🗯. . Dsmp oneshots archive b...

By Love4hollyberry

13.9K 203 62

Used to be a oneshot book, please note that I am no longer a dsmp fan so this will not be updated More

Request !! Open !!
Finally free - Dream
Jealousy - Tommy + Tubbo + Ranboo
Muddy Hoodie - Dream + Wilbur
Sickening mornings - Wilbur + Dream
I tried my best - Sbi . Pt 1
I tried my best - Sbi . Pt 2
Unexpected Playdate - Dream + tommy
It just isnt me - George
Rough baking - Bee family ( unfinished )
Apologies treats - Sapnap + karl + quackity
One in particular - Philza
Shouting tnt - Sbi
For your own good - jack manifold + Tommy
Thank you !!
Headcanons !! - Dsmp!
Fuzzy panicky - Jschlatt + Quackity
Distastrous nuptials - Dream + fundy
Sadness and cuddles - Wilbur + Tommy
Ender and forever together - Ranboo pt1(?)
Ender and forever together - Ranboo pt.2
hello !!

No longer Winged - Quackity + Sapnap + Karl

989 15 0
By Love4hollyberry

Pov : Quackity has a great accounter with his old friend jschlatt in  dark alley 🥰
Irl hybrid au thing idk
Blood loss


third person POV
7:30 pm

Quackity walked in the streets , a small plastic bag in his left hand , wings fully spread out.
His two boyfriends had asked him to go get some snacks from the local store.

He has Been walking for ten minutes now, only to enjoy the calm atmosphere of the evening
But that atmosphere soon enough change to a creepy and tense way
Quackity was followed by someone

He couldn't tell who  but he could hear their footsteps
His breathing speeding up , he started to walk forward faster , not too fast to not make obvious that he was trying to escape them but they only speeded up their walk , getting closer to The winged one.
The duck hybrid started to panic , pulling out his phone to contact his boyfriends
But his battery was dead

"Fuck.." he whispered to himself , he started to run , the person following him from close
"What do  they want? What are they going to do to me?!?!?!?" Quackity thought as he
His breathing speeding up at unmeasurable speed making him hard to breath
He took a left turn hoping it would be enough for the other running behind him to lose track
But no
He was wrong

The turn only gave the person more speed , which made Quackity panic even more, and to add to that , luck wasn't on Quackity's side , he had run into a dead end, no possible way to escape unless he had flew away but it was too late , he already was pinned against the wall.
Shaking, the poor duck looked up to the taller one and spoke up
"W-WHO ARE YOU? AND WHAT DO YOU WAN-" he choked , instantly regretting being so loud , the stranger wrapped his hand around quackity's neck , which made the smaller whimper in fear
"Oh~ so you don't recognize me don't you?"

Quackity pov

"Oh~ so you don't recognize me don't you?" The other said
The voice was way to familiar
No it couldn't be
"JSCHLATT??" I screamed, only to get growled at as a answer , feeling his hand tightening around my neck
"I see your memory is coming back finally ~ " he teased me 
"B-but i thought "
"You thought what? That i was  gone ? BAHA you're completely wrong honey , ive been here the whole time." He growled at me , making me silently sob. i was scared  Really scared  I had no idea what he was about to do to me
"W-what do y-you want from me..." i asked with pleading eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks
"Oh i'm glad you asked.... you see , ever since you left me to rot in this place  after deciding to go with these two assholes  of boyfriends you spend all your time with , I had to move on and make myself a new life. And it's what i did" he said rolling me over  , my face now facing the wall to get full access to my wings
"And i have found a job , an amazing job where i have to find amazing items for someone, and he gave me like  mission to find some... human sized  duck wings... but as you might know...duck hybrids are extremely rare and difficult to find... so i thought you wouldn't mind helping me out.., " he got closer to my face , me feeling his heated breathing hit my ears , which made me whine and tremble "and give me... your wings"
I choked starting to insanely shake
"No...NO No YOU can't ...Jschlatt please let me....go i have to go home....."
I begged , hoping my supposed old friend would have little of pity
Only to get laughed at , it was hopeless
He already had made up his mind , He was going to take my wings away.
"Sorry but i have a job to get done...." he smirked , pulling out a big knife , my  eyes  widened, sobbing my life out
"This is going to hurt a lot quackity..... I'm not sorry for it " he chuckled, digging the knife slowly into my member , making me scream in agony .   "PLEASE" i screamed, practically begging , the goat hybrid only smirked
"Alright.... only one left " he said, digging the knife rapidly into the other wings , not letting me time to scream , he put his hand around my mouth . I cried into his hand , struggling to get out ,  he shoved the knife in my back "oops.... my bad" he laughed , he enjoyed seeing me in pain.
Soon enough I collapsed on my knees and then on the ground, curling up in a ball.  Blood all over the place

The goat hybrid smiled at the show he was assisting. "It was great to see you again, " jschlatt said, kicking me into the wall.
When he was finally gone from my sight, i started crying loudly, letting it all out but silently , my whole body ached
I had  three big holes in my back and my boyfriends were nowhere near to be seen
Darkness slid over me just like a blanket
Giving me a bit  of rest

Sapnap pov

Karl and I started to get worried. It has been a whole hour since quackity left and the store where we asked him to go was just 15 minutes away. After discussing a bunch , we both decided to go look for him. Grabbing our  coat  , we left the house . We took the same way we assumed Quackity had taken . After walking around for a  big 10 minutes , We heard  sobbing  coming from an alley not far from us , Karl ran first and I followed him from close .

I heard Karl gasp and scream Quackity which made my heart sink  to the bottom of my body .
I ran into the alley only to see Quackity on the ground, half unconscious  bleeding . Karl and i got closer , i kneeled down to him , putting my hand on his shoulders, which made the shorter one flinch
"NO , NO NO PLEASE DONT H-HURT ME...." quackity scream curling into a ball , uncontrollably shaking
"Quackity .., its ok its us ... sapnap and karl"
I cooed silently
The duck flinched  before looking up
"S-sapnap....."  he said leaning onto me and karl who was sitting next to him
"What happened...?" Karl asked with is usual soft voice
"I..i..i.....h-he... my w-wings...." he said coughing up blood

Third person pov

"F-fuck ..."  quackity  swore under his breath, a concerned expression formed in karl face and sapnap quickly pulled out his phone  
"I'm going to call a ambulance " sapnap told the two others
Karl nodded and looked down to his injured boyfriend
Sapnap stood at the entrance of the alley looking for any signs of the ambulance
Quackty coughed up blood once again but more then before and was at the  verge of passing out
"Sapnap... he's slipping off!" Karl shouted to sapnap who turned quickly and ran back to them
He kneeled down to quackity and runned his hand through his hair
"C'mon babe... hold on just a little longer.." he whispered
A few moments later , the ambulance pulled up and brought quackity in urgency to the hospital
For further treatments

Months later

Quackity fully recovered from the accident physically but never mentally
He had grown a immense fear for separation or being left alone
Especially outside at night time
Which made deplacements a little bit difficult
He also refused to leave his room for a couple of weeks , losing touch with people or even reality but his boyfriends
Took good care of him
And put him back on track
He was their no longer winged duckling

Lazy ending wooooo
But i like this chapter a bunch!!
Yeah :)

1303 word

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