Headcanons !! - Dsmp!

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Dumb Headcanons because i need to post something
Those will be dsmp related .


Ranboo headcanons

- ranboo can't blink and his eyes gets so dry sometimes that he always have a eye dropper in his pocket
-  ranboo goes by he/they pronouns
- ranboo doesn't have a physical gender since he's half enderman and half something which are mobs and mobs doesn't have physical genders so he just goes by masculinity since it's what makes him the most comfortable
- ranboo gifts his closest friends grass blocks full of their  favourite flowers type on them
-  ranboo blurts  out random  enderman words when he feels a strong emotion
- him , Michael and tubbo has matching pyjamas.
- he learned how to keep his tears in so he can't hurt himself with them
- sometimes when he's bored , he talks with dream's voice nobody is here to listen to him
- ranboo zones out often and enderman talk when zoning out , so in conversation people can tell when he zones out and brings him back
- he can communicate with other mobs
- ranboo and tommy likes to play chess together
- ranboo gave tommy a small Ender pearls crown because he wanted to show tommy how much he cares about him
- he wears a crown , rings , earrings because they  make him feel like a prince .
- he  has shaky hands so he hold on stuff to keep his hands still
- ranboo likes to follows people and hides when he's noticed.
- ranboo pays alot of attention to people's body language and always make sure people are comfortable around him
- ranboo dislikes going into the end or nether for some reason he has forgotten, it just makes him feel odd but can't remember why
- ranboo can time travel but forgot he ever could
- he has an heavy fear of drowning , so he always keep his trident around to be able to fly out of the water when he gets too deep
- ranboo has x-ray vision , can teleport and lift multiple blocks at once only in enderwalk states
- Ranboo is more aware of his surroundings and reality when enderwalking
- his eyes glows in the dark to a distance of a kilometre so people use him as a flashlight sometimes , with his consent obviously.
- axolots and llama obsessed

Tubbo headcanons

- he has a unhealthy obsession with bees
- he eats honey with anything , no matter the taste
- tubbo goes by he/it/bee pronouns
- bee onesie bee onesie
- tommy  and him sometimes spends hours in flowers fields talking about bees
- tubbo used to have long hair but cut them off
- he can shapeshift between a bee , goat and skuller hybrid and human depending of the erea /era
- he likes to annoy ranboo or tommy when he is bored
- he is else energetic or tired no in between
- he isn't actually short , everyone is just tall
- he heavily fears technoblade ever since the carnival incident
- he dislikes talking about his scars to strangers when they ask him how he got them
- ranboo and him holds hands when nobody is around .
- jschlatt wasn't a bad father to tubbo compared to what people used to think about him 
- he is actually terrifying when irritated
- tubbo is stronger than technobalde although he doesn't know how to use all his strength so he only use a quarter of it.

Tommy head canons

- Tommy has discs dedicated to each of his friends
- he always need validation because he fears losing his friends
- Tommy speaks loudly to be louder than his intrusive thoughts
- He try to spend has much time Possible with ranboo so he can be comfortable with him and forget how he stole his best friend
- Tommy is scared of heights
- attention craver attention craver
- everyone thinks his favourite is red but it is actually blue because of ghostbur
- Tommy likes adventures and often go and visit biomes just to have fun
- he likes doing campfires with tubbo
- when tommy died , he saw things that he couldn't even put into words
- when anxious , he starts scratching his wrists
- he had wings but lost them in a incident
- he only allow techno to call him " raccoon"
- tommy always  need to have a armor to feel safe , otherwise people needs to stay really really close to him to make sure he's protected.
- he dislikes loud noises
- he is terrified of thunder and lightning ever since he got struck by a lightning

Dream headcanons

- he can sense when ranboo is in trouble and uses his voice to help him out
- he hurts people first so he doesn't get hurt at first
- he seems quite heartless but he actually cares about the others , he just doesn't know how to express it
- Dream XD is him that was sent from another universe to take care of George for him
- he likes to sit near the lava because it makes him feel at home
- captain puffy isn't his mother only his mentor but treated her as his mother
- he doesn't like foolish much because he always has been jealous of him getting most of puffy's attention
- he is conflicted , can't tell what is good or wrong
-Dream doesn't like strong scents , it makes him stim pretty badly so Sam made his prison cell scent-free .
- Dream learned to speak enderman so he could understand what ranboo says and he likes to mess up with ranboo sometimes
- Even if dream is a high qualified manipulator , he is the easiest to manipulate of all.
- he often have hallucinations of George and sapnap staying with him in his cell due of how much he misses them
- he killed tommy out of impulse because of how menaced he felt when tommy threatened to kill him
- he promised himself he would never get into a relationship after he hurted Fundy
- Dream is a orphan

Fundy headcanons

- he first came out as trans to Eret
- when overly excited , he looses knowledge of wording and speak in full nonsense mixed with fox noises
- he has extreme trust issues ever since Dream broke his trust
- he never forgave Dream but still care about him lots and lots
- Fundy would only let wilbur touch and brush his tail and eventually let ghostbur do aswell when he ame back into that form
- he has ptsd from the war
- scratch him behind the ears and he's all yours
- he absolutely loves writing for wilbur , helping him out with his songs lyrics
- he likes to make burrows for his fox friends that lives near
- Fundy collected guitar picks from wilbur until he died , he threw them away because they carried the painful memory of his death father
- berries is his favourite snack and would eat some with almost everything
- he prefers vegetable over meat , even if he's a fox.
- once he had found a old piano in a abandoned mansion , he cleaned it and practiced on it until his talent for piano was born
- he gets gender envy from Eret alot

Philza headcanons

- he is queer
- instead of saying holy cow , he says holy crow.
- Tommy got him lenses that helps him see glass so he doesn't fly into them
- he likes flying on the soft breeze at sunrise
- he collects alot of shiny objects he finds because he's obsessed
- he is immortal and he takes care of dead people souls who reincarnated into crows
- he dislikes explosive
- he kept the sword he killed Wilbur over his bed so he could have his soul by his side
- he is a good father figure
- he chirps when anxious , just like a bird
- his wings are gigantic and people likes to be wrapped in them.
- he hates mentioning his past hardcore life , as it is triggering topic for him.
- he can't stay still for long , he always have to do little moves .
- he has vocal tics where he makes bird noises involuntary
- he can sew and sews clothes pieces for his sons

Technoblades Headcanons

- techno only allows SBI members  to braid his hair.
- he has a collection of swords he keeps as memories
- will resume you the book of art of war in less than five minutes
- techno has a huge library full of books .
- techno has psychosis which would explain his voices and hallucinations
-  he would spend hours listening to wilbur sing
- he daily goes hunting with tommy
- the blood god was a creature he created when he was younger but it soon became real after the voices came
- he has alot of jewelry and sometimes borrows some to Ranboo when the enderman looses or breaks his.
- philza sewed his cape as a gift and ever since never let it go
- he has the whole SBI crew names carved into his crown
- he doesn't really like Tommy no more but force himself to since he is his brother
- he is a psychotic autistic
- techno is asexual and aromatic


This is all i have ,,i would have made all the dsmp members but i don't have ideas anymore , hope you guys like my head canons

Might do a part 2

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