Fran Bow to Fandoms Crossover

By beebaluv1990

5.7K 130 46

The story of the universes, all conecting in un thought ways. Will they defeat the evil? Or will they suffer... More

New People, New Faces
What happened?
This can't be good
Afton Household
Flying a little (too?) high
Who are we?
New beginnings, and sad goodbyes.
Welcome Back
When things are good, then bad, then........what?
Getting Kidnapped Sucks
Powers and stuff........I guess
Never an easy decision
Chara is angry. Again.
Filling the Roster
The final battle
Epilogue and Final words(of act 2)
Some words
Act 3, The beginning
Training week
And the world went blank
Not an Update, but still important
The ghostest with the mostest. Two ghosts lead the pack.
New story coming soon(later today)
Ghostcon(Every ghost welcome!)
Fixing the glitch
Not an Update but Holy Shit-
Ghost Boxes, rare and tricky
I'll give you something to cry about
Holy Shit-
All we do is live in fear of Tommyinnit
Chapter ?
Saying Goodbye, and Ranboo isn't the only one with memory problems now.
Even the villains are human
Not a chapter, but you should read it
Welcome, to motherfuckery cause my brain can't think of a good title
The quiet city
I can't remember
Final Words

Ready as I'll ever be

68 0 0
By beebaluv1990

Chara POV

I summoned two knives and jumped off the balcony. Dramatic I know, but we needed to go. I flew up to the roof. Ghost floating is fun. A giant portal had opened in the sky. Aliens were flying through the air. I threw a few knives. Chris appeared on one of the flying boat things and pushed them off. It plummeted but he disappeared again. I saw a flash of gold and light and aliens started to explode. Thor flew up and started killing aliens left and right. The rest were on the ground. Aliens spilled out of the portal. They covered the buildings and ran through the streets. Large flying aliens crashed buildings. Hazel ran and stopped a building from collapsing. 'Rebar?' I tossed more knives. I summoned a volley and threw them at the army. I felt angry. So very angry at these monsters, they were the cause of this prophecy, the one that took Frisk. My eyes dripped black. My knives were coated in it. It burned and sizzled the aliens. More and more monsters poured through. Soon it became overwhelming and I had to back up. There were shouts below. I looked down. The 7 were getting people out. The other Avengers were fighting off aliens. Hulk was wrecking them. Hawkeye was on a roof shooting them out of the air and off buildings. Cap worked with Natasha and they were working through the crowded streets. Coraline popped through doors and pushed enemies out. So far nothing from my comms. Father off, Techno and Tommy fought side by side. They chugged potions. They threw eyes and teleported. They ate apples that made them glow. Wilbur was just wandering. When monsters got near him, he shot them with a crossbow. Phil was flying through the air, on the lookout for Loki and shoving aliens off their ships. I felt invincible. And then I was tackled through the air by an alien. I started to fall to the ground. Unlike Chris I can't phase through things. I smacked into water. It rushed into my lungs, and I choked. Black spots filled my vision. I felt lost. Which way was up? I sank. Suddenly, white hot heat ran from my pocket. My vision turned rainbow. I blasted out the water. All the monsters that neared me were vaporized by the light. I was invincible again.

Chris POV

I was shoving monsters left and right. I turned into shadow Freddy and crushed a few. There were too many. Suddenly, I looked up. There, on Stark Tower, was Loki. "I see Loki!" I shouted into the ear piece. "Got it." Stark replied. "He is ON Stark Tower. Top balcony, where Chara jumped." Tony flew up. I went back to aliens. Suddenly, pain erupted in my side. One had gotten me while I was corporal. I slid down a wall in ghost mode. I was bleeding. I can't die, but I can go back to the void. And it still hurts. As the world started to fade to black, heat filled my senses. Light filled vision. 'The key.' I stood. All the pain was gone. The monsters within a five foot radius disintegrated. I flew around, aimlessly killing monsters. We were going to win.

Coraline POV

I sighed. I was tired. Too many portals. I walked around, trying to find my way to safety. I had no clue where I was. The street was destroyed. I saw a few monsters and hid in an alley. I heard sirens far off, echoing through the streets. Every once and awhile, a crack of thunder ran through the air. Beings flew overhead. "Hey." I talked into the mic. "I have no clue where I am. Can I get some directions to a safe zone? I'm all out of power." Nightmare's voice replied. "Sure thing, comrade. Take a left at 14th street. Continue until you see Piper. She can take you from there." I thanked her. I walked to 14th street. As I rounded the corner, a group of aliens was there. I froze. I couldn't portal away. This was it. They charged me. I ran. "Wybie!" I cried into the mic. "Jonsey!" He yelled back. I was sliced by a monster, and I fell. I cried out in pain. "This can't be happening." "Jonsey!" My earpiece crackled with the sound of electricity. Suddenly white heat erupted to life. The monsters were vaporized. My earpiece fell away, fizzling with shorted electrical lines. I walked towards Stark Tower. I was back in the game.

Wybie POV

"Jonsey!" I cried as the monsters surrounded her. White light filled my eyes. My ear piece sizzled. I ran out of the room. My ears were buzzing. I was hot. I climbed the stairs to the roof.


It seems my count is off. It is the original 6 not seven. I accidentally counted Micheal. And as Frisk will not be here, there are only 5 keys. Sorry. I messed up the count. Back to the fighting


Fran POV

I ran around the battlefield. I had some scrapes from tripping, but I was otherwise fine. I had a dagger that Hazel gave me. I popped a duotine and followed the energy. The key in my hand turned to less rainbow, more steel. I walked around. I was looking for a new angle. An advantage. I ran towards the tower. The Avengers were fighting Loki at the top. Suddenly, aliens overwhelmed me. I slashed and rolled. Crack! "Agh!" I fell. I looked at my knee. It was bent to a strange angle. I glowed. Rainbow light was emitting from the key. The monsters disappeared. I was floating. I looked to the roof of the tower. I headed up.


It's a bit shorter than usual, but I wanted a cliff hanger. We are nearing the end, so thank you for all the support. I will be posting a spin off series called "Darkness Ascension." It's about Frisk and what happened after the bet. Also, feel free to give me some tips, this is a work in progress.

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