Where The Daises Bloom

By ThatFanGirl_sn

763 18 4

Rose Thomas works for a medium-sized PR firm in New York, called PRight Now. Her new Department Manager, Samu... More

The Sun Always Rises
The Window
At First Sight
Mr. Blue Eyes
Call Me Sir
Feel My Wrath
With Pleasure Comes Pain
The Midnight Sun
The Laptop
Bump In The Night
Always Watching
Cadman Plaza
Hidden In Plain Sight
Until The End Of Time

In The Rain

26 1 0
By ThatFanGirl_sn

Rose and Sam were a month into their restraining order against Mike, and so far there didn't seem to be any issues. Neither of them had seen him at any of the places he wasn't allowed to be at, or even ones he was allowed at.

Rose is 4 months pregnant, and glowing. Every time Rose and Sam cuddled on the couch or in bed, Sam needs to be touching her belly. It brings him so much joy— he's the proudest soon-to-be dad ever.
"Hello? Oh, hi Frank! You're kidding.. he did?! Finally! Make sure you file that shit like yesterday.. cause I would like to marry Sam sooner rather than later," Rose laughed on the phone. "That's great news. Thank god. He sucks. Thanks Frank!"

"Well he signed it babe!" Rose yelled into Sam in the bedroom.

"What?! He did?" Sam yelled as he emerged, shirtless and wet. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and smacked Rose on the ass.

"Yep! That was Frank.. he just got the papers, all signed properly.. and all signed!"

"Well damn! Thank god!" Sam said as he pulled her into a kiss and spun her around the kitchen. "And... I heard a little bit of your conversation... Do you really wanna marry me?" He lit up at the thought.

The two started to dance around to the sound of the rain tapping on their roof and windows, as they locked eyes, "of course Sam. I'm in love with you, and for the first time in a long time, I know what it's like to be loved."

"Good cause I wanna marry you too." Sam left her in the middle of the kitchen and ran into the bedroom. He came back out with his hands behind his back. Sam dropped to his knees, and slid toward Rose.

Rose laughed and smiled down at the man she was hopelessly in love with, as he produced a tiny black box from behind his back. He opened the lid to reveal a beautiful rose gold ring, princess cut, shinning as bright as the North Star. "Rose Elizabeth Nicolas, I've loved you since the day I met you, and I will love you till the day I die. I wanted to wait, to make sure you'd say yes, but I felt now's a good time.. will you marry me?" Sam's eyes widened with hope as the blue-green was flooded with happy tears.

Rose cupped her hands to her mouth and let the tears fall, "Samuel Alexander Marsten.. I love you so much. I knew it the first time you kissed me.. that I was going to marry you one day. You are the light of my days, and I will absolutely marry you!" He picked her up and spun her around into a kiss. He removed the ring from it's box, and lovingly placed it on her left ring finger. It was a near perfect fit.
"Babe! Movie tonight?" Sam called to Rose who was in the bathroom.

"Hmm.. what genre do we do on Saturday's usually?" She yelled back.

"Comedies I think..."

"We think? Let's make it so!.. Animal House?"

"Hell yeah! That's my future wife!" He clapped as he got up to look for the dvd. Rose appeared from the bathroom and stopped at the kitchen to grab the freshly popped popcorn, and some drinks.

"Thanks babe!" Sam recited as he carefully took the small green bowl from Rose's hands. Before she sat down, she paused for a moment, taking in the beads of rain racing down their large window, distorting the lights of city behind them. Rose loved living in Brooklyn— she loved working there too. It was by far her favorite borough.

"Sorry babe, just watching the rain," Rose smiled to herself as she sat down.

Sam immediately placed a hand on her growing belly, and leaned up to kiss her. "I love you," he said as he pressed play on the movie.

"I love you too," Rose smiled back.
*knock, knock*

Rose and Sam looked crookedly at each other, and checked the time.

*knock, knock*

"Who the fuck would be bothering us at the ridiculous hour of 8:30pm on a Saturday?" Sam laughed.

"I'll get it babe.. could be the landlord or a random lost soul," Rose chuckled in response.

"Thanks babe! I gotta pee anyway," Sam quipped as he playfully smacked her ass.

Sam jogged toward the bathroom as Rose stood up with her plastic cup and walked to the door. She tiptoed to the peephole, and immediately lost her breath as she dropped her cup, waking up Mr. B.

"SAM!" She screamed with a whisper while backing up from the door. "SAM!" She whisper screamed again.

"Babe?! What is it?!" Sam came frantically running out of the bathroom and grabbed Rose's shoulders.

"It's Mike.." she whispered with intense fear.

"What?! Are you sure?" He panicked as well, but carefully walked over to the door and looked out the peephole.

"Fuck.." he said as he tiptoed back to Rose. "Just call the police, he'll go away."

"Okay.. okay.." Rose said, trying to slow her breathing.

"Rose darling, I know you and that prick boyfriend of yours are in there.. I just wanna talk." Mike sneered through the door.

"Fuck.." Rose gasped.

"That's it! I'm beating his ass!" Sam declared.

"No! I'm calling the police babe, like you said!"

*knock, knock, knock, knock* "GOD DAMMIT, LET ME IN YOU BITCH!"

Rose panicked as she struggled to find her phone in her bag on the kitchen table.

"Fuck it!" Sam stormed over to the door and threw it open, just as Rose found her phone and began to dial 911.

"Sam.. no!"

Sam opened the door, "what do you want you prick?! You aren't even allowed to be within 100 yards of this place, dick!"

Before Rose could finish getting their address out, Mike was forcing his way past Sam, and into their house.

"MIKE! Get the fuck out!" Rose yelled putting the phone down, careful not to hang up.

"Ohh.. what is this?!" Mike gestured at Rose's stomach. "Thank god I didn't get you pregnant, you look fat.."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sam yelled as he now stood in front of Rose.

"Damn dude. I'm surprised your dick still works. She's dirty ya know.." Mike winked.

Sam lost his mind and charged toward him, tackling his equally sized 6'0" frame, and unleashing a furry of punches on Mike's face.

"SAMUEL! STOP IT!" Rose pleaded, not because she cared about Mike, but because she knew him, she knows he'd press charges. So she ran over and pulled Sam off of him, "calm down! He'll press charges, and I can't have you in jail!"

"FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Sam screamed as adrenaline still coursed through his veins.

Rose rubbed Sam's back as she desperately tried to see out the window for any sign or sound of police. "Okay, Mike.. you had your fucking fun. Now get the the fuck out!"

Mike slowly sat up and wiped the blood from his nose, and Sam stepped further in front of Rose, who turned to look for Mr. B who was hiding under their couch.

"Mike.. please, just fucking leave!"

"Not until you tell me.." he sniffed the blood away.

"Tell you what, you prick?!" Sam answered.

"I want her to tell me why she left me.."

"Are you fucking serious?!" Rose pushed past Sam, angry and determined. "YOU HAVE CONTROLLED EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE SINCE THE DAY WE GOT MARRIED... I NEEDED MY LIFE BACK. We were never in love, you dick! I was your human punching bag for almost FOUR YEARS.. you raped me, beat me, and humiliated me EVERY CHANCE YOU GOT!" Her face was once again as red as her name, as she clenched her teeth, hot tears streaming down her face.

"I never raped you, bitch! You LOVED IT!" Mike screamed back as he finally got to his feet.

"Bull. Shit. I NEVER loved it, OR YOU! You're a loser Mike.. now get the FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She breathed heavily, as worry about the stress on the baby crept into her mind. As she let her guard down, Mike charged at her, his hands coming in contact with either side of her neck, but before she could even process it, Sam was on him— threw him to the ground and beat on him until he was subdued— holding him in a headlock as the police arrived, guns drawn.

"Please.. my fiancé needs help! My ex husband is the one on the ground!" She screamed as she begged them not to hurt Sam. "He tried to kill me.. my fiancé had to get him off."

"Okay sir, let him go." A large male cop instructed of Sam. He loosened his griped and ran to Rose, catching her just as she started to collapse from emotion. Her blood pressure raised, her breathing short. "It's okay baby.. it's okay," Sam rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"We're gonna need you to come down to the station.." another cop began to say to Sam.

"No! He didn't do anything wrong! Please! We have a restraining order on my ex!" Rose motioned to the rack in the kitchen, and Sam got up and handed the paperwork to the officer.

"Oh! Thank you.. well, restraining order violations trump assault," the tall blonde policeman winked at Rose and Sam. "We will be in touch though, for when or if this goes to trial. Thank you folks."

"AH!" Rose winced in pain as she doubled-over and grabbed her stomach. "Somethings wrong.."

"Shit!" Sam ran and grabbed his wallet and phone. "That was way too much! We gotta get you to the hospital!" Sam instructed as he helped Rose stand.

"6-1 to dispatch, we need an Ambo at 1364 Woodruff, ASAP!" The larger cop called on his radio. He was sweating from his hairline and had dark green eyes that complimented his light blonde hair.

Sam looked at him, "thank you sir." He decided to pick Rose up and carry her down the steps to the front of their building, so they were able to be more easily found.
"Well, miss Nicolas.. your blood pressure did drastically increase, BUT the baby is fine. Just got a little extra blood flow for a little while, causing hers to up as well. I know today was awful, so just try to take it easy. I want to keep you overnight too," Doctor Julie Latcey, a petite red headed woman, said to Rose as she lay in her hospital bed.

"Thanks Doctor... wait hers?!" Rose replied as she rubbed her belly and scanned the hallway for Sam.

"Yes.. Ms. Nicolas, you're having a girl. He went to get some food— he'll be right back." Doctor Latcey smiled as she exited.

Soon after, Sam reentered the room, two containers of French fries and juice in his hands. He went over to kiss Rose before putting the food down on the tiny table at the foot of her bed.

"Thanks babe.." Rose smiled as she caressed his face. "I have news!"

"Oh? Good or bad??" He inquired.

"Hmm.. good!" Rose joked. "Well the doc wants me to stay overnight, just to be sure..."

"Okay... and?" Sam knew that she wasn't done talking, and smirked at her from the chair he sat in.

"Well... uhm.." Rose was doing an awful job at hiding her smile, "we're having a girl!" She finally blurted out.

"What?!" Sam's smile grew from ear to ear as he stood up to rub her belly. "A girl?! That's amazing!"

"You're gonna be an amazing dad," Rose teared up as she held Sam's face in her hands.

"And you're going to be an amazing mom! I love you so much!" Sam pressed their foreheads together as they happily shed tears over the direction their lives have taken.

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