Tom Holland Imagines

By peterprkerr

238K 3.5K 351

The work here is mine and under no circumstance does anyone have permission to repost to any platform, distri... More

Rules (requests, part 2s, etc.)
Prompt List
Free Fall
Sleepovers - Headcanon
Lipstick Stains
Clingy - Headcanon
Shy Smiles
Clubbing - Headcanon
Sick Days - Headcanon
Give Me A Week
De-stress - Headcanon
Not Quite A Morning Person
Musical - Headcanon
I'm Worried About You
Silent Treatment - Headcanon
These Days
Writing Inspiration - Headcanon
Comic Book Meetings
Hyping Up Tom - Headcanon
You Are In Love
Roasting Each Other - Headcanon
Refuge In A Storm
Mistakes Happen, Right?
What're Friends For?
Break Up In A Small Town
Have A Heart
Bottle Of Red, Case Of Blues
Anything For You
Coming Home
In Front Of You
Ghost Of You
Chasing Lonely (18+)
Bad Timing
Lonely Holiday
The Wild Hunt
Roses (18+)
Birthday Boy (18+)
Teddy Grahams & Coffee
Maybe Someday
Feel Something prt. 1
Yard Decorations
The Moment I Knew
Just Friends?

One Of The Good Ones (18+)

2.6K 38 6
By peterprkerr

Pairing: Tom Holland x Single Parent!Reader
Summary: You've given up on the dating life after plenty of dates that've gone south the second they find out about your daughter, Caroline. But, your friends are getting married and that leads to you meeting Tom and he's really not that bad. But is he different from everyone else?
Warnings: Fluff, alcohol mentions, some angst, smut, mentions of past cheating, bold italics are thoughts

The morning sun creeps through under your pulled curtains, illuminating small spaces of the pale carpet of your bedroom floor. By the looks of the orangey tones, you know it's far too early to be awake, just another hour or two would be amazing. So, you roll over, facing your closet only to be met with big eyes the color of yours, standing beside your bed holding a stuffed Sven from Frozen.

The corner of your mouth turns up, knowing the sweet thought of sleep is completely gone.

"Yes?" You ask.

Your daughter, Caroline, grins, hugging the toy to her chest. "I'm hungry."

"Of course, you are."

Caroline, truly the light of your entire life. She is perfect with hair like her dad's and your eyes and the smile that could light up a million skies. And she might be four, but you swear she's the smartest four-year-old in the world. She might not have been planned but there is never a day that goes by that you don't thank the universe for her, even through the tantrums thrown in a store or the sick days or the messiness that comes with having a little one.

"Frosted Flakes?" You ask and your daughter just grins even wider, her eyes going wide with excitement as she nods her head quickly. "Okay, get your bowl out."

"Yay!" She yells excitedly before darting off to the kitchen, leaving you in your not so morning bliss state.

That hour of sleep would be great but Caroline comes first and that girl loves to wake up at the crack of dawn. Which, then again, a bonus side to that is that she does go to bed early so getting her ready for daycare or your parents' house when you have to work isn't so bad. So, really, you can't complain too much when she gets up so early on the weekends.

You slide out from under the blankets, stretching before making your own way into the kitchen. When you reach the tan room, Caroline is sitting at her spot in her pink and blue booster chair she's quickly growing out of, with her Frozen bowl and matching spoon ready to go. Sven is sat in the chair next to hers with his own bowl and spoon.

"How long have you been up?" You chuckle, making your way to the Keregg to make yourself coffee and knowing full and well she doesn't quite understand how time works unless it's in the forms of Paw Patrol and Tangled The Series episodes.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Hours." She says dramatically.

"Oh, hours, huh?" You go over to the fridge and grab the half-empty box of cereal from up top and go for the milk inside the fridge. "And how long do you think an hour is?"

She shrugs her shoulders, scrunching her face in thought. "One Paw Patrol."

You chuckle softly, shaking your head as you shake some of the frosted flakes into her bowl. "2 Paw Patrol."

"Ugh." She groans loudly. "That's so lonnnngggggggg."

"Nooooo." You joke, pouring milk into her bowl before she starts devouring her cereal as if she's never eaten before. "Slow down, you'll choke."

"'Mokay." She mumbles, mouth completely full and milk coming out of the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, don't talk with your mouth full." You poke her nose as your Keregg goes off.

"Sowwy." She states once she swallows. "What about Fen?" She says, mispronouncing the animal's name.

"Right, right, sorry." You state and quickly add no more than ten pieces of cereal to the bowl.

Caroline continues to eat her cereal while you finish getting your morning coffee and head to the living room that's attached to the kitchen. You turn on the tv and turn on Paw Patrol for Caroline to watch while she eats, an easy routine you've gotten into on weekends you're off and she's with you. She's allowed to watch TV while she eats as long as she finishes her food, which is never really a problem.

By the end of the episode, you've gotten your own bowl of cereal and sat across from Caroline, checking your notifications from the time you were asleep. Nothing out of the norm. A few Facebook notifications and a few texts from your mom and friend. It's your friend's text that grabs your attention though.

She's getting married in just a short few months, so naturally, there must be some type of "bachelorette" party. But, in this case, it's not the normal. Her and her finance would rather just have the few of their friends get together for a weekend at a lake. No strippers, no games, just the few of you hanging out as if you were teenagers again. It sounds great, definitely, but there is Caroline and she always comes first.

Her dad had to work this weekend and your parents had plans. So, you couldn't attend the full weekend and if you're being honest, you wouldn't typically just up and go away for a weekend, a weekend you have with Caroline but given that it is your friend's bachelorette weekend, you felt it was a special enough and rare enough occasion that you could at the very least go to the lake for a day. Not even a full night, pobably. Just the day to see your friends and celebrate with them for a bit.

Your parents offered to babysit while you were there and even encouraged you to go saying that you deserved some time with your friends. It's appreciated but nonetheless, you feel guilty looking at the sweet and innocent child holding the stuffed animal. She loves her grandparents and you know she'll be happy to see them but if it were her dad's weekend, it'd just be different.

"Are you excited to go see grandma and grandpa?" You ask, almost hoping she won't want to go so you'll have an excuse to stay home with her.

But, her eyes are bright as her attention snaps to you. "Gamma and Gandpa?" She asks, almost yelling with excitement which has you laughing. She acts like she hasn't seen them in ages when she just saw them a few days ago.

"Yes." You chuckle. "I'm gonna see Claire today so you're gonna hang out with grandma and grandpa."

Caroline tosses her hands in the air, Sven in one hand. "Yay!" She yells. "Now?"

You shake your head, still chuckling softly. "Not yet, we have to get ready first."

"I get ready now." Caroline says, quickly wiggling out from the booster seat and taking off to her bedroom before you could even get a word in.

Her reaction does make you feel better about going because at least she's excited about spending time with your parents but, at the same time, there's a part of it that almost hurts she's so okay with getting to spend time with them this weekend and not you. But, then again, she's only four and you have her during the week, every week. So, you shrug your shoulders, assured that Caroline will be just fine.

Within the next two hours, you and Caroline are all packed up for your day. You made sure to pack extra for the both of you just in case you decide to stay the night at the cabin. You know you probably won't but just in case, it's only fair that you're prepared.

"I'll call grandma when I'm coming to pick you up." You say as you get Caroline out of her car seat.

"When is that?" She asks, allowing you to help her out of the car, you leaning in to grab Sven and had him to her.

"After dinner." You state. "But, you might be here in the morning."

"Sleepover?" She exclaims, eyes wide with a smile across her face while you're shutting the door, her backpack slung onto your back.


"I wanna stay!" She yells with cheer.

"Well, we'll see, okay?" You ask, holding a kind smile, now feeling like Caroline is the one making the decision for you to be with your friends.

"Okay." She states, the excitement fully deflated as you knock twice on the door before opening it for her.

It's easy enough dropping Caroline off at your parents'. She always loves going over there. The second she walks in the door, she's getting her shoes off and darting to the living room right onto your dad's lap in his chair, getting fully engaged in whatever show or movie he happens to be watching -- it's always kid-appropriate since he expects her and knows she'll be there to watch whatever he's watching. Your mom always reassures you that Caroline will be fine and she'll call if she needs anything -- she won't but it makes you feel a bit better to have the reassurance.

You arrive at the cabin within a few hours, plenty of cars lined up in the driveway and open grass. It's the only cabin in a 20-acre radius, aside from the cabin across the lake. It's secluded which you have to admit is a nice change of pace from the city you're used to. And it is beautiful. You understand why your friends went for more of a cabin-feel wedding theme. Not full-out country but it has the cabin feel and you get it.

"Y/n!" Claire yells as she sees you get out of your car. "You made it." She cheers as she reaches you. "I kind of thought you'd chicken out if I'm being honest." She chuckles while you get your bag from the backseat.

"I wouldn't chicken out on your bachelorette?" You say the word as a question, not sure how to phrase the weekend. "Party."

"Good because we're gonna have fun." She states, hooking her arm into yours.

"Good." You state with a soft smile.

She walks you over to the main lawn facing the lake. You see your friends split between a picnic table, a grill, and a game of bean bags going on. A stack of plates sits at the end of the picnic table while a blue and white large cooler sits underneath. Everyone wears a smile as laughter seeps through the air and cheering comes from the bean bags.

"You made it!" One of your friends yells as you approach the table.

"I said I'd be here." You say with the shrug of your shoulders and a smile.

"Aye!" Harrison cheers, waving at you from the grill with a metal spatula in hand. "C'mere!" He waves you over and you roll your eyes but humor him anyway and make your way to him, Claire sill arm in arm with you.

"Hello, Harrison." You chuckle. "What can I do for you?"

"You," Harrison says, gesturing his head to the brunette beside him you've managed to miss. "Can finally meet my best friend. Y/n, this is Tom. Tom, Y/n."

One word comes to mind as the boy with brown curly hair and nice arms flashes you a gentle smile: gorgeous.

"Hi." You say shyly.

"Hey, heard lot 'bout you." He says with a soft chuckle, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand. "Maid of honor, yeah?"

"Yeah, that'd be me. Best man?"

"That'd be me." Tom chuckles softly, repeating your words. "Good to finally meet you."

"You, too."

The thing about Tom is that he isn't from here. Harrison had moved years ago for college, that's how him and Claire met. Tom happens to be a friend from Harrison's hometown and despite the occasional visits, you've never managed to meet him. You've heard plenty of stories as you're sure he's heard plenty about you but this is your first time meeting him. And part of you wishes you'd have met him sooner because even through those few sentences of conversation, you're already charmed but maybe that's just his smile and goofy eyebrow.

"Well, food's done." Harrison says, scooping the burgers and hotdogs onto a plate. "Think I cooked it all right."

"The only way you can really mess up a grill, even with the vegan stuff, is if you burn it." You state, soft sarcasm in your words.

"Which," Claire says, unhooking your arm from hers as she grabs a pair of tongs to pick up a burgee. "Is exactly what I think you did. This is a hockey puck."

"Is not!" Harison defends, snatching the burger with his fingers from the tongs. You, Claire, and Tom watch as he frantically grabs another plate to put down the meat. "'S hot." He states.

"What gave you that impression? The burning grill or black char?" You retort, grinning ear to ear. One of the many reasons you like Harrison is that you can go back and forth with him. Surely, you and your best friend's significant other have to have good banter.

"Ha-Ha." Harrison glares at you. "Not a hockey puck."

"Mate, you can't grill." Tom chuckles, lightly moving Harrison out of the way. "Order food instead?"

Harrison lets out an exasperated sigh, nodding slightly. "Yeah," He pulls up his phone and looks for the closest pizza restaurant as pizza is just the easiest choice in ordering food. "We'll get a few pizzas."

"'S good idea." Tom chuckles.

Within a few minutes, four pizzas are ordered with toppings for everyone but with being far out in the middle of nowhere, delivery isn't exactly an option. So, when the pizzas are ordered, Harrison and Claire run to get them, figuring by the time they reach the restaurant, the pizzas will be done. So, you find yourself with a few of your friends, distracting yourselves from your growling stomachs with matches of bean bags.

You and your friend Jules team up while you go against Tom and Harry. You're on the side with Tom, Jules and Harry having hit it off and having a "thing" so they wanted to stand next to each other and be competitive.

"So," Tom starts as Jules starts tossing her bean bags. "How long have you and Claire known each other?"

"Since high school." You state with a gentle smile. "We had a few of the same classes and just kind of clicked. How about you and Harrison?"

Tom chuckles. "Don't even really know, think we were thirteen or something. We went to the same school."

"School, bringing people together." You let out a laugh.

"Yeah," Tom nods. "Just glad to still have him as a friend. Lost touch with most 'em."

You nod in understanding as Harry starts tossing his bean bags. "Yeah, Claire's like the only friend I still have pre-college."

It goes a little silent between the two of you, Tom taking a sip from his beer. He knows enough about you given Claire talks about you pretty often but it's got him a bit nervous. Maybe it's the way the sun hits your eyes or the shy smile that makes him want to know so much more. Having just met you, that is a bit odd, especially for him. He doesn't normally feel a sense of butterfly-nervousness with someone he just met. After his last relationship, he's been able to keep that all bottled up and just avoid situations that might give him that bubbly feeling but he's playing bean bags with you and there's just something about you that's making him not even realize he keeps taking stolen glances.

As for you, you just don't do the boys thing anymore. It just never ends well. The guys you've tried to even just get to know end up flaking or being all weird when you tell them about Caroline. You get it to some extent, you're still young and a lot of people just aren't into having kids yet which is fine. But, it's not like you've asked them to suddenly step in and be some type of father to Caroline. They just assume and it's hurtful to be left high and dry because they can't accept the biggest and most important part of your life, even though you know they aren't worth it and they suck if they can't accept Caroline.

That said, Tom is so cute and it's hard for you to keep yourself from glancing at him especially when he laughs as the bean bag game continues.

After your two out of three games with the boys and Jules has come to end, unfortunately Tom and Harry walking away the winners, Harrison and Claire are back with food and no one wastes any time in grabbing a plate and a few slices.

The day continues with random chatter and music playing as the sun goes does down which is when the fire gets started by Tom, Harrison, and Harry. It definitely leads you to wonder how many guys it takes to light a small fire. Apparently, the answer is three guys and a half a bottle of lighter fluid followed by loud cheers when the flame finally stays.

With everyone gathering around the fire, Tom decides to take a seat next to you. While he was catching glances of you, he couldn't help but notice you doing the same. So, he decides fuck it, takes a shot to sit beside you with some graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate.

"S'more?" Tom asks, holding up the bag of marshmallows.

You feel heat creep up your face at the nice gesture, nodding softly. "Yeah, thank you."

"How do ya like your marshmallow?" He asks and once you tell him your preferred fire ratio, Tom gets your marshmallow going in the fire while you get the rest of the s'more ready. "What, uh, what do you?" Tom asks, trying to start a conversation. "Like job?"

"Oh, I work at a bank." You state.

"Oh? How's that? Not very good at math, feel like it'd be hard." He jokes with a chortle.

"Not too bad." You shrug with a light laugh. "Good hours, holidays and Sundays off. The math side isn't too bad. How about you?"

"Carpentry." Tom states, taking your marshmallow from the fire and sticking it onto the chocolate while you add the top graham cracker, Tom pulling the poker away once you have the marshmallow squished.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, actually." A light comes across Tom's face before he starts making himself a s'more. "A lot of my family is in the industry so it's like a family thing and I'd like to think I'm good at it."

"As long as you're happy with it, I think that's the most important." Your lips pull into the softest and most sincere smile Tom's ever seen and he swears it's not the fire bringing heat to his cheeks and heating up his chest.

"Oh, yeah. Wouldn't want to do anything else."

The two of you share a smile and making Tom completely forget about his marshmallow because how could he possibly concentrate on anything besides you when you look at him with gentle eyes and an honest smile?

The conversation between the two of you doesn't stop this time, though. He makes his s'more and the two of you just go back and forth discussing all sorts of random topics between movies and food, finding out you have similar tastes. And then stories start up, stories of family and friends and school days. Job stories, really anything the two of you can think of and it's like you've known each other for years. In fact, it's not until Claire grabs your attention that you and Tom realize everyone was packing up to go inside and the fire has almost been completely burned out.

There's a sense of embarrassment that cascades over the two of you because you realize the both of you didn't even really talk to anyone else besides each other and this isn't even about the both of you. You're both supposed to be there celebrating for Harrison and Claire but Harrison and Claire couldn't be bothered in the slightest. Little do you and Tom know, Claire and Harrison have been dying for you two to meet because they knew you'd hit it off immediately, and sure enough, they were right. But, you and Tom just get up, Tom ruffling a hand through his hair and you brushing off your shorts before you separate and head in the house with everyone else.

"Getting to know Tom, I see." Claire nudges your arm as she whispers to you.

"I'm being polite." It's not a lie. It would be rude if you ignored him.

"Mhm." Claire rolls her eyes, a sly grin creeping onto her face. "Well, you're my maid of honor and he's the best man so you guys have to get along."

"Don't worry, I know." There's a joking snark in your voice as you nudge her back. "What's the plan for the rest of the night?" You change subject before she can ask anything else.

"We're going to watch Harry Potter, of course." Claire remarks, looking at you as if you should have been able to read her mind. 

"What a surprise." Sarcasm coats your words, knowing Claire has just a tad bit of an obsession with the series so it would be surprising if Harry Potter wasn't on the itinerary at some point.

By the time everyone is in the house and changed into pajamas of sorts, Claire has the movie and bowls of popcorn ready to go. Everyone finds spots on different couches and the floor, blankets and pillows being laid out to make the floor more comfortable. It's lead you to realize as you sit on the edge of the couch by Claire alone that basically everyone besides you and Tom are paired up. If it were anyone else's party for any other occasion, you'd think there was some weird ulterior motive here but you know Claire would never do that but especially when it involves her own wedding. So, you roll your shoulders and sit back, ready to enjoy the movie.

About halfway through the movie, you get a text from your mom saying Caroline would be going to bed in about an hour if you wanted to call. Your mom knows you have to say goodnight to Caroline. You just have to no matter what's going on so you excuse yourself from the group and make your way outside, closer to the lake and take a seat in one of the chairs before face-timing Caroline.

Tom takes notice in you excusing yourself, wondering to himself why you'd be getting up to go outside. It's not exactly warm outside, especially being right on the lake and he saw you were on your phone so a part of him wonders if there's something wrong. But, at the same time, he knows it's not actually his business, so he refocuses on the TV and tries to keep you out of his mind.

You lean back in your chair as crickets chirp in the distance and the moon reflects off of the lake. It was nice talking to Caroline and you're happy she's having a good time, in fact, knowing she's having such a good time has eliminated the guilt you felt about coming out to the lake. So, the few minutes you're taking just to yourself to overlook the lake and the sky feels amazing. But your silence is soon interrupted when a shadowed figure walks up to the seat beside yours.

"Hey, what're you doin' out here?" It's Tom.

"Enjoying the lake." You state with a soft smile, turning your head up to him.

Tom nods, hands in his front pockets. "Is quite nice out here." He pauses, turning his head to look at the lake. "Mind if I sit?" He asks, nodding towards the empty seat.

"Sure." You nod and your heart flutters a little as he takes a seat. "Why're you out here?" You ask, careful not to make yourself come off rude as you are just curious what has him away from the rest of your friends.

"Just needed a break, I guess." Tom shrugs. "And I saw you out here by yourself." A soft and gentle chuckle leaves his lips.

"Ah." You say, a soft smile on your face as you nod gently, only glancing at him out of the corner of your eye.

"Yeah..." Tom says and the air fills back with just the sounds of chirping crickets.

Tom said, ever since his last girlfriend, that he was just kind of done with it all for a while. The games and drama just isn't worth it. And he's been able to hold true to that but he's met you today and suddenly, things have changed. It feels right with you. He's just met you but he feels maybe it's okay to let the past go, or try to, and put himself out there.

Fuck it.

"Aye, uh, so you're the maid of honor." Tom starts, clearing his throat a little between words, making you look at him. His heart skips a beat as he gets a clear look of your face once more thanks to the neon moon.

"And you're the best man." You nod, also stating the obvious, oblivious to what Tom is thinking.

"Well, I was just thinkin' maybe we should get together some time, have a chat or something. Ya know, since we've other things to help plan." Tom suggests all while fiddling with his fingers, a trait you take notice in and find a bit cute.

But, you're wondering if he's asking you on a date and you're really hoping he's not because sitting under the stars and moon, overlooking the lake with a cute boy is amazing. But, the date aspect would be terrible. It'd ruin the moment. You've been on plenty of dates since Caroline was born. It's been four years and you and your ex broke up before she was even born. So, you've had dates, more so over the past year, but dates nonetheless and they've all ended not great.

The second you bring up Caroline, the guys ghost. It's like no guy your age can even fathom dating a woman with a child. Of course, you knew there would be guys who wouldn't be interested which you do understand. Dating, for a lot of people, isn't just for fun and company but they're looking for a long-term partner which you are, too for the most part so a lot of them look at it as they're looking into being a step-parent yet. So, they bail but the thing is that they ghost. And sometimes, they don't even do it right away.

There have been a few who've lead you on for months after finding out about Caroline. They lead you on and make you trust them. You reveal special parts of yourself you only reveal to certain and very specific people. You set them on their type of pedestal because they've earned your trust. But, then, when you feel you may be about ready to introduce them to Caroline, they're gone. They've deleted you from all social media (some even blocking you), not responding to texts or Snaps. They just completely disappear. It's a bit heartbreaking and you're not really looking to invest in that right now.

"Um..." You say, not knowing exactly how to say all of that without actually saying it or actually asking him if it would be a date.

"Well, I just... I mean if you want to. Just a coffee to plan the rest of the reception. Haz said they haven't figured it out yet." Tom explains.

"Oh, yeah." You nod your head, remembering Claire mentioning it to you, remembering she wants you to help plan it. "Claire mentioned it to me, too."

" I was just thinkin' we could surprise 'em. Do it ourselves for em."

A smile crosses your face with the nice thought for your friends. Maybe it's not a date and everything will be fine. How could you not agree anyway? Clair loves surprises. Harrison even went all out for the proposal and made it this huge surprise because she's just obsessed. So, how could you not help Tom plan this? As the maid of honor.

"I think it's a good idea." You nod your head in agreement.

"Yeah?" Tom asks, excitement laced in his voice.

"Yeah." You chuckle softly. "When did you want to plan it?"

"Uh, I'm off on Monday and get off at six the rest of the week."

"Mmm." You hum, knowing you won't want to really want to ask your parents to babysit again, even if it's only for an hour or two.


"It's daughter won't have a babysitter I don't think this week." You explain.

"Oh." Tom's voice gets deflated and you assume it's because of the mention of Caroline, which yes does hurt but you also know that anyone who can't accept Caroline isn't worth a second more of your time.

Daughter? DAUGHTER? Wait, married? No ring. Haz didn't mention anything. Foot in mouth. Need to say something. Tom. Think. LUNCH BREAK.

"Well, how's a lunch break? Figure if we're just planning won't take too long."

Your eyes widen a bit surprise but then you remind yourself that this is not a date anyway so of course, the deflating his voice was not because of Caroline. "Well, yeah, actually. I have lunch around one on Monday. We can meet then and if we need to get together for anything else, maybe over the weekend sometime. My daughter will be at her dad's."

Oh, single mom.

"Okay," Tom starts, a bit more cheery. "I can give you my number so we can plan where to meet."

"Sounds good." You take out your phone and had it over to Tom, allowing him to put in his phone number.

"What's your daughter's name?" Tom asks, handing your phone back and leaning back in his chair.

"You wanna talk about my daughter?" You quirk a brow and Tom shrugs.

He wants to get to know you. Haz has talked plenty about you and so has Clair, although both failing to mention you had a daughter. But, still, you've piqued his interest so yeah, he wants to know about Caroline.

"Caroline." You say and you can't help but smile and click the lock button on your screen, showing a picture of you and Caroline grinning at the camera.

"She looks just like you." He says, nodding between your phone and you.

"Think she looks more like her dad half the time." You roll your eyes with a half-chuckle. "She does thing where she'll scrunch her nose when she does't like something and I swear, she is almost identical to him." You shake your head lightly.

"Bet she still looks like you when she does it though." Tom internally cringes as his words leave his mouth.

The fuck was that?

You shrug it off though, the comment coming off as a compliment. "It's fine." You laugh. "He's not bad looking and we're not on bad terms, he's a good dad."

It didn't work between you and her dad but that doesn't mean you guys can't get along. He's a good person and he loves Caroline.

Tom laughs in relief. "Oh, good. How old is she?"

"Turned four a few months ago."

"Fun age." Tom chuckles. "I've cousins about the same age, always fun with 'em runnin' around. Causing a bit of a mess but fun."

"Oh, yeah, she's a mess. She's got this stuffed animal that she feeds every morning and every night."

Tom can't help but laugh at the thought. "That's adorable."

"Yeah, until there's milk and tomato sauce in the fur so you have to sneak in in the middle of the night just to wash it because she also won't sleep without it."

"Oh, of course." Tom laughs, genuinely laughing.

"Sorry, when she's brought up, I can't--"

"Don't apologize." Tom cuts you off. "Don't mind hearing 'bout her."

"Thanks." You feel warmth in your cheeks as you turn your head back to the lake.

It goes a bit silent again and every now and again you can feel Tom glance at you. You'd love to keep talking but you already feel like maybe you've said a little too much. You fear of getting close to another guy that you even feel relatively attracted to and yet you're setting up plans with him and telling him about Caroline. You just feel like maybe you're slipping up already and it's not necessarily that Tom is this masterpiece of a good looking human. He is gorgeous but it's not like he'd be declared "sexist man of the year" by whoever even decides that. It's simply that he just makes you feel comfortable and to an extent you understand. You've always felt comfortable around Harrison so it's natural to feel comfortable around his best friend but maybe that isn't good.

When you get comfortable, things go wrong.

So, you let out a sigh and hold the arms of your lawn chair before getting up and stretching.

"Well, I'm gonna go in but it was nice talking to you."

You see the disappointment in his eyes but he doesn't protest. "Did ya want me to walk you?"

You shake your head, giving him a kind smile. "It's okay, enjoy the lake. How often do any of us really get to enjoy a view like this?"

In reality, you'd love for him to walk with you and you'd love to keep talking but to keep yourself, your heart, safe, you choose to walk away. You walk before he can.

"Right, yeah." He nods sheepishly. "Thanks."

The short walk to the house is a cold one which is strange because it's the end of summer where the nights are still a bit warm and you were just comfortable sitting by the lake. Shouldn't the lake be a bit more cold rather than the walk? But, maybe the conversation with Tom made you feel more comfortable, maybe the nerves you were feeling talking to him kept you warm even in the cooling summer air. Or maybe you're just imaging it, trying to find a reason to go back and talk to him. But, you don't. You keep walking until you reach the cabin door and walk inside where the rest of your friends are on multiple couches, blankets spread out with pillows and a white screen with a projector playing The Goblet Of Fire. All eyes are on you the second they hear the door open.

"Y/n!" Claire cheers as she catches your eye, almost tripping over the blanket that was covering her and Harrison. "How'd it go with Tom?" She asks, her voice cheery as she nudges your shoulder, walking with you to the kitchen.

"Did you send him out there?" You narrow your eyes at her as you go for the fridge.

"No." She laughs. "He went on his own but we all were waiting an eternity."

"Didn't I tell you I didn't want anything right now?" You grab your water from the fridge before shutting it and walking to the counter.

"Yes." Claire states with the shrug of her shoulders. "But, he's different."

You scrunch your face. "Is he though?"

Her eyes widen and the smallest bit of guilt washes over her. "Wait. Did something happen? Oh my gos--"

"No." You cut her off with a laugh. "I'm just saying. They're all different until they're not."

Claire rolls her eyes. "I'm not setting you up, I promise. I just think you guys would at least be good friends." Claire wraps her arm around you and pulls you in for a hug.

You know Claire wouldn't actually set you up with anyone if you weren't looking, especially when the reason is Caroline. So, you trust that Clair didn't tell Tom to go out there or anything. You're positive, he mentioned it and everyone in the room immediately said he should and then sat inside waiting for you and Tom to come in, wanting to know what was going on.

"I know." You nod your head, hugging her back.

"How's Caroline?"

"She's watching Tangled with her grandpa." You let out a soft laugh. "The usual."

"At least it's not Frozen." Claire jokes.

"Oh, no. I'm sure she'll want to watch that tomorrow with me because she would just have to watch it for the billionth time instead of literally anything else."

"You'll just take a nap." Claire continues to joke.

"Oh, definitely. Gotta be sneaky about it though. Just wait until you have kids."

"Mmmmm." Claire hums. "Not for some more year, thanks."

"Lame." You joke, nudging her shoulder as the two of you walk back to the living room.

Claire goes back to Harrison, immediately cuddling right back up to him and his arm immediately going around her before he kisses the top of her head as she rests her head on his shoulder. They've been together for a few years but it's still cute watching them because they really do fit together like a puzzle. But, you take your seat in a large futon, a blanket already draped over it and you make yourself comfortable, just as Harry Potter is submerging himself underwater in the bath of the girl's bathroom.

Within a few minutes, Tom comes back inside and just like you, everyone's eyes go to him. He can't help but feel a bit awkward with all eyes on him, especially with the bit of confusion he's faced with. Did you tell them something? What would you have told them? Did they think something was going to happen just because he went out there with you? Probably by the grin Harrison is giving him.

Harrison does know you're not looking for someone to date right now. And yes, he does respect it but when Tom told him he thought you were really pretty, he couldn't help but tell Tom to try talking to you. Now, he didn't say Tom should hit on you or anything, just talk to you because, again, he does respect you not trying to get with anyone right now. He just wants his best friend to be friends with his finance's best friend, and maybe that can lead to something more. But, all Tom knows is that Harrison is the only one who knows he thinks you're pretty and that he wanted to talk to you so the only thing Tom can figure out is that everyone is just nosy.

Which is very true. And they're about to get nosier because, unbeknownst to you, you're sitting in Tom's spot he previously claimed before going outside.

"Uh...hey." Tom says as he walks to you and now everyone is just watching the two of you, movie fully forgotten.

"Hey." You say, looking up at him.

"I was, uh, I was sitting here." Tom chuckles softly, an awkward blush crossing his cheeks.

"Oh!" You exclaim, feeling the emabrassement rush over you. Harrison and Claire were laid down when you came in so there wasn't room and you didn't even remember Tom sitting here. "I'm sorry. I'll let you--"

"We...there's enough room. Could just share if you want. Nowhere else to sit, ya know?" Tom suggests and you look around, seeing everyone staring but everyone is staring from all other locations, even a spot on the floor which you don't really want to sit with them because they're a couple. A third wheel cuddled on the floor? That's a bit weird when it's not your best friend.

"Um...." You think it over for a second and it is a large futon. Truthfully, you could easily fit three people on it and everyone be sat comfortably. So, what's the harm is sharing the futon for half of a Harry Potter movie? You'll probably go to bed after this one anyway. Why Claire picked the fourth one to start is beyond you but whatever makes her happy. So, you agree. "Yeah, okay."

You scoot over and pull the blanket up so Tom has room to sit and he takes his seat, giving you more space than he really thinks you need. He just kind of tucks himself into a corner, a bit uncomfortable but he figures it's best to try and give more space than crowd you and make it weird. Plus, after a little bit, he figures he can stretch out a little, still giving you space, and it won't be too weird.

By the time the maze scene starts, you've started to doze off. You really are trying not to but the futon is so comfortable and you value sleep so much so your eyes close and you can't even control how you're sliding towards Tom as your body caves into sleep. Your head and upper back end up leaning against Tom's shoulder and chest and he looks down at you, seeing you've fallen asleep. Maybe he should wake you up but he also really doesn't want to because it's barely eleven so you must be tired. So, he opts to just let you sleep.

He readjusts himself carefully so you're leaned more on his chest instead of with his shoulder digging into your back and he pulls your blanket further onto you and just lets you sleep, no more, no less. It's just that.

The next morning comes around and you decided to pretend like you didn't fall asleep on someone who's still basically a stranger and given that it was Sunday, you didn't stay very long after waking up. It wasn't anything personal or even had anything to do with Tom, you just wanted to be able to get home and pick up Caroline.

Picking up Caroline went fairly smooth. She wasn't quite ready to leave your parents' house but she didn't throw a fit. It was nice to be back home and with your daughter even if she did just want to play Candyland and watch Frozen for the rest of the day. And for the most part, you were able to kind of push Tom out of your mind even though he kept creeping back into your thoughts anytime your phone went off, wondering if he were actually going to text you. But, you swore you wouldn't get your hopes up.

But, maybe you should get your hopes up because as you were getting ready for bed, a text came through and it was, in fact, Tom.

Still up for coffee?

A smile plasters itself across your face and you have to remind yourself, it's not a date because you don't do that anymore.

As long as we're still planning for Claire and Harrison lol

The lol wasn't exactly needed but you didn't want to sound too cold about meeting up with him. This was for your friends after all.

Of course
Starbucks near you?

There is a Starbucks down the street from your work and you could easily walk there on your lunch break plus that is probably one of the most casual places to meet up with someone.

There's one on Harlem. It's down the street from my work. Tomorrow 1pm?

Sounds good 😊

You could let the conversation die there but at the same time, you just have to have the last word, just to make sure he knows you got his message even though you're certain he can see the read receipt on his end.

Good 👍 See you then

Tom gets to the Starbucks you directed him to a full half-hour early. He just wanted to make sure he wasn't late. After you had left, he had a bit of a talk with Claire and Harrison about you, nothing bad and nothing said out of turn about you. But, Claire did inform Tom of your past relations with guys and how they all just leave so you just choose to not get involved. Claire told him the last guy seemed to have broken the last piece of you so he shouldn't push it. Be your friend but don't give up if he sees there could be something. And Tom understands.

The last girl he was with cheated on him. They were together a little over two years, lived together, started planning a life together until one night when a fight broke out. Tom couldn't even tell you what even started it but whatever it was, it lead to his then-girlfriend confessing she'd been cheating on him for months. So, maybe she broke the pieces of him, too and he didn't really want to start anything with anyone again. Who really wants to after that? But, maybe there's a point where he needs to trust again.

"Hey." You grab Tom's attention as you pull out the chair across him and take a seat.

"Oh, hey." Tom smiles wide, sliding your coffee to you as well as a sandwich. Tom might have texted you in the morning and asked for your order so he could already have it ready when you got there.

"Thank you." You return the smile before taking a sip of your coffee. "So, do you have any ideas?"

Tom raises his brows at how quick you are to jump into it.

Not wasting any time.

"Actually," He lets out an award laugh, running his hand through his hair. "Not a clue."

"I got you." You give him a grin. "Okay, so Claire is like this insane hopeless romantic. You wouldn't guess on her choice of marathon movies for the bachelorette/bachelor party but she is. And I know how the wedding is going to look so the reception should probably have the same concept."

"Right, yeah, makes sense." Tom nods, wondering what in the hell he's gotten himself into. He's not good at this. He dug himself a hole and now has to find a rope to toss to the top and climb the hell out and fast.

"So, they're doing something a bit more country and outdoors but I know Claire wants it to be very warmy and welcoming while still having that sense of wedding and not a barn. So, have you seen Tangled?"

"Like, the Disney movie?" Tom quirks a brow.

"Yeah, Rapunzel."

"I have actually." Tom can't help but laugh. Maybe he likes all Disney movies.

His answer catches you off guard but it makes you really happy because maybe most guys would feel weird about having seen a Disney princess movie. "Okay, there's that scene on the water. That's what I wanna go for for the reception. Wedding is held outside in a barn, naturally, but there's this huge pavilion on the property that we can use. String up a ton of lights, light lots of candles. Her colors are purple and yellow so we can play off of that. I don't want it to really read something from Tangled but she raves about how that scene makes her feel so I want this to make her feel that way."

"Okay, yeah, yeah. I could get the lights pretty easy." Tom suggests. "Those....fairy...lights?" He questions.

"Yeah, those." You give him a reassuring smile. "We could get like, lilies or something and everyone can put them in the lake instead of sending off lanterns since they aren't too good for the environment but flowers are pretty easy."

"You've thought about this a lot." Tom chuckles.

You shrug. You'd want someone to pay that close of attention to your interests and do something like that for you on your wedding day. You'd love to be happy and getting married one day so doing this kind of gets it out of your system and lets you almost live through Claire plus she is your best friend and you will do anything in your power to make sure this is the best day of her life.

"I like the idea of weddings and they deserve it." You state before taking a bite of your sandwich.

"Could get there early and set it up." Tom suggests.

"I can grab the flowers and candles, there will already be plates and stuff there so, yeah that works. We'll have to time it right though because I gotta be with Claire basically the whole time. She's excited but she's going to be nervous."

"So will Haz." Tom laughs. "Already a bit nervous."

"Why?" You ask with a soft laugh.

"Don't know." Tom shrugs. "Think it's just a big step and he's ready but I dunno. Think he just doesn't wanna fuck it up."

"Makes sense."

With that, the conversation continues into timing and pictures pulled up so Tom knows exactly what you have in mind and he participates by looking up pictures himself and asking about certain things. Turns out, the both of you can plan really well together. In fact, it goes so well that it was a good thing you set alarm for yourself so you'd know when to get back to the bank because you completely lost track of time. So, before you departed, the two of you agreed to keep in touch about it in case plans change which neither of you really thought would happen in a week but just in case. And just because you both can't help but really enjoy each other's company.

The few months go by and you and Tom had found yourself texting and meeting up to even order the flowers together and get the candles together a different day. You guys met up for almost any type of reception/wedding thing either of you could come up with. It's fun being around each other, that's completely undeniable.

In the time of talking to him and spending time with him, you can't help but feel like maybe you're starting to feel something for him. He's charming and awkward in the cute way and funny. He's gorgeous and he's just so kind and honest. It's hard not to start to feel something for him so it's only natural that after Tom took you to pick up your dress that you invited him in for dinner since Caroline is with her dad for the weekend. And dinner always seems like a good idea especially with the lust of it all kicks in.

The water runs as Tom rinses off the white plate before handing it to you. "Thanks for dinner." He says with a smile, glancing to you before moving onto the next dish.

"Of course." You chime. "It's the least I can do."

"Yeah?" Tom raises a brow. "Why's that?"

You shrug one shoulder, turning your head into it. "It's just been fun hanging out and doing something different. Everything is kind of the same routine normally."

"Nothing wrong with a routine though." Tom shrugs his own shoulders, washing the last dish.

"Yeah, but it's nice to have a change of pace every once in a while."

"True." Tom nods in agreement.

Part of why he decided to move is because he just needed a change. There was a job opportunity here for him with a big company and yeah, he's away from most of his family but he does have Harry and he has Harrison so, it's not so bad and it made the move easier. If anyone would understand just wanting a change, even if it's just temporary, it would be Tom. You have more in common than either of you would have expected which is also a really nice change of pace.

"Why're you staring at me?" You laugh, pulling Tom from his thoughts.

Tom shrugs. "Can't stare at you?" He jokes.

"I mean..." Your cheeks start burning up as you glance down, drying the last dish Tom handed you. "Depends on why."

"If I said it was because you're beautiful, would that give me a pass?" Tom's brows furrow as he gives you a cornered grin, his hip leaning against the counter to face you.

"No." You laugh loudly, shaking your head. "That's a bit cliche, don't you think?"

"Okay." Tom takes the towel from you and dries his hands off before he rolls his shoulders. "What if I said I wanna kiss you?" He avoids eye-contact for a few seconds, worried you'll be looking at him with disgust.

It's just, the past few months you've spent together, you've gotten really close. He's certain he talks to you more than anyone and he definitely knows he likes you. You make him want to throw his apprehensions out the window. Tom's actually wanted to kiss you since the bonfire but that's the thing about lust. It tends to cloud people's judgment and rationality. Luckily, Tom knew that and he was able to ignore it. But, now it's been months and he's certain he does like you, you're not like anyone he's met before. So, he has clear judgment and it's not just lust that wants him to kiss you, it's everything in him.

You finish drying the plate, chewing on your bottom lip. There is a slight chance that over the past few months, Tom has been kind of changing your mind about keeping your distance with any guy that isn't already a friend or relative. It's not that he's just some magic cure to being worried about being left or anything close. That's gonna haunt you for awhile and it's gonna take a lot for you to know that whoever you end up with, won't be like everyone else. But, Tom does make you have a little bit more faith. Just how he is with, how he brings up Caroline in conversation just asking how she is and general stuff without ever trying to intrude his space in your life by asking if he can meet her. He's one of the good ones and maybe you want him to kiss you.

"Maybe," Your voice is low as you turn to face him. "I'd kiss you back."

Tom takes a step forward and rests a hand on your hip so gently you barely even feel his fingertips. "Yeah?" He asks, his forehead pressing to your forehead almost agonizingly slow. 

You nod against him and not even a second later, his lips meet yours and it's like the world stops spinning for a second. You lose your breath and lose all sensations of everything besides the way his lips feel on yours, soft but slightly chapped. And it feels amazing.

Tom's lips move against yours as you snake your hands up to his hair, threading your fingers through the slightly curled strands. It's been so long since anyone has kissed you let alone had a kiss like this. One where nothing even matters in that moment besides that person's breath tangled with yours. With every kiss and every movement of his hands over your body, the euphoria grows and it's like fire. 

Your bones burn with passion, your heart throws flames through your chest, and a haze fills your entire body, eyes, and mind, clouding everything besides this exact moment. The fire spreads through your body and all you can do is tug on the collar of Tom's t-shirt towards your room. And the thing about him is the fire has been building in him, too and he doesn't even care about anything besides you. Right here. Right now. So, he doesn't even focus on where you're pulling him or what you're doing. He just needs his lips on yours as if you're his respirator through a burning building.

You push Tom on your bed, you falling on top of him but your lips barely leave his the entire way down. It catches him off guard and this is the first time the haze dissipates just enough for him to realize this is your room and bedrooms normally mean one of two things and he doesn't think you're suddenly going to bed.

"What..." Tom pants, pulling away from you. "What, uh, what're we doing?"

Your heart is beating so fast you barely even hear what he says but you do and it takes a few seconds because what even are you doing? But, there's not a part of you that's even actually second-guessing bringing him into your room. You're only wondering why he stopped. It feels right with him, it really does so if he wants to kiss or do more, you're happy with that.

"Um...if you want I was just...." You sit up, resting your hands on his chest as you straddle his lap, Tom's hands grasping your hips. "If you don't want to, we don't have to do."

"Have sex?" Tom asks, really wanting clarification here because he's not about to push you too far.

"Yeah." You nod.

"Are you sure?"


A grin crosses Tom's lips knowing that's all he needed to hear before he shoots up from the bed, wrapping his arms around your back and holding you close to him, lips attached to yours in seconds.

Everything heats up from there. You slide your hands to the hem of Tom's shirt sliding it over his head and getting a look at him and wow. It was obvious he's fit but you didn't expect abs like that. And he slides your shirt off right after, getting a look at your red bra holding your breasts nicely and Tom can't help himself from taking off your bra and immediately squeezing your breasts and sliding his thumbs gently over your nipples.

Your moans and grinding against his jeans encourage him to keep going. As his thumbs rub over your nipples creating heat to form more and more between your legs, his lips go to your chest and up to your neck. The kisses are gentle and sweet but fast and breathy and everything about it leaves you dripping and aching for more.

A groan leaves your lips as you move from Tom, hands going to his jeans and buttoning and unzipping his pants. A sigh leaves Tom's lips as you take out his dick and start stroking him. Tom flips the both of you over in a quick motion before standing up and taking off his pants and underwear, you following his lead and removing yours.

Tom puts a knee on the bed, leaning over you and placing kisses up your neck until he reaches your neck. He kisses you one time before slowly and carefully pushing a finger in you. He pulls away as he does, just enough to hear you moan against his lips and a cheery grin comes to lips before he puts in a second finger. 

His fingers pump in and out of you before his thumb moves to your clit, rubbing in fast and small circles. Your body squirms under him and you don't want his fingers anymore. You want so much more.

"Condom, top drawer in the back." You pant, pulling away from him and nodding behind him where a tall dresser stands.

He wastes no time in turning around and grabbing a condom from the drawer, ignoring the weird feeling in the pit of his stomach about going into one of your drawers even with your permission.

You slide up to the head of the bed while Tom slides on the condom and crawls on top of you. When he reaches your head, you can feel the very tip of the condom teasing your entrance but Tom doesn't move. He leans over you for a few seconds, as if just taking you in and it almost makes you feel self-conscious, almost.

"You still want to?" Tom asks and a soft giggle leaves your lips.

"Yes. I want to." You nod and cup his face, bringing his lips to yours.

Tom holds himself up with one arm and uses the other hand to hold his dick and guide it into you. The ache that's been building between your legs is finally getting what it's been wanting and the ache turns into need as you clench around him. Tom's head droops into the crook of your neck, letting himself enjoying a few seconds of you wrapped around his throbbing dick before he starts moving into you.

He starts slow before picking up speed. With every thrust, your moans get louder and Tom slides a hand between the two of you, finding your clit and rubbing it just as he was before. As your moans get louder, the pit in your stomach grows and Tom's thrusts start to become sloppy. With every passing second, your heart beats faster until the pit in your stomach explodes and you're yelling out Tom's name, sending him over the edge.

Your legs wrap around him while your nails dig into him back, pulling him as close to you as possible while you both enjoy your highs from each other.

Once the euphoria starts to dissipate, Tom rolls off of you, a grin on his face and small beads of sweat decorating just the top of his forehead. It was definitely the best sex either of you have had but now the room is silent the fire has been put out and the clarity of reality has set in. You really just had sex with Tom and now you're not even sure what to do but luckily for you, Tom's phone saves you from a potentially weird silence.

"Oh shit." He groans after grabbing his phone from his pants on the floor. "Forgot I was supposed to be Haz's."

"It's okay." You assure him, getting up yourself to put your clothes on.

"Are you sure? Kinda feels weird...ya know? With what we just--"

"It's fine, promise." You give him a smile.

Tom sighs, putting his clothes on after ridding the condom. He does feel bad but it just slipped his mind that he was supposed to be with Harrison tonight as a pre-celebration. Just the two of them.

Tom walks up to you and he gives you a gentle smile. "You are beautiful, though."

"What?" You laugh, shaking your head, now fully clothed.

"Earlier, you said you'd laugh if I said I was starin' 'cause you were beautiful. But, you are."

Heat comes to your cheeks as you roll your eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Tom kisses your cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." You repeat while Tom sees himself out.

While you go to the bathroom and start stripping the bed, the full reality of what happened settles in and there's a part of you that kind of regrets it. Tom's great and you do genuinely like him but what if he does end up like everyone else? You're just gonna get hurt or worse. What if he does stick around long enough to meet Caroline and then she's the one that gets hurt? Maybe whatever happened should just never happen again. Maybe it's for the best to protect you and Caroline. Maybe it's just best to run away from it all because that's so much easier than being left broken and bruised all over again.

You've been dodging Tom's texts since he left the night before. It's rude but you're just confused. You don't want anyone to get hurt and maybe this is the best for everyone. If you could take back last night...maybe you'd redo it. Just maybe. Your heart does want him, your fear just seems to override it. So, you ignore him.

Tom tries to conversate with you while setting up the reception but the most he really gets out of you are head nods and some yeses and noes. It was a bit discouraging considering you had sex the night before and now you're just not talking to him but he couldn't just ask what was going on because he can't get into that on his best friend's wedding day. That would just be selfish so he lets it die as you walk off to Claire.

And the wedding goes just as planned. Harrison definitely cried when Claire walked down the aisle and Claire cried while the vows were read. You teared up, even. They're just perfect together and it just works. And you want that so much. So much it almost hurts. But, you can't focus on what you want because this is about Claire and Harrison and tomorrow it's about Caroline. So, you smile and head outside for the reception.

And when Claire sees what you Tom planned, she cried again and hugged the both of you, profusely thanking the both of you. Right after that, the first dance between Claire and Harrison is held and you swear you've never seen Claire so happy. There were guys through the years she felt maybe they'd be the one but no one makes her as happy as Harrison does and just watching them sends warmth through your chest. And they're just so happy.

"Dance with me?" Tom pulls you from your thoughts as the dance floor fills with people after Claire and Harrison are done.

You shake your head, filling with dread. "I don't dance." You knew you couldn't just avoid him through an entire wedding.

Tom sighs. "You could."

"I don't."

"What's changed? I thought we were--"

"Were what?" You cut him off, the music beating loudly over the two of you.

The snap of your voice catches him off guard. "I dunno, something? At least friends?" He raises the eyebrow with a cowlick.

"We are." You state with the shrug of your shoulders.

"Friends can't dance with each other?"

"Look, I just can't, okay?" You roll your eyes and stand up from your seat, making your way into the hallway.

It's been a few months and you just had sex but Tom is perfectly fine with being friends. It doesn't have to be more than that. He wants it to be but it doesn't have to be. Over these few months, he's gotten to know you better than he's gotten to know anyone in a long time and he's had such a good time with you that he just doesn't get it. You were on good terms when he left the night before so what's changed? And a part of him feels like you at least owe him something, an explanation of sorts, so he follows you and when he catches up to you, he gently puts a hand on your shoulder to stop you.

"You can talk to me, ya know?" Tom says, once you're away from the party and the music.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Think we both know that's a damn lie."

"Look, we're friends and we're good."

Tom scoffs. "Do you give all your friends the cold shoulder?"

You sigh and it's just so hard to say everything that runs through your mind. It's not fair and it's hard to even talk about it.

"I have a daughter." You stress the words, hoping he drops it.

"So? I don't care. You told me the first day you had a daughter. What's that got to do with last night? What's changed?" Tom's so confused and he just wants an actual, honest answer out of you.

"You should care!"

"Why? She's a part of you, don't care. Package deal, right? Well, that's fine. Doesn't bother me. What's that got to do with last night, y/n?"

"But it will, Tom." You stress. "Last night doesn't matter."

"No, it won't and it matters to me. If Caroline bothered me, I'd never had have sex with you."

"That's what everyone says."

"I'm not everyone!" Tom gestures his hands out. "Last girl I dated, our friends let her use their house to hook up with one of their other friends. She lived with me and we'd been dating for years. Cheated on me for months. You're not the only one scared here."


You didn't know that happened and the fact it were people who claimed to be his friends who helped the situation instead of telling him about it?

What the fuck.

"I'm sorry." You look to the floor before glancing to him, chewing the inside of your cheek. "It's hard, okay? The last guy, I really, really liked and I waited six months to bring up him meeting Caroline. He ghosted me the next day, blocked me on everything. That was it. I don't want to do that again."

"'M not gonna do that." Tom stresses. "I'd never do something like that."

"How can I believe you? I barely know you."

"Guess you just gotta trust me. Did Haz or Claire warn you about me?"

You shake your head. "No...they said you were nice."

"Do you trust them?" Tom asks and you nod because you do. More than anyone. "That's how you can trust me. If I were to do that, Haz would kill me. I don't care that you've a daughter. I don't care if you'd have me wait two years to meet her. 'M just asking for a chance. Or a chance at a friendship. We can forget last night if you want. I care 'bout you." Tom takes a few steps closer to you, closing the gap between you. "We had sex and that's fine." A welcoming but small smile comes to his lips. "But, I gotta know if you honestly regret that."

You shake your head. "No, I don't."

"And you like me?"

"I do." You nod your head.

"So, dance with. We'll work it out, alright? Take our time, I don't mind. We don't need a label or rules or whatever. We just do what makes us comfortable and happy." The suggestion almost brings tears to your eyes because no one's ever tried this hard and you believe him.

No one's ever looked at you the way Tom is right now. And it's in that moment that you believe him and you toss out your fears. If anyone is going to be different than the others, it'll be Tom because if he were this ass like the others, Claire would have warned you by now. She would have and you know that.

"Okay." You give him a smile that shows your relief.

"Yeah?" Tom's chest releases in relief. "Okay." He sticks out his hand and you put your hand in his, allowing him to take you to the dance floor, just in time for a ballad to start. And as he rests his hands on your hips and you rest your hand against his chest, you know this is the start of something beautiful. And he's definitely one of the good ones.

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