Soul Dancing (TP! Link x Read...

By BadTendenciess

11.8K 373 680

REWRITTEN โš ๏ธWARNINGโš ๏ธ Possible Content: Abuse Smut Blood & Injury Sexual Assault/Rape Traumatic Events P... More

01 | Monachopsis: I
03 | Monachopsis: III
04 | Monachopsis: IV
05 | Monachopsis: V
06 | Monachopsis: VI
08 | Introspective: II
09 | Introspective: III
10 | Introspective: IV
11 | Gnossienne: I
12 | Gnosssienne: II
13 | Gnossienne: III
14 | Gnossienne: IV
15 | Altschmerz: I
16 | Altschmerz: II

07 | Introspective: I

570 21 56
By BadTendenciess



Word Count: 4,984


༄ Once, I asked Link if he knew of the world outside of Ordona Province. He would say he doesn't and that he doesn't remember much of his whereabouts when he was a small child.

I'm not stupid.

     I could feel the hesitation in his motives. I always felt there's something he knew that he never told anyone. He'd act as if there is no world outside of Ordon. If he was aware of it, he didn't care for it.

     Why do I ask this, you may wonder?

     Because, what in my past has me so tangled up? And who wouldn't want to see what's out there?

     I've been thinking of events in my past all day as I milk the goats and rake their spaces.

     In Ordon, I feel peace. I like it here. I do not believe that my troubles came from this place, it was before. I've tried hard to forget many things, and it's worked, especially when I had Link and the rest as a distraction back then.

     But now, I want to recall.

     The only thing I've summed up is how much I'd end up in different places, I don't recall having a specific home. Although, maybe at one point I probably did before the mess. But I was never alone. My mother, she was always there, always in a hurry, always on the run.

But why? I don't remember.

     My mother, she was strange. She would show me things of the earth and miracles of Hyrule. I never understood, much less do I remember.

     My head hurts thinking of such things. There is too much I cannot recall, it is causing me frustration and migraines.

What if?

. . .

     I stopped raking for a second as I leaned my hands and chin on the handle's end.

What if that box has the answers?

. . .

     I shook my head as my eyes squint shut.


     I won't open that box.

     It would be easy you say, to just open a stupid box and find out what is inside it. Not for me. There are negative feelings I associate with that box and never did I ever open it. I do not intend to now, little me understood why I shouldn't. If I shouldn't back then, I shouldn't now.

     I began raking again, a bit aggressively than before.

     "Hey, Y/N," I heard Fado call. I looked up, he was leaning on the other side of the gate watching me. "Yes?" I answered, but my work did not falter. "You're okay?" He asked.

I don't like that question.

     "Yes," I affirmed. There was a short silence, for the exception of the rake brushing through the hay.

     "You're workin' hard today."


     There was silence again. I heard him give a sigh, "Y/N, I know you are upset that anybody would let Link slip past your fingertips. I understand, I just—"

     "If you understand, why let him go?" I stopped raking and stared back at him.

     He looked me up and down and backed off a bit. "Listen, Y/N, I don't want to upset you. I want to help you."

     I hesitated, "I am upset, help me how?"

     He looked hesitant as well. Perhaps he didn't expect to get too far into this conversation. I let air out through my nose in annoyance and turned around to continue raking.

     "I can take you someplace I like to go whenever there is much on my mind," he announced.

     I looked back at him with a questioning look. His body language expressed suggestiveness. I could tell he really wanted me to feel better. I sighed.

     "You are a good friend," I walked over to him and placed a hand on his bulky arm. "But I still have work to get done," I stated before continuing to rake. "Wow, I'm a friend? How nice of you," I heard him chuckle, but I ignored.

     "Y/N," I felt his hand grab my arm to stop me from raking. I looked back at him with pressed brows. "You can continue later or tomorrow, besides, you've been workin' all day! I'm proud! But right now, you need this, I can feel it," he gave me caring eyes. I sighed, giving in, "open the gate." He backed off of the gate and opened it, but he seemed as if he wasn't sure of my intentions. I leaned the rake on the outside as I stepped out. Turning around to look at him I defined my answer, "I'll go."

     His face brightened up. "Let's head on out, then." I followed after him as he exit the barn.

     Eventually, as we got to the gate, we both jumped it and made our way down.

     "Where is this place, exactly?" I asked, gazing over at him. He chuckled, "hope you're ready to go for a dive." My eyes widened and I looked down at what I was wearing. I had on a dark green long tube top that hugged my skin, and some leather arm bracers. For the bottom, I wore an Ordona-styled skirt. "I can't swim with a skirt!" I complained, flustered. "You can get rid of it for a bit," he suggested, shrugging. My cheeks flushed red and I stopped in my tracks but he kept walking. "Aren't you like, old? You're being a creep," I crossed my arms.

     "Woah, woah, woah," he stopped and turned back at me, "do I really seem that old?" He lifted a brow at me. My face turned to confusion. He laughed, "wow, I'm only Link's age." I was immediately shocked. "19?" I exclaimed rather surprised. He laughed and nodded. "Wow, I seriously thought you were like in your late 20s!" I raised a hand to my mouth in embarrassment and laughed it off. "Ah, I'm insulted, do I look it?" He crossed his arms but a smirk lay on his lips. "W-well, it's less the looks and more the respect given to you—you're treated like an elder!" You held your hands behind you. "Don't worry about it," he chuckled and continued walking.

     "How come you never hang out with Link, Ilia and the kids all as a group?" I questioned. "Well, look at me," he smiled as he referred to his muscly arms, "do I look like I ever stop working?" Inodded my head once in comprehension, "oh."

     "Yeah," he added, "I was born into the family that owns this ranch, now I'm the only one in charge of it." I furrowed my eyebrows in concern for him but he didn't seem bothered at all, so I didn't worry too much.

     We made it around by the waterwheel house to it's backside. There's a wooden dock there in which I believed we'd dive from. "Are we only swimming? Is this the place?" I asked. Looking behind me, I saw him already undressing. I felt only a bit awkward. "No," he replied as he continued to undress, "we're swimming to it." Well that's a bit cooler than I expected. I stared at him a bit til he finished. I don't think I've ever seen Fado shirtless, and it made me a bit uneasy. His back held lots of muscle, it was just hard not to look.

     Stupid me.

     Then, he turned around and if it weren't for me I would've passed out right then and there but truly, I was sure that he was not only the tallest but the most built man in Ordon.

     His chest popped out in which you could see the muscle lining beneath the skin, his creases in between his abs were so perfectly placed. His shoulders so broad, and his arms so bulky in the right ways. He only had on his short leggings. Maybe he wasn't the biggest attention grabber, but damn maybe if he fixed himself up a bit he could be a solid 9/10.

Wait, what?

     "Come on, Y/N," he said excitedly as he dove in. The splash nearly wet me before I backed off. I giggled a bit. "It's not so cold, come on in," he assured when he resurfaced, wiping water from his face. I hesitated to take my skirt off since I didn't wear any leggings today, only some dark green underwear. But oh well, maybe it's okay to have a bit of fun.

     I took off my skirt and immediately dove in out of embarrassment. The water was surprisingly not so cold as he said, and it felt good on my skin. It felt like it wrapped me in its loving embrace, I curled up in a ball and hugged my shoulders under the water. My hair flowed loosely above me. But I could feel my wound didn't agree so much. The padding under my tight top was getting filled of moisture, and it was a bit uncomfortable but I could deal with it a while. I eventually resurfaced and heard Fado chuckling. I wiped my face and slicked my hair upward, finally looking at him. "Feels nice, doesn't it?" He tilted his head at me. I nodded, smiling. "Come," he called, and began swimming off slowly so that I could keep up. I swam after him.

     Soon, I realized where we were headed and I hesitated a bit. I would swim before when I was small, but I never went beyond the two cliffs that seemed to hug another body of water. It seemed scary back there, my anxiety always got the best of me. Fado looked back and noticed that my swimming faltered, so he began approaching me. "What's wrong?" He worried. I only shook my head, "n-nothing." He swam closer, took my hand and continued swimming. "If you get tired, Y/N, hold onto my shoulders," he offered. I wasn't that tired, but I was tempted for sure.

     As we continued swimming I glanced amongst his shining shoulder muscles, glistening from the sun.

Why not? Just to feel some spice in my life.

     Without hesitation, I lunged myself forward to align atop his body and held onto his shoulders. I heard him laugh but he didn't look back.

What am I doing?

[Are you uncomfortable yet?]

     Then and there, the embarrassment hit me.

     Why was I trying to gain spice from this? He's my employer and it doesn't feel right in the first place. My cheeks were so red, I was glad he couldn't see me. My chest was in knots.


     I didn't let go, though. I felt it would be weird to since I was already here.

     Soon as we made it near the cliffs, I noticed a rocky pillar right in the middle of a giant circled body of water. There were lily pads and such surrounding it, it was quite pretty. I admired the trees above the hole we were in, how they swayed above us. I admired the way lilies left a path in which Fado would swim through. It was beautiful, the water so clear and the fish so visible. Eventually, I noticed we were swimming behind the rock in the middle, where it had a small platform attached. I'm guessing this was the place.

     I let go of him when he stopped, he pulled himself up on top of the platform. Sitting on the edge, he grabbed me by my underarms gently and lifted me to sit me next to him. There was a short silence. I didn't look him in the face, I just admired our surroundings.

     "Pretty, huh?" He broke the silence. I turned to him. I could see the water dripping down his gruff like a maze, down to the small goatee on his chin in which it'd drip off from. Fado had pretty green eyes that I'd never noticed, and freckles speckled all across his cheeks. His face looked so lovely when it wasn't at its regular gloomy resting state. His dirty blonde hair was trimmed in a fade at the sides, the top of his hair a bit longer than the rest. His face was a bit long, but his jaw was sharp.

     I guess he noticed I was staring because his smile slowly left him. I immediately looked away, "yes, pretty." There was a tense silence, I'm not gonna lie. But the noise of the water was soothing.

     "Link and I used to race here all the time," he began. Immediately, that caught my attention and I looked at him but he was staring off into the water. "Believe it or not, we were pretty close. The only two men our age. But he was always very busy and so am I," he smiled at me. "How the times change a person, don't they," he sighed.

     That instantly brought me to the thought of how Link got so distant from me.

     I looked down at my lap, "they really do."  I felt Fado's gaze lay heavily upon my face, "you did too, Y/N." I looked up at him with curiosity. "You're way older now, and responsible. You've always been independent though, some things ain't change," he chuckled, "but you're definitely prettier than ever." My cheeks blushed a deep pink. "Um, th-thank you," I shyly stuttered.

     "Say, what's that on your thigh?" He asked. I blushed harder at the single fact he was even looking there. My self-tattooed triangles were showing on my thigh. I didn't know how to respond. "Why are you looking?" I glared at him playfully. He looked away rather embarrassed, "you-you're right! I'm sorry." He scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly.

     "I never brought a girl here," he admitted shyly. You sent him a quizzical look, unamused. He immediately began stumbling on his own words, "n-not that there's any other girls here in the village—"

     Out of impulse, I immediately climbed on top of his lap, adjusting my thighs on him and placing my arms around his neck. He seemed shocked at my action and obviously couldn't find any words. "Y-Y/N?!" He stammered, "are-are you sure this is okay?" He continued to hesitate. My face was blank as I caressed down his chest. He seemed to loosen up and something else began to tense up between my inner thighs. "I've. . .never. . .held a girl this way before," he whispered as he began caressing his hands along my arms down my back and to my waist. "Is this okay?" He asked as he stared my body down. I simply grabbed his face and decided to grind closer onto him. Everything about this man is huge, as expected. "What do you think?" I teased. He smiled as his breath got heavier and he slid his hands down to my exposed bottom, groping each cheek.

     "Y/N?" I suddenly snapped out of it. I looked at Fado who was sitting next to me. "Ye-yeah?" I replied, trying to collect myself. "The sun is getting pretty low now, any longer the water will be really cold," he suggested. I looked down at the water ready to get back in. "Yeah, yeah you're right," I laughed nervously, embarrassed of the fantasy that I was imagining earlier.

What is wrong with me?

     "Y/N," I felt his hand wrap around my arm. I looked back at him with flushed cheeks. "I hope I helped you feel better?" He commented in a way that sounded questioning. I calmed myself, remembering the reason he originally brought me here. "Right," I whispered. "You really did, Fado. I appreciate it so much." I kindly thanked him, placing a caring hand atop his. He didn't seem so assured, so I sat back again. "You know, the sound of the water, the trees, the beautiful scenery. . .it all really just took my breath away," I smiled down at my lap, then at him. I could see a hopeful smile slowly creeping on his lips. I tucked my wet hair behind my ear, "it helped relieve my mind, you were right, I needed this." I laughed.

     "I'm glad you think so."

     We both stared off to the sky. "I hope Link and the children are alright," he sighed. After a few seconds of silence I heard him splash into the water. I looked back at him who held his hand out to me. Taking it, I let myself slip in with him. He placed my hand on his shoulder so that I'd hold on again. I gave in, and just let him take me and so we swam back to our clothes.

     Once we got to the dock, he swiftly swung me up on it and he hopped on himself. "Here," he said while he got up and walked towards his clothes. I hugged myself when a slight shiver escaped me. The breeze had picked up as the sun began to set. He came back to me, his kilt on but not his shirt since he was handing it out to place on me. "Dry yourself off. Don't worry, it don't smell of sweat today," he laughed. "Didn't do much work, since someone did it all for me," he teased suggestively. I smiled and thanked him, drying myself off like he asked before going up to my skirt to slip it on.

     "Woah-ho! Hope I ain't interrupting!" We heard someone yell out. We looked up to see Bo walking up to us. Fado shook his head eagerly, gently shoving me behind him so that Bo wouldn't have to see me in underwear. I heard Bo chuckle, "working hard on the job, eh?" Fado explained, "uh-no, Mayor, we were only taking a break so Y/N—"

     "It's all fine," Bo then began laughing. "I'm only teasing!" I finished getting clothed and walked out from behind Fado shyly, "what is the matter?" I asked. He let his smirk linger, "I just needed to have a quick chat with Fado here, looked up 'round the ranch and couldn't find him. Y'all making me walk!" Fado and I looked at each other embarrassed.

     "Head on home, Y/N, you're excused," Fado said, waving me off before walking away with Bo towards the mayor's home I'm guessing.


     I looked up at the sky that seemed to get darker by the minute. The spice I felt that fueled me soon left me as if Fado had taken it with him. Looking down at the ground, I sighed, feeling empty. I decided to make my way down home.

It was weird. It felt nice, but it was weird to keep my mind off of thoughts that bothered me daily. I had never in my life thought of Fado that way, and it had not crossed my mind not once that I would think such things.

I placed my hands upon my chest as I walked. I yearn for something, I feel it. My body, heart and mind are all confused. Perhaps that is where this desperate feeling has come from. What would become of Fado and I tonight if my thoughts had taken the best of my actions? I shook my head, disappointed in myself. I shame myself for these fantasies.

I soon made it home, exhausted physically. Perhaps I did work harder than usual today, and luckily there was no misfortunes to come this day. No goats on the run, no false hopes, no passing out.

Suddenly I felt uncomfortable in my wound so I held onto it and heard the gushy sound of water. I looked down and saw it drip through my top.

Right! Perhaps I spoke too soon.

I immediately ran to my bathtub, leaning over on it so that the water my bandage had soaked up could fall into the drain.

I took off my shirt, hanging it on the tubs edge. I unwrapped my bandaging and bundled it up to throw it after I wrung it out.

Lately I haven't been bleeding much from my wound, I believe I could stop wearing these things. But I want to avoid infection. It seems to have healed much from how it first looked. I'll determine tomorrow whether I should protect it or not.

I stared at the tub a while, pondering whether or not I should bathe. In the end, I decided it would be best, so I unclothed myself fully and lit the fire under the steel container. Meanwhile, I disposed of the dirty wrappings.

Eventually coming back to my bath, I let the water run into the tub after making sure to put in the cork. I filled it a little over half ways, and shut the lever. Slipping in slowly, the warmth kissed my skin. I let myself sink in and let the tension in my body release itself through a deep exhale.

It felt nice to relax, but as always, it is short lived since embarrassment loves to haunt me. I scrunched up my face, hiding my face in my palms. I was embarrassed of the events that occurred earlier and my motives. Why was I suddenly infatuated with a man for only a few hours? I don't feel anything for him.

I sighed a long sigh. I am a lost indeed.

I let my hands sink back into the water, allowing them to float limply. The sound of silence and the subtle water that chirped as my knees would arise or fall within it filled my body of wonder. I feel as if I should know what I am doing and what I'm supposed to be feeling, but I don't have not the nearest clue. All I know is something feels wrong within me. It hurts.

I yearn.

With a sad yet apathetic expression, I gazed down at the conjoined triangles on my thigh. I caressed it, it's scarred texture bumpy against my fingertips. Somethings missing.

"Y/N. . ."

I whipped my head back, and looked around vigorously. I placed my arms against the edges of my tub, lifting myself a bit in defense. "What? Who is that?" I called out, still looking around.

"Y/N. . ."

There! Again! A voice! Like a whisper. . .so breathy. Mystic. What was it???

I slowly stood up, aware of my surroundings. "Hello?" I asked again, speaking up louder this time.

. . .

No answer, once again.

Am I going insane?

The rising full moon let her rays of reflected light hit upon my skin, my body glistening right back in it's wet form. I kept still a while, waiting for the call again.

. . .

Nothing. All I heard was the subtle static of silence.

. . .okay. I guess.

Totally not weird. I'm really paranoid now, almost afraid to step out of my bathtub. My skin arose in shivering bumps and my hearing heightened in adrenaline. This call did not feel threatening yet I am scared.

I stood still for what seemed like a couple more minutes before sighing. "It'll be okay," I whispered to myself, "strength, Y/N." I climbed out of the tub and didn't bother to unplug the cork. I just grabbed ahold of a towel, dried myself off, then ran straight to bed. Yes, naked. I tucked myself in and hoped that I wouldn't hear anything again.

The whisper continued to repeat itself in my head, and as much as I wanted to stop thinking of it, I couldn't help but wonder.

It felt like a long time, but I eventually let myself to fall asleep.

". . .Y/N."

"Dance with me. . .Y/N,"

I immediately woke up in a shock and heavy breathing, but my breath escaped me as soon as I looked around. My eyes rounded in awe.

I was in Ordon Spring. I gazed up at the incredibly visible night stars and down at the glistening water of the spring. The trees danced in the wind and the waterfall hummed with the wind. There was an eerie feeling to it but yet, it was peaceful. I dug my feet into the cold sand, enjoying its soft texture against my feet like clouds.

. . . ?

Am I naked?

Before I could comprehend my nude appearance I heard a drop and splash, instantly shifting my gaze upward. A noise of gleaming aura filled the rocks atop the waterfall as they began to flow with beautiful swirls of glowing milky golden. I was frightened and my fight or flight was triggered. But I couldn't move. Or even speak.

"Dance with me, Y/N," I heard a familiar voice, however it was weak and unrecognizable. Suddenly before me appeared a figure of bright white, human perhaps. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out it's features but I couldn't see a single detail. It seemed to have long hair and a petite size of a body. I figured she was a woman. I was puzzled by all this, to say the least.

"Dance with me," I heard her speak. Her voice was still alienated to me, but it could be distinguished to be female.

Hesitantly, I approached her. My feet slipped through the sands cautiously as I continued to try to make out any features. I couldn't, but the closer I got the warmer I felt. A feeling of love and joy. A feeling like no other, it was almost addicting. I wasn't scared anymore. I wasn't so hesitant anymore. I wanted more of this feeling. My hand met with hers, my heart gleaming and feeling as if it radiated golden light within itself. I heard her giggle heartily. She sounded like perhaps she was a middle-aged woman.

So comforting. . .

"Let's dance, Y/N," She gracefully whispered as she moved a hand of mine up slowly. With her other hand she moved my opposite elegantly in a way like a snake would slither. I stared at each movement she had me make and then back at her featureless face expectantly. Soon, she closed the gap between us, pressing her chest against mine as we were face to face.

Why, I didn't question a thing.

Instantly, she began to move her body along mine side to side, as graceful as a snake like I'd said. My body seemed to synchronize with hers, mirroring her movements and feeling them through her body. She continued this movement for a while, allowing us to fully synchronize. I could feel her energy, her vibrations strong within me like an earthquake had struck.

Soon, she converted the smooth slithers into sharper ones and my body did the same just like her at the exact same time. I could not predict her movements however, my body could. I've never felt so out of control, yet in so much control. She then faltered to a halt, towering over me closer than ever.

I blinked full of wonder.

Swiftly, she broke away several feet from me to the other side of the spring. Reaching out her right hand towards the sky, she allowed her left hand to slowly caress against her raised arm before bringing both hands down to her forehead lithely. She pressed them together in a stance of prayer. She then bowed her head down, something that seemed similar to tributing of the Goddesses.

     I stared dumbfounded. There were no words, just beauty in the mesmerizing ways she moved. But the next moves proved me more hypnotized.

     She slowly raised her hands above her head as she began walking towards me ever so slowly. Her hips swayed with each step while her praying hands reached higher. Subsequently, her hands broke apart abruptly, facing the sky, her arms slowly lowered at shoulder length. By and by her attention turned to me as she trailed an elegant prance my way, consisting of sways like that of waves.

     I didn't notice how distracted I was by her until she turned her side to me and reached out her hand for me. I felt a spark shine within.

     "I will dance with you," I accepted what she wanted of me, my body began to mirror hers. She resonated with glee and proceeded.

    Our swinging movements unified in the time we approached. I felt my hands down my moving chest and waist before reaching out both my hands towards hers. Her movements were just as mine and our hands met and intertwined. Our fingertips slowly slid from each other before we broke out in a graceful spin around one another, circling each other in the spring of Ordon.

     The waters followed our movements and the glowing rocks gleamed at our steps. The trees swayed with our hips and the breeze hit in swirls around our mesmerizing dance. I've never felt so connected to the earth, much less a person. I could feel Mother Earth's pain through my feet, my lungs of tree bark and my veins of vines. Every breath was fresh, the air so clean, every step so in rhythm.

     But when I least expected it, I tripped and fell down to the spring.

     Everything instantly fell silent and gone.

     I looked up. Everything was regular once again, but I was still naked. My heart's golden flow left me and I felt ordinary again. I had lost rhythm. I felt tears escape my eyes first in drops but then in flows, my tears mixing in with the spring water.

I'm lost.


     I breathed heavily as I woke up, tears overflowing my eyes. I began brushing them away, but I just couldn't stop crying. I looked around to find nothing, just my bed and my home. Cluelessly, I tucked myself back to sleep to let the pain in my chest relieve itself with rest.



Y'all I'm sorry for the Fado scene y'all prolly hate me rn LMAO IK HE LOOKS UGLY IN THE GAME ALRIGHT? Let's pretend he looks different here ✋🏼😭 trust the process??? I think?

If you still need closure for it, here,

This is now Fado LMFAO A whole new man.



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