The princess of parties

By MistressRoyal

9.5K 468 438

Adora is what some people will call "the perfect student" during the day. But what if she's the farthest thin... More

Fire drill
Dress up
The problem!
The Freak & The Kiddo
Magical eyes
Declaration Of Love?
Screw up
Feelings and Cookies

First day

1.5K 48 76
By MistressRoyal

Adora's POV
Tw: slut shaming, abuse

"-DORA, ADORA," I heard my name being called. "Wake up. You have school and you wouldn't want to be late... would you" hordak stated. "Yes" I tried my best to hid my groans and pain from my headache. Hangovers suck. I pulled my self out of my bed and instantly shivered. My window was open from last night-

Last night? What happened? The last thing I remember was being at a party..... but not coming home.

I made my way into the bathroom and quickly got ready so I won't be late for school. I put on a black tights, a white long sleeve shirt and my red letterman jacket.

I grabbed my school bag and run out my room straight for the front door. "Adora stop" I heard a yell from behind me. Shit I was just a the door.

"Why are you never here anymore" he questioned walking up to me. The closer he got the more fearful I got. "Are you..... scared of me" he placed a harsh hand on my forearm squeezing harder by every second. "N-no" I said try to be tuff by making eye contact. "Good" he smirked rubbing circles on my arm.  "I'm going to school n-now" I opened the front door as he watched me walk out until I closed it.
"Fuckin creep" I mumbled to myself walking towards school.

Hordak is not my dad! That creep sits in his office all day. He's my new foster parent since shadow weaver. Hordak is a real jerk though. Everything has to be perfect. I have to be perfect. I can't even live as a normal teen. Little does he know I'm the farthest from perfect. 

I rather still be at shadow weavers because at least I still had her.

I was too I deep thought I did not notice that I was in school. I walk threw the rowdy halls filled with students until I get to the cafeteria. I passed tables until I get to one at the back where glimmer and bow sits.

"Hey guys" I said taking a seat. "Hi Adora" they Both say. "did you hear there's a party at DT house later....... so your coming to my house after school" glimmer sternly said.

"I don't even want to go to a dumb high school party anyways" I honestly spoke.

"Adora when are you gonna stop all of this" bow asked. "A girl can't have fun" I said. "Fun is not going around to different parties and club pimping yourself around to make money. I already told you. My mom can help-" glimmer tried to convince me but I cut her off.

"How many times do I have to say this. I'm not doing this for money. I like doing this. I enjoy being She-Ra and I'm not no pimp" I declared a little to aggressive.

*Ring Ring Ring*

The bell rang as students started to shuffle to class. "Adora my mom wants to see you in her office" glimmer said. "Yeah sure I'll go now" I replied leaving the cafeteria towards the office. The hallways start to clear as I enter the main office.

"Hi I'm here to see principle moon" I said to the front desk lady. "Go in" she said not giving me the time off day. "Hey Angella
You wanted to" I hesitated looking to see someone Offaly familiar. 

"You can't be serious. Can't I get someone else" she's-

"Oh Catra you know Adora perfect! She's a great roll model for you. Adora will show you around and be your mentor." angella smiled.

"Now run along before you miss class" she shooed us out of her class. "Catra" I questioned closing the door to find her already out the office. "wait Catra" I chased after her.

"Don't think we're buddy buddy after what you did. Your just my guide" she hissed at me. "Catra you know I had no choice. And you know that. I wish I didn't leave you. I didn't want to. Honestly! The foster home I'm in is questionable but I live with angella most of the times so that's okay I guess" I sincerely said.

"Yeah sure whatever" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are you here in the first place" I questioned. "I got kicked out" she nonchalantly said.

"why" I asked wanting to know more about Catra and her troublesome behaviour. "I punched my teacher. She had a dumb face" she shrugged.

Catra looked about the same since I last seen her. She still had the same 6 freckles and amazing untamed hair. She wore a red shirt under a black leather jacket and black ripped  jeans with combat boots.

"W-what are you going to show me around or just stare at me" she spoke having a hard time making eye contact with me. "Hey, I missed you too" I smirked at her. "Pshhh I did not miss you" she grunted pushing me over while I laughed. "Come we have class. Let me see your schedule" I happily spoke grabbing her schedule out her hand.

"Well look at this we have the same schedule except math" I gleaned grabbing her hand and skipping throughout the halls. "Yeahhhh" Catra sarcastically spoke.
Catra and I talked about only gods know what on our way to class not. "Well welcome to English by Ms. Hope. She's never paying attention so it's kinda fun. Ohh and I can introduce you to my friends" I grabbed her hand and dragged her in. "Ms. this is Catra" I said bringing her into the rowdy class. "Hello Catra, Welcome to English. Take a seat work is on the screen" she said not paying attention to us. What is with every teacher in this school.

I lead Catra towards the centre left of the class where bow and glimmer sat at the four seater table. "Guys, this is Catra" I introduce her as she waved. "Wait like your childhood friend Catra who made you cry when you moved her because you had a massive-" "Shut up bow" I interrupted him before he could finish.

I look over to Catra was holding back a laugh ."I made you cry wow" Catra tried harder to hold back a laugh as I glared at her to stop

"Well I'm Bow the Tech master and this is glimmer but she's in a mood right now" bow whispered pointing to a grumpy glimmer.

"I am not In a mood" glimmer grunted.
"Seems like a mood to me" Catra scuffed.
"Shut up you scum. Why are you here In The first place" glimmer glared at Catra. "Because this idiot invited me her" Catra growled at glimmer.


"Well I don't like you"
"I don't like you either sparkles"

The rest of class was glimmer and Catra fighting. I've missed Catra a lot even though all day she made fun of me.
"Hey Catra you want to eat lunch with us" I asked. "NO" glimmer shouted. "Yeah sure since I'm so wanted" she winked at a groaning glimmer.

We all walked towards the cafeteria together and sat at our table. While walking i was thinking...

She-Ra isn't a bad thing. She-Ra makes me feel alive. I can party, drink, be myself and make money on top of that. I'm 16 almost 17. Glimmer acts likes I'm forced to do this. I enjoying doing this. She thinks I'm all depressed and sad. I'm just doing this because-

My thoughts were interrupted by a cold liquid being poured on my face. "Hey what was that for" I wipe my face to find out Catra splashed water on my face.

"You zoned out there. Are you alright" Catra curiously looked at me."Oh yeah peachy" I smiled at her as she rolled her eyes.

"This freak of a lady is looking for you" Catra pointed to my left to revel Mara.

Mara is a senior. At first we were in the same foster home but she got kicked out for not being good enough for hordak. She's in an on and off relationship with the co-owner of club grayskull where we work. So she lives with him and sometimes sneaks into my bedroom to sleep there when they fight.

Glimmer HATES Mara because she got me my job in the first place. She's a really good person though.

"What do you need Mara" I asked due to the fact we don't hang out at school. "Yeah get out of here you wench" glimmer furiously said.

"Hello to you to Babes especially you glimmy glam. We need to talk missy" she mischievously smiled.

"I'll be back guys" I grabbed Mara's hand an pulled her out the cafeteria.

Hey y'all 🥳

This story is not meant to slut shame anyone. I'm against slut shaming since it has happened to me before.

If you like this you should watch baby on Netflix!!

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