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For Renn and anyone else who wanted Cristo and Demi to be endgame More

Unless It's With You


409 22 14

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ddlovato: vogue Mexico with my princess Jadore 💖👑 we decided to use a surrogate to bring our princess into this world and I went into the process very uneducated about it but I've learned so much. I got to share my journey and my true feelings about it with my husband, and all of the best things about motherhood. babies are blessings no matter what and I'm so grateful that we even had the resources to do it this way because I know not everyone does. this is a special one 🤍
📸 angelokritikos, interview by cristoghesquiere
View all 67,892 comments
ddlover_19: no muse???
ddlovato: ddlover_19 muse is old enough to make her own decisions and on that day she decided she wasn't in the mood to take pictures 😂

👤: ddlovato
Liked by kyliejenner, balmain, and 876,545 others
cristoghesquiere: outtakes from vogue Mexico
View all 23,682 comments
ddl4l: damn was muse around at all that day?
cristoghesquiere: but if she was on set and she wasn't in school you would have a problem with that 🤨

Liked by ddlovato, treysongz, and 1,532,790 others
angelokritikos: muse and jadore's mommy 🌺
View all 65,628 comments
krisjenner: the best mom ever 💖
kourtneykardash: these comments are public krisjenner
ddlovato: you know it's true 😂 kourtneykardash krisjenner

Liked by kourtneykardash, iamjojo, and 3,672,453 others
ddlovato: in my vogue Mexico article, I also was able to open up about my past struggle with fertility and miscarriages. it's a pain that I would wish upon no one but I'm so blessed to have two beautiful babies now. here's a throwback of me and my baby Muse. I struggled a lot after she was born, but she's my rainbow baby who chose me to be her mommy, and my life has been blessed every day since 🌈🤍
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kimkardashian: I've never seen this pic before and I love it! I'm getting it framed for your house idc 😭
ddlovato: idk why I never thought of that. it's one of my favorite pictures in the whole world 😭 kimkardashian
kellyclarkson: you're such an amazing mother Demi! Thank you for always being so open and honest!

cristoghesquiere posted to their story! [caption: thank you kourtneykardash for the cutest gift in our poosh basket!]

ddlovato posted to their story! [caption: muse adores Jadore 💖]

Setting: Apex Photo Studios, Los Angeles, CA

"Come on, Musee. We're gonna be late," Demi tried to rush Muse along but it seemed like the four year old was dragging her feet.

Muse was turning five next month and Demi couldn't believe it. She was going to have a five year old and a five month old and both of her girls were giving their parents a run for their money.

Muse practically clung to Demi's side as they entered the photo studio and were greeted with all of the chaos of a photoshoot set. Except this time it wasn't for Demi. It was for Muse. It was no secret that Muse was super creative - she always picked out her own clothes, loved to design her clothes with her father, and was now into makeup too - so a modeling agency had reached out to see if they wanted to do a photoshoot for her. There was no pressure for Muse to sign with them or anything, it was more so just for fun. Demi was weary of the idea at first but Muse had said she wanted to do it. Now it seemed as though she had changed her mind.

"Hi, Demi! It's so nice to see you again!" Kara Kent had directed a ton of her photo shoots so Demi was happy to hear that she would be in charge of Muse's. The modeling agency was the same agency that Demi was signed to, so she trusted pretty much everyone there.

"Hi, nice to see you too. This is my daughter, Muse. Can you say hi, Muse? This is Kara. She helped mommy with her photo shoots too," Demi introduced them, looking down at her shy daughter. It usually took Muse a few minutes to open up with anyone but this environment might be a little too overwhelming for her.

"Hi Ms. Kara," Muse greeted.

"Hi Muse!" Kara knelt down so they were pretty much at the same height. "We're so excited that you decided to do this with us. We have so many outfits that you get to choose from and then we're gonna do your hair, and if it's okay with mommy, just a little bit of makeup. Like a little bit of lipgloss, okay?"

"Yeah, not too much. Cristo should be joining us soon but he had to pick up some of his own designs from his office," Demi said as Kara nodded in understanding and stood up straight again.

"You ready to get started, Muse?" Kara asked, extending her hand.

Muse looked up at her mother as if she were asking her permission, and when Demi nodded, Muse took Kara's hand and let her lead her over to where several racks of clothes were set up. Demi decided to hang back a little bit so that she could let Muse get comfortable with everyone around her and take some behind the scenes shots.

"Please do not tell me you are crying," Cristo said as they stood behind the camera and watched Muse basically hop around set.

She was having the time of her life. They let her change her outfit whenever she wanted to and the hairstylist kept redoing her hair in styles that Demi wouldn't even attempt. They didn't let her wear makeup because Cristo thought it was a bit too much, but the makeup artist had given her entire case of lipgloss to take home. Muse was loving the undivided attention.

"No," Demi whimpered, using her free to hand to swipe underneath her eyes.

Jadore was balanced on her hip as she watched her sister dance around. She was now five months old and more attentive than ever. Of course she couldn't fully talk but she was trying to. She could babble her parents' ears off. When she was first born, Demi thought she looked like her sister Maddie, but now Jadore looked more like her. The doctor was right about her eyes changing color. They were now the same honey brown color as Demi's.

"Demi..." Cristo started with a chuckle as Demi sniffled.

"She was literally just a baby...just like Jadore. I don't want them to grow up, I want them to be this small forever. I want to protect them forever," Demi said, watching the pure joy on her daughter's face.

What she loved about Muse was that she was so happy and carefree. She marched to the beat of her own drum and didn't care what anyone had to say about it. It's so crazy when you have kids and you name them but you have no idea what they'll be like when they get older. But they grow up, and grow into their name, and form their own personalities, and become their own person. That's what Demi loved the most about raising her kids.

"We will protect them forever but they're going to grow up. All we can do is cherish these moments, ma cherie. I mean, look at our daughter. Look how happy she is," Cristo said, snapping a few pics of Muse. Muse was into kpop now - and Demi still wasn't 100 percent sure of where she heard it from - so that's what was playing over the speakers.

"Let me get some more pictures," Demi mumbled more to herself, passing Jadore to Cristo. She crept to the side of the set and kneeled down with her iphone in her hand, snapping as many pictures as she could of Muse. She was having a total Kris Jenner moment and she wasn't even ashamed of it.

ddlovato posted to their story! [caption: I'm not going to become one of *those* moms but Muse had her first photoshoot today and I'm 🥺]

👤: wilheminamodels
Liked by vogue, cherieofficial, and 3,211,579 others
ddlovato: my Muse 🤍
kendalljenner: OMG!
kyliejenner: noooooo when did she grow up?!?!?

Setting: Demi and Cristo's House, Hidden Hills, CA

Demi didn't know what was going on with her, but for the past few weeks, she had been getting the worst headaches. She really didn't know what it was, but whatever it was had reduced her to being tucked into her bed at six in the evening with the curtains drawn. Jadore was in bed with her too, watching cartoons on TV as Demi scrolled through her phone with the brightness on low. She was looking at old Instagram posts and she had gotten all the way down to their wedding pictures. Her and Cristo were approaching five years of marriage and Demi honestly couldn't believe it. There wasn't a time when she had seriously considered divorce but she remembered where their marriage was a year ago and was so thankful for how far they had come.

"It's a little early to be in bed," Cristo said as he entered the room.

Jadore released a loud squeal, reaching towards her father but instead falling face first into the sheets. Cristo picked her up and kissed all over her face, causing her to loudly laugh. Muse and Jadore definitely had their mother's laughter.

"I just don't feel good. I have the worst headache," Demi complained, dropping her phone next to her as Cristo sat on the edge of the bed.

He placed Jadore down and she scooted herself forward until she was practically on top of Demi, pulling and pinching at her face as Demi tried to move away. Jadore was at this stage where she was grabbing at everything and she had an unnecessarily tight grip. She yanked at Demi's lips, and that's when Demi decided to sit up.

"Did you take medicine?"

"Yeah, but it's not helping."

"Maybe you need to ditch the phone and just go to sleep early," Cristo suggested as Demi nodded in agreement.

"I was looking at our wedding pictures. It's so weird to look at them now. Like, it feels like our wedding but at the same time, it doesn't. It was such a huge production," Demi said.

Planning their wedding had definitely been one of the most stressful times of her life. Some parts of it were fun but there was a lot of it that just gave her a major headache and sucked the happiness out of the whole thing. Not to mention the fact that she barely even made it down the aisle...

"Yeah, it was a lot. If we did it again, I wouldn't do it like that," Cristo admitted as Demi nodded in agreement.

Demi watched Cristo's eyebrows furrow and that's when she knew that he was thinking something he wouldn't say out loud.

"What is it? What'd you just think about?"

"Nothing. I'll take care of the kids tonight, okay? I'll have Marsha make you some tea but lay down and get some rest," Cristo said, picking Jadore up again.

He took Demi's phone and put it on her nightstand, then leaned down to kiss her forehead. Jadore decided she wanted to give her mommy kisses too, which was really just her sobbing all over her mother's face.

"I love when you give me kisses, baby girl. I love you," Demi cooed, which only caused Jadore to grin harder.

Her babies were so cute. She couldn't believe there was a time when she didn't want to have another one.

Demi was very appreciative that all of the designers that she had worked with loved sending clothes to her daughters, but it was getting to be a bit too much. Today was laundry day and though they did have an entire team of housekeepers, Demi did try to do a lot of things around the house by herself, and that included opening all of her PR packages and putting everything away by herself. This round of PR packages had mostly been for Muse and Jadore, so Demi was trying to get everything put away before the girls came back from visiting Clara. Cristo wanted to make a whole weekend out of it since Clara was staying in their Palm Springs house, but she had some work to get done for the TV show that she was producing and she wouldn't get anything done at their resort turned family vacation house.

"DEMI!" Demi looked down at her rose gold Apple watch and scrunched her nose up at the time. It was only ten in the morning. She wasn't expecting them to be back so soon.

"I'm in Muse's closet!" Demi called back. A few seconds later, Muse and Cristo entered the room, and Muse immediately ran into Demi's arms.

"Hey princess, I missed you! How was your weekend with Mémé?" Demi asked as Muse settled in her lap and began to play with the ends of her hair.

"It was fun. She got a new horse," Muse said as Demi kissed her cheek.

"Where's Jadore?"

"I already laid her down in her room. She's still knocked out from the ride over," Cristo responded as Muse stood up. "Go get your bags out of the car so we can put your stuff away."

Muse nodded and left the room to head back to the garage. Demi combed her fingers through her waves and sat up a little bit straighter as she turned to Cristo.

"Uh, can you close the door?" she said, stacking another pile of clothes on Muse's bottom shelf.

Usually she let Muse sort through these types of packages by herself but she probably wasn't in the mood to do it, and Demi had gotten everything organized already. She didn't need her making a bigger mess.

"What's up?"

"So, you know I went to the doctor's when you guys left and I literally gained like six pounds since last month," Demi started as Cristo leaned against the door.

"Okay...? Is that good or bad? We don't usually talk about your weight and you know I never bring it up to you. I haven't even noticed, to be honest," Cristo said, unable to tell if this was some kind of setup or if Demi was genuinely concerned about her weight gain. Eating disorder recovery was a life long process and Cristo had quickly learned that any mention of her weight was off limits.

"It's good because they said you're supposed to gain two to four pounds in the first month, and then a pound every week after that..." Demi trailed off, literally watching Cristo's facial expression change as he figured out what she was talking about.


"I'm pregnant," she chuckled, folding her arms over her chest as Cristo's mouth gaped open a little bit.

"You're joking. Is today April Fools? You're trying to prank me..." Cristo said, but Demi shook her head. "Say Bible."

"Cristo...Bible, I'm pregnant. You can look at my credit card bill, I literally bought like ten tests and then I took another test at the doctor's and they did an ultra sound. I'm six weeks..."

This was Demi's first time saying it out loud but she still couldn't believe it, and she knew why Cristo was having a hard time believing it too. It's not like they were exactly using protection, but for some reason, Demi thought since she had her eggs frozen there wasn't a chance that she could get pregnant the natural way. Obviously that wasn't true and now they would have another baby in about eight months.

"Jadore is five months old...and Muse is turning five..."

"And by the time the baby gets here Jadore will be one and Muse will be turning six. I know what you mean," Demi finished his thought. They hadn't even discussed the possibility of having another baby, especially not so soon.

"Oh my gosh," Cristo breathed out as he ran his hand over his hair. "Oh my gosh, we're having another baby."

"I know," Demi said as she stood up. Cristo immediately took her into his arms as she released a deep breath.

"How do you feel? You haven't had morning sickness or anything, right? Well, if you have, you've been hiding it very well," Cristo said, but Demi shook her head.

"No I've been fine. My boobs really hurt and I've been getting the worst headaches. Kylie has had to take me to In N Out like every night for the past few days but other than that I'm okay. I'm just tired," Demi blubbered, tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks as Cristo pressed his lips to his forehead.

"Are those happy tears?"

"Yeah," Demi whimpered, causing Cristo to chuckle a little bit.

"I thought you would find some cute and cheesy way to tell me," Cristo teased, but Demi shook her head.

"I didn't have the energy and I don't really want to explain it to Muse until I start showing..." Demi said. They were interrupted by a knock on the closet door so Cristo opened it and saw Muse standing there with her weekend bag. Of course it was Louis Vuitton.

"Why are you in here?" Muse asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I was putting your clothes away, sweetie. Hey, your birthday is coming up. Is there anything you want?" Demi asked as they exited the closet.

Muse dropped her bag in the corner before raising her arms for her mother to pick her up. Cristo wearily eyed Demi as she picked her up but she seemed fine so he didn't say anything.

"I want a bunny," Muse said, tangling her fingers in her mother's shoulder length hair.

"A bunny?" Demi questioned.

"Yes please."

"We have two dogs."

"But we don't have a bunny," Muse argued like it was the most simple thing in the world.

"What do you need a bunny for though?"

"I just want one," Muse shrugged.

"We'll see about that, Muse. But try to think of something else you want just in case," Demi said as she set her down.

By next year they would have three kids, two dogs, and now she wanted a bunny? Demi did not see that happening, but she turned and saw the look on Cristo's face and knew that it probably would happen.

Liked by krisjenner, maddelagarza, and 921,357 others
ddlovato: did we need another animal in our house? no. but what the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets! meet zuri everyone! and thank you khloekardashian for giving her this idea 🙄
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khloekardashian: Cristo said it was okay!

Liked by letthelordbewithyou, kendalljenner, and 722,689 others
cristoghesquiere: happy birthday to my ChouChou
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clara_ghesquiere: happy birthday Musee! I'm so glad she loves the new horse!

Liked by eddiedelagarza, kerrywashington, and 1,627,894 others
ddlovato: I can't believe I have a five year old. thank you for choosing me to be your mommy, Muse. I've loved watching you grow up and become who you are. I love you 🤍
View all 65,321 comments
kourtneykardash: I love this photo!
jastookes: five years?!?!?!? happy birthday muse!

Liked by obj, olivier_rousteing, and 999,564 others
cristoghesquiere: and happy birthday, ma cherie. thank you for giving me the best years of my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you
View all 32,156 others
ddlovato: am I sitting next to you sobbing? maybe so. Je t'aime beaucoup, I love the life we've created together 😘

cristoghesquiere posted to their story!

ddlovato posted to their story! [caption: thank you for being my tattoo buddy cristoghesquiere]

Liked by kimkardashian, theoneandonlydallaslovato, and 1,321,562 others
ddlovato: Jadore is totally a daddy's girl and I'm not even mad at it. They're so cute 🥺
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ddlovato posted to their story! [caption: girl dad]

cristoghesquiere posted to their story! [caption: this was Muse's idea]

kimkardashian posted to their story! [caption: I wonder what these are for 🤭🤨]

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