The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

175K 5.4K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two


1.6K 66 34
By tooldtobehere

Lyra awoke early the next morning, and she was sure it was some sort of omen for the day. To say she felt worse then death didn't quite capture the ache in her bones or the lurch of her stomach. Quietly, and with care, she untangled herself from George and slipped from the bed. She was going to make a run for the door, slipping away before anyone else woke. But as soon as she was on her feet her stomach lurched in an unsafe way and she found herself running for the bathroom instead.

Falling to her knees she emptied her guts violently into the porcelain bowl. She didn't hear the door open, but a cool hand reached down and pulled her hair back up out of her face, and another rubbed small circles into her back.

Lyra tried to look up to see who it was, but the motion of it made her nausea worse and she ended up leaning back over the bowl, throwing up until she was dry heaving.

"Your okay," George said soothingly, "It'll all be over soon and you'll feel much better."

She waited until she was sure it was safe to move, and then fell shakily back onto the tile floor. Wiping her face free from drool and puke. "I'm sorry George." She said "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, I woke when you got out of bed and I'm glad I did so I could make sure your okay."

Her whole body shook, she was freezing. "I'm okay," She lied and despite his tired eyes and the fact he was probably feeling just as crummy he smiled.

"Your definitely not. Your pale as a ghost and shaking like a leaf."

"I'm just a bit cold.... And gross feeling...."

He chuckled and helped her to her feet. "Why don't you hop in the shower? I bet it will make you feel better."

"What about you? Are you going back to bed?"

He shrugged. "Probably not. Why? Do you want me to come with you?" He teased.

"Kind of." She said honestly, not meeting his gaze.


She looked to him hopefully, "Really?"

"Yeah but no funny business got it?" He joked.

"I don't think I have enough energy in me for funny business." She groaned.

He chuckled placing a cool hand on her warm head. "Mmmm that's the downside of drinking my love."

George grabbed the towels and clothes as she started the shower. The water was hot, and at the very least soothed her aching body. There was a knock at the door and someone came in.

"Am I still good to join you?" George asked.

"If you think you can handle it yes."

His face peered from around the curtain he looked her up and down grinning. "I don't know, I've been the more well behaved one lately."

Memories of last night flooded her mind and she blushed looking away, "are you getting in or not?"

"Hmmmmm shower with a beautiful naked girl? Nah I think I'll just sit this one out."

She rolled her eyes "just hurry it up."

He chuckled disappearing behind the curtain again. She watched as his silhouette undressed through the curtain. Turninf away as he slipped the curtain back again and got in with her.

"Which soap is yours?" She asked letting him slip under the water. Looking anywhere but at him.

He chuckled and grabbed the middle one off the small shelf. "This one." She popped off the cork pouring some onto her hands and applying to herself. "Want some help?" George asked.

She looked at him wearily, noting the mischievous look in his eyes. Oh how tempting the thought was. "Probably safer if you didn't." Lyra finally said better safe then sorry.

He sighed, but couldn't quite keep the smirk from his face. "Touche."

The bathroom door slammed open and Lyra jumped, the bottle of soap slipping from her hands. George caught it easily before it could tumble to the ground. There was the sound of bare feet on the tile, and then the sound of someone throwing up.

She looked up at him wide eyed, her panic clear. Would they get in trouble? Would Fred and Lee care? George smiled at her reassuringly and winked. Then he turned and opened the curtain a bit peeking out to see who it was. He grinned, "Morning Fred,"

Lyra peeked around the curtain too, careful to make sure she kept herself covered. Fred looked up from the toilet bowl.

"Morning Love Birds," He grumbled.

"You look about how I feel." Lyra said sympathetically.

Lee was at the door now, "you okay Fred?" He asked in a drowsy tone.

"Fine now." Fred replied standing up, "you two almost done in there?"

"We've just got in." George replied.

Lee turned towards the shower turning a deep shade of red. "Two?"

Lyra smiled shyly, and George grinned. "Morning Lee." She said awkwardly.

"M-morning." Lee replied.

"Just hurry it up you two, I want one before breakfast too." Fred said stretching and walking from the bathroom.

"Why do you think we're in here at the same time?" George yelled after him. "To save time of course."

"Mmmm I'm sure that's your reasoning."

"Your really not phased by this?" Lee said following him.

"By what?" Fred asked.

"There's a naked girl in our bathroom!" Lee whisper yelled, but George and Lyra were still close enough to hear him.

"No there's a naked Lyra in our bathroom. That's completely different."

"How is that different?"

"Well I suppose it'd be a bit like Ginny showering here."

"I suppose Ginny showers with your other brothers a lot then?" Lee asked sarcasticly.

There was a loud thwack, "shut up you git," Fred said, "you know what I mean."

Lyra laughed and then instantly winced from the throbbing it caused in her head. "It's way to early for this."

"Indeed it is." He agreed.

They finished up in the shower. George getting out first and shutting the bathroom door. Once it was shut he brought Lyra her towel and she got out.

He was by the sink, boxers and pants on, leaning over and toweling his hair dry. He stopped and stood up straight to meet her gaze when he felt her eyes on him.

"Like something you see?" He teased.

She looked him over, pretending to contemplate. She took in his messy red hair, his freckle kissed skin, his broad shoulders and toned arms. George didn't look like a very muscular guy under his clothes. She wondered how often other quidditch teams underestimated him because of it. She knew better though, and shirtless the proof of being a Gryffindor beater for six years was undeniable.

"Just taking it in while I can."

"You can take a picture if you like, it'll last a little longer."

She snorted, "your so corny! Who uses that line anymore?"

"Hey I'm not corny, I'm cool!" He picked up a wad of clothes and tossed them at her. "Now get dressed Stone. Fred's still got to shower."

She caught them and then looked confused. These were her clothes..."where did you get these?"

George turned back to the sink grabbing a toothbrush. "Dunno, they were in my drawers when I opened them. Sat right on the top. Suppose the house elves must of known you were here and left you some clean clothes."

"I'm surprised they don't tell on me."

"Well, to be honest, I heard a rumor that Dobby's the only house elf who's been cleaning Gryffindor tower. So I suppose it's probably him, and I doubt he'd snitch on you."

She clutched the clothes tightly in her hand. She'd have to make a point to stop by the kitchens and thank him.... and maybe check on his friend too Winky was her name. Lyra wondered how she was holding up....

George snapped his fingers at her. "Oi, your supposed to be getting dressed. Chop chop Stone!"

After everyone was ready, they all headed out together. Swinging by the great hall they grabbed breakfast to go, and George, Fred, and Lee walked Lyra to the library. George kissed her outside the library doors, and pressed a muffin into her hands.

"We'll see you later okay? Before we go."

She swallowed her sorrow, thick and bitter tasting, and smiled "sounds like a plan. I'm looking forward to a good show. Make me proud out there okay?"

He leaned in and kissed her again, breathing in the smell of his soap on her skin, and her normal scent faint just barely noticable underneath. He pulled away, tucking her hair behind her ears and out of her face. "Your wish is my command."

She bit down hard on her tongue. Fearing if it would betray her if she didn't keep it clamped down. Fearing it would cry out as he pulled away. That it would ask him to stay. She didn't though, and George stepped back from her freely, before turning towards his brother and his Friend, and walking away.

Lyra was determined to bury herself in the work she had fallen behind on from the last couple days. Determined to be to distracted to think about today. Even though her heart was heavy and her head felt like it was about to explode. She pushed on through her studies.

"I thought I might find you here." Someone said causing Lyra to look up from her books.

"Ginny?" She asked surprised.

Ginny stood in front of her, two tea cups in her hands. She slid into the seat across her, "in the flesh."

"What are you doing here?"

"Come to see you of course. Make sure your still in one piece."

"Oh," Lyra looked down at the table and took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm okay." She pulled the cup towards her and then stopped short when she realized it wasn't tea on the inside. "Um Ginny, what is this?"

Ginny smirked, "well, I heard you had quite the eventful night so I thought I'd bring you something for your head."

Lyra picked up the cup observing the drink inside. "Is it some kind of tonic?"

"Just drink it Lyra."

Lyra looked up at her, "you brewed it yourself?"

"Yes. Mum's recipe."

That was good enough for Lyra. She brought the cup to her lips taking two big gulps, wincing at the bitter taste. She placed the cup down "T-Thanks Ginny."

Ginny laughed, "it's not supposed to taste good, but it will make you feel better. I figured today was probably hard enough without being hung over."

"I'm okay."

Ginny gave her a knowing look. "I'm sure."

"I am," Lyra said sitting back and wrapping her arms around herself. "It's not the end of the world. It's just till the end of term."

"You should have seen George last summer. I thought Fred was gonna murder him he was so mopey."

"Really?" Lyra asked surprised, "I always thought Fred was joking."

"He's not super bad, just off ya know?" She sighed resting her chin on her hands. "I'm kind of jealous to be honest."


"Yeah, the way you two are with each other."

Lyra looked at her sympathetically, "things with Michael not going too well?"

"I don't know, I like him but it's not like how you two seem. We bicker a lot too."

"Well, everyone's relationship is different. I don't think you guys have to work just like George and I."

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Though I would say if you're unhappy or you think your relationship is missing something you should talk to him about it."

"It'll probably just end in another row."

Lyra shrugged, "maybe but if he's not willing to consider your feelings is he even worth it?"

"If it were you and George, I know it's not but if it were what would you do?"

Lyra bit her lip. It was hard to say because Ginny and Michael weren't anything like her and George. It was hard to keep secrets or hold back when all they had to do was grab the others hand to know what they were feeling. Anytime she tried to block him out or keep something that was bothering her away from him. He stubbornly and patiently coaxed it out of her.

"Well if it were George and I, I think I'd have to tell him how I was feeling, and why."

"Really?" She asked, and then it dawned on her, "oh because of your ability."

"Well, kind of, but even when I shut everything out. When he can't feel what I'm feeling, he still tends to know. He's stubborn too, if he knows somethings up, he won't leave it. To be honest it's the same with me. If I know he's upset I want to know why. Anytime we've tried to keep things from each other, it's only made it worse. So I'd probably try to talk to him about it, even if we would end up fighting about it."

"And yet, your still trying to hide how upset you are about him leaving?"

Lyra narrowed her eyes at Ginny. "Are we really talking about you and Michael?"

She shrugged, "just an observation."

"George knows I'm sad about him leaving. There's no point in making this harder on everyone by being difficult about it."

"I'm just saying, your allowed to show it."

"Tell you what," Lyra said leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs, "You tell Michael how you've been feeling, and I won't plaster on a smile for George and Fred."

She made a face, "Maybe another day, I really don't feel up to fighting with him right now."

Lyra laughed quietly, "well then, let me and my fake smiles be."

"If your going to pretend you aren't going to miss us you could at least not be so bad at it."

"Honestly Stone, your an open book."

Lyra turned around to see the twins standing behind her, grinning. She turned and glared at Ginny.

"Guess that's my que to leave." She said standing up and grabbing her things.

"Cheater." Lyra mumbled under her breath as Ginny left and Fred stole her seat. George slide into the empty seat next to her, hooking his foot around the leg of her chair and pulling her closer to him. "Everything all set for later?"

"Ready to go," George said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his lap.

She didn't bother to object. It was his last day after all. "That's good."

"Is it?" Fred said, "not going to miss us to much?"

"Of course I'm going to miss you, but there's no point moping and sulking about it."

"You could sulk a little." George teased nuzzling her neck.

She pretended to ignore him but her cheeks betrayed her, and her grip on his arm tightened.

"He's right you know, I hardly feel missed." Fred teased.

Lyra rolled her eyes, "oh boys what will I ever do without out?! How horrible it will be to go back to my peaceful, noise free existence."

"More like your horrible boring, boyfriend free existence." Fred corrected. "Where all you do is read and do homework."

"Well, the boyfriend bit was kind of nice. Maybe I'll get another while you two are away."

George bit down on her neck now causing her to Yelp. Several people turned to look at their table and she blushed madly, covering her mouth. She glared at him and then at Fred who was snickering. "I was just joking, there's not need to resort to violence." She hissed at George.

He grinned, "you love it don't lie."

"I love you enough to put up with it." She whispered her cheeks still red. "There's a difference."

"Then why are your cheeks so red?" He lightly grabbed her wrist feeling her pulse, "and your hearts beating like crazy."

Fred rolled his eyes, and stood up from the table. "Alright that's enough flirting for me, I'm going to go find a window to jump out of, you kids have fun."

"We aren't flirting." Lyra said.

"Use protection kids." He said over his shoulder as he walked away causing the near by tables to turn and stare at Lyra and George again.

Lyra sunk lower, trying to grow smaller, "I definitely won't miss the glances I get when I'm with you two."

"If you don't want glances why don't we head somewhere a little more private?"

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

George grinned, "of course, I don't care if they stare. I'll kiss you anywhere."

She stood up abruptly. "Nope, let's go before you get me kicked out of the library for good."

He chuckled, grabbing her book and handing it to her, before scooping up her backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. "Where too?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter to me as long as we don't get caught."

He tapped his chin thinking before snapping his fingers. "I know! Follow me!"

He began to walk off hurriedly and Lyra scrambled to keep up with him. "Slow down!" She laughed.

He stopped turning and offering his hand to her. "Hurry up slow poke!"

She grinned at him taking it and allowing him to pull her along. "It's not my fault my legs are so short."

Soon they were outside a familiar abandoned classroom. George beamed at her pleased. "Here we are!"

She raised an eyebrow. "Your last day here and you want to hang out in a dusty classroom."

"This" he began while unlocking the door, "is no ordinary classroom." He held the door open and allowed her to peer in.

Lyra walked past him into the room. It seemed like an ordinary classroom to her. Desks, dusty bookshelves, the sunlight glowing through the dirty windows. She turned and raised an eyebrow at him. "What am I missing?"

He entered, closing the door behind him. "It's one of my favorite places on campus."

"Why?" She asked cautiously, a playful smile on her lips.

"Because," he started towards her, "this was the first place you and I hung out alone. Its where we used to have our tutoring lessons. It's also where I spent a great deal of time falling in love with you."

Lyra felt her heart clench, and though she had told herself she would not cry today. Not until he and Fred were out of sight. Stubborn unwilling tears welled in her eyes, and began to spill over. "G-George!" she said beginning to wipe at her eyes. "you can't just spring that on me! H-how am I supposed to hold it together when you go and say things like that?"

He was there now, tilting her face up to his, and brushing the tears away with his thumb. His other arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. She watched the glowing light from the windows hit his eyes, melting them into honey. "I'm sorry love. I couldn't help myself, I knew it would make you blush."

"It made me cry." She laughed.

He wiped away another tear. "Yes well, your rather pretty when your doing that too."

"T-thats not very nice of you George Weasley."

His thumb brushed her lower lip "I know, I'm a downright prat."

She leaned into his touch. "Heart breaker."

He closed the distance. Pressing his lips softly to hers. She closed her eyes, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She could taste his want, his need, his sorrow. How much he loved her. How much he would miss her. The tears came freely now, and George pulled away smirking.

"Listen Stone, I know I'm not that bad of a kisser." But his eyes were wet too, so she didn't answer just pulled him close to her again.

He stayed with her until the bell for final period. Then they met back up with Fred and Lee. Fred pushed off the wall he was leaning against as they approached.

"You ready for this?" He asked his brother.

"I was born ready for this."

Fred grinned, "Just what I wanted to hear." He turned to Lyra opening his arms to her. "Alright Stone, time to say goodbye."

She felt tears sting her eyes again. She ran forward, Fred scooping her into a strong hug. "Your a bloody git and I'm going to miss you so much." She said into his chest.

"Yeah, yeah. Just do well on your N.E.W.T.S so you can join us."

He released her, and she stepped back. "yeah right, like I'm gonna come visit you with my new found freedom."

"You better."

She turned back to George who held his hand out to her. She went to him hugging him so tightly her arms hurt. "I love you George Weasley."

"I love you too." He whispered back.

"And I'm so proud of you." She said her voice cracking.

His grip on her tightened, "Your sure I can't convince you to come with us?"

"I'm sure you could."

"No way." Fred called, "one of us has to graduate."

"It can be Lee." George replied.

"I don't know if we can chance that." Fred joked.

"Hey!" Lee said. "Keep it up and it'll be a whole lot easier not to miss you lot."

George released Lyra and she stepped away from him, going to stand by Lee. Wiping her face once again.

"Well," Fred said, "you two better be off, things are about to get started."

"Get somewhere where a teacher can see you." George added.

"We'll be fine." Lee said exasperatedly.

"Right. This is goodbye then."

"See you soon." Lyra replied quietly.

Fred and George turned, and quickly began to make their way down the hall.

"Comm'n Lyra, we better move too." Lee said, and she turned, tearing her eyes away from the twins fading forms to follow Lee in the opposite direction. They holed up in the library together, neither saying anything but just waiting anxiously for it all to begin.

Soon the last bell of the day rang, and the unmistakable sound of the halls filling with students could be heard. Other students around them began to rise from their seats and pack their things. Lyra looked up at Lee questioningly and he nodded. It was probably safe to move now. They grabbed their bags and joined the flow of students in the hallways.

"Mrs. Stone!" Someone yelled from behind Lyra. She turned to see Proffesor Snape standing there. She stopped moving, grabbing onto Lee's arm to stop him too as the proffesor made his way to them.

"Don't panic, its probably got nothing to do with it." She whispered to Lee, "also think about something else don't think about them." She added as an after thought.

Lee visually relaxed, but Lyra could still feel his coiled anxiety. He was a good actor at least. Proffesor Snape had reached them now. Students quickly moving out of his way not wanting to receive his wrath for being in the way.

"Hello Proffesor," She said putting her walls up immediately.

He narrowed his eyes at her, looking from Lee to her. He seemed to not find anything to suspsious because he didn't question them. "You finished the task I assigned you."

"Yes." She said.

"We'll start lessons tonight then."

She was about to respond when students running and shouting could be heard from down the hall.

Proffesor Snape frowned. "What is it now?" He grumbled and headed off towards the noise.

Lyra and Lee looked at each other, and then followed. They joined a large group of students that had encircled Fred and George. Lee grabbing her hand and helping her to climb up the wall so they could see over the crowd. The inquisitorial squad stood all around the twins. Peeves the poltergeist floated above the crowd near by her and Lee. To anyone else may have looked cornered but Lyra knew better. Still her stomach twisted in nervousness.

"You think they're alright?" She asked Lee.

"With an audience this large? They're better then alright."

"Hold onto me for a second?" She asked sliding closer to him.

"Sure." Lee said reaching out an arm to help her keep balance as she let go of the wall. She clutched the chain around her neck and pulled the locket from under her cloak. Bringing it to her lips it popped open and and peered at the hands inside.

Lyra's hand sat far into the green that was safe. But George's hand sat just barely on the side of in trouble. This wasn't unusual. His hand tended to move onto the verge of safe and trouble anytime he was up to no good.

"So!" Came a voice from the marble staircase and everyone turned to see Umbridge standing there. Lyra squinted, was that Harry standing behind her? "So . . . you think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"

"Pretty amusing, yeah," Fred retorted, rolling his shoulders back and glaring up at her fiercely.

There was a stir in the crowd as Filch the caretaker shoved students aside and made his was to Umbridge. "I've got the form, Headmistress," he rasped waving a paper in the air "I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting. . . . Oh, let me do it now . . ." "Very good, Argus. You two, are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."

"You know what?" Fred began again that devious smirk forming "I don't think we are." He looked to his twin. "George, I think we've outgrown full-time education."

"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself," George agreed, his eyes scanning the crowd.

"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" Fred continued.

Georges eyes locked with hers and he smirked. Lyra felt a shiver of pleasure run through her. Even though he was so far away, and a crowd between them, she could feel his ecstasy. "Definitely," he said his eyes not leaving hers.

Before Umbridge or Filch or anyone else could react, the twins thrust their wands in the air and yelled "Accio Brooms!"

There was a loud crash in the distance, and the sound of metal scrapping on stone. Two brooms came hurtling down the stairs, one of which had a chain with an iron peg lashing out violently behind it. Harry, Umbridge and a good chunk of the crowd had to duck and dive out of the way, or risk being hit. They came to an abrupt stop in front of the twins, the chain falling limp as they did so.

"We won't be seeing you," Fred said snarkily, getting onto his broom.

"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch," George added before winking at Lyra. Well, Lyra thought it was at her.

Fred looked around at the silent crowd of students and then began to speak louder, addressing them all. "If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Our new premises!"

"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," George added thrusting his finger at Umbridge accusingly.

"STOP THEM!" she howled, but it was far to late for action now.

The inquisitorial squad attempted to close in and where stopped abruptly by the swinging peg and chain as the twins shot up into the air.

"Give her hell from us, Peeves!" Fred shouted as a last hurray.

Peeves, removed his hat from his head and saluted the boys as the crowd of student burst into cheers and applause. Just like that the twins flew out the doors, out of the school, and into the twilight.

"Goodbye." Lyra whispered, as Lee and the Students shouted and cheered around her. "Do great things."

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