The Hogwarts Extras

Af charlieweasleyswife

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Ever question what other houses think/ do while the Golden trio/ "main characters" are off saving the world... Mere

•Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy•
•The House Common Rooms•
•Gryffindor and Slytherin's first classes•
•Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's first classes•
•A different Halloween•
•December Tenth•
•The game and a secret passage•
•Christmas at Hogwarts•
•Merry Christmas•
•Slytherin Versus Ravenclaw•
•Exams and Farewells•
•Diagon Alley•
•Mandrakes and Pixies•
•Tryouts and Mudbloods•
•Enemies of the heir, beware•
•The Match and Lockhart's Club•
•The Slytherin's Heir•
•The Attacks•
•The killer•
•Predictions and the Hippogriffe•
•The Invite•
•The Stormy Match•
•The Contis•
•The Estate and Bus•
•His Note and detention•
•The Truth•
•The Late Night Party•
•Her Feelings•
•The Quidditch World Cup•
•Death Eaters•
•The Tournament and the Fight•
•The Unforgivable Curses•
•The Other Schools•
•The Goblet of Fire•
•Dance Lessons•
•Getting Dates•
•The Yule Ball•
•Admitting and Practicing•
•The Second Task•
•Cedric Diggory•
•The Turn on the Task•
•Dumbledore's Speech•
•Prefect Badge•

•The First Task of the Tournament•

13 3 25
Af charlieweasleyswife

A/N: play music when the task starts

"I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now... Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm not ashamed to admit it."

Pansy laughed at the Daily Prophet after reading that bit out loud, and set it onto the table. "Potter cries!" Laughed Caylin. "I can't believe we have a cheat and a cry baby as one of our champions!" Jada added, she took a gulp of her gillywater.

"I would be so embarrassed- how could he not?" Pansy went for a grab of a slice of toast. "It's all an act, no one would be proud to admit that they cry themselves to sleep." Blaise joined into their conversation. "Oh- hey, Blaise." Caylin gave a friendly smile. "Mornin' Cay." He said, returning the smile in equal favor.

Parkinson let out a long snigger, she pointed at a part of the article and began reading;

"'Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl who, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school.'! Top students?! Potter can't even brew the right potion in Snape's class! One of the top students my arse!" Pansy sneered.

"Look at her! She's not even that pretty! I can name at least fifty other girls who are much prettier!" She added. "And, everyone knows that Potter doesn't fancy Granger, he fancies some girl in Ravenclaw." Caylin took the Daily Prophet from the girl's hand. "Those bookworms?" Pansy rolled her eyes. "God, at least it's not that Muggle-born know-it-all."

After the group of Slytherin girls finished their last bowl of porridge, they walked down the Entrance Hall. Coincidentally finding themselves in front of Potter and Granger.

"Watch this." Pansy hushed the group as they made their way closer to the Gryffindor pair.

"Stunningly pretty? Her?" The girl sneered, acting as if Granger couldn't hear a word. "What were they judging against- a chipmunk?" Jada and the Slytherin girls snickered while they past Granger with her head hung low, and a Potter who looked like he was ready to hex them. Caylin just looked away.

On the Saturday before the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, most students, year three and above, were going to their Hogsmeade trip. Ritisha was going with of course, Higgs, Caylin was going with Pansy and Blaise, while Sam and Jada were both stuck together. Noemi on the other hand decided to stay. She wanted to be with Cedric and make sure that he was well prepared for the first task.

"Make sure to bring some butterbeer for me!" Noemi called to her friends. She waved at them from the entrance of the castle, then watched them leave. The Hufflepuff turned and walked down the corridors, she knew where Cedric was. Everyday- in the same place. The library.

The girl walked into the room filled with books, and searched for him there. Since no one was going to be there, other than perhaps the other Champions. Noemi would find him easily by just the sound of him flipping pages, which to her amusement; worked. The girl looked around a bookshelf and saw Cedric leaning over a book, flipping through pages, taking in all the knowledge only to close the book, then start a new one. She walked behind him and drew a chair.

"Hey," Noemi said. "you're going to need a break sometime." she gave him a light tap on the back. "I know, but the task is only days away, and I haven't found anything as to what it could be!" Cedric groaned and threw his head back. "I bet you will, but for now: let's go back to the common room and think together on what that maybe. Also I want you to tell me about this little crush of yours."

He chuckled and began stacking his books up. "Is that the only reason you came? So, you can learn about my love-life?"

"No! Of course not, I'm your best yes I want to know. Tell me now."

"Well, you know that her name is Cho. She's super smart." He put his arm in the air and let the book fly up to where it's meant to be. "She's also just absolutely gorgeous, and her smile! Merlin, what I would give to make me be the one to make her smile like that." Cedric gave a dreamy look and began to lead them both out of the library.

"If I didn't know any better, I say that's more than a crush. How long have you liked her, Ced?" Noemi nudged him. "About a year now. I noticed how pretty she was about two years ago though." Cedric admitted. "It's my new life goal to get you two together!" Noemi put her right hand into a fist and hit in onto her left hand.

Monday came by, which meant that the first task was only mere days away. It was on the twenty-fourth, and people were getting excited unlike the champions; who were getting more nervous by the minute.

Noemi and Ritisha were on their way back from Defense Against the Dark Arts when for some odd reason, Cedric came slightly jogging at them. He had a grin on his face that told the girls that something happened. Diggory got to them and stopped in a huff.

"I-I know the first task."

"You what?!" Noemi almost dropped her books in surprise. "But- but you said just last night that you figured it out!"

"You kept asking if I did- and I wanted you to not be so worried, so I just told you I did." He shrugged and looked out a window. Noemi followed his gaze, and so did Ritisha.

"So, what is it then?" The Gryffindor questioned.

Cedric raised his eyebrow and grinned broadly. "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?"

"PLACE YOUR BETS HERE! DIGGORY OR POTTER!" Called Fred over the large crowd that was getting onto the stands. "WHICH ONE WILL WIN?" Screamed George, he held out a box and began to shake it. Sam walked to them and put a Sickle into the box. "Here's for Diggory." She said with a grin.

The B.B took seats on the second row where they had practically a perfect view of the task. A large terrain that was filled with rocks and sand, in the center was a single golden egg. The sun shone brightly to their right as some students put their hand over their forehead to block it out. The weather was freezing, so all, if not most, students were all bundled up and wore gloves, jumpers, beanies, and of the sort.

Noemi began twiddling with her thumb with nervousness awaiting for when her friend came. "I hope Cedric doesn't die or anything, I mean I put in a Sickle. Granted, Sickle isn't that much, but hey! Gold is gold!" Sam looked around at the cheering crowd. "I can't believe you are actually betting! Cedric is probably sick to his stomach in there, and you are out here placing gold on which Hogwarts student would win." Noemi snapped. "Okay, maybe I can be a little insensitive."

Suddenly Mr. Bagman walked out onto the stands that was full of the teachers and judges, and he put his wand to his throat. "Looks like Bagman's going to make an announcement." Called Jada.

"Welcome to the first task of the 1994-1995 Triwizard Tournament!" He said, the crowd cheered and clapped loudly. "Our four champions are in their tent at the moment getting ready! Their goal is to catch that golden egg," Everyone looked at the egg which stood in the center of the field. "but the complication that is of- a dragon..."

The students gasped and clapped. "Well, I'm glad that Ced knew in advance what it was." Noemi sighed with relief.

"Each of the four Champions has a different dragon: the Common Welsh Green, the Chinese Fireball, the Swedish Short-Snout, and the Hungarian Horntail. Points are matched by: speed, skill, and dodging the eggs that of around their prized." Bagman told. "So without further information, let the task; begin!"

"Hold up- imma throw up." Noemi held her stomach. "Calm down, at least it's not Cedric firs- I take that back..." Caylin leaned forward and sure enough: Cedric Diggory walked onto the terrain.

"You sure?!" "Pretty sure, unless there's another Champion in a uniform with 'Diggory' on the back, all in yellow."

Cedric held his wand firmly in his hand while keeping his eyes peeled, suddenly the Swedish Short-Snout came charging at him, although it was chained up, It could still get to him. The crowd gasped as as Cedric raised his wand and instead of pointing it at the Dragon, he pointed it to a rock.

"Why would he do that?! There goes my Sickle!" Sam yelled over the crowd.

Suddenly the rock transfigured into a Labrador dog. It looked at the Dragon which then looked back, and started to chase the dog. Cedric took the chance to climb over the rocks and begin to run to the golden egg.

"He's going to get it!" Yelled Sam and Ritisha. "Yeah!" Agreed Noemi, they all began to clap enthusiastically. Suddenly the dragon had caught up with the dog and sucked in all the air in it's lungs, then blew hot fire to the Labrador. Causing the dog to be burnt and fall to the floor. The people in the stands yelled as the Swedish Short-Snout made it's way to Cedric on its fours. Cedric was so close to the egg when the dragon stopped and sucked in all the oxygen. It stood on it's back legs, and just when Cedric touched the golden egg- the dragon blew the hot fire on the Hufflepuff's face. Burning him. The crowd screamed, Noemi covered her mouth, while the other schools just clapped.

"Someone needs to bring him to get healed!" Noemi shouted, trying for the teachers to hear her. The B.B saw as the dragon trainers came to take care of the dragon. "Look, they're going to do the points!" Caylin said, she pointed to where the judges sat. After a few seconds of them thinking; each judge put up a sign holding a number. They guessed it was out of ten since none of them went over that.

"Cedric got thirty-eight points!" Sam yelled.

The stands cheered while Cedric was helped brought into a tent to get tended to. "Do you like Diggory?" A female voice asked from behind Noemi. She turned and saw a girl whom looked awfully familiar.

"Oh, hey Angelina!" Ritisha smiled at the girl in question. "Hey, Ritisha!" Angelina Johnson gave a warm smile back. "What do you mean 'do I like Diggory?' Course I do, he's my friend."

"Oh- well, I kind of thought that you- well, you liked him. My friend fancies him, she has been meaning to ask If you do." Angelina said. "Oh, no need to fright. Ced is just my friend." "She'll be glad to hear that, although you would make a brilliant couple- oh here's the next person!"

Another wave of cheers came from the crowds as Fluer Delacour came out onto the field just as Cedric had done only minutes before. The Welsh Green Dragon appeared in the midst behind a giant boulder.

"The bloody hell she wearing a skirt?!" Caylin said.

"Bet it was one of the male judges, no way in hell would she dress like that on her own. So unfair as to why, just because she's a girl doesn't mean they should put a damn skirt on her! She's fighting a bloody dragon for Merlin's sake!" Angelina snapped.

"Fluer! Fluer! Fluer!" The students of Beauxbatons chanted, even some boys chanted with them. Their looks probably hexed them into doing so.

The champion climbed up a rock with much difficulty, but succeeded, and pointed her wand at the dragon. Fluer casted some charm on it which caused the beast to fall back and get sort of drowsy, it began to lay onto the floor and snore.

"She's going to break Cedric's time!" Yelled Jada.

Just then, the dragon snorted and a jet of smoke came flying from its nose- going straight to Fluer's skirt. It caught fire, and before she knew it, half her skirt was already gone. The French girl turned from her spot and casted another charm and shot water from her wand, letting the fire burn out.

"Welp, Angelina was right." Sam laughed. Johnson laughed and waved her hand in a 'told-you-so' wave.

Fleur ran to the egg and grabbed it in both hands while falling onto her knees in the process. Everyone broke out in applause as she rose it up in pride, still half her skirt burnt off, and arms (including both legs) bleeding from falling on the rocks; trying to get to the egg.

The judges raised their signs and Fluer Delacour got: ninety points.

"Ninety?! What? But, Cedric-"

"Noemi, remember- Diggory's spell didn't really work. Delacour's did." Caylin said. "Well, it did work, but the dragon-" "Ran after Diggory. For Fluer's dragon: the spell only made the dragon snore."

The sound of another horn came as Viktor Krum came, who looked like he knew exactly what he was going to do. The Chinese Fireball (which was nothing compared to the other dragon's) flew right to the champion. He ducked and ran right behind a rock where after a few seconds: he popped up and threw a curse at it.

His dragon let out a horrific scream that could make anyone's ears bleed. The B.B raised their hands and covered their ears, but kept their eyes onto the field.

It flung its paws onto their eye while it still screeched in pain. Viktor Krum was running fast to the group of eggs when the dragon had, during its pain, stepped onto some of the eggs. He waited for a moment, trying to get a way for the egg without getting crushed under the dragon's feet, and then when it fell back. He took the moment and seized the egg.

Once again: all the students, staff, and judges clapped through their gloves. When they cheered, their breath could be seen leaving their mouth.

"Poor dragon, he probably blinded it." Ritisha said with a sigh. "You sound like Hagrid and his obsession with dangerous creatures." "Shut up, Cay. At least I care."

"After a bit of deliberation, we had to mark off a few marks since Mr. Krum had crushed some of the eggs." Bagman called onto his wand. Dumbledore, along with the rest of the judges; held their signs up.

"Forty points. Still better than Diggory, he's been the worst so far."

"Last, but of course: not least! Mr. Harry Potter, against the Hungarian Horntail!"

"Potter kind of cute this year, don't you think?" Caylin gave a sly smirk. "Cay- you think that Snape is hot, so your taste is just weird." "Prat."

The Hungarian Horntail instantly blew hot fire right to Potter, he jumped behind a rock for protection. "He can't hide there forever." Ritisha looked to her side and saw Malfoy making sly remarks. She just rolled her eyes and looked back.

Harry Potter raised his wand from behind the heating rock and casted a spell. Nothing came out from his wand, some students laughed at him. "Poor Potter, he's forgotten how to do magic!" Jada laughed. "You think he's become a squib?"

Then before they could make anymore comments, a loud woosh came flying past them, and Potter's broom came soaring into the stadium. Right into his hand. The pack of people cheered while he quickly mounted his Firebolt,  and he soared away.

The dragon on the other hand; stayed put. "You think it can go?" Angelina said. "Maybe." Answered Sam back. They were answered when the dragon broke free from its restraints and started to fly away, following Potter on his own broom.

They both flew further and further away until no one could no longer see them.

"Welp...that was fun while it lasted!" Fred called from a few seats away. "Anyone want to play exploding snap while we wait?" George said.

All the witches and wizards waited while the dragon and Potter came back, or maybe just one of them. It would be hard to tell. Most students had just laid back onto the benches to wait, some had started to stretch in their spot.

A loud "YES!" Was heard from the B.B, they looked to see Hermione throwing her arms up and jumping up and down. Harry Potter had come back, without the dragon.

He came falling down on his broom, Potter didn't even touch the floor, but just soared right past the egg while taking it into his hands. The Gryffindors were probably the loudest of everyone as he got off the broom. Ritisha jumped up and down, being equally as happy.

Madam Promfrey took the very injured boy into the other tent, since he was as far by the worst in shape as the others.

"Potter did that the fastest. I'll be damned if he won't win." Sam crossed her arms. "I personally would have never thought of the summoning charm, I mean- who would have?" Ritisha shrugged and awaited fir them to show the points.

Potter had finally come out of the tent, he had his redhead friend by him. The judges held up their signs,

"Forty points."

"Cedric lost..."

A/N: sorry if there's grammatical errors- it's 3am 🕺🏻💃🏻

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