I tried my best - Sbi . Pt 2

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Angst oneshot

Tw : depression , voices , swearing, verbal abuse/Aggressive , mention of selfharm , cutting , self destructive behaviour , lack of self care , fighting , unhealthy family relationship , suicide , death.


It was early in the morning and Phil's eyes were already wide open , they had been all night , and that has been this way for almost a month , he would barely get any sleep , you can thank his insomnia. He didn't leave his bed just yet , he wanted his sons to wake up before him because he didn't want to bother their sleep. A few hours more of staring at the ceiling , figuring out that his sons wouldn't wake up just yet , he decided to go and make them breakfast. He dragged himself out of bed and sauntered through the hallway. He finally got to the kitchen and got to the stove , turned it on and took out the ingredients he needed to be able to make fluffy and yummy pancakes , just like his sons liked them.
Making pancakes usually would take long but Phil was the kind of person that would get distracted and burn the pancakes so after a lot of attempts , he finally made the perfect pancakes after a big 2 hours , still wondering how his boys slept through the fire alarm. Letting out a sigh of relief , he placed the plate of pancakes on the table , placed the syrup and juice not far and put some bowls of fruits so they could choose what to put on their pancakes. The winged man then , brushing his hand through his hair as an anxious reflex , walked up to each of his kids door , gently knocking on the wooden doors.

He heard yawning and muffled groaning coming from their doors , giggling softly . The adult walked to his room , as the feeling of his sons not wanting to see him grew in his chest , he didn't know why i felt like this , he would feel this way often and that for no reason . He always had that unpleasant feeling in the guts that his sons despised his existence , something that would keep him awake all night . Before he could enter his room , he saw his oldest son walk out of his resting place door , rubbing his eyes harshly. They exchanged smiles when their eyes fell on each other , but techno's smile disappeared quickly as his father closed the door behind him. Something was wrong with him , techno thought , he had to figure what. "do you guys smell that? It smells really good " Tommy said tiredly , him too rubbing his eyes . Wilbur groaned as he stretched his back , yawning. "I do smell it " the curly haired guy hummed , being the first to dawdle through the hallway to the kitchen , Tommy followed his mouvement quickly.
Techno chuckled , walking to the kitchen behind his brothers . Tommy exclaimed loudly as he sat at the table "Pancakes!! Woo" wilbur had a huge smile on his face , and so did techno, his just wasn't as wide as the others because, you know , we're talking about techno.

" where's phil? '' Tommy questions a few pancakes already in his plate and putting ingredients on them . " oh , Phil went to sleep I think , I am not sure but he's in his room." Techno answered his little brother , hearing his other brother groan. "Couldn't he at-least spend breakfast with us for once? He's always in his room unless he's doing the house chores '' Wilbur sneered , " maybe he's tired? And honestly if i was him , i would also spend all my time in my room too , you guys are the worst to be around " techno teased , a grin on his face . Wilbur let out a fake offended gasp , placing his hand on his chest as if he was surprised " i am hurt , take it back " he sobbed . Tommy bursted in laughter almost choking on his bite " hey pal , dad wouldn't be glad to find you dead " wilbur joked , making the younger pout as he drank in his orange juice. " you guys are mean " the blond mumbled.

Meanwhile , the poor Phil was shedding tears , muffling his sobs in his pillow. He didn't know why he was crying but he felt the need to so he did , he cried . He was a weak father , a weak , awful , selfish father.
Nothing else

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