The last one standing A Jojo'...

By Timepassing

322K 13.1K 15.8K

Y/N is a lady and not one of a kind. Time means nothing to her and still she befriended the Joestar family, c... More

Author's Note
Phantom Blood
Phantom Blood 2
Phantom Blood 3
Phantom Blood 4
Phantom Blood 5
Phantom Blood Special: Dancing lessons with Y/N
Phantom Blood 6
Phantom Blood 7
Phantom Blood 8
Stand information HEAL:
Phantom Blood 9
Cover interpretation
Phantom Blood 10
Phantom Blood 11
Phantom Blood 12
Phantom Blood 13
Phantom Blood 14
Phantom Blood 15
Phantom Blood 16
Phantom Blood 17
Author's note:
Phantom Blood 18
Phantom Blood 19
Phantom Blood 20
Phantom Blood 21
Phantom Blood 22
Phantom Blood 23
Phantom Blood 24
Phantom Blood 25
Battle Tendency 1
Battle Tendency 2
Battle Tendency 3
Battle Tendency 5
Battle Tendency 6
Battle Tendency 7
Battle Tendency 8
Battle Tendency 9
Battle Tendency 10
Battle Tendency 11
Battle Tendency 12
Battle Tendency 13
Battle Tendency 14
Battle Tendency 15
Battle Tendency 16
Battle Tendency 17
Battle Tendency 18
Battle Tendency 19
Battle Tendency 20
Battle Tendency 21
Battle Tendency 22
Battle Tendency 23
Battle Tendency 24
Battle Tendency 25
Battle Tendency 26
Battle Tendency 27
Battle Tendency 28
Battle Tendency 29
Stardust Crusaders 1
Stardust Crusaders 2
Stardust Crusaders 3
Stardust Crusaders 4
Stardust Crusaders 5
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Stardust Crusaders 8
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Stardust Crusader 10
Stardust Crusaders 11
Stardust Crusaders 12
Stardust Crusaders 13
Stardust Crusaders 14
Stardust Crusaders 15
Stardust Crusaders 16
Stardust Crusaders 17
Stardust Crusaders 18
Stardust Crusaders 19
Stardust Crusaders 20
Stardust Crusaders 21
Stardust Crusaders 22
Y/N L/N Art
Stardust Crusaders 23
Stardust Crusaders 24
Stardust Crusaders 25
Stardust Crusaders 26
Stardust Crusaders 27
Stardust Crusaders 28
Stardust Crusaders 29
Stardust Crusaders 30
Stardust Crusaders 31
Stardust Crusaders 32
Stardust Crusaders 33
Stardust Crusaders 34
Stardust Crusaders 35
Stardust Crusaders 36
Stardust Crusaders 37
Stardust Crusaders 38
Stardust Crusaders 39
Stardust Crusaders 40
Stardust Crusaders 41
Stardust Crusaders 42
Stardust Crusaders 43
Stardust Crusaders 44
Stardust Crusaders 45
Stardust Crusaders 46
Stardust Crusaders 47
Stardust Crusaders 48
Stardust Crusaders 49
Stardust Crusaders 50
Diamond is Unbreakable 1
Diamond is Unbreakable 2
Diamond is Unbreakable 3
Diamond is Unbreakable 4
Diamond is Unbreakable 5
Diamond is Unbreakable 6
Diamond is Unbreakable 7
Diamond is Unbreakable 8
Diamond is Unbreakable 9
Diamond is Unbreakable 10
Diamond is Unbreakable 11
Diamond is Unbreakable 12
Diamond is Unbreakable 13
Diamond is Unbreakable 14
Diamond is Unbreakable 15
Diamond is Unbreakable 16
Diamond is Unbreakable 17
Diamond is Unbreakable 18
Diamond is Unbreakable 19
Diamond is Unbreakable 20
Special Chapter; Y/N x reader
Diamond is Unbreakable 21
Diamond is Unbreakable 22
Diamond is Unbreakable 23
Diamond is Unbreakable 24
Diamond is Unbreakable 25
Diamond is Unbreakable 26
Diamond is Unbreakable 27
Diamond is Unbreakable 28
Diamond is Unbreakable 29
Diamond is Unbreakable 30
Diamond is Unbreakable 31
Diamond is Unbreakable 32
Diamond is Unbreakable 33
Diamond is Unbreakable 34
Diamond is Unbreakable 35
Merry Christmas
Christmas Specials
Diamond is Unbreakable 36
Diamond is Unbreakable 37
Diamond is Unbreakable 38
Diamond is Unbreakable 39
Diamond is Unbreakable 40
Diamond is Unbreakable 41
Vento Aureo 1
Vento aureo 2

Battle Tendency 4

2.7K 115 108
By Timepassing

The Game master; Part 2

"Erina, Straizo can only attack as long as it is dark meaning when the sun rises you are safe. Then I will be on my way to look for Joseph then when I know that the sun is rising. We will then return hopefully unharmed and alive and I search for Speedwagon so could you please start to pack a few essentials for Joseph like spare clothes for every season as well as training clothes his passport tequila and the dress in y closet please?" You spoke up tearing your gaze from the window.

"Of course Y/N But why a dress if you don't mind me asking and is tequila necessary? I mean you like to drink yes but really? And you usually never wear dresses not even as a disguise." Erina was puzzled. "Y/N? There is only one dress in your closet and it is way too big for you to fit it..."

"This was the largest size they got in store and I promise you it is not for me." You smirked devilishly packing your identification card, money and spare clothes as well."

"Y/N, please tell me you could not possibly mean..." Erina said eyes wide connecting the dots.

"Of course I do, I am sure he will love it." You winked laughing gleefully as Erina shook her head in disbelief as you posed dramatically, covering the left side of you face with your hand.

Joseph was running from the vampire, his goal was to lure him away from the crowd.

"Wait up Jojo!" Smokey cried out following after the young Joestar as the crowd stared after the duo in disbelief. However Straizo was hanging onto the wall of the façade of the destroyed diner mumbling darkly:" I may be immortal but it will take great energy to regenerate my shattered body."

As the crowd slowly dispersed as a young woman was taking a photo with her camera of the diner.

"All right! What a scoop! The papers will eat this up!" She cheered happily. "Get ready world! Here comes my reporting debut!"

Still unknown to her Straizo climbed down the wall in the shadows to the night digging his fingers into the wall he crashed the stone with his fingers effortlessly. She looked up in shock alarmed by the noise but Straizo jumped out of her field of vision landing on the ground despite his injured state of his body. However it did not left unnoticed by the young woman s she heard him landing.

Something is behind me? She realized gulping in fear not daring to turn around.

In front of a bridge stood Joseph in the dark as Smokey panted from all the running.

"We should be safe now, right?" He questioned the tall brunette.

"I am afraid not Smokey, listen...." Joseph replied not moving

"Listen to what? The river?" Smokey inquired further finally catching his breath.

"Wrong look up!!" Joseph shouted turning around to see Straizo in all his glory with the female reporter as hostage. He stuck his fingers in her mouth muffling her screams of help as her blue skirt moved with the cold night wind.

"He is still after us! Run for it!" Smokey panicked at the terrifying sight.

"This woman is my hostage!" Straizo exclaimed menacingly. "If you run she dies! If you climb up here I will let her go."

"What are you thinking? I do not even know that woman moron!!" Joseph taunted pointing at the woman in Straizo's grasp.

"Let's run Jojo!" Smokey suggested looking around frantically.

"I am testing you." The vampire announced. "If you abandon this woman and flee I will know what sort of man you are. My body has reached exhaustion and cannot pursue you. I know you would not seek I revenge for Speedwagon. But if you climb up here to save her a woman you do not even know you will have proven your character! You still pose a great threat to me in the future. That is why I shall use all of my remaining power to destroy you here and now! In five seconds I will kill her! Will you run or climb? The decision is yours!" He stated dramatically.

"Give me a break! It is not like we are in love!" Joseph tried to shrug him off. "Beside who would fight you for that ugly chick?" Forgive me Y/N, Joseph prayed in his mind.

"Then I will kill her by grabbing her lower jaw and ripping it down from her mouth!" Straizo declared not bothering, he shoved down his fingers n her mouth as tears spilled from her eyes. "I will keep pulling twisting and tearing until I disgorge her throat chest and everything attached." He threatened.

Sweat tickled down Joseph's face as he tried to keep his cool:"As the great successor to the Tibetan Hamon would ever sink to such a cruel low."

A sickening crack was heard as Straizo ripped out one of her teeth throwing it to the ground towards the young Joestar.

"Her molar! That is her molar!" Smokey realized in horror.

"That bastard! He really yanked it out!!" Joseph's eyes were filled with anger.

"I, Straizo will show no mercy!" The man with the long flowing black hair declared.

"You son of a-.....Straizo!!" Joseph clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "You pay for that!" He ripped his red jacket standing there only with his white tank top. "You are inhuman to the core!"

"Ah, so the cool kid finally reveals his fiery temper!" Straizo commented tossing the girl to the side.

"I rip you to pieces Straizo!" Joseph screamed leaping at the vampire fist raised ready to attack him.

"Try this on for size!!" Straizo attack him with another pink laser attack as Joseph screamed:

"OH NO!!" He stood up proudly holding two tiny glasses one in front of his forehead one in front of his throat. "I can beat that move now! I won't fall for the same old trick. HAMON!" The laser was being reflected by the glass and shot Straizo through his head as the other went through Joseph's shoulder.

"Impossible!" Straizo pressed out.

"Impossible you say? I deflected your beam with Hamon glass which were once a present from Y/N years ago. Finally I could put them to good use. I knew you would aim for my forehead. It was easy to intercept." Joseph said smugly as Straizo fell to the ground.

However he soon stood up again trying to attack Joseph by going over to hand to hand combat, Joseph took a deep breath activating his Hamon.

"Apologize to Speedwagon in hell!!" He hit Straizo's head perfectly before the vampire was able to touch him. "You will sleep soundly tonight, Granny, Y/N:"

Straizo fell from the bridge but Joseph held onto his left arm rescuing him.

"Why did you stop me from falling?" Straizo asked confused. "I might still have enough power to instantly blast away your arm."

"Do it then! I am ready to jab you into oblivion with my left!" Joseph shouted.

"I have just one question. Why did you throw Speedwagon and the other's into the river? Something is fishy. I am sure Y/N has realized it too..."

"Joseph the blood of your grandfather Jonathan flows strongly within you. You appear to be opposites but you share the insatiable thirst for mystery and adventure. And now I shall warn you that nature had drawn you into a destiny you cannot escape." Straizo said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Joseph asked confused.

"Soon you will learn of him, The PILLAR MAN. So you will meet him..." Straizo answered trailing off.

"Do not feed me any of your nonsense!" Joseph was enraged.

"I threw the bodies into the river because of him! The Pillar in the cave began to feed on the blood of the bodies that surrounded it like a plant absorbing nutrients. It was ghastly .So I dragged the bodies outside and into the river. He will surely awaken soon from his two thousand year slumber. Joseph you will soon meet him. Soon you will discover his identity and the true meaning of biological evolution. Your destiny is already written! You and Y/N are...."

Suddenly light ripped through Straizo's body from within shocking Joseph greatly. He is using Hamon breathing! Joseph realized. Which means he is building up Hamon inside his body!

"I regret nothing." Straizo spoke up clearly. "Now I go to hell gladly relishing my momentary and glorious victory over the feebleness of old age. Being young again was my bliss. Y/N always was the light on the end of the tunnel, I strived to be like her and stay by her side, and however I could never reach that point of perfection. I felt self-conscious of my aging body while she is still looking young and beautiful, she is timeless, nothing could ever compare to her. She herself sees it as a chance and curse at the same time. She was the only one I did not want to disappoint but now I realize I did exactly that. Tell her nothing of what I have said Jojo!"

"Straizo wait! I need to know more!" Joseph called out to him but Straizo's boy crumpled as the vampire fell.

"Farewell Jojo!" He smiled as he disintegrated to nothingness leaving an unbearable silence.

"Jojo..." Smokey spoke up from behind him as Jojo hit his chest repeatedly roaring in frustration...

Meanwhile words of Straizo's words efforts had already reached the  NaziGerman information post in Mexico:

A beautiful woman with dark brown wavy hair she put in a high ponytail backed away from the man the cut accidently, holding the razor close to her chest as the trembled: "I am terribly sorry Major von Stroheim! My hand slipped." She shivered in fear. The man with blond hair took down his sunglasses revealing his olive colored eyes; they glistered with annoyance as his cheek was slightly bleeding.

"Lick it!" He bossed her around. "You were the one who cut me right? So sooth my wound with your tongue." He pointed at his cheek.

Hesitantly she agreed, not like she had a choice, fearing for her life she leaned forward licking the cut.

"Do not hurt me now. Gently.....Slowly....Ah, I think the pain is just about gone now." He mocked her until he held the razor under her tongue, one wrong move and it would be cut off. "Oh no! Watch out! You will cut yourself." He teased her playing with the razor as she continued to shiver not daring to move, too afraid of his next move.

"Pardon me, Major von Stroheim!" A soldier spoke up saluting as Stroheim focused his attention at his subordinate putting the razor away. Right about then the legs of the woman gave up holding her mouth with her hands.

"The old man we found on the bank of Rio Dada is now conscious." The German reported. "We can question him about the location of the ruins!"

Speedwagon opened his eyes his head was bandaged he even got a blood transfusion but he was being restrained to the bed. He knew this could not mean anything good.

The sun raised in New York as Joseph checked on the woman Straizo took hostage. "Are you alright? What is your name? Let me escort you home!" He offered trying to flirt with her. That was until he got punched in the face by the blonde.

"What was that for?" He whined.

"How dare call me an ugly chick?" She complained fuming in anger. "That punch was payback jerk!"

The Smokey noticed your figure approaching behind the girl so he called out to you:"Lady Y/N! We are here!!" He waved his arms catching your attention as you walked over to them casually raising your hand happy to see them alive. Of course you knew, you equipped Jojo quite well.

"There you are boys. I searched for the both of you. Did you blow up that diner what a shame I quite liked it there? So....who is this girl and why is she so angry at little Joseph here." You asked Smokey as he shrugged his shoulders answering:

 "He called her an ugly chick." Joseph shut Smokey up covering his mouth with his hands but it was too late. 

A dark and menacing aura emitted from your body. "Joseph you did what again?" You screeched punching him in the guts before rushing to the girl."My deepest apologies miss. This one here has terrible taste in woman. In my opinion you are quite the charming lady, beautiful figure, smooth skin, you truly are a beauty, and Joseph here must be blind to not see that!" You flirted with her calming her down immediately the moment she checked you out.

"Thank you...I am sorry for punching your friend." She blushed scarlet.

"Oh no it was fine he deserved it insulting a woman like you." You winked at the end.

"HEY!!" Joseph screamed fake offended before apologizing like a kicked dog:"I am sorry Y/N." Joseph muttered as Smokey had to stifle his laughter. "But I swear it was not like that, please you have to believe me-" He tried until her screaming caught all of you off guard. "Her ear had been masking the pain." Joseph posed as you raised a brow at him.

"Did she get injured?"

"She lost her molar that vampire yanked it out." Smokey explained as you grimaced in pity before walking up to her.

"Hey beautiful, please could you stand still for a moment I can make the pain go away. HEAL!!"

Your stand manifested itself starting to make her another molar in its place and moved on to heal Joseph shoulder injuries.

"Wow thanks Y/N! I do not know how you do that but that is awesome!" He smirked as the woman in front of you felt her cheek, realizing her molar was there, despite being ripped out.

"How?" She asked you but you were already walking back to Erina's house with Joseph and Smokey following you.

"Wait! Could you please tell me your name? I want to repay your kindness." She called after you as you turned your head grinning:

"Call me Y/N. Nice to make you acquaintance lady, but I need no payment."

On your way home Joseph decided to speak up again:"Straizo told me something really interesting about a Pillar Man, it is bugging me. Y/N do you know anything about it?"

"Yes and no. There in the ruins I sent Speedwagon to, is something like a man in a pillar; I do not know anything else. Joseph still up for and adventure? I guess it is time for us to visit Mexico." You smiled grimly.

Major von Stroheim was spraying insect repellent all around the place until he inhaled some of it, ending in a coughing fit after regaining his composture he started questioning Speedwagon:

"How are you felling Speedagon?" He questioned. "We have a saying back in Europe: A town where the old kill themselves is soon to fall. It seems you are hiding a very dangerous secret indeed." He pushed a button on the wall opening the windows revealing the man in the pillar in a laboratory.

"Might it be about him? I brought him here after you divulged the location of the cave!"

"God how has it come to this? Why didn't you let me die!" Speedwagon cursed. "Why have you kept me alive?"

"You are mistaken Speedwagon. I Stroheim am the one who has kept you alive." Stroheim snapped his fingers motioning for a man in a white lab coat to move forward with a syringe filled with a purple liquid.

"We know you are not one to break under torture even in your old age." Stroheim continued. "You ventured alone and penniless to Texas where on death's door you discovered an oil field in the desert or so the rumors. Your boss the head of the Speedwagon Foundation was it who sent you therein reality. Now your boss and you influence the world economy. But German medical ingenuity is unparalleled! We can achieve anything!"

"A truth serum? What more do you want from me?"

"Everything! Tell us everything!" Stroheim shouted enthusiastically."Tell us about the past! Tell us about Straizo! About Joestar! And most importantly about your boss Y/N L/N and her pretty little secret, she does not age, does she? Tell us so we can awaken the PILLAR MAN!!!"

"No you do not understand anything!" Speedwagon protested. "He could destroy the world." Stroheim looked him dead in the eye before deciding to ignore his words:

"Prepare the bloodletting experiment to feed the Pillar Man. I expect perfection!" Stroheim commanded.

->To be continued->

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