When The Past Becomes The Fut...

De LightningPelt12_

18.6K 390 375

Pain and sadness have always been a part of my life. I've never felt truly loved or cared for. I'm all alone... Mai multe

Rocky's Nightmare
Rocky's Past Part 1
Trouble At Sea
Strange Happenings On A Strange Island
Rocky's Past Part 2
Rocky's Past Part 3
Pups Have Fun
Outside The Law Part 1
Outside The Law Part 2
Power, Guilt, and Pain
When Pups Fight
Do You Trust Me?
The Price You Pay For Freedom
Life And Love

Fire In A Hospital

908 16 19
De LightningPelt12_

Rocky and Zuma were placed in the same bed in the hospital. They'd pretended to be unconscious the whole time. When they reached the hospital and 'came to', The team leader and all the pups cheered, then began talking all at once.

"Are you okay?" asked Skye.

"What happened?" asked Chase

"Why did you push me away?" asked Ryder. Zuma was about to say something when he heard a small voice in his head.

Leave this to me k?

Okay, Zuma thought back. Rocky raised a paw, and immediately there was silence in the room.

"When Zuma dove in the water, he managed to save me. But currents were too strong for him to control, the waves took us from one place to another. We barely managed to stay above water. We clung on to some driftwood we'd found floating past. Eventually, the storm ended and we were washed up on the beach."

"Well, thank goodness that you're safe," said Ryder scratching Zuma up under the neck. When he moved to Rocky, Rocky turned his head away, not wanting Ryder to find the amulet, still hidden up under his fur.

"What's wrong?" asked Ryder, perplexed.

"My neck got cut during our ordeal. It's getting better, but it still hurts to touch it." Ryder moved his hand away from his neck and scratched up under Rocky's ear.

"Yeah, right there..." panted Rocky.

"You two are such good pups!" said Ryder. "You could have died doing your job, but you two still did it anyway. I'm very proud of you. All of you!" said Ryder looking at all the pups.

"Thanks, Wyder..." responded Zuma.

"You pups get some sleep. Marshall will run a health diagnostic in the morning. Let's go pups." said Ryder, turning away, after one last scratch under the ear for Zuma and Rocky, who enjoyed it immensely.

"Bye, guys! See you tomorrow!" said Marshall.

"Bye!" Rocky and Zuma chorused, smirking at each other. When they'd gone, Rocky and Zuma smirked at each other.

"Well played, Rocky," said Zuma staring into Rocky's eyes.

"Thank you, it's a gift," Rocky said shyly, looking away.

"It's time for bed." said the kind nurse, walking into the room. She turned off the lights.

"Sleep tight, pups. And again, thanks for saving my uncle," she said, gently closing the door behind her.

"Isn't Sharon nice, Zuma?" Rocky asked, turning to face him.

"Yeah, she is," he said, "Just not as nice as you." Rocky blushed, eyes just barely flickering.

When Rocky looked at Zuma again, it occurred to him that Zuma had never looked away from him.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Rocky asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking." Zuma said, hurriedly looking away. Zuma felt two small, furry paws wrap around him.

"Wh...what awe you doing?" Zuma said glancing in Rocky's direction.

"Snuggling with my best friend. Come on, loosen up a bit," he murmured, placing his head over Zuma's heart. "Besides, you know you want to."

Soon Rocky felt Zuma's slightly bigger paws wrapped around his waist and felt his chin rest on his head. "That's better," he mumbled. Rocky's eyes began to glow a little. Zuma's snout bent close to his, and Rocky looked into his eyes dreamily. He could feel Zuma's breath the closer he got to him. Is he trying to...no...he wouldn't... Rocky thought, turning his head away.

"Dude, what's going with your eyes?" Zuma said looking down at Rocky.

"Nothing, just trying to keep my powers in check. It's not easy keeping them in. I'm not used to them yet." said Rocky, eyes flickering, two identical flames of fire."

"As much as I like youw eyes, if anyone sees this, ouw secrets out. I thought this stuff only happened when youw emotions got out of contwol."

"Yeah, well, it's your fault," huffed Rocky.

"How?" asked Zuma yawning.

"You're the one who keeps making me feel so happy." he finished, pulling Zuma a little closer. As if to prove his point, Rocky's eyes glowed a little brighter.

"I do?" Zuma asked, semi-consciously.

"Yeah, you really do." Rocky fell asleep after this last comment, the light slowly fading from his eyes as and he entered La-La Land, cute little snores emitting from his throat.

"Yeah, well, the feelings are mutual..." he whispered in Rocky's ears, making his eyes flash once. Zuma kissed the top of his head, then fell asleep, content with his life.

Red lights flashed overhead as Rocky, Marcus, and Jessie ran over the cold concrete floor.

They panted, running as fast as they could to the exit, Rocky making a trail of blood as he went.

"Find them, find those dogs!" shouted Jason over the P.A. Footsteps were heard behind them.

"Jessie, quickly, the door!" shouted Marcus. A siren went off, blasting in Rocky's ears.

"I can't find the button!" Jessie screamed. Rocky fell down, into much pain. Marcus ran over to him. Rocky began to pass out.

"Rocky, wake up! Wake up!" he shouted. The siren was louder now, its screams piercing Rocky's ears

"Wake, up! Rocky! Rocky!"

Rocky's eyes snapped open. The siren was still blasting. Red lights were still overhead.

"Wocky, wake up! Thewe's a fire! Wake up, we need to get out of hewe!" Rocky's quickly booting mind recognized the voice as Zuma's. Adrenaline rush through his veins as he sat up, trying to quickly orient himself. Smoke was pouring in the room through the vents. Rocky jumps off the bed and padded to the windows. The fire was on the first floor. And it was spreading. Zuma joined him at the window. They were on the highest floor in the building, the tenth.

"Okay, let's go, Zuma," Rocky said, shattering the window with his mind. He simply walked out the window and onto thin air, waiting for Zuma to follow. He didn't

"What? We can't leave, there are hundweds of people in this building that need us. No, we've gotta go help them, were the Paw Patwol!" Rocky walked back into the burning building.

"You're right. We'll help those who we can."

There was an explosion, and the PA system came on.

"Attention! The first floor has been compromised! The whole building is going to come down! I repeat collapse is imminent! Get out of the building now!"

The top floor slowly began to tilt to the side.

Rocky and Zuma ran to the door.

"Aww man, the knob is too high!" shouted Zuma in fear.

"Tsk. Who needs a knob when you can do this?" Rocky swept his paw to the side and the door broke free from its hinges, falling forward. Zuma wasted no time running through it, Rocky at his side. Smoke hung in thick clouds above them and Zuma and Rocky quickly began to cough. Zuma fell down, coughing too hard to run. Rocky took a deep breath and blew the smoke away from them. Suddenly the air was fresh.

"Is thewe anyone still on this floor?" yelled Zuma.

There was no response, all the way down to the third floor.

The room was so full of people it made Rocky's head spin.

"The first floor caught fire to the second floor! There's no way out!" said the man in front of them.

Zuma, what do we do? The building's coming down! Rocky, thought starting a mental conversation with him.

What do we do? You are going to put out the fire for goodness sake! Though Zuma, exasperatedly.

Yeah...I don't know how to do that! Rocky thought guiltily.

What do you mean you don't know how?

I got my powers yesterday! I don't know how to do everything yet!"

Maybe you can't stop the fire with your mind, but you learned cryokinesis yesterday! You can put out the fire with that. Zuma thought.

But, what about my secret! I'm not going to become the government's new toy!

There are more important things right now!

Why don't we just wait for the fire department? Though Rocky weakly.

"Do you even see the smoke in the air! They'll die befowe that happens. Oh, in case you fowgot, if the fiwst floor gives out, we'll all die in the cwash! So, Wocky, it's either death by fiwe, smoke, or cwushing! You pick." said Zuma angrily, ears flat against his head, hackles up.

Rocky as Rocky looked into Zuma's eyes, he remembered the pets he had to leave locked up with Jason. He remembered how much he'd hated leaving them there. But there was nothing he could do. Another explosion rocked the building, and flames shot up from the second floor, beginning to burn the third floor. People began to scream. Zuma stopped facing down Rocky, and his paws lit up. A blast of cold water gushed from his paws, putting out the fire that began to burn the room.

"Wocky, help me!" cried Zuma. The fire was too hot, it was evaporating the water before it even got close. People began to look in Rocky's direction. Then something in Rocky snapped. His fur burst into green flame, and his pupils turned to an emerald green fire.

"No more. Not again. I'm not leaving anyone behind this time!" The air around Rocky turned cold as the arctic. The floors and walls in all directions began to become covered in ice. Zuma fell back to join him, wetting the floors and walls, making the ice spread even faster. The people began to cheer.

"We're saved! Hooray!" they shouted. Rocky walked straight into the fire, and a massive blast of ice emitted from him. A strong arctic wind began to blow, and the people who were sweating in the heat began to shiver in cold. In between the fire and ice, one could've seen Rocky, fighting for control. Zuma never left his side and ran straight into the fire with him, always fearless. The wind grew in intensity, swirling around its master. Rocky then pointed a paw with deadly accuracy at the flames. The wind left him, and the fire was immediately extinguished. Rocky began to pant under the strain. The fire on the second floor was cleared. Rocky jumped right into the inferno below. There was another explosion, as Rocky's ice mixed with a fridged wind. Someone pulled out their phone and began recording. Rocky blew the wind straight into the fire. The fire was strongest on the first floor, and it was resisting Rocky's cooling wind. Zuma began herding the people off of the second floor, down to the first, where Rocky was still putting out the flames. Zuma helped Rocky, shooting massive jets of water everywhere. Will Zuma's help, the fire was completely extinguished. Everyone cheered and stormed into the room. Just then, the steel supports holding the whole building up snapped, and the whole building came crashing down. Rocky's reflexes were stunning. In the blink of an eye, the steel supports were replaced with frozen ones, that quickly began to crumble.

"Everyone, go!" shouted Rocky, holding his paw up. The entire weight of the building rested on Rocky's shoulders, and the strain was evident on his face. The fire around him raged even more, as he siphoned more energy from his amulet. People rushed through the doors, and out of the building. When the last person was gone, another explosion rippled across the air, reigniting the entire first floor.

But how...? Thought Zuma. Then he saw it. There were multiple bombs rigged across the floor. Someone had set this whole thing up. Someone purposely set this whole thing in motion. This was a trap. Zuma reeled back, standing right beside Rocky, who wasn't straining anymore, having siphoned more energy from his amulet. Fire engulfed Rocky completely. As Zuma stepped through it only then could he see him. Rocky's eyes no longer help any spark of familiality. They were just cold and calculating. Lightning, real lightning slowly began to circulate around Rocky. Zuma had to dodge the random lightning arcs to avoid begin electrocuted. Rocky had siphoned more energy than he could handle. He wasn't power sick, but he couldn't focus enough.

"No, Wocky, no not now!" shouted Zuma, frustrated. Fire all around them, the whole building about to come down, lightning arcing from Rocky randomly, and ice in the middle. So many elements. Too many for Rocky to control. His cooling wind began to swirl around him, pushing Zuma back. Then the earth began to shake. Zuma ran through the wind and found Rocky at the eye of the storm, head shaking wildly, paws over his eyes.

"Get out of here!" he said.

"Wocky, I'm here. I'm here. Calm down." Zuma said in a soothing voice, placing his paws around Rocky. Rocky stopped shaking his head and looked at Zuma, fearfully.

"It's okay, you can stop now, You saved evewyone!" said Zuma, tightly hugging him."You have to calm down!" Rocky's amulet shined a bright green, then suddenly, everything stopped. The amulet had reclaimed Rocky's powers.

"Zuma? Thanks, I knew I had to stop the roof from coming down, and I overstepped with my powers. Thanks for saving me." he said, hugging Zuma back fiercely.

"No problem, no let's get out of here!" the two began to race for the exit. Right before they made it, the ice supports snapped.

"Wocky..." Zuma warned

Rocky slammed his paw down, and a sonic blast blew Zuma through the door just as the building came down. Zuma landed very roughly, scraping against the pavement. But that was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

"WOCKY, NO!" he barked, tears streaming down his face. There was a massive crowd of people gathered around the building. The fire station had finally arrived. spraying down the building.

Police lights flashed in Zuma's eyes. Someone picked him up. Zuma began to squirm and tried to bite the person when he looked up and saw it was Ryder. Tears began to run down Ryder's face at Zuma's next words.

"Wocky's still in thewe! I couldn't save him!" he screamed, his voice full of self-loathing. Ryder was so shocked, he fell to his knees, dropping Zuma. Zuma ran from the fire, tears streaming from his eyes. Then he ran right into someone. Or more correctly, somepup.

"W...Rocky? WOCKY!" Zuma gushed, squeezing him tightly. Rocky's fur was singed, but otherwise, he looked alright. Rocky squeezed Zuma so tight it surprised even him.

"I'm okay, Zuma. I'm fine!" he shouted.

"How are you even hewe? I saw you get cwushed by the building!"

"I was, but I learned to do something on the spot." Zuma's paws slid right through Rocky, causing him to fall on the ground.

"What?" he said looking up at him. Rocky was just a thin silhouette.

"Intangibility," he finished. Turning tangible, he grabbed onto Zuma, pulling him into another hug, tail wagging furiously.

"It was a setup." cried Zuma. "I saw it! Someone wigged bombs across the floor. That's what started the fiwe!" His tail was wagging just as fast.

"We'll figure out why later," said Rocky, tears streaming down his cheeks as well. "You and I are the only things that matter right now." he finished, crying freely into Zuma's fur. And this is the state Ryder found them in when he went to find where Zuma had run off too.

"Breaking news! The local hospital in Adventure Bay has erupted in flames! Police have confirmed the unthinkable. It was a planned bombing. Everyone who was on life support died, soon after the blast. There have been...wait, this just in. People who came from the burning building say that a dog saved them. No one knows who this canine is, but one man managed to get a video. Take a look." A video rolled across Ryder's mission screen, which was now operating as a TV. The video was very messy and was only 60 seconds long. It showed a ball of green fire extinguishing the flames with a breath of ice. The reporter came back on. This dog is suspected of rigging the explosives, though it is unclear why he would save everyone afterward. If you know anything about his whereabouts, contact..." Ryder cut the connection. Ryder had called everyone up to the lookout, and Zuma and Rocky sat beside each other again. It was exactly 12 hours after the bombing occurred. Rocky and Zuma had quickly been check out by Marshall before the meeting.

"Pups, as the Paw Patrol, we are the police's prime suspects for this crime. You six are the only pups in Adventure Bay with powers. As much as I hate to say it, I will. One of you is that pup right there." said Ryder, pointing to the screen. And I intend to find out who. I will go in order, saving Zuma and Rocky for last. Chase! What were you doing at exactly midnight?" Ryder said, pointing at him. Chase began to tremble.

"I was in my, p...pu...pup house... R...Ryder...sir...sleeping."

"And what were you doing, Skye?"

What are we gonna do? Thought Rocky, as the interrogation went on.

I don't know! We can't give away your secret, but I don't know if we can lie our way through this one! Though Zuma, fearfully.

Let me do the talking, ok? Though Rocky firmly, quickly think up an excuse.

"Rocky and Zuma! What were you doing at exactly midnight?" question Ryder. All the pups looked at him.

"Zuma and I were sleeping, sir. When we heard the sirens go off, we ran through the building towards the door... Zuma and I managed to get out before the roof came down."

"Is that everything, Zuma?" Ryder asked, turning his brown lab puppy.

Zuma wasn't very good at lying, though he was better than Marshall, who couldn't lie to save his life.

"Umm...yes," Zuma said weakly.

"That's funny because I remember you telling me Rocky didn't make it, that you couldn't quote-unquote, 'save him'. Would you like to explain that?"

"I...umm..well..." Zuma looked helplessly in Rocky's direction. Then Rocky had an idea,

"Okay, I'll tell you!" barked Rocky, getting the attention of the whole Patrol.

What are you doing!? Though-screamed Zuma.

Trust me. Zuma swore he could he the smirk in his voice.

"I know who it was. It was Copy-Cat!" he finished.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

"It wasn't me! I was framed!" screamed Copy-Cat, struggling to get away from Chase.

"Save it for the judge, cat!" shouted Chase into his megaphone. The cat was soon shoved into the police van, Rocky and Zuma watching.

This doesn't feel right. I don't like this at all. Even if he is evil. Thought Zuma.

I know, neither do I. But we can't let anyone know who I am. Replyed Rocky.

Why not, what are you so afraid of? Said Zuma looking into his eyes. Anyone who happened to be looking at them at this moment would think they are having an epic staring contest.

I'll be seen as a threat to the government. They test me, probe me, try to take my power. And if they find my amulet, there won't be a government to threaten. Cause they'll be dead. Rocky finished darkly.

So we frame him? Though Zuma weakly

I don't like it, but yes, there's nothing we can do. Except... You can still get out of this Zuma, if the grits ever hit the fan, you can tell them I forced you, mind-controlled you. They'd believe that. Rocky thought, looking away.

No, we're in this together. No matter what, I'll have your back. Rocky looked up at Zuma and smiled as they headed back to the lookout.

Jason Wright watched the news in complete dismay.

Damn it! I wasn't able to kill him! I've gotta find out who that hero was. I need to get him out of the way. Jason smiled, reclining in his chain. Then, I can kill Rocky. Or hurt him some more...I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet... Jason twirled his machete around with one hand. Yes, Rocky...watch your tail.

Okay! Jason Wright tried to kill Rocky by bombing up the hospital. Little does he know, that Rocky's just leveled up. Big time! Some more scenes of Rocky and Zuma's friendship. They have a very strong bond that I can't see breaking. Or can it....(insert evil laugh here) Does Rocky control his power, or does his power control him? Hmmm...

Who is this Jessie figure? Will Rocky's decision to frame Copy-Cat backfire on him? More, next!

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