Jasper's Hope - Twilight

By crosefandoms

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One day, Alice gets a vision that Jasper is not her mate. She tells him but it leaves him lost and confused... More

Characters and Bios
Chapter 1: The Vision
Chapter 2: So Many Questions
Chapter 3: Flashes
Chapter 4: What Is She?
Chapter 5: Not Human...Obviously
Chapter 7: Memories Shared
Chapter 8: Memories Shared pt.2
Chapter 9: Bonfire Season
Chapter 10: Nightmare = Dangerous
Chapter 11: Something's Wrong With Hope
Chapter 12 : Who is Hope?
Chapter 13: Fate Always Has Alterior Motives
Chapter 14: Cage of Memories

Chapter 6: Stay

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By crosefandoms

"Wait!" Jasper said loudly as Hope went to open the front door. Hope stopped abruptly, freezing with her hand hovering over the door handle. She turned her head to look at him with a confused expression. "Stay for a few days. I'd-we'd like to know more about you." Jasper spoke. She looked down for a second, contemplating her response. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips and she slowly looked up. "Fine. But I'm going to need to be able to shift in an open space. It's mandatory sometimes." Hope said. "Why?" Rosalie asked. "When I get restless or overwhelmed, it helps to clear my mind when I'm in wolf form." Hope responded, stepping away from the door. "I know how you feel." Jacob spoke. "That reminds me. How is your kind of wolf different from ours? You're smaller and faster. Why?" Sam asked.

"Well. In the history books at the Salvatore school, your kind are known as shifters. Gifted people who transform into wolves to protect humans. My species are actual werewolves. In order to trigger our curse, we have to take a human life. And after that, we break every bone in our bodies on a full moon. Every full moon. I'm the one exception. I can control when I turn due to me also being part witch and part vampire. Although my vampire side is dormant until I die." Hope said.

"Ouch." Embry said.

"The origin of werewolves begins 1000 years before New Orleans was founded. Two rival tribes decided to combine their power. They felt that by uniting in peace, it would enter a new age of harmony. A marriage was arranged. Two powerful witches joined together to create a powerful unified coven. It was a ceremonial wedding. That marriage bore a child. For nine months, the tribe elders visited the mother using magic to grant the child great power in hopes that the newborn would become a symbol or prosperity. But they had no idea what they were bringing into the world. She was named Inadu. Soon it was clear that she was stronger than anyone could imagine and that she had a terrible hunger for more power still. And that is how the Hollow was born." Hope said, beginning her story.

"Wait. The Hollow? As in the evilspirit that possessed you?" Jacob asked. "Yes. Inadu is the Hollow. And my ancestor." Hope spoke, turning to look at Jacob. Hope looked back at everyone before continuing the story.

"When Inadu's evil became to great to bare, the tribes united to defeat her. Tribe elders managed to capture her using mystical bindings. But even with all that power, Inadu was too strong. Death seemed the only solution. Four of the strongest elders each imbued a part of their magic into a mighty axe. When the weapon was ready, they relied on her mother, the one who gave her life to be the one to take her life. But before she could kill her child, Inadu cast one final spell. One powered by her own death. A curse upon all present that night. She bound them to the full moon. So that once a month, they would turn into the very beasts they used to hunt her. Her mother who once cursed, became the first of the werewolves. The first member of the Crescent pack, my pack. The others present that night fled. Becoming the six other werewolf bloodlines today. Some of the bloodlines were wiped out by the Hollow when she was trying to possess me. I'm a descendant of the Labonair line. My mother, although known as Hayley Marshal-Kenner, was born Andrea Labonair. And Inadu's full name was Inadu Labonair. My mother and I's blood was the Hollow's weakness. Her mother, her blood, killed her. So my blood, as the only living, as in not immortal, member of the Labonair line, could destroy her." Hope said.

"So, your people consider being a werewolf a curse?" Embry asked. "Some of us do. The Crescent pack, however, thought of it as a life style. They live on a swamp in the heart of the Bayou in New Orleans. They're apart of my family. My mother was their Alpha." Hope spoke. "What's it like? Turning?" Alice asked.

"Well, imagine your blood boiling under the light of the full moon and all 206 of your bones breaking at once and forming in a new shape. It could take hours the first time. It gets easier after a while but never less painful."

"Then why do you force yourself to shift if you can control it?" Bella asked.

"It's easier in wolf form. My mind is clear and I don't have to think about everything going on around me. I'm still somewhat conscious in my wolf form due to being pat vampire. However, that's not the case for the other wolves. They can't control themselves in their primal state. And their bite is lethal to vampires. If a vampire is bitten by a wolf, they'll die in 24 hours...unless they drink my blood." Hope said, confusing them.

"Wait. What?" Edward asked, confused. "My blood is the cure for a werewolf bite as was my fathers." Hope answered him. "How?" Edward asked.

"My father was the original hybrid. The first of his kind. The first time his blood was used to cure a werewolf bite was right after he broke his curse. My grandfather forced my grandmother to bind my father's werewolf side to a moonstone after my father fed on and killed a human and shifted for the first time. My grandfather hated wolves, he hunted them, especially after they killed his youngest son, my uncle Henric."

"After my father's wolf side was bound to the moonstone, he spent a thousand years trying to break that curse. While breaking it, Damon Salvatore, a vampire, was cured by my father's blood. My father was manipulating his brother Stefan. If you want to know more about the Salvatore brothers and their connection to my family, all you have to do is simply talk Alaric Saltsman, the head master of the Salvator School. Yes, the school was named after the Salvatore brothers. Stefan is dead and Damon is human again after taking the cure with his wife Elena. And I'm sorry. But there is no cure for being a cold-one. I saw the look on your face when I said cure." Hope said, directing the end of her statement towards Rosalie. "There was only one dose of the cure for vampirism as well. If you want to learn about that, all you have to do is look up Silas. The first immortal being. However, he was not a vampire."

"Can you show us some of your magic?" Carlisle asked. "We've never met a witch before." Esme said. "Sure. What kind of spell?" Hope asked. "Anything. But nothing dangerous." Carlisle said. Hope thought for a second before smiling softly. She closed her eyes and quietly chanted "Preitori Speculo.". When she opened her eyes, she smiled and looked up. Everyone followed her actions. What they saw took their breath away. The ceiling was replaced by a night sky that danced with trillions of tiny twinkling stars. The starry night sky seemed to go on forever on the ceiling. "Wow!" "It's beautiful!" That's incredible!" "Amazing!" everyone let out in shock and astonishment. They looked back at Hope with smiles adorning their faces. "That was magnificent!" Alice squealed. Hope smiled at her. "Where did you learn that spell?" Carlisle asked. "It's a comfort spell. My aunt Freya taught me it when I was 7. She used to do it for me before my mom put me to bed at night. I used to have nightmares of the Hollow. It helped me sleep." Hope told them honestly.

The rest of the day, Hope preformed spells for the wolves and the Cullens. They were blown away by every spell she preformed. While Hope wasn't expecting to meet new people and make friends that night, she was glad that they had chased her in the woods. She had found a place that she was willing to settle down in, one that she would come to love.

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