Rocky screamed again, in both pain and pleasure. He's marking me...as his mate...doesn't he know what he's doing? But I like it. I want it...

"Yes...Z...Zuma...Mark me....as yours..." he whispered softly. Zuma growled in a deep, menacing tone and bit deeper, careful not to go too deep.

"This will huwt," he warned Rocky, biting harder. When the trickling became a steady stream, Zuma moved a little farther down, biting him again. Rocky cried out in pain, trying to push Zuma away.

"That's really painful!" he whimpered. Zuma seemed not to hear. He was being driven out of his mind by Rocky's moans. As his lifeblood trickled over his teeth, Zuma felt his primal instincts taking over. I need to hold it for a little longer...Zuma finished making small tears in Rocky's throat and stood back, looking at his handiwork. The marking site was stained with crimson red liquid, and it slowly streamed out, running down the side of his neck and staining to the ground below. Yes. I've done it. I've marked him as mine! Zuma thought with fierce happiness. Rocky's paws twitched feebly in pain. He was trying to be strong, but it was clear to see that he was hurting a lot. Zuma bent his head down again to Rocky's neck, but Rocky stopped him.

"Please...I can't take anymore. " he wheezed. "I loved getting the mark, and I'm glad I have it, but It hurts. It feels like my neck is on fire!" Rocky whimpered, tears slipping down his cheek. The poor pup was trying his hardest, but he could only take but so much.

"Shh...I'm going to take care of that for you." Zuma soothed him. He turned back to the wound he had caused and licked it feverishly. He licked up the blood and soothed the pain. Soon, Rocky whimpers of pain turned to moans of pleasure as his lover finished up. Zuma tried to lift his head to kiss him, but jolts of pain stopped him. Seeing his lover struggle like that melted Zuma's heart, and he bent his head and kissed Rocky softly.

"West for a bit," he said huskily. Rocky wrapped his arms around him and hugged him close.

"Zuma..." he said. There were no words to describe what had just happened, so he left the statement open. Zuma yawned, and Rocky looked at his bloodstained teeth happily.

"You...I never realized how sexy you are. And seductive." Rocky whispered lustily into Zuma's twitching ear. Red crept up into his ears. "Take from me what you want."

"Believe me, I'm going to take evewything I can from you. And you should do the same," he replied. After letting Rocky rest for a bit, and letting his still trickling wound clot up, Zuma began feeling restless. Rocky picked up on his anxious vibes.

"What's wrong, Zuma?" he asked.

"I don't mean to wush you, Wocky..." Zuma replied.

"Tell me."

"I want you to take me as well. I want to feel your teeth in my neck. I want to know I've been claimed by the pup I love. I want it so badly, I can't stand it!" Zuma said, feeling his sexual frustration taking over. "But I know you are still huwting..." Rocky suddenly flipped Zuma roughly onto his back. Rocky stood over him, and white teeth gleamed in the moonlight, and Zuma felt a shiver go through his spine. He smirked at him seductively.

"Come on, make me yours," he whispered, laying his head back, giving the mix full access. Rocky kissed Zuma's neck softly and slowly, making Zuma moan and squirm. He deliberately avoided coming close to his collar, teasing the brown pup. Zuma growled at him, his frustration evident.

"Don't play with me, Wocky!" he warned.

"Or what?" Rocky smirked at him. "Are you gonna hurt the poor little puppy?" he said mockingly. Zuma looked down, knowing he could never make himself hurt Rocky. Maybe before, but not now. Not ever again. And Zuma knew Rocky knew this. So Zuma tried a different tactic. Begging.

"Please...Wocky?" he cried. His plea didn't fall on deaf ears this time, and Rocky undid his collar quickly, flinging it aside roughly. He immediately began sucking and licking at Zuma's most vulnerable part. Zuma scraped his paws in the dirt, and howled in pleasure. Soon, Zuma's neck was stained red, and Rocky knew it was ready. But he still wanted payback for Zuma stopping his kiss. Rocky smirked, knowing what he was going to do.

"Beg for it," Rocky commanded, licking his paws casually.

"What? B...b..b..beg?" Zuma whimpered, opening his eyes.

"You want me, don't you?" he asked. Zuma nodded.

"How much?"

"I'll do anything," Zuma murmured.

"Then you will beg for it, Zuma," Rocky said cockily. "You did this to yourself, anyways."

" What, is this payback for earlier?" Zuma asked, annoyed at himself. Rocky smirked at him.

"I'm waiting..." Rocky said, lightly grazing his teeth along Zuma's neck. He gave it a sharp nip, but not hard enough to pierce his skin. Rocky licked the area slowly, teasing Zuma until he couldn't take it anymore. Zuma surrendered his pride.

"Please! I...I want it! Please stop teasing me, I can't take any more of it! I feel like I will explode if I don't feel your teeth soon." Zuma began to pant. He wanted, no, needed this mark. His head buzzed, and everything was out of focus except his lover's smirking face.

"I'm begging you for it just like you wanted. Please, Wocky...don't make me wait any longer. You win, and I want you to claim me as youw pwize! I want you like hell! I need your mark, and I need it now!" he whimpered, tears rolling down his face.

"Good boy, Zuma," Rocky replied. "Hold still," On Rocky's next nip, he bit harder, making a small cut appear.

Yes! He's going to mark me! Zuma thought in ecstasy. Wow, I really have driven him away from his gentle side. Rocky is never like this! He doesn't stand up for himself usually, but tonight he is. So this is the side of him he hides from everypup else... I like this side. I could get used to it. Zuma thought and Rocky bit into his flesh harder. Zuma yipped in pain, and Rocky whipped his head back.

"Wocky...why did you stop?" Zuma asked.

"I...know it has to, but I don't want to hurt you..." Rocky whimpered. Well, I guess he will always have the flame of kindness in him. It's his second nature. Zuma thought happily. He cursed himself for his cry of weakness. He lifted his head until it was level with the mix's.

"Don't be afraid, Wocky." Zuma pleaded. "I want it. I don't care if it huwts!" he softy kissed the distressed pup until he felt him relax up under him.

"You're sure?" Rocky asked shyly. Zuma nodded and kissed his neck softly.

"I'm weady," he said quietly. Rocky pushed his head back down on the ground. As he dipped his head to resume his past actions, Zuma stopped him.

"Wocky...please be rough...I like it that way..." Rocky glanced in surprise. Zuma's eyes were squeezed shut, and his tongue hung out as he panted.

"O...okay..." Rocky conceded, eager to please. He licked his lips, and bit softly. He heard a whine from Zuma, and he bit harder. Rocky felt a little blood well around his teeth. He glanced and Zuma, who scraped his paws in the ground, trying to stay still. His teeth were gritted together, and Rocky placed a paw on his cheek, calming him down. Zuma moaned in pleasure and Rocky licked at his fur, then nipping at it sharply. He looked at Zuma and decided to go for it.

"I'm sorry, Zuma," Rocky said, looking up at the wiggling pup. He clamped his fangs around his neck and bit deep, feeling blood squirt out and stain his muzzle. He held the firm pressure for a bit, making sure the wound was as deep as he could make it. He heard Zuma cry in pain and he began kicking at Rocky with his hindpaws. Just a little longer. Rocky though, holding Zuma down. He unclamped his jaws and blood flowed freely.

"You're mine!" Rocky said, showing Zuma his bloodstained teeth.

"Wocky..." Zuma wheezed. Rocky licked his face happily. Zuma touch a paw to his neck softly and immediately pulled his back, yelping in pain. His paw dripped with blood. Rocky noticed this and licked at Zuma's neck, washing the dark, viscous liquid away as well and cleaning the deep puncture marks. He licked the blood off of his teeth and laid on his back beside Zuma.

"I'm really glad we did this, Zuma," he told him, turning his head to face him.

"Yeah, me too. Now I know you know how much I love you." Zuma said, licking his cheek.

"There's no going back now, is there?" Rocky asked happily, tail wagging furiously.

"Nope. None at all." Zuma replied. "I don't see myself being happy with anyone else other than you."

"Me either!" Rocky said, closing his eyes. Zuma glanced up at the sky. It was a slightly lighter color than pitch black. Morning was almost upon them.

"Zuma, I'm sleepy," Rocky murmured. Zuma wrapped his paws around his waist, keeping the pup warm.

"Morning is almost here. We should be getting back." Zuma replied softly.

"Just for a little bit! Please, Zuma?" Rocky asked.

"Okay. For you." Zuma said. Soon, he heard cute breathing sounds coming from Rocky's throat, and he smiled. He fought to keep his eyes open, but he was losing the battle. I'll close them for just a moment... he thought. You are going to fall asleep. His inner consciousness called. No, I won't. I'm just resting them a moment. Zuma argued sleepily with himself. He gave in, and closed his eyes. Just for a... Zuma's breathing also slowed and lengthened, and he too fell asleep, paw wrapped around the pup he loved.

Hi guys! (No, I'm not dead.)

No, Rocky fans, I didn't kill him. (Well, actually I did... ^_^)

I made this one longer than most to make up for my absence. But because it was longer, I'll give you a brief synopsis for anyone still confused:

After grieving the death of their teammate, Michael reveals to them that Rocky's spirit is still alive, and that he may be able to save him. Instilled with new hope (especially Zuma), the pups leave to find shelter. Michael finds himself in a divided spectrum, the place where the mortal and heavenly realms met. He finds Rocky there and manages to convince him that living will be better for him than death. Their father reveals that Zuma is keeping a part of Rocky spirit bound on earth, and that they have little time to return. Back on earth, the pup struggle for a good long time to reach shelter. Nature seems to have gone out of control, but they manage to beat it. At Taja's prompting, Zuma gives up hope that Rocky will live again. Luckily, the resurrection process started before that time, and Rocky breathes again. Of course, the pups minus Zuma are shocked, and Chase and Ryder make it clear that Rocky has some explaining to do. That night, Rocky is suffering from insomnia, believing that his life is about to come down. To make matters worse, Taja tells him that she likes Zuma. She actually asks Rocky to help her. Rocky promises that he will get Zuma to notice her. Feeling as if he may have to give the Chocolate Labrador, Rocky tries to prepare himself for it. Zuma wakes up, and Rocky tells him that he is going to leave the Paw Patrol after they get home safely. Zuma promises to come with him if he does. When telling Zuma about Taja, Rocky expresses his desire to see him happy with whoever he's with, and that he won't 'get in the way.'

After Rocky runs off, Zuma decides that he need to make it clear to Rocky that he doesn't want anypup else. He finds Rocky, and admits that he did like Taja at first, but that was a temporary crush on her. Zuma, who is determined to get rid of these thought Rocky is having, decides to mark him as his, much to the mix's surprise. Rocky returns the favor a little later, and the two falls asleep on the mountainside, contented.

Okay! That's all for now! Thanks for your patience, I really appreciate it. Review if you can. Peace!

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