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By Dysasther

90.9K 5.2K 559

Zoe Narah Garcia, with a tough family situation and a rocky relationship about to shatter, she decides it's t... More

โƒ Chapter one - Prologue
โƒ Chapter Two - Lie
โƒ Chapter Three - Club
โƒ Chapter Four - E-boy
โƒ Chapter Five - Alright
โƒ Chapter Six - Offer
โƒ Chapter Seven - Casket
โƒ Chapter Eight - Home Sweet Home
โƒ Chapter Nine - Business
โƒ Chapter Ten - Doctor's Appointment
โƒ Chapter Eleven - Kitten
โƒ Chapter Twelve - One Of A Kind
โƒ Chapter Thirteen - Serrated Whip
โƒ Chapter Fourteen - No Matter What
โƒ Chapter Fifteen - Perfect
โƒ Chapter Sixteen - Corruption
โƒ Chapter Seventeen - Caught Red-handed
โƒ Chapter Eighteen - First Time
โƒ Chapter Nineteen - Happy Birthday!
โƒ Chapter Twenty - Bad, But Good
โƒ Chapter Twenty One - Coincidences
โƒ Chapter Twenty Two - Forever
โƒ Chapter Twenty Three - Productive Morning
โƒ Chapter Twenty Four - The Death Of Me
โƒ Chapter Twenty Five - Escape
โƒ Chapter Twenty Six - Fโ˜…cking prick!
โƒ Chapter Twenty Seven - Friend
โƒ Chapter Twenty Eight - Family Man
โƒ Chapter Twenty Nine - Ask
โƒ Chapter Thirty - So Much
โƒ Chapter Thirty One - Stalker
โƒ Chapter Thirty Two - Injured
โƒ Chapter Thirty Three - Achingly Beautiful
โƒ Chapter Thirty Four - Bad Feeling
โƒ Chapter Thirty Five - Under My Skin
โƒ Chapter Thirty Seven - Red Tie
โƒ Chapter Thirty Eight - Daddy Dearest
โƒ Chapter Thirty Nine - Epilogue

โƒ Chapter Thirty Six - Lucky

2.2K 140 12
By Dysasther


God, I hated the hospital...

I hated the white tiled floor, the yellow walls, the beds on which patients sat, the seats in which their loved ones waited, the medical equipment that was used, the nurses and the doctors. Oh, I hated the doctors the most.

As I tapped my foot on the tiles, I looked up and down the hallway. People of all kinds were gathered in the emergency room. Sick people, wounded people... nurses and doctors going through patients.

At the moment, I sat in one of the waiting chairs, praying that the doctor who went into the OR room with Narah would return with good news. Besides me was Sofia, fiddling with her fingers in her lap. I'd picked her up thirty minutes after I brought Narah in.

Burning those thirty minutes, a nurse had asked me to sign some papers, which I did while waiting for Narah's friends to show up. I'd told the medical staff I was her husband, so I wouldn't have to worry about who else was supposed to call the shots in case she was unconscious.

To help pass the time, I called Lo in the car and told him about the fallen leaders and the new ones. I didn't feel in the mood of pouring my heart out to the guy, so when he asked if I was alright I just went along with what he'd expected to hear, and hung up.

Rubbing my thighs in an attempt get my mind off of the sickening dread growing in my gut, I tried to distract myself by looking around some more.

I'd called Narah's friends a while ago to have them staying here in case the doctors came up with any news on her while I wasn't here. They were now waiting across the hallway, holding each other tightly. The worry was visible on their figures, the fear of what the surgery's outcome would be. Sofia looked just as concerned and even more terrified.

I looked around the ER area that I'd found some time ago bringing Narah in. Stopping my stare at the feet of a man who was breathing through a mask, his clothes burnt and evaporating a little smoke, I thought of how this man had felt when he'd probably been trapped inside a burning building.

Powerless, afraid... alone as he waited for his death, the firemans or... had saved himself? Seemed like he succeeded, alright? Saved himself or got saved and entered a fucking hospital to have needles poking his veins and hell knew what fucking substances flowing through his body!

Resuming my looking around, I tried to ignore my instinct of bolting out of this hell. I hated hospitals... I so, so hated fucking hospitals!

It wasn't about the people, because I was one to know victims of accidents, nature or fate all too well. After all, I'd helped get people into ERs or morgues. It was about the medical staff and the needles.

I didn't trust anyone other than my family, Narah and Sofia.

And I lost my trust in anything regarding medical staff that one time mother had taken me to the doctor when I was six.

Now, however, I had no choice, but to put my faith in them.

I could still remember the doctor that had treated me back then. He was over forty, with square, professor glasses, peppered hair and blue eyes. The fucker wore a red tie on a blue shirt in black slacks, besides the white coat and the stethoscope. He gave absolutely no sign that there was anything to be doubted about his practice.

I was mostly indifferent rather than distrustful to the stranger. He'd taken a seat on a rolling stool and smiled kindly. He did the routine check. Nose, ears, eyes, joints and all that.

There was nothing wrong with me, my mother just wanted to have me checked. But, oh… how wrong I could be!

The doctor had palpated for the vein, but when he didn't find it, he just said he'd find it with the needle. That dumb bastard stuck the needle into my bone! And I don't know about you, but there was one thing having a needle into your vein and a completely other thing having it into the bone. People could hear my screaming from the closed clinic room, because the next thing I knew, nurses had barged in.

The doctor had been startled by the door slamming open, so when he tried to pull out, he broke the needle. The thing had remained stuck halfway inside my arm, still in the bone.

He'd apologized instead of trying to pull the needle the fuck out. Thankfully, a nurse put on her man pants and did the deed.

Later that day, I heard mother and Dad arguing over what I'd failed to notice at the doctor. While that fucking prick was plugging the needle into my arm, mother was flirting with him, distracting him from doing his job properly. She wasn't even ashamed to admit it as she blamed Dad for having her take me.

That day I learned an important lesson. Whoever treated my family like shit, they treated me like shit. Even if she was apart of it... I'd never considered her more than Mom's cheap replacement.

What had really set off the pranking spree, was her hitting Piper. That doctor encounter only enlightened me and... gave birth to two phobias. Trypanophobia and Nosocomephobia.

Despite my fears, I still visited a clinic every two months to have myself checked for STDs. I could stay in a certain hospital area where I didn't have to witness medical procedures or see any of their equipment. I usually went to a private clinic where I explained my situation and they adapted according to how much I paid.

As about the blood samples? Well... in the beginning, I found it hard to stay still when a doctor plugged a needle into my vein. I shook so bad, I had to even ask the respective doctors to restrain me. Fortunately, with the time, I kinda got used to it. I lost the terrible shaking, but... not the twitchiness.

Every time I sat in that chair and waited for them to draw blood, I had to have something to focus on. Like the clock on the wall or the voices out in the hallway or the news on TV, anything that could distract me from paying attention to the needle in my arm.

My last check had been before I met Narah. I didn't have any intercourses with anyone else after it, so I knew I was healthy and would stay that way. Now it was about the pregnancies, but Narah was on contraceptives, so I didn't worry.

The only doctor I trusted was Damian, because... well, because he was my brother. I may haven't seen him doing his job other than draw several blood samples from me, but I knew very well he took his job more serious than his own social life. I would never say it to him, but he was right to be cocky.

I hated that he wasn't the one treating Narah now. I knew I wouldn't doubt him as much as I doubted every other doctor...

Rubbing my thighs more, I thought of my not telling Logan how I actually felt. Impotent. Terrified. Alone. God, as much as I hated talking about my feelings to my siblings, it would have been a great distraction.

I sat back down besides Sofia. I cracked my knuckles and my neck. I covered my face with my hands.

"She's going to be alright," Xen said quietly, her tone hopeful despite the fear that plagued it.

I exhaled roughly, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her in a hug I knew she needed. In a hug I knew I needed. A little mewl escaped her as she broke down in my arms. Instead of focusing on my own distress, I should have assured her... why didn't I do that, dammit?

"Narah's tough," I said into her hair, doing something I never thought I'd be doing in my entire life.

Me, a non-believer, I prayed she would get out of that surgery alright. Otherwise, I wouldn't know... what I'd do...

I held Sofia tighter, holding on to her as much as she was holding on to me. When she pulled away to wipe the tears off her face, I checked my watch.

It'd been an hour and forty five minutes since Narah entered the OR. How much longer could it fucking-

"The person responsible for Zoe Narah Garcia please report to the front desk..." A feminine voice told into the speaker in spanish. I jumped out of my chair as if the thing was electrocuted and hurried to the front desk. So did Sofia and the other two.

The woman older than me with a few years, a doctor wearing a white coat over her casual outfit, was reading from Narah's file something.

"It says here that you're Miss Garcia's husband," the woman read from the papers I'd signed.

"Yeah, that's me," I stupidly replied in english. In my defense, I was too rattled to keep it on Spanish. Being in a hospital for longer than I'd rather be, waiting for good news on my Narah... I was too shaky for my own good.

When the woman heard my words, she frowned and looked up. Her eyes widened like she'd seen a canon ball mowing over the people in the ER. As I ran my bare hand through my hair to keep it off my forehead, I hoped she'd snap out of that goddamn trance and give me something on Narah.

As if she heard my thoughts, she blinked and stuttered in english, "Er... uhm, you're... her husband?"

"Yes, I am," I nodded.

She blinked a couple of times before she looked at the other three waiting by my side. As she seemed confused, I clarified, "These are her friends and her sister. Can we get to the part where you tell us how the surgery went? Please?"

With a clear of her throat, the woman said, "The surgery went amazing, actually. The bullet was removed successfully. Right now she's stabilized. We removed the mechanical ventilator, so she's breathing on her own. Mrs Garcia should be awake soon. We'll move her out of the ICU soon after she wakes up."

All of us blew a sigh of relief at the sound of her words. As Sofia curled her arms around me and hugged me, I returned the gesture with a thankful prayer to the one above.

"But... uhh, Mr Black?" The doctor cleared her throat.

At the sound of the but, the blood drained from my features, "What's wrong?"

The doctor glanced at the others, then at me. "Can I talk to you alone?"

My heart was drumming in my ears as I nodded to her, giving Sofia an assuring pat on the back before pulling away. The doctor led me farther down the hallway in a somewhat private corner. Bracing myself, I crossed my arms.

"The damage the bullet caused," she inhaled, squaring her shoulders, "It was done to her uterus mostly. The bullet grazed the tissue enough to raise the risks for a pregnancy. We can't guarantee it would go past the first trimester. But if it does go past the first trimester, she will need to be monitored thoroughly to ensure the fetus's proper development. I'm talking about weekly doctor visits and treatment in the case the fetus isn't developing as it should."

The information had begun to overwhelm me from the moment she said "pregnancy". After that... I only managed to catch some of the ideas that I got a little woozy.

"God," I rubbed my eyes.

The doctor exhaled heavily, "I'm not saying it's impossible... I'm just saying there is little possibility."

I was still rubbing my eyes, trying to avoid breaking down in front of the woman. It wasn't just the pregnancy thing that took its tool on me, it was... so much more. But that felt like the cherry on top, about the break the whole dam I kept over my emotions.

When I finally found the strength to open my mouth and not fall apart, my voice sounded... unfamiliar. It was small and quivering, the voice of a child I'd never known myself. "But she will be... alright. Without the pregnancy. It won't leave any damage we should worry about later... right?"

The woman looked at me with big eyes she'd met me with earlier. As she swallowed, she nodded, "She... she will be alright. It still is too early to tell, but I believe you won't have anything to worry about."

I moved my head back and forth, relieved by her words. If she turned out fine in the end, then I wouldn't need any children! I just... I just needed her.

Only her…

"Thank you, Doc," I sniffled, trying to regain whatever dignity I had left. "I... uhh, I don't think I'll be able to tell her everything you just said to me. I- I'll need help on that."

"Of course," she gave me an easygoing smile. "Now, I would suggest that you keep her in the hospital for the following week. We'd like to keep an eye on her, to make sure there are no infections left from the surgery or other damage. And... please don't let her force herself on leaving faster. The stitches will break and... you get the point."

"Sure," I cleared my throat, "Can we see her?"

"Yes, I'll take you there now. There can't enter more than two visitors in the ICU. So, if you decide to stay with her, the others will have to take turns to go in."

"I understand," I looked over to the guys and signed them to come after us.

Down a few corridors, the woman had us putting on green or blue, transparent hospital gowns over our clothes, before going through a hissing door. She led us down a narrow hallway with greenish blue floor and white tiled walls. Until we reached the area of the ICU that was parted from the hallway by a glass wall, the room had begun to spin for me a little. But as I laid eyes on all the medical equipment in the ICU, the few people laying in bed with nobody by their side and unconscious, I could feel the panic rising in.

My feet stilled at their own volition and with the room whirling, I threw an arm out to the wall to hold myself onto it. I covered my face with my hand, trying not to think of all... all the needles in there.

"Mr Black-"

"Don't touch me," I grunted. "Please, I... I need a moment." I ran my hand over my face, scrubbing off a layer of sweat. I looked at Luisa and Sofia, "You two go in first, I need to gather myself."

As the two women were pushed by the doctor to enter and given some instructions on where Narah was, I turned to the wall and leaned my forehead on the cold tiles.

"Sir, she will be alright," the doctor tried to ease me.

"I know..."

"Then what's-"

"It's not your fault," Valentin cut her off. "You know she wouldn't blame you for what happened."

I shook my head, "As much as I'd like to argue, that's not it either."

Last year when Reeve was in the hospital I had a distraction that had me keeping my phobias under control. After Piper told us about what happened all those years ago, I placed the names of the ones who'd hurt her on my hit list. I'd gone through their deaths over and over again in my mind. My thirst for revenge was stronger than my phobias were at the time.

I did hunt them down one by one and had all fuckers dead in less than two weeks... Piper just never found out. Well, she had her family to worry about. I didn't want to drag her back into her past after she finally seemed to find her peace.

But now? Now I didn't have such a satisfying distraction. If I tried to think of the kills from tonight, all I could see was Narah getting shot. That thought only increased the fear for her safety...

I leaned my forearm over my head, looking down at what I was wearing.

The white dress shirt, the black slacks, the leather loafers I always had in my trunk in case I needed to enter a fancy event in order to kill my target. I'd changed into these clothes after I took Narah's vest and holsters off. I'd put on the pants and the shoes and jumped into the car. At a red light on the way to the hospital I'd added the wrinkled dress shirt that I'd tucked into my pants.

But I forgot my jacket. Yeah, I forgot it in the trunk.

Using the distraction, I breathed in and out several times. I breathed in and out until I finally felt myself relax a little. Maybe not too much, but just enough to go in there and hold my woman's hand.

I'd wiped my forehead with my sleeve a couple of times, before I finally turned to the two who offered me my space. As if on cue, Luisa came out with teary eyes and went straight to her boyfriend to hug him. The doctor gave Valentin a stern look, then followed me as I headed inside.

I went in the direction she'd indicated, to the left, to the bed in the corner. The blue curtains were pulled to hide her figure and shoulders, but not lower. Sofia was crying as she held Narah's hand, tears running down her cheeks.

As I approached the bed, it was hard to hold back the whimper that escaped me at her sight. Her skin was almost as white as the sheets, the only thing spiking an ounce of color being the reddened bruise from her left cheek. That and her hair. Her brown, blonde and red curls were messily splattered over the pillow, offering more color to the too white scenery. Her head was tilted merely on the side, her expression so calm and peaceful, giving just the impression that she was asleep.

She wore this blue hospital johny with little flowers drawn as dots. Below her breasts, under her discovered arms, was the white sheet tucked in carefully. Both of her arms were facing down, fact that I thanked whoever moved her for. At how messed up my head was, if I saw the needless going inside her veins, I would surely pass out. It was enough that I saw the IVs linked to her arm.

I pressed my hand on Sofia's shoulder and held her hand over Narah's. There were no words spoken, just the assurance of the simple act. A few moments later, Sofia was going back to the guys before she could lose it completely.

When Valentin came in to see her as well... the guy teared up for her. I knew there was a connection between the two, but the sibling love he had for her was tangible now. My jealousy over his relationship with Narah died off, now that I understood how much they loved each other... as siblings.

Valentin was a great guy, I had to admit. Maybe I didn't know him all too well... but if he was good enough to be my Narah's brother from another mother? Then yeah, he was a great guy.

After a while, he and the doctor stepped out, letting me stay with her. Even if I was still a little panicked, I didn't leave. Not now that I saw her. I pulled a metallic stool closer to her bed and sat down. My hand never once parted from hers. Not since Sofia released all our hands at the same time before leaving.

Tired as I was, I couldn't fall asleep. Not until I saw those thick lashes raising from her now rosy cheekbones. A half an hour later, the color seemed to return to her figure. That blood transfusion she'd gotten did its wonders.

My head was leaned besides our united hands, my eyes tracing the movement of my thumb as I stroked the scars from her palm. When her fingers trembled, my whole body stiffened with anticipation... but as I focused my eyes on her still hand, I cursed my imagination for playing pranks on me.

That until I heard her moan.

My head snapped up and my hand tightened around hers. The pop my neck did as it craned didn't sound healthy, but what did these days?

Her brows arched, her chest raising with each breath she took. Her full lips parted to inhale a deep breath, then tightened as she exhaled through her nose a deeper breath. I was out of my chair in a heartbeat, my hand reaching for her cheek without hesitation.

Those thick lashes fluttered to look up at me. As she leaned into my hand, this big smile curled her lips in the most beautiful way.

"Hey, handsome," she said in that small, lovely voice that brought me right back to the first time I'd heard her talk.

The relief that washed through me was far more immense than the dose I'd gotten when the doctor told us she'd be fine. My knees almost gave up on me completely, but with some self control, I steadied myself just fine.

"Hey, beautiful," I returned the warm smile she gave me, stroking her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"My belly hurts a little," she sighed a troubled sigh, "But it's alright, I guess."

"You want me to call the doctor?"

She shook her head, glancing around, "No. I'm a little thirsty, actually."

"Anything you wish for, love," I broke our hands apart, only to reach for the bottle of water from the bedside table. After I unscrewed the lid, I handed the thing to her. Her hands carefully cradled the plastic bottle before she rose her head off the pillows to drink the clear liquid. One gulp turned in two, two turned in four and four turned into the rest of the bottle. She must've been a little more thirty.

Exhaling quickly after she took the bottle away from her lips, her head leaned back on the pillow. She held the bottle to her chest as if it was precious, even if it was empty.

"Your friends are here. And your sister. They can't be in here, but they're waiting for me to tell them that you're awake." I informed her.

She licked her lips, nodding at me, "Mm-hmm..."

"I'll be right back, okay? Probably with your sister." I brushed some curls from her forehead, catching a glimpse of her precious smile. I could swear... sometimes, that smile was more powerful than the sun itself.

I was about to head off, when she caught my wrist to hold me in place. The smile dropped as she looked now at me with a pair of worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I wasn't hurt or-"

"I'm not talking about that, Jerry. I want to know... if you're okay here." Her eyes rounded the room. "I know you hate it here."

I couldn't deny how it bit into my pride thinking she didn't consider me strong enough to battle my own fears for her... but I was also flattered by her worrying for me.

I brought up to my lips the hand she'd caught my wrist with, then slowly moved up with each gentle peck I left on her so very silky skin. The smile raising on her lips as I began tracing kisses up her arm to her ear had me proud I could bring back that smile so easily.

Kissing her cheek lastly, I whispered through her giggle, "For you, I'll always be okay, my kitten."

"I don't think I ever told you," she stole a long kiss from my lips, then added in a sweeter tone, "Cats are actually my favorite animals."

The broad smile that played on my face wasn't enough to spell out the way my heart swell. At this point... I actually doubted words could even explain how proud I was to find her a nickname that didn't just suit her, but matched her likings.

Man... I was one lucky son of a bitch, wasn't I?


I leaned ahead so the nurse could arrange my pillow. Despite my telling her that I could do it, and struggling in vain after, it seemed only pointless to mention it again as I just let her do her job.

The woman raised the pillow with blue sheets, tapped it into puffing out, then led my shoulder down on it. She gave me a kind smile, "Would you like anything else?"

"No, thank you," I said in the same sweet tonr.

The woman checked some things on the pad from next to my bed, then headed off to another patient. Just on time, Luisa came in with two coffees. Her eyes directed first to me, before rounding the separate room I'd been taken to after the doctor did a routine check on me to ensure safety for the travel.

She found Valentin and Sofia sleeping on the little couch, resting after a whole night spent catching up.

We talked a lot after I was brought here, it was relieving to have the distraction. Better than to focus on me killing father, which I did not regret! What I did regret was ending his life so quick. I should have taken longer... dammit! Then, there was that whole he-wasn't-my-father shit.

Yeah, spending the white night with them talking instead of thinking about my biological father? Much. Better!

Jerome had stayed the whole night as well. Even if he was twitchy and restless the whole time, he stood by my side until he fell asleep in his own chair. Earlier he'd told me about the bullet grazing my uterus. The news were... shattering. I had do admit, I was broken by the thought that there was a possibility I wouldn't... be able to give him the family I knew he craved dearly.

Until him, I didn't want children. I was always afraid that I'd end up like my mother... a china doll, unable to feel anything for my children, let alone give them a good life. But then Jerome came along and… he was his purely amazing self! I'd imagined myself with his child more than once in the past few days. I imagined him with our child. Thinking I wouldn't be able to give him that? It nearly ruined me. But as usual, his wonderful self assured me that there were other ways if we really wanted children and that we could still try.

As usual, he was right. It was no end of the road we were at, there were options.

After we shared a moment, the guys came back in and we continued talking and laughing. Too bad about an hour ago he'd gotten a call. I didn't understand much, but from what he said about Giorgio and father's- Arturo's men, I knew he had to go.

And honestly... I was glad he finally had an excuse to take a breather. I knew being in the hospital wasn't fun for him, a breath of fresh air - or his job - was exactly what he needed.

Around that time Val and Xen fell asleep as Luisa and I talked about how her work weny. Soon after, she offered to bring me a coffee, which I accepted without a damn hesitation.

Luisa came to sit down next to me, her smile warm as she handed me the hot coffee. "Just how you like it, chica."

"Thanks." I moaned at the smell of the caffeinated delight, "I really needed this..."

Hearing her clear her throat, I had a feeling she was about to start one of those conversations. The type that made you uncomfortable. Sure enough, she awkwardly shifted in her chair before finally settling, clear sign she was stalling. Then she sipped slowly from the steamy liquid.

I rubbed my thumb on the cardboard cup, listening to the dry rustle it made. "What?"

Luisa's chest inflated with an inhale, "You seem to like Jerome a lot."

"Like" doesn't even cut it, I thought, testing the temperature of the coffee with the top of my tongue. Too hot for my mouth yet, I retracted it and rolled the plastic stick around it. "Yes, I do." I paused, "Why?"

"I'm just... I don't understand how you got involved with someone like him?" She whislered.

I stared at her good and hard, my eyes narrowing a little. "What do you mean?"

She loosely rolled her shoulders, "He's an intimidating, cold blooded killer. Val told me all about him... I don't understand how you can stand having him around. I can't even understand how you can trust a murderer like him..." She blew a heavy breath, "He's terrifying just when I think of everything Val told me."

As I stared at my best friend, I tried to see her point of view. She'd never agreed with the whole illegal life, and I didn't blame her. This illegal life easily got you in trouble you didn't need, not to mention it could get you hurt or even killed. I could understand why she didn't like Jerome, seeing I had a time when I used to fear him too.

"Jerome can be terrifying," I admitted. "Until you get to meet him. What Val told you is as much as knows, but he doesn't know Jer as I do." I smiled and ran my finger over the edge of the cup, "He's... a gentleman, first of all. It was the first thing I realized about him. That he's a complete gentleman."

I continued when there was no interruption, "He's a sweetheart. He can be sweeter than sugar when he wants to be. And he knows perfectly what to say to flatter a woman. In a way to leave your soul swooning for him, not just your ovaries." I brushed some of my curls behind my ear. "I'll move on from saying that he's amazing in bed."

She smiled, wiggling her brows, "You slept together?"

"Of course," I bit my lip, my face heating as I looked away, "He's very good at pleasing a woman, alright?"

She grinned widely, but frowned when she asked, "Did he treat you right on your first time?"

"He was actually holding back not to scare me, it was nice of him." I smiled, "That until he let go... then he got very, very... woah."

She threw her head back and laughed a deep laugh. When she looked at me, she could only shake her head, pride glistening in her eyes. "What else?"

"He's... very protective of Sofia. He treats her like his own sister. I know how overwhelming it can be for her and having him support her as he does? I can't appreciate him more."

I looked at my sister snoring quietly, her head leaned down besides Valentin who fell asleep in a sitting position. His head was dropped on the backrest, his mouth open as he snored louder. His arms were crossed, while Xen's were tugged under the blanket Jer had laid over her.

"He's a damn family man," I mumbled, a little saddened by the previous news that crossed my mind. "He loves his family more than anything. He'll give everything for those people, even if they have absolutely no clue how amazing he actually is. You should hear him how he talks about his siblings and nephews. It's... endearing."

"Okay, I'm getting your point," she rolled her eyes playfully, "He's the peeeeerfect man!"

"That's the thing, he's not perfect," I shook my head. "Like everyone else, he has his own family situation. His birth mother died when he was three or so, his father married a shrewd a year later and turned a blind eye to how she mistreated him and his siblings. That molded him into who he is now. He doesn't regret what he does for a living... but he's alone because of it. My Jerry is alone... because everyone fails to see what hides behind his terrifying demeanor."

I looked at the compassion on her figure and said, "Yes, he is a killer. Yes, it's his job. Yes, he likes doing it. That's what people can't accept at him. And that keeps them from seeing how beautiful he can be. How sweet and genuine and childish and... lovely. How kindhearted he is. It hurts me that nobody sees him as I do," I shrugged, "But I guess I'm special to be the only one fascinated by him."

If anyone else saw my Jerry as I did... I'd only be another fish in the tank. But like this? I had to admit, I felt like his queen. Unique. Worshipped. Strong.

How was it that one man managed to make me feel like that?

I was one lucky gal, wasn't I?

There were a few quiet moments taken as advantage by the beeping maching monitoring my heart rate. Neither of us spoke a word as we just drank what was left of our coffees.

When the doors from the hospital room were pushed open, I'd expected to see a nurse, the doctor, Jerome!

But not what I saw... I'd never expected to see that!

Entering my room, holding hands, were my mother - the short woman with colorful waves flowing down her shoulders and pitch black eyes that shimmered with fear, concern and... love - and Sylvio Leyva - the tall man with dark brown curly hair, a scar on his cheek and dark pools of brown expressing more worry and love and hope than my mother's.

I looked between the two with great confusion bubbling inside me, and strange anticipation. I'd noticed with the corner of my eye Val and Sofia waking up at their entrance, just as I noticed the two stepping forward to let Jerome enter.

Wearing that white dress shirt from earlier the night, the black slacks and loafers, he looked as nervous as before. With a clear of his throat, he walked past them, around my bed and took my hand as he leaned down to my ear.

"I thought you'd like to see the rest of your family, kitten," he murmured. "And meet your father officially."

The tears had appeared when they entered the room, but when I heard his words... they poured so abundantly, I thought the fire alarms had gone off. Redirecting my disbelief from Jerome to the obvious couple, I looked at my mother's cramped figure, her hand covering her mouth as the teardrops rolled down her red face.

After all this time... after all these years of believing my mother was incapable of feeling... she finally revealed emotions.

I didn't even hesitate in spreading my arms out for her. She crushed me in a tight hug, sobbing on my shoulder. As she worriedly asked me in spanish if I was alright, I looked behind her at Leyva.

I'd been cruel to him these days. I've been cold and rude and I doubted his behavior towards me. Probably on good behalf that he'd been aware of what happened to me but never stepped in. But I wasn't going to let ruin my relationship with him what father had surely subdued him into.

He cared enough to come clean with the fact. He cared enough to plot against Garcia. He cared enough to be here now. That was all that mattered.

After briefly telling my mother that I was alright, I saw her hugging my sister with all the strength she had. In a broken voice, my mother had croaked, "You're all I have... I... I... couldn't let him take you... God, you're all I have..."

We had a group hug, but again, Sylvio didn't participate. I could feel the four, my friends, Jer and Sylvio just watching our reunion, but when it was over, I could only look at Sylvio.


"I am," he nodded and smiled the same gentle smile he'd smiled to me before. After glancing at Jer, he said so quietly, it was as if he doubted I'd listen, "I'm proud of you. So... very proud."

I sniffled then, "I'm sorry..."

He was the one to make the first step. He was the one to come closer and wrap his arms around me. I just tightened my arms around him and wept at the unjust reunion. There would have been no need for a reunion if Arturo hadn't been a cocksucking, bitchass, asshole of a... father...

But I guess I couldn't change the past anymore, could I? No... I could only focus on the future and not repeat my mistakes.

I wiped my tears as I pulled away and looked at the love of my life. With some of his waves slid back in an attempt to clear off his forehead, with black brows arched and emerald eyes laced with knowledge, with a heartwarming smile that tipped up the goatee around his mouth, my Jerome was as beautiful as always.

How was I so lucky to not only find the love of my life... but keep him too?

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