Bad At Love | JJK 18+ ✔

By BangtanBae33

173K 9.4K 6.9K

When Desi needed a new place to stay, she wasn't expecting to end up moving in with two extremely hot guys. I... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five: Epilogue

Chapter Thirty Three

3.3K 209 256
By BangtanBae33

One week.

Seven full days.

That's how long it's been since I've seen or spoken to Jungkook. His saddened face and glossed over brown eyes haunt my memories daily. He's called and texted me multiple times and although it breaks my heart to know how he's feeling, I can't allow myself to go there. I can't be so naive to think he was different.

In my past relationship, I was so blind to the truth that I only hurt myself in the end. I should have known better. This time around, I have to be stronger than that and just push through the pain of missing him every day.

Going to school was not any easy feat, especially with constantly running into my ex who I now no longer speak even a word to. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? I should have told him to fuck off just like I did when I caught him in his bed with another woman. He's not the type to keep the drama away and I should have known better all along.

Work wasn't easy either. I barely spoke to my coworkers, I did my best from unleashing all of my anger on my boss, but I have been written up once already for my attitude, and even the customers would ask me if I'm okay. Just the inquiry alone was enough to get the tears to well up in my eyes.

I worried every day that I would run into Jungkook and how I would handle that. Would I ignore him? Would I be so angry that I would unintentionally start a scene? Would I cry into his muscular chest as he held me tightly? How would I be strong enough to withstand him? Because truth be told, I am still in love with him and my feelings for him go deeper than any other man I had known.

Why is it that we put all of our effort into the wrong people and then when a good one comes along, we're so tainted that we can no longer love as hard as we once did? Had Jungkook came along before Namjoon, there's a strong possibility that I would have went back home by now, but I can't continue to run around in the same circles for the rest of my life. At the end of the day, he accused me, ridiculed me, condemned me, vented to Cassie, and believed her without even giving me an opportunity to state my truth. I'm sure by now, they've gone back to their old ways so why am I even giving him another thought?

The couch sank next to me as my eyes stayed trained on the television in front of me playing the same movie over and over again. The same Will Smith movie that Jungkook and I went to go see together all those months ago. I should have just remained a roommate and quote unquote off limits. Now I see why Jimin had his rules and how stupid it was of me to dismiss them.

A warm arm wraps around my shoulder as Taehyung pulls me down to place my head onto the pillow resting in his lap as Hoseok places my feet onto his thighs. For the past week, these two men that were always like brothers to me made sure to be there for me without any reservation and for that, I will always be grateful. They never said much or tried to force me to move on when I'm not ready. They often even sat with me as I watched the same movie on repeat as if it was the first time they had seen it.

Surely they were about sick of my ass. I'm about sick of my ass, too.

"I'll start looking for another place to stay on Saturday." I mumble causing Tae to stop finger combing my hair in attempt to calm me.

"What?" Hoseok asks, gently squeezing my calf, "Why?"

"I know I'm not exactly a joy to be around and I'm sure you want your bachelor pad back." I reply as I swallow down the lump that seems to be permanently implanted in my throat these days, "Aria should be coming by with my things. It'll make it easier to move since it'll already be packed."

"Nonsense." Taehyung dismisses the idea, "You're welcome here as long as you need and Hoseok and I will be here for you no matter how long it takes. If you want to go, we can't stop you, but you are family. You always have a home with us."

Sniffling, I nod my head as I let a lone tear fall onto the blue accent pillow. Hoseok reaches up to hand me a tissue from the floral printed Kleenex box that has a new home on their coffee table and hands it to me as he leans down to plant a chaste kiss on my temple before walking off to another room. 

Taehyung continues to run his long fingers through the curls of my hair while he watches the movie with me, just continuing to be there for me silently. And although I sometimes wish the silence wasn't so deafening, I know he's just giving me that opportunity to come around when I need to. Usually, Tae was a lively person who could keep me laughing when he was around and always the sweetest one out of the two. No wonder I had a crush on him when I was younger, but those days were long gone and he was never the wiser to my adolescent infatuation.

"Desi," He pauses his movements, "have you thought about talking to him again? It's been about a week-"

"Exactly a week." I correct him just above a wobbly whisper.

"It's possible that you two could work it out. I can guarantee he's missing you just as much if not more. Men are stupid sometimes, trust me, but we're not all bad." He gives me a soft smile as I turn on my back to look up at him.

"And just put myself in the same situation again? Only to find out months later that he was cheating on me? Find him underneath another woman just like my ex? I'd rather spare myself another round of heartbreak." I shake my head at the thought.

"Don't you do that." He warns with a quirked brow and his deep, stern voice catches my attention, "Don't you become bitter and cold hearted. That's not the Desi I know and I refuse to accept that. JK may have fucked up, but from what all you've told me, it's obvious he loves you."

"Love isn't all it takes to make a relationship work." I argue.

Nodding his head, he continues running his fingers through my hair again in a rhythmic way that almost makes it hard to stay awake, "That's true, but it is a factor. The rest takes work. Real work. When's the last time he called or texted you?"

"Two days ago. He's probably given up. Which, I mean, is what I wanted, right?"

"You don't sound too sure of that yourself." Tae raises his eyebrows as he taps the tip of my nose with his index finger, "If he contacts you again, hear him out. If nothing else, it will be closure for the both of you because the last encounter you two had was definitely not it."

Nodding my head as I roll my eyes, I agree to finally respond to his text or calls. At least hear what he's got to say. That can't be so bad, can it? I don't want to become bitter and blame every man for the mistakes of another. Is it possible I've been too harsh with Jungkook?

Sighing, I lift off of his lap and tap my phone screen to see that I have to get to school. I'm grateful it's only two classes, but my energy is wearing thin these days. However, I can't let a breakup get in my way from accomplishing my goals. I'm so close to graduating, I can taste it. Better yet, I can feel my two week resignation for my current job resting in my hand. Very soon, I'll be able to start work at Robyn's father's veterinary clinic. It was definitely a blessing to not have to worry about putting in my resume anywhere.

"I can take you." Taehyung offers as he stands up, "Hoseok has work he needs to get ready for."

"Thank you." I smile up at him as he gives me a wink before walking into his bedroom to grab his wallet and keys.

By the time we pull up to the campus, I had to get up the desire to get out of the car, knowing I was going to have to put on a fake "I'm fine" type of attitude when all I wanted to do was avoid most of humanity.

"Hey," Taehyung quietly says to get my attention, "it's the last day of the week. You've got this. I'll be here to pick you up at four o'clock, okay?"

Nodding my head, I force a smile onto my face that doesn't reach my eyes, "Thank you, Tae. Seriously."

"Any time, Des." He runs his finger under my chin as a way to tell me to keep my chin up before I exit out of his white sedan.

The world around me carried on as normal making me feel out of place while I absentmindedly continued towards my destination. Couples walked hand in hand or gave each other stolen kisses and my face scrunches up at the sight, but I quickly shake it off remembering my conversation with Taehyung this morning. I should not become bitter, that's just not the type of person I am.

Clearing my throat and holding my head up high, I turn the corner and spot Robyn and Namjoon conversing on the front steps. Her head lulls back as she laughs out loud and her hand grazes his chest. Wanting to get a better look before I approached them, I slow down my pace and keep my eyes trained on the situation.

With each step, their conversation becomes more clear and I stop in my tracks once I hear my own name as the topic of discussion.

"Do you think what you did worked?" Namjoon inquires as he takes a step down closer to Robyn.

"Yeah, from what Desi told me, they hadn't talked in a week. You helping me with those pictures I sent him was such a good idea." She huffs out a chuckle, "That's what that prick JK gets for fucking me last year and leaving me on read. And then to act like he didn't remember me at that party they threw at the end of the summer? What an asshole!"

"Why didn't you just tell her that you had sex with him before?" He inquires and I'm honestly wondering the same thing.

Putting her hand on her hip, she tilts her head, "Should I have also told her how you and I were fucking when you two were together? You wanted her to hurt for not taking you back just as bad as I wanted my revenge on him."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he lowers his lips to line up with hers, "Well, you have a point there. Speaking of, how about you and I skip class this afternoon?"

"I definitely think I can do that." She smiles before pressing her lips to his.

Walking up to them, I clear my throat to get their attention, "So, that's how it is?" 

"Desi!" Robyn's eyes grow three times their size as she steps away from Namjoon in attempt to make it seem like nothing was going on.

"No, no. Don't mind me. Continue with your little make out session." I urge. Looking at Namjoon, he nervously runs his hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact with me before I look back to the blonde I used to refer to as my best friend, "And it's good to know that you were fucking him while we were together. Even better that you're the reason why Jungkook and I fell out in the first place. So you two were in on this together? Got some sick pleasure out of it?"

"Destiny, we-" She begins, but I hold up my hand up.

"It's called a rhetorical question you dumb bitch." I look her up and down, "Don't call me, text me or even look my fucking way ever again."

I turn on my heels, no longer feeling in the mood to involve myself with class right now. I can skip out on a day for my own mental health.

As I round the corner towards the parking lot, I'm ecstatic to see Taehyung's car still in the parking lot. I notice him lean up against his driver's side door talking to some random very pretty girl and pause in order to not interrupt. I'll get his attention when he's not busy. He's been so patient with me that the last thing I'd want to do is cockblock him.

"Destiny!" I hear Namjoon calling after me and I quickly scan the area for somewhere for me to duck off to but groan out in frustration when I realize there's nowhere to go.

"Leave me alone, Namjoon!" I scream back at him with angry tears starting to run down my cheeks which pisses me off even more. His egotistical ass is going to think I'm heartbroken over him and that couldn't be further from the truth. Grabbing my wrist as I turn my back to him, he tugs at it so violently it actually scares me, "That fucking hurts! Let me go!"

"Listen, I let you have your little space, but you're mine and you'll always be mine. Do you hear me?" He glowers at me and I feel my flight or fight response starting to go into overdrive.

His grip on my wrist tightens even more as I feel my skin burn from the friction. Once again, I try to yank away only to be pulled back towards him, "Let me fucking go Namjoon!"

"Tell me you and I are back together and I'll let you go." He hisses, leaning in closer to me and making me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Fuck that!" I struggle against his grip, but he just wraps his other arm around me, holding me into place, "Get off of me!" I scream louder grabbing the attention of the people around us.

Suddenly, Namjoon is violently pushed aside, forcing his hold on me to be released as he goes flying straight to the ground. The whole thing happened so fast that it takes me a second to even register what happened.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung questions as he looks me over worriedly.

Namjoon scrambles to his feet, throwing a punch directly to Taehyung's face. The two of them immediately get into a brawl that forces me to step back quickly in order to protect myself. I may know how to throw a punch, but this was no match for me to join into.

"Namjoon stop!" I yell, even though Taehyung is getting the majority of the hits in. He can beat his ass all he wants, honestly.

Two cops and the dean of the school rush over, pulling them off of each other as they spit out a slur of curse words that would definitely make Mother Teresa blush.

"What happened here?" The dean asks me with an expression telling me that he was definitely not pleased.

"That one was harassing this poor girl and wouldn't let her go and that handsome guy came to her rescue." Some random chick states pointing out who it was she was referring to before I even had the chance to speak, "Are you okay?" She turns to ask me.

Nodding, I smile at her, but she grabs my wrist and looks at me worriedly. It was twice the size of my other and starting to bruise badly.

"My guess is that with you trying to wriggle free that it got twisted. I'm a nursing student." She explains as she feels around, "Get some ice on it and wrap it up. It doesn't appear to be broken."

"Thank you." I smile at her, grateful for her kind spirit on a day like today.

Looking at Taehyung talking to a cop, I see a cut on his lip and above his eyebrow along with a rip in his shirt. Somehow it makes him look even hotter and all of the girls take notice as they whisper around me.

"Namjoon, come with me. NOW!" The dean shouts as the cop pushes for him to follow him while keeping his arms hooked behind his back.

"Sir," I speak up as I step towards the cop talking to Taehyung, "he was just keeping me safe. He's like another brother to me. Please understand."

My eyes widen as I plead for the man in uniform to not give Taehyung any sort of citation. Bringing my hand up to move some hair out of my eyes, I flinch at the pain in my wrist becoming more and more evident.

"I'm not going to do anything to this young man." He states with a smile to Taehyung, but then flits his eyes to my wrist, "But do you want to press charges?"

"Yes and how can I make sure I don't continue to be bothered by the other guy? My ex?" I inquire as Taehyung wraps his arm around me protectively.

"I doubt the dean is going to let him stay at this school, but you could also get a restraining order. If he ever tried anything else, it would get him arrested," He states. "You can file for one down at the station."

I know typically those things don't help much, but at least I would have something. Nodding my head the cop gives us both some final words and tells me to get my wrist wrapped right away.

Taehyung grabs my book bag off of the ground and slings it over his shoulder before gently placing his hand on my upper back to walk me in the direction of his car, ignoring the whispers and the stares of everyone around.

"Thank you." I whisper to him as we reach the car and he opens the passenger side door for me.

"Des, you don't have to thank me. That's what family does. Plus, your brother would have killed me had I just sat back and watched," Tae chuckles, making the cut on his lip stretch a bit.

"Yeah, probably would have." I smile before sitting inside of the car and protectively elevating my swollen wrist as he shuts my door for me.

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