When The Past Becomes The Fut...

By LightningPelt12_

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Pain and sadness have always been a part of my life. I've never felt truly loved or cared for. I'm all alone... More

Rocky's Nightmare
Rocky's Past Part 1
Trouble At Sea
Strange Happenings On A Strange Island
Rocky's Past Part 2
Rocky's Past Part 3
Fire In A Hospital
Pups Have Fun
Outside The Law Part 1
Outside The Law Part 2
Power, Guilt, and Pain
When Pups Fight
Do You Trust Me?
The Price You Pay For Freedom
Life And Love


978 22 35
By LightningPelt12_

The pups ran to the elevator. Surprisingly, Marshall was the first one in, so everyone thought they were safe. They were wrong. Marshall couldn't stop in time, so he ran up the wall, did a backflip, and floored all the pups.

"Umm... it's a new pup-fu move I've been working on. It's called The Wipeout. Like it?" he said. All the pups laughed.

"Hey, was it just me, or did Wyder sound, off, when he called us?" asked Zuma.

"Yeah, I did notice that. I hope nothing is wrong..." said Chase.

As the elevator went up, it didn't stop at the locker room, it just kept going. This surprised the pups, who expected that they were needed for a mission. So Chase didn't even do the call-out when they got to the top. They just waited. Ryder turned to face the assembled pups.

"Pups, we have a serious threat facing us. At the scene of the fire, a letter was found by the police, who gave it to me. It is typewritten. And whoever typed it wrote it just today, because there's no way it could've survived the bombing." said Ryder, taking a deep breath.

"What's the letter say?" asked Rubble, apprehensively.

"It's addressed to... you, Rocky," said Ryder. "You have some explaining to do."

"Wha..." said Rocky, startled. Ryder passed him the paper. When Rocky read it the color drained from his face.

Rocky...how have you been lately? It began.

I've been trying to find you ever since you ran away. I never thought you'd skip town though. You would've done best to stay obscure, but no, being the stupid pup you are, you went and joined the Paw Patrol. By the way, how is Jessie doing? After you washed up on the beach, you made nationwide news. That's how I found you. I did some research on the 'Paw Patrol.', and lo and behold, I learned you'd joined a little bit after your escape.

Do you still remember Marcus? Yes, I still have him, and I've finally broken him. I convinced him you would never come back for him, and that he was worthless to you. Oh, you should've seen the look in his eyes when he finally gave in. How many years has it been...3 since you left? He does whatever I want him to now. I make him beg to be punished, and he willingly obeys. I forced him to repeat over and over again that he is worthless, and that you hate him. I know, maybe that was a little harsh, (it wasn't) but you and Jessie did this to him. If you had just come back, well, he wouldn't be in this condition.

And don't bother coming back to the first place you were held. After you escaped, I had to pack up and move somewhere else before the police got suspicious. So, if you turn yourself in, I'll decrease his punishment. But if you don't...(insert evil laugh here) you know I have my ways. I would sign here, but you already know who it is. Tell Jessie I said hi. It ended.

"No...no...no...it can't...be..." stuttered Rocky, pressing himself to the floor, ear flat against his skull. He placed his paws over his eyes and shook his head roughly. "I...escaped...how did he...no..no!"

Zuma read the letter, and his eyes grew hard, and he began growling.

"I'll kill him..." he muttered darkly, making all the pups wonder what was going on. When all the pups had read the letter, they sat down, shell-shocked. Rocky was murmuring incoherently, and Zuma was whispering something to him. When Skye read the letter, she took a step back, meeting Rocky's eye.

"No...no more... I can't take anymore! Marcus, I'm so sorry. Rocky, what are we going to do?!" she said, voice slowly raising higher in amplitude and intensity. "No, I won't go back! I'll never go back! You can't make me! You can't...you can't!" she screamed at Ryder. "I spent too many years trying to forget about this. I'll never go back! NEVER!" she screamed, running over to Rocky and assuming the same position he was in.

"What's going on Skye? No one's going to make you do anything..." said Ryder, confused. Zuma was the one who figured it out.

"Oh, no... That was you, Skye. I'm so sorry," said Zuma sympathetically.

"What the heck is going on!" shouted Chase, sick of not knowing what was happening, fear rising in his heart. Zuma looked at Rocky. Rocky was still mumbling incoherently, and Skye was beginning to do the same. Zuma murmured something the rest of the pups couldn't hear, and Rocky and Skye nodded. Zuma took a deep breath.

"Thewe's a lot about them that you don't know. This is sewious." he began.

"Who is Jessie?" asked Rubble, still not getting it. Zuma just pointed in Skye's direction.

All the pups gasped.

"Why aren't you surprised like the rest of us? How do you know this?" asked Marshall.

"Because Wocky... tells me things...that he'd never tell the west of you," said Zuma, both pridefully and regretfully. "Are you sure, guys?" he asked at the two figures, whose descent into madness was ever-deepening. There was a nod from both of them, again.

"I will tell you what's going on." began Zuma. "Before Wocky joined the Paw Patrol, he had anothew ownew named Rick. One day, when they stopped to get a special tweat, Wocky was kidnapped. He was taken to a facility where there were a lot of other animals, namely, dogs. He found out that his best friend, Marcus, had been captured, too. He also found ouw Skye, who had not yet become a Paw Patwol member. Wocky was...tortuwed to put it lightly... by a psychopathic man. Wocky and Skye, whose name was Jessie at the time, and Mawcus were tortuwed frequently, and Wocky was picked evewy day. The details of that tortuwe aren't something that I'm going to go into. For 3 years this went on, and Wocky and Skye still away scars, covered by their fur. One day, they found out how to pick locks with their claws, and they escaped. But Mawcus sacwificed his fweedom so that Wocky and Skye could go fwee. Wocky and Skye eventually became members of the Paw Patwol, but they never spoke of their past to you. Rocky told me his past a few days ago. He still has nightmawes about it. This is just the shortened version with all the howwific abuse cut out. I will say that Wocky has gone through more pain both physically and mentally, than any of you in this entiwe woom." Zuma finished. All the pups sat, shell-shocked. Ryder was stunned and fell to his knees. Wocky and Skye had managed to pull out of their steeping downwards spiral, and tried to look professional.

"We aren't going back," said Rocky calmly.

"Yeah, and we'll leave the Patrol before you make us," said Skye.

"Hey, calm down, no one ever said anything about making you go back. I'd never force you pups to do anything," said Ryder.

"As much as I love Marcus, if I go back, then his sacrifice was in vain," said Rocky.

"Except this time, it wouldn't be," said Zuma. Rocky looked at him for a second.

What are you talking about?

Your powers! If you can learn a few more, and learn to control them better, you could pretend to hand yourself over, then rescue Marcus!

Hmm... That's a great idea! He thought, smiling. Those who weren't invited to the telepathic conversation were confused. One moment Rocky was looked upset, and now he just started smiling.

"Umm...guys?" said Chase tentatively.

"Sorry..." mumbled Rocky. "Just, an inside joke." Ryder looked at him queerly for a second but didn't pry.

"Wow... I never knew..." said Marshall.

"Who knew our Skye had such a horrible past, poor little pup," said Chase, whining, not even caring that his feelings for Skye were starting to show a little.

"Ok! New rules! Rocky and Skye, for your own safety, someone is to always be with you, just in case. Whether it be on a mission, or just hanging out around the lookout, you are never to be left alone until we catch this guy." said Ryder. Skye nodded sadly but Rocky looked at Zuma with a different emotion, almost resembling happiness. Zuma looked the same way.

"Marshall!" said Ryder, getting the dalmatian's attention.

"Yes..." he whimpered. Ryder remembered that they were supposed to be mad at each other. He walked over to Marshall, who looked little he was afraid of getting hit.

"Oh, Marshall, I'm not still mad at you," he said, picking up the firefighting pup, holding him close. "It was an accident I swear!" cried Marshall, with a voice full of self-loathing.

"It's okay Marshall. I forgive you," said Ryder, hugging Marshall close. "You clumsiness is part of what makes you, well, you! I would never change that about you," he said. Marshall smiled and licked Ryder's cheek

"I won't let you down again!" he said.

"I know you won't," said Ryder, placing the dog down. "In fact, I have a mission for you."

"Anything!" Marshall gushed, having made up with his owner.

"You are the best pup at Pup-Fu here. I've seen you practice for hours after everyone is asleep, practicing. You received your black belt months before the other. You are the best at pup-fu in all of Adventure Bay, heck, maybe even the world! I sense danger coming here soon, so I want you to bring all the pups up to speed. Can you do it?" said Ryder.

"Yes! I know I can!" said Marshall, hitting a backflip, lashing out with his back paw as hit the ground with deadly efficiency.

"Great! Practice starts now!" said Ryder.

It's been months since that letter came. It was spring, with a little residual snow still on the ground. Marshall, who was normally clumsy and fun-loving, became very strict when it was time to practice. He worked the pups to and past their breaking point. The pups became very efficient in their art. Soon it was time for Marshall to give them their final test.

"Rubble and Zuma, Chase and Rocky, you will go. Skye, you will be saved for last, because you are the best right up under me. Skye nodded her head. Rubble and Zuma, you're first! Begin!

Rubble immediately sprang at Zuma. But Zuma was too quick on his paws and twisted out of the way just in time. Momentarily of balance, Rubble took advantage of this and kick hard at Zuma's paws. Zuma went straight down. Before Rubble could pin him and will, he rolled hard to the left, turning the roll into a standing kick at the last moment, causing Rubble to fly overhead. Rubble hit the ground hard. At first, Ryder didn't allow them to practice fighting for real, because he didn't want them to get hurt. But Marshall told them they needed this, and Ryder had put Marshall in charge, so he didn't argue. Rubble sprang to his feet, only to be knocked down by a well-placed kick to the sternum, courtesy of Zuma. Zuma had become ruthless in the art and was very good at it. Zuma licked his paw lazily.

"Enough with the warm-up dude. Bwing it," he said, almost maliciously.

Rubble did a flying kick, which Zuma met in midair, grabbed him by the paw, and slung him to the floor, knocking the wind out of him. Zuma placed a paw on him and said," Do you yield, or do you want some more?" he said menacingly. Rubble slumped up under him.

"No, you win." he conceded. Zuma helped him up and gave him a friendly lick.

"And that's the match!" said Marshall. "Rocky and Chase, you're up!" he said. "Ready, set, begin!" Chase's attack was blindingly fast. He kicked Rocky in the face and followed up with a punch in the chest. Rocky was equally fast, blocking his punches and hitting him in the forehead. Chase shook his head a little and sprang at the mix. He grabbed Rocky by the arm and slung him into to wall. Rocky's eyes blazed (not for real, he had a secret to keep,) and rushed at him, hitting him with a roundhouse so hard Chase went flying into the air, hitting against the wall so hard a crack formed. Chase, who seemed not to feel the pain, retaliated with 5 punches delivered so fast, his paws were a blur. Rocky hit the ground hard, smiling.

"Do you yield?" asked Chase menacingly.

"No, but thanks for this great fight. It's time to end this though." Rocky's eyes to on a cold and calculating glint. Chase went to hit him in the neck, and time seemed to slow down. Rocky grabbed his paw, threw it over his back, and flipped Chase right over him. Before he hit the ground, Rocky had jumped up, hitting him in the chest so hard that when he hit the ground Chase yelped. Rocky didn't even say anything.

"I give...oh god.... It hurts..." he said. Rocky helped him to his paws, gave him a high-paw, and sat down.

"And that's the match! We'll take a break, and Rocky will go against Zuma in the semi-finals! said Marshall. He wen over to Rubble, who had sprained his paw, and wrapped it up. Then he went to Chase, who had a dislocated shoulder.

"I just don't like this violence," said Ryder.

"With all due respect, sir, the pups were going easy on each other. This wasn't life or death. They need to learn to fight proficiently, or they'll be destroyed in a match. It hurts, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." he admonished, popping Chase's shoulder back in. After the break, Rocky and Zuma stared each other down.

"Okay! Rocky and Zuma, you're up! Ready, set, FIGHT!" No one rushed at the other. They just circled each other looking tortured. Neither pup wanted to hurt the other.

Come on, let's get this over with. Though Rocky.

I don't want to hurt you... though Zuma.

Me neither, but we have to.

Okay, let's do it.

The attack was so fast the pups couldn't tell who was winning nor losing. It was so vicious that a few drops of blood sprayed onto the ground. First Rocky was on top of Zuma, then Zuma on Rocky. It was like a deadly dance, one wrong step and you could get seriously hurt. No one could seem to break the other, as they fought. Rocky threw a roundhouse at Zuma, and Zuma blocked it, sending off a well-placed punch, which Rocky dodged. They fought and fought for all of 15 minutes until they both said at the same time,

"I yield!"

They looked at each other in surprise.

"Well, they both yielded, so I'm calling a draw," said Marshall.

"Then who will fight Skye?" asked Ryder.

"No one. She remains on top. Unless... Pups, would you like to challenge Skye?"

"NO!" they all shouted. Rocky and Zuma were evenly matched, but Skye was just deadly. She had almost broken Chase's rib a few weeks ago. It was like Skye could see the future like she knew what your next move would be."

"I will fight Skye," said Marshall. Skye's eyes bulged.

"Me, fight you?" she said, pointing to herself.

"Yep, you're the only one strong enough to take me on," said Marshall launching himself at her.

"Bring it!" she shouted, meeting him in the air.

Marshall managed to beat Skye, who had taken the fight outside, but no before giving of himself, there were lacerations and cuts galore on both of them. Skye was good, but Marshall was much better. Still, she put up a good fight. After a few more fights Marshall studied the proficiency level of the pups and ranked them accordingly.

Marshall, Skye, Rocky and Zuma, Chase, and Rubble. Marshall was the all-time best because of the many hours he trained, Skye's drive was born of fear for her life. Rocky's was too, but he had his powers to rely on, so he trained slightly less diligently. Zuma wanted to make sure he could be on Rocky's level of skill so that he could protect him need be. Chase and Rubble studied hard too, but Chase had no life-threatening drive to push him, and Rubble was just...well... he didn't take training seriously enough, and he loved watching AtSP too much.

"You've all done so well. There's nothing more to teach. We are the best Pup-Fu masters in Adventure Bay. Well, there is one more thing I need to teach you. Every one of us has power and each power can be used to power up our fighting skills. We have all reach our maximum power level in Pup-Fu. Now, it's time to combine the two. I call this art, Pupjitzu. It's a form of pup-fu that enhances your powers to the maximum level. It is a devastating art and one I have yet to master. I will show you what to do. You must look inside yourself, and feel your powers. Feel the growth in strength. Then, let them out. I've practiced this in secret, but I will show you how to do it." Marshall moved his paws in front of him in intricate circles and arcs, moving side to side. The air suddenly grew hot. "I call this, Hellfire's Wrath." The pups began to sweat. Marshall's paws began to glow red, then they ignited in red flames. The circles he drew became the symbol for fire, but much more complicated. Marshall began to do his Pup-Fu kata, and a whirlwind of fire formed around him, lifting him into the air. Marshall flicked a paw, and the entire Lookout property was surrounded with flames, burning at the ground. His power multiplier went up dramatically. None of the pups had ever seen Marshall so powerful. It began to feel hot as summer, and all the snow had melted and evaporated into the air. He shot multiple beams of fire from his paws into the sky, which seemed to punch a hole in the clouds as they went through. Marshall abruptly stopped his tirade of power, falling to the ground.

"Yeah, so that's Pupjitzu, and all of you can learn it. The stronger your powers are, the longer you can keep them up. So practice with your powers often." said Marshall.

"That was awesome Marshall!" said the pups.
"Marshall! The plants have been burnt to a crisp!" shouted Ryder.

"Aye, I know! That was the plan because now Zuma can fix it!" gushed Marshall. Ryder was about to ask how, but he held his peace. Zuma had always been the most laidback of the pups. He picked up Marshall's kata quickly and very efficiently drew the symbol for water into the air. He rose into the air, surrounded by a whirlwind of water. He put out the flames Marshall had started.

Zuma swept his paw over the burnt greenery, and they instantly sprung back to life, revived by Zuma's healing waters. While Marshall caused destruction, Zums caused the reverse. Zuma gracefully ended his kata, unable to continue much longer. All the pups were amazed.

"My turn!" shouted Skye. It took her a little bit to get the hang of the new kata, but she soon got it.

She drew the symbol for air, and a massive whirlwind picked her up. She engaged her Windrider wings to take control. A strong wind began to circle the Lookout. In front of their very eyes, a tornado touched down from the heavens, and anything not tied down was sucked into it, namely, the pup toys. As Skye ended her kata, she sucked up the rest of the pups in it.

"Whee!" they said, spinning around. When it was over, Skye looked visibly exhausted but happy.

"My turn!" shouted Rubble. He was very slow to figure out the moves, but eventually, he figured it out, and he drew the symbol for earth in the air. A whirlwind of sand picked him up. There was an earthquake and large pieces of earth flew into the sky, circulating its master.

"Whoa!" shouted Chase. Marshally just nodded sagely. Rubble flung the rocks into the sky, and they ignited as they left the atmosphere. He landed a little clumsily, falling on his butt.

"Thay was awesome!" he shouted.

"Okay, let me see something," said Chase. He began to do the kata, then stopped.

"What symbol am I supposed to draw?" he asked.

"What's the fastest thing known to pup, Chase?" asked Marshall. Chase thought for a moment, then resumed the kata, paw glowing in electricity. He drew the symbol for lightning. A whirlwind picked him up, lightning bolts circling him. Suddenly, Chase fell to the ground.

"Aww, man! I was so..." Chase took off, running at unparalleled speeds. He made the Flash look slow, at the speed he was going. He ran so fast, that when he made it back to the lookout, he was still sitting there.

"Hello! Anyone!" But it was like they couldn't see him. Then Chase saw his past self take off. Wow! I must have run so fast, I'm seeing what I did in the past. That means... I ran to the future! I'd better get back, or things could get confusing. The lightning bolts surrounding Chase reversed their direction as he sped off, going back to the present. This all happened so fast, the pups never noticed he'd moved.

"So, what's your power?" asked Rocky. Chase grabbed him and brought him to the future with him.

"Look!" he said. Rocky watched as he and Chase sped off.

"Woah! We're in the future!" he said. Chase brought him back to the present.

"I didn't see anything!" said Rubble.

"I'm too fast for yall to see," said Chase. A massive bolt of lightning shot from his paws, shooting into the air. Everyone turned to Rocky.

"Are you going to try Pupjitzu?" they asked.

"Umm..." he said, not really sure.

"Come on Rocky!" said Ryder, who was very amazed at the pups.

"Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!" chanted the pups.

"Okay, I'll try," he said. Rocky began to do the kata and drew the symbol for creation into the air. When his whirlwind came, no one could tell what it was made of. All they could tell was that it was green, and it vibrated with some strange energy. Rocky's amulet began to glow, but the glow from his whirlwind covered it up. Rocky just let his mind wander, thinking about something to create. Hmm... Zuma still needs a vehicle/pup house. His was lost at sea. As he thought this, there was a flash, and a blast of light radiated from the lookout. In front of Zuma was an NAI Hovercraft.

"Wow..." said Zuma, looking at it. It was shiny, and it looked awesome compared to his old one.

"Thank's Rocky!" he shouted up at him.

"You're welcome," he said. Rocky wasn't getting tired like the other pups, (because he was much more powerful than all of them) therefore, he didn't know how to stop moving.

"Marshall? How do I stop?" he said.

"Stop doing the kata!" he shouted. Rocky stopped slowly, and he was placed on the ground gently.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" shouted Ryder.

"Why did you pups stop?" asked Rocky.

"We got tired, it's very hard to keep up for long," said Skye. "But this looked like a cinch for you to do."

"I just followed the movements. It felt very relaxing," he replied modestly.

"Well, now that you have all done Pupjitzu, there's something you need to know about it. In this stage you are at your most powerful, but if you are hurt badly while it, you can lose your powers. Forever. So only use this as a last resort when fighting." warned Marshall. All the pups nodded. Rocky realized his amulet was in full view, so while the pups were looking at Marshall, he nuzzled it back into his fur. The spring air became very cool. The pups had practiced all day, and night was falling.

"Well, it's been great...but I'm ready for bed. Goodnight," said Rocky, tramping back to his pup-house.

"Goodnight!" the pups chorused. Zuma drove his hovercraft to the currently empty spot in the parking lot.

Rocky had just finished getting the covers arranged just right when there was a knock on his door.

"Come back in the morning, please?" he groaned. "I've very tired." The door opened and Zuma came in.

"Oh, it's you," said Rocky, sitting up. He cleared a spot on his dog bed for Zuma. "What's on your mind?" he asked. Zuma laid down, closing the door behind him.

"I just wanted to say thanks again for my new vehicle," he said, looking at him. "It's awesome!"

"No problem," said Rocky. Zuma had been sleeping with Rocky since Ryder hadn't gotten around to building him the new hovercraft. Paw Patrol had been extremely busy the past few months, and in between missions and training sessions, no one had time for it.

"Anything else?" asked Rocky.

"No," said Zuma, who was making himself comfortable in Rocky's bed.

"Are you going to sleep in your new pup-house?" he asked.

"No, I like sleeping with you better," Zuma said, laying down, facing Rocky. Rocky blushed, replying to Zuma's words in his mind. Rocky winced a little.

"What's wrong Wocky?" asked Zuma, concerned for his furry friend.

"After all that fighting, I feel so sore," he said, crying out in pain a little.

"Me too," said Zuma. He shifted so that his chest pressed against Rocky's. Zuma's bare front was warm and devilishly soft.

"Zu...ma..." stammered Rocky, a little red coming into his cheeks. He was glad no one could see them, someone might get the wrong impression from their accidentally intimate position.

"Where does it huwt most?" said Zuma, cutting him off. Don't think about it, just let it be.

"My back and my haunches," replied Rocky. "But...what are you gonna..." He felt Zuma's paws go to his back, leisurely rubbing in circles. It hurt a little at first, but then he melted into Zuma's touch. He immediately closed his eyes, feeling slightly drowsy. His fur is so silky. Thought Zuma, dreamily. He ran his paws all through his warm fur, paw sinking into it. It felt like heaven, and he rubbed slowly, savoring the moment. Zuma couldn't describe what he was feeling right now. He gently moved his paws down Rocky's body, feeling red flush his muzzle, but still wanting more. He cautiously tested the waters and nuzzled Rocky's neck. To his immense joy, Rocky turn his head and nuzzled him back. Zuma licked his neck softly, and Rocky tilted his head back, give Zuma's warm, wet, flicking tongue better access. Zuma could very easily see Rocky blushing, and he mulled over the reason why in his mind. Is he embarrassed? He asked himself. Rocky sat down on his haunches, and Zuma rose with him, hugging his back to his chest. Rocky very quickly shut down his assumptions by letting Zuma do what he wanted, snuggling into his chest. He...he likes it... Zuma thought.

This feels awesome. Rocky thought. "Zuma...I feel much better now..." Zuma lightly nipped his neck.
"Hush, pup," he said softly. "Just enjoy it. Enjoy yourself..."
"Can I..." That's as far as Rocky got before Zuma put his paw over his maw.
"Shhh...." Zuma said. "Do what you want." Zuma's treatment was causing Rocky's mind to slow down. His ever-running calculations suddenly ceased. He stopped analyzing everything. His sense of touch and smell were enhanced as a result, and Zuma began smelling very...very alluring. Before he could stop himself, he found himself with his muzzle buried in Zuma's chest. He felt extreme embarrassment, which was immediately assuaged by Zuma licking his forehead lovingly.

Rocky rubbed Zuma's pelt gently. He felt every curve and muscle in his body, admiring his physique. He just wanted more and more of Zuma, that his head began to spin. Rocky took a deep breath of Zuma's scent. It was sweet, with a hint of ocean spray. Zuma has a way of making me feel special, so very very special... like I'm the only important pup in the world. Zuma makes me feel happy. But most importantly, Zuma makes me feel loved. Then he had an idea. He shifted away from Zuma. Rocky hated the cold feeling he got when he did this, but it was necessary for what he was about to do. Zuma took it the wrong way though.

"Wocky's what's wong? Don't you like it?" he murmured, pulling his paws away, hurt. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, being with me like this."

"No...no... don't stop!" said Rocky, wanting to feel Zuma's paws again. "It feels...wonderful..." he murmured, in total bliss.

"Then why..." Zuma felt two small paws begin to rub his belly. "Yeah, wight there... that's the spot..." he said. Rocky moved systematically, rubbing Zuma's furry chest the best he could. As Zuma touched his friend, all he could think of was Rocky. Every adventure they'd ever had together, every moment they'd spent together. Then everything clicked in Zuma's mind for the first time. I... I think I'm in love...with Rocky..." he thought. I've liked him since I first met him. I've always wanted him. And I think he wants me as well...but I'm not sure. I've come so close to telling him how I feel, but I get too nervous. I wanna kiss him so badly... Rocky looked into Zuma's eyes. Rocky's eyes were shining very brightly now, no longer just glowing. His pupils were two identical flames of green fire. Zuma began to blush a little, seeing Rocky like this. I'm sure he wants me just as much as I want him. Zuma's snout once again dipped down to Rocky's. Do it, Zuma. Just do it already. You want it. Don't be so afraid. He told himself. Rocky's eyes were closed, and he felt Zuma's hot breath over his face as he came so close to his goal.

"Zu...ma..." he stuttered happily. Zuma couldn't take it anymore and gave a small howl of pleasure. Rocky's devilish paws were working their magic, invoking feelings from Zuma that he didn't even know where there. He kept his whimpers and his moans quiet, not wanting to wake the other pups up. And as for Rocky, he'd already been driven insane by Zuma's touch. He also was wrestling with his thoughts as he enjoyed Zuma's treatment. I'm sure I love him now. I'll admit it to myself. I do love him...so very much...but does he care for me the same way? I couldn't bear to be rejected... he thought. I think these feelings for him started the day he slept with me when I was having those nightmares. They haven't come back at all since he was with me. And I think he loves me as well. He looked so close to kissing me sometimes. I wanted it, but he was too nervous. I'd do it, but I'm too afraid of rejection. Would this ruin our friendship?
Rocky opened his eyes and looked directly into Zuma's. Zuma's whiskers brushed his own, and he panted heavily. His scent was extremely strong now, and heat radiated from him. Oh, what am I doing? Rocky asked himself. Why...this is so wrong...but it feels so right... we are both males...why do I like him like this though? Rocky asked himself. Zuma must have felt him tense up, and he murmured softly to him.

"Shhh..." he whispered. "Just look at me..." Rocky felt himself coming closer and closer, and their foreheads came together. Neither broke eye contact. Do it, Zuma...please kiss me... Rocky begged Zuma. Rocky even began whining softly. He felt Zuma take a deep breath, and exhale slowly, blowing all over Rocky's muzzle. Rocky smiled faintly.

"Wocky?" he asked, panting. "There's something I need to do. I've wanted to do it for a while, but I've been afwaid..."

"Oh... Rocky shuddered, warm chills (if that makes any sense) going up and down his spine. He never felt more alive. "What is it?" he asked, lowering his head, not wanting Zuma to leave. He felt Zuma slowly bring his head back up.
"Close youw eyes," Zuma whispered. Rocky obeyed immediately, wrapping his paws around Zuma and pulling him close.
Okay, Zuma. This is your chance. Don't mess it up. Zuma thought. Zuma felt himself begin to tremble. What if....what if he doesn't like me? He asked himself fearfully. Then Rocky licked his cheek, from his neck, all the way up, and nuzzled his neck. Zuma finally caved in. He cradled Rocky's head in his paws and softly pressed his lips against him. Zuma felt a weight fall off his shoulders. Well, whatever happens next, I least I did it. He told himself. He felt Rocky tense up a bit, and he began praying. Please kiss me back, Rocky. You have to like me...you have to! He took a breath and kissed Rocky again, with more passion this time. He felt Rocky place his forepaws around his neck. Then he did it. Rocky kissed him back. Softly at first, then with growing force and passion. Zuma pushed Rocky down onto his back, softly, enjoying the feel of his chest against his. Rocky was very submissive, and let Zuma do whatever he wanted. Finally, though, the kiss came to an end, and they panted heavily in each other's snouts.
"I like you, Wocky. I whole lot." Zuma admitted.
"Oh, Zuma...I..." Zuma kissed him again, shutting him up. He growled softly in his throat.
"It's okay, Wocky dude. I know you like me back." Rocky nodded and nuzzled his neck. nipping at it lightly. He smiled, and Zuma soon realized that he had fallen asleep. Zuma rolled onto his side so that he didn't crush Rocky through the night. The two cuddled and snuggled together up under the covers, and Zuma quickly fell asleep.

The two cuddled and snuggled together tightly up under the covers, quickly falling asleep.

Jason leaves a note at the scene of the bombing, addressed to Rocky and Skye. (How many of you guessed Jessie was her?) Ryder makes up with Marshall and gives him the task of training the pups in Pup-Fu. The pups unlock new abilities when they combine their powers with their training. Also, Zuma and Rocky just couldn't hide it anymore. They admit to their love for each other. I found this last segment very cute. I love adding a little romance every now and then.

(How many of you got the Ninjago reference?)

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