Apologies treats - Sapnap + karl + quackity

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Fluff / pet space oneshot

Prompt : Sapnap and Karl both slip into a puppy mindset while their master is gone. Lucky for them , quackity came back with some good treats to make them happy puppers

Tw : slight injury

Pet! Karl
Master! Quackity

In real life // not minecraft world


Sapnap and Karl rolling on each other , ran behind the toy ball barking . They rolled over and over , happily trying to get the ball. Playfully biting each other when one of them got too close to the toy . The object bounced back and forth , hitting the walls and completely mesmerizing the two puppies to catch it.

The two pups , we're too much into their game to realize that their master was back.

"Karl ! Sapnap ! I'm back ~ " he cooed from the entrance , closing the door behind him. He had been out to get some groceries and on the same occasion got some treats , by reflex for his habibis , not even aware of their regression. Hanging up his coat in the closet , he was welcome by a series of barks . He looked down , only to see Karl and Sapnap sitting and panting , tongue out. "Aw pups... are you both regressed? " the medium-height guy cooed , leaning towards both to give them gently scratching behind their head.

"Arf ! Arf arf " Karl barked. Happily , he directed his pace to the hooks where his and Sapnap collars were hanging
,Whining . " oh I see , you guys want your collars don't y'a? " Quackity smiled , walking up to the hooks ( they are pet collars , completely sfw ! )
He grabbed the two collars and attached them to both of his puppies' necks . He knew it helped them get into the pet mood and help them regress further into puppyspace; he didn't mind putting those on them.

The two pups barked happily and went back to playing , nudging and chasing the squishy ball .

Quackity went back to the entrance and took the grocery bag. Leaving his two pups in the living room , he directed himself to the kitchen , undoing the groceries. Placing everything at their respective places , he was soon done undoing the groceries. He went back to the living room , joining his puppy's to their play. " so who wants to play ball ? " he gushed , in excitement! " Woof ! " sapnap let out rolling on his back and rolled back onto his paws. " oh wait i forgot ! " quackity said , going to the hooks again. He grabbed the dog ears headbands and placed them tightly on sapnap and karl's head. " there! Now you guys are real puppies ! " he smiled , earning barks of happiness. He lifted the ball from the ground and threw in through the room .

The ball bouncing around was followed by the two guys , or i'd rather say playful pups. Quackity continued to play with his pups for around an hour before diner time came. " ooh , it's dinner time pup , am I right pups? " he asked , the two nodding. He stood up and directed himself to the kitchen , the two going back to the playing. Karl went back to the chase of the ball but sapnap him, got bored of it and decided to go play with Karl's bone squishy toy . That was a bad idea.

When Karl finally got the ball , he realized sapnap wasn't following him. He looked around , seeing sapnap laying down on the ground. Getting closer , he titled his head , confused. Was sapnap hurt? Did he not want to play with him anymore? He wondered but anger overwhelmed him as he saw the other chewing on his squishy toy! . He growled pushing Sapnap away , who still had his teeth tightened around the toy. Sapnap growled back and understood what Karl was doing. The other pup bit the other side of the toy , them now arguing for the plastic bone. Impatient , karl swung his paw up and then down on sapnap's cheek , scratching him deep with his nails. The black haired guy yelped at the sudden move of his playtime friend , instantly backing up , hiding himself near the couch. He started whimpering loudly as he sat , making puppy eyes at the growling other.

Quackity rushed into the living room after hearing those sounds , worried . He looked around only to see sapnap curled up near the couch whimpering and karl growling at him. " what happened here ?! " he slightly yelled , keeping his tone low as much as possible to not scare his pups. Karl yelped surprised , getting himself back together. His expression saddened as he sat down whimpering. Quackity leaned down to sapnap turning his face to him with his hand " oh poor you.. let me bandage you up.." he whispered , going up to the bathroom and coming back with the first aid kit . He took out the nitrogen antiseptic ( idk how it's called , that one liquid that burns on wounds ), poured a bit on a little cotton ball and patted his cheeks gently. Sapnap whined at the burn sensation on his cheek but it didn't last long . His scratch was now covered up with a cute bandaid with a little paw on it , to fit the theme. Quackity then stood up , sapnap on the floor behind him. He stomped his feet in anger , giving a dominating stare at his puppy karl.

"What happened? " he seethed. Not earning an answer , karl moved his paw to the bone toy and moved in in front of him looking down. Quackity expressions softened as he realized what happened. " Oh puppy, it's ok! " quackity sighed , getting closer and kneeled down to Karl , patting his head. " but know that hurting others is not the way to get things done! I know how it feels to want to protect your belongings but know that you must share ! " he explained , Karl nodding .

" Go apologize to your friend pup " he advised , moving from the way to let Karl join his friend. Karl walked up to sapnap , rubbing and nudging his cheek. Sapnap happily barked . " woof ! "

" glad you two apologized ! It's snack time now " quackity exclaimed going in the kitchen quickly . He came back with two bowls full of small cookies (. I didn't know what to make them eat and it surely wouldn't be dog food )

They both barked happily , jumping on the food . As they ate , quackity went back to the kitchen and brought back bowls for water . He placed them down and poured water in them . When the pups were down cheerfully chewing their snack down , they attacked the water bowls , drinking to the last drip.
"Wow you guys were starving " quackity joked.

He sat on the couch , his pups crawling on him. " Sleepy aren't we? " he mumbled. Today had been exhausting for all of them so they took a well deserved rest , cuddled up under the soft covers.


Try to good write pet space one shot challenge go

Joke aside this is my first pet space one shot , i haven't seen much so i made one !
It was really hard to write because there's some information about pet space i couldn't get and try to imagine sapnap and Karl running around like dogs........ yeah........

But it was fun to write , hope you guys enjoyed it !
Im speed running writing right now
I have 2 angst stories planned so be ready.

1204 words

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