Winter at the Manor

By Scorose37650

10.8K 165 162

Rose Granger Weasley has been targeted by Delphi, who has just escaped Azkaban. As a protective measure, her... More

Meeting Mr. Malfoy
Seeing Dad Again
The letters
The lesson
Cupcakes and Horcruxes
Cupcakes and Libraries
My life is changing everyday
Wait until Christmas eve
You've got that one thing
I think I love you maybe I'm not sure
I can't.
Boyfriends and movies
New Years
I have to
Everything's okay.
St Mungo's
Three years later:
"I do"
14 years later

I think I may have.... sorta... a crush on him.

375 7 15
By Scorose37650

Rose's POV

I woke up that morning slightly confused about the dreams I had the night before. "Do I love him?" I mumbled to myself. Well, maybe I do. You had dreams about him kissing you, being close to you...

I mentally slapped myself in the face. ROSE JEAN GRANGER WEASLEY DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE HIM!!!!!!!

Well, he's really sweet, we made cupcakes, he has the deepest dreamy voice... my heart sings when he talks to me, he looks at me like this: 😊 He is overall amazing...


I sat down on my bed and looked out my window. I think that he'd make an amazing boyfriend, maybe today I could try to get him to open up to me... maybe get out some mistletoe. 


Just then I heard Sinestra. "Miss Rose? Mr Malfoy senior wants you to meet him in the basement with mister Scorpius."

"Thank you for telling me, I'll be there in a second." I raced to my closet and threw on a dress before going into their huge basement. 

I had to pass their cellar on the way down. Mr Malfoy hadn't opened it since the second wizarding war, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to open it either. My mother had been tortured in the very room I was in. I shuddered at the realization that I could be standing where she was screaming...

I remembered what I was supposed to do right about then and I left the creepy cellar behind. 

"Hello Rose." Mr Malfoy smiled at me as I came in. I realized that Scorpius wasn't there yet. "Do you know where Scorpius is?" I asked. 

"Oh, he's probably looking for..." Scorpius raced down into the basement, his shirt on backwards and his hair disheveled. 

I laughed. He instantly realized how stupid he looked and immediately turned his shirt back around and combed through his blonde hair with his fingers. 

After he was done, Mr Malfoy gestured around the room. "Rose, have you ever heard of an escape room?" 

I nodded. "I've never done one before, but it sounds fun."

"Well, I have prepared one for you and Scorpius to do. You have two hours, and the riddles are all written in runes, which I know both you and Scorpius take."

I smiled. "Okay."

"On your marks..." he stepped towards the doorway.

"Get set.." I looked at Scorpius.

"GO!" he slipped out and the digital clock on the wall started ticking. 

"Scorpius, let's look in the corners." We started feeling along the wall until I came across a brick that was out of place. I pushed it back into place and a clue appeared in runes. Scorpius and I worked together to translate it and it said

To those who were weak

To those who were strong

To those who were overrated

To those who did nothing at all

"We... have a closet full of portraits. There's a portrait of my aunt in there..." he led me to a tiny door in one of the corners of the room. 

We searched through the portraits. The portrait of Bellatrix Lestrange was less than happy to see me. 

"MUDTRAITOR!!!!! DAUGHTER OF A MUDBLOOD!!!!!" we pushed her screaming portrait to the side and we found a clue taped to the back. It said, 

For Rose:

'You will always fly with your dad'

"What the heck does that mean?!" Scorpius asked, but I knew exactly what Draco was referring to. 

"How did he know about that?" I mumbled. 

"What do you mean?" Scorpius asked. 

"Well, when I was about three, my dad and I were sitting on a hillside talking. We saw a flock of geese go by, and I asked, 'Daddy? Why do birdies have tail feathers?' He said that he didn't know that. Then I asked, 'Why don't birdies fly with their mommies?' and he said he didn't know that either. Then I asked, 'Do birdies have daddies?' he answered, 'Yes. Birdies have daddies.' and then I asked, 'then why don't birdies fly with their daddies?! Their daddies would get lonely!" Then he smiled at me and said, 'I dunno Rosie.' I hugged him and said, 'I will always fly with you daddy.'"

Scorpius smiled. "That's adorable!"

Then another thing caught my eye. It was a picture of two people on a hillside. One of them, the bigger one, had very light hair, and the smaller figure had long, medium brown hair. 

Scorpius looked at it too and sadly smiled. "My parents."

I picked up the picture and looked at the back. In the same handwriting that was on the clues, it said 10-12-98

"October 12, 1998..." Scorpius mumbled, and gasped. "That was when my dad proposed to my mum! I think I know where the last clue is!!!"

I followed him over to a shelf, and he carefully pulled down a beautiful music box. 

"That's beautiful!" I said. 

He put the key into it and this melody started playing: 

We looked into each other's eyes. The music was beautiful, and so were his eyes... 

At the end of the last melody, a note popped up that said, Congrats!!! The combination is on the side

We looked on the side of the box. There were numbers carved into it and I brushed the dust out of the way to read them. 


"My birthday." Scorpius mumbled. He went to the lock on the door and put in the numbers. 

We walked out, where Draco was smiling proudly. "You only spent 1 hour in there. Was it fun?" 

I nodded. "Thank you Mr Malfoy." 

Scorpius took my hand from behind. I squeezed it. 

I think I may have... sorta... a crush on him. 

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