Bet Me

By ShewityWitters14

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**This book should not be Rated R! I'm not sure why it says that! This book is maybe PG-13, maybe even less t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Year's Special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Christmas Special

126 7 0
By ShewityWitters14

Merry Christmas Wattpad!

Since today, I'm in the holiday spirit, I wanted to write a special christmas chapter. In this chapter, I won't be writing from Elena's point of view. Actually, this chapter is a mini-story. I didn't want to start a whole new book so I just decided to include this as a small Christmas story.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

                “But I don’t want to go!” I say, as my best friend Adam tries to drag me off my bed. I grab ahold of my mattress and refuse to budge. “Celeste!” he says, sounding exasperated. “Get your ass up. You will not sit here and mope around for another day!” he says, grabbing my ankles and pulling. I hold on tighter to my mattress. He pulls for a few seconds before dropping my ankles. “No.” I say, pulling my covers back over my body. “You asked for it.” he says, grabbing my covers and completely taking them off of me. He grabbed my hands with one hand and began tickling me.

            “No!....Please…..Stop!!” I shout at him, between gasps of air. I was extremely ticklish and Adam knew that. We’d been best friends since middle school and he knew how ticklish I am. I tried to move my hands from his grip but I couldn’t. Adam was the quarterback of our school and he was strong. “Will you get up and get ready?” he asks, still tickling me. I’m thrashing around but I answered him. “Yes….I’ll….get…..up….just……please…..stop…!” I beg him.

            He slowly stops tickling me, but he keeps my hands in his grip. He pulls me up into a sitting position and helps me off the bed. “Are you going to let go of me?” I ask him, trying to free my hands. “Not until you get into that bathroom.” He says, walking over to my bathroom. I roll my eyes at him. “Did you roll your eyes at me?” he asks me, sounding amused. “No sir. I would never do such a thing.” I say, rolling my eyes again. Before I could react, I was down on the floor, being tickled again. “Adam…stop!....i’m…..going……..peeeee!!” I say, between my laughter.

“You know it’s rude to roll your eyes at people.” He says, with a wicked grin on his face. “Say you’re sorry.” He says to me. “I’m…..sorry….”I say. “What? I can’t hear you?” he says, smirking. “I….said….i’m….sorrrrrryyyy” I shout at him. He stops tickling me and lets my hands go. He stands up and holds his hand out to me to help me stand. I ignore his hand and get up by myself. “I would think that the fact it is Christmas would make you back off.” I say, heading to the bathroom. “You know me better than that.” Adam says, smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and closed my bathroom door.

            In the bathroom, I looked at myself. I hadn’t moved from my bed since last Thursday, ever since school let out for Christmas break. Thursday was not a very good day for me. I found out that the boy I’ve been seeing for the past 2 months was cheating on me with another girl. I was heartbroken. He was my first real boyfriend and I was devastated. I had stayed in bed, isolating myself from the world. The only people I talked to were my parents and of course Adam. Adam was here for me for the past 3 days. He brought me ice cream and movies and we watched movies all day for the past 3 days. Today was Christmas and his buddy John was throwing a party. Adam had been trying to get me out of bed to go to this party but I really did not want to go. The boy, Jake, was going to be there, and I did not want to see his cheating ass.  

 I looked at myself and saw that I was in a horrible condition. My hair was matted and my eyes were red and puffy. I’m surprised that Adam didn’t run off when he saw me. But then again, Adam’s seen me in a worse condition. I sighed at my reflection and began stripping down. I jumped into the shower and turned on the water, letting it hit my skin and wash away all the dirt from the past few days. It took me almost 20 minutes to brush out my hair. When I finally stepped out of the shower, I felt 10 times better. I wrapped my hair up and covered myself in my towel and headed into my room.

            In my room, Adam was sitting on my bed and watching TV. He glanced at me and went right back to watching TV. I walked over to my dresser and began looking for something to wear. “Adam, I don’t even have anything to wear!” I say, frowning at him through my mirror. He takes his eyes off the TV and looks over at me. “What do you mean? You have a whole closet filled with clothes right there!” he says, pointing to my closet. “But I don’t have anything to wear to this party!” I whine.  “Girls.” He says, getting off my bed and walking towards my closet. He opens my closet and begins looking through my clothes. “What are you looking for?” I ask him. “You’ll see.” He says, continuing his search.

            I took this opportunity to check him out. Although Adam has been my best friend for a long time, I have to admit that I have a little crush on him. Actually, it’s more than a crush but I have never told anyone. The only person who knows is my sister who’s in college. I’ve liked him since freshman year of high school but I’ve never said anything to him. I don’t want to risk our friendship. Adam is one of the hottest guys in school. He has the face of Ian Somerhalder, with the lips of Paul Wesley, and the body of Ryan Gosling, when he was in Crazy Stupid Love. My best friend was HOT, with a capital H-O-T.

He was also the most sought out boy in our high school. He’s wanted by our fellow seniors, juniors, sophomores, and even freshman. Although lots of girls literally throw themselves onto him, he’s only had 3 serious girlfriends. He might seem like a womanizer from the outside because he’s always dating, but I know the real Adam. And the real Adam is a sweetheart.

“Why don’t you wear this?” Adam says, pulling out a dress. I take a closer look at it and I recognize it. It was the dress that my sister gave to me for my 18th birthday. I liked the dress but it was too short for my taste. “But that’s kind of short.” I say to him. “Try it on.” He says, shoving the dress in my direction. I look at the dress with a pained expression. “Adam, do I really have to go? Jake is going to be there.” I say, pleading with Adam. Adam sighed and put down the dress and walked towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes.

“Celeste. Forget that asshole. You’re letting him win by staying locked up here in your room. You need to go to that party, looking sexy as hell, making him see what he lost. You put on that dress and walk into that party and show him what he’s missing out on.” He says to me. Adam was really good at pep talks. “Okay.” I say softly. “Smile for me Celeste.” He says, looking into my eyes. I smile softly. “Come on. You can do better than that!” he says, giving my shoulders a little shake. I smile a bigger smile. “Make it real!” he says, shaking me a little more. I start laughing at him. “There we go. There’s the Celeste I know.” He says, letting me go.

He hands me my dress and ushers me into the bathroom, slapping my butt before closing the door behind me. I smile to myself as I begin unwrapping my hair. I quickly blow-dry my hair and put on some eyeliner. I put on some red lipstick and quickly put on my dress. I put it on and without looking at my reflection, step out of the bathroom. Adam was looking through his phone when I stepped out. “What do you think?” I ask him. He glances at me and his mouth drops open.

“Wow Celeste. Wow.” He says, staring at me. “You look hot.” He says.  “Really?” I ask, as I step to my full length mirror to see myself. I look at my reflection and I do have to agree that I look really nice. The dress was not as short as I thought it was. The dress was a bright white color. The top of the dress was covered in lace from my neck until my hands. The bottom part of the dress was tight and fit snuggly onto my body, hugging my curves and enhancing my assets.

“Hell yes. Jake’s sorry ass is missing out.” Adam says. I smile and walk to my closet to find my red wedges. I put on my wedges, grab my purse, and grab my phone. “Ready.” I inform Adam. We walk downstairs and I say bye to my parents from afar. They would not approve of my outfit so I stay away from them. As we walk to Adam’s car, I could feel his eyes on my. I put an extra swing in my step.

Adam walked ahead of me and opened the passenger door for me. “Thank you mister Adam.” I say, grinning. He held his hand out for me and said, “My Lady.” I smiled and took his hand. He pulled me closer to him and leaned into my ear. I held my gasp and wondered why he moved in so close. “If I was your boyfriend, I’d want to rip that dress right off of you and make love to you right here.” He whispered into my ear. His words sent a shiver down my spine. Surely he has got to be playing around? He moves back a bit and looks at me dead in the eye, looking extremely serious. I blushed and just entered the car.

He closed the door and entered the driver’s side shortly. “Did you mean what you said?” I ask him, not being able to look at him. He pauses and answers. “Yes. I did.” I look up at him and he stares back at me. I finally look away and he starts the car. He clears his throat and begins driving.

We arrived at the party and Adam found a place to park. He parked the car and quickly got out and opened the passenger door for me. “My Lady” he says, holding his hand out for me. I take his hand and get out of the car. He closes the door and he puts his hand on the small of my back and we walk to the house. We get into the house and we start walking towards the living room. The first thing I noticed was almost every guy in the house, did a double take when the saw me. It felt really good to be the center of attention.

“Adam! Whats up bro?” John says, approaching Adam. “Yo.” Adam says, embracing John in the manly way that they do. “Celeste. You look amazing.” John says, noticing me and checking me out. “Back off John. She’s not here to find a date.” Adam says to John. Was that anger I heard in his voice? I dismiss the idea and say hey to John. After speaking for a little bit, John left Adam and me alone to tend to his party.

Adam and I walk to the kitchen where we grab some drinks. Adam pours us two cups of punch and hands me a cup. I taste the punch and notice the burning sensation as I swallow. “Vodka.” Adam says, pointing to the punch. I nod and take another sip. It actually doesn’t taste too bad, it just stings when it goes down your esophagus.

In the kitchen, we run into some friends and begin talking. After a few minutes, Adam and I walk to the living room to find some more friends. We walked into the doorway and everyone in the living room automatically starts shouting at us. At first I am confused but then Adam nudges me. “Look.” He says, pointing to the top of the doorway. I look up and notice the mistletoe hanging down. Adam and I had walked under the mistletoe together. I looked at Adam and he is staring at me.

“Shall we?” he asks, sounding a little nervous. What the hell, I think to myself as I nod to him. He smiles and leans down towards me. Our lips meet and it was explosive. In movies, people talk about feeling sparks and now, I understand what they’re talking about. Adam’s lips were so soft and tasted like the punch we were just drinking. I wrapped my hands around Adam’s neck and parted my lips a bit. Adam took the hint and wrapped his arms around my waist, deepening the kiss. We kiss for what feels like forever before we finally part. We part and I look into his eyes. His eyes flicker from me into the living room. For the first time, I notice that everyone is hollering at us.

We let go of each other and John walks up to Adam and daps him. “Yeah man! That’s how you do it!” he says, grasping Adams shoulder. I’m still too shocked to even react. I just made out with my best friend! I can’t believe all the sparks I felt when we kissed. That kiss obviously meant more than just a mistletoe kiss.

“That was a nice show.” John says to Adam. I’m hoping that Adam will tell him it wasn’t just a show, but I am disappointed when I hear his reaction. “Thanks. It was a pretty good moment. Probably will never happen again, right Celeste?” he says, turning to me. I glare at him and turn on my heels, ignoring his question. “Celeste?” he says, sounding confused. I ignore him and walk out of the house. I walk outside and look around for my car. I look around and realize that I came with Adam.

I am very upset. I thought that Adam felt something when we kissed but I guess I was wrong. I took off my shoes and took a seat on the hood of Adam’s car. Adam approached me and sat on the hood next to me. We didn’t say anything to each other. Finally, Adam broke the silence. “You felt it too.” He says to me, turning and looking at me. I turn and look at him. “You felt the sparks.” He says, looking me straight in my eyes. I nod and bite my lip.

“You know, I’ve always liked you. I liked you since the very first day we met and you snatched your pencil from me.” He says, smiling a bit. “How come you didn’t say anything?” I ask him. “How come you didn’t?” he counters. We stare at each other, waiting for the other to answer. “I didn’t think you liked me. You were always dating other girls.” I answer him. “They were to distract me from you. Since you never said anything to me, I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship.” He answers me.

We sit and think over each other’s answers. Adam got up from the hood and walked to the driver’s side. He got in and turned on the car and turned up the music. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran was playing. I smiled to myself. Adam got out of the car and walked towards me. “This is my favorite song.” I say to him, smiling. He held his hand out to me, smiling too. I took his hand and got off of the hood.

He pulled me closer to him and placed one hand on my waist and held my hand in the other. I placed my hand on top of his shoulder and we began slow dancing. “Are we going to try the relationship thing?” I ask him softly. He looks down at me and smiles. I knew his answer. Instead of speaking, he leans down and our lips meet. We stop dancing and we begin to kiss. This kiss was soft and sweet. We part and he places his hands on my cheeks.

“I love you Celeste.” He says to me. I smile speak, “I love you Adam.” He smiles. I put my hands on top of his and look at him. He strokes my lip before leaning in and kissing me. I part my lips and our kiss deepens. I place my hands behind his head and pull him closer to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I feel him smiling against my lips. I can’t help but smile back.

I smile at the fact that I feel in love with my best friend. I smile at the fact that I am kissing my best friend. I smile at the fact that my best friend also loves me. I smile because I am truly happy on this Christmas day.

5 years later

“Celeste, are you ready?” asks Adam. “Yeah. I’m ready.” I say, walking out of my bedroom into the living room. It was Christmas and Adam and I were going out to the Christmas party at our work place. “You look beautiful.” Adam says, giving me a kiss on the lips. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I tease him. He smiles and we leave the house.

We drive to the restaurant where the party is being held. We arrive and Adam gives the keys of the car to the valet. We walk inside and we are automatically seated. We take our seats and begin conversing with our friends at the table. After dessert, Adam gets up. “Where are you going?” I ask him. “I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He says, walking away. He comes back after several minutes and doesn’t take a seat.

“Let’s dance.” He says, holding his hand out to me. I try to refuse but Adam refuses to take no as an answer. I hesitantly take his hand and get up. We walk to the dance floor and begin slow dancing. The Way You Look Tonight was playing. As the song ended, I tried to return to my seat but Adam refuses to let me go.

He pulls me back to him and the next song starts playing. The familiar voice of Ed Sheeran starts playing. “My favorite song.” I say, smiling at Adam. He smiles and lets go of my hand and drops to one knee. I automatically know what is going to happen. He pulls out a small, black box and begins to talk to me.

“Celeste. My sweet Celeste. We’ve know each other since middle school and that’s when I first fell in love with you. You stole my heart when you snatched my pencil. Five years ago, you and I confessed our love for each other on a night like this. It was Christmas and we had just kissed under the mistletoe. I followed you to my car and we began dancing to this song. This song signifies the start of our relationship. And now, I want this song to signify the start of another period in our relationship.” I cover my mouth with my hands. I’m so surprised and I don’t know what to say.

“Celeste, the love of my life, will you marry me?” he says, opening the box and looking at me with so much hope in his eyes. The whole restaurant went silent while waiting for my answer. “Yes Adam. Yes.” I say, holding my hand out to him. His face broke into a big grin and he placed the ring on my ring finger. Instead of waiting for him to stand up, I bend over and kiss him.

He parts from me and stands up. He pulls me into a big hug and then pulls back and we kiss again. The whole restaurant has broken out into applause but I didn’t notice them. All I could think about was Adam’s proposel. I placed my hands on the back of his head and pull him closer to me, deepening the kiss. We part after what feels like an eternity and I say, “I love you Adam Parker.” He smiles and says, “I love you Celeste Johnson.”

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