Miraculous Queen (Christian A...

By Mariisbugaboo

462 4 11

Cover made by: me (Check Instagram for full pic) In order to become the the queen of HoneySweet, Avalon. She... More

Tell me about God
The Prince
First Meeting
A tiny voice
Rival Part: 2
A match made in heaven Part: 2
Secret and a Tragedy
Can we talk?
When reality hits
Revealed Part: 2
Happy Birthday
Engagement Dinner
Becoming Queen Part: 1
A blessing
Becoming Queen Part: 2

A match made in heaven

16 0 0
By Mariisbugaboo

Assistant Alya's POV:

I wonder how Princess Marinette is doing today. Not looking were I was going I then ran into somebody. Oh I'm so so sorry? A man said picking up my papers and handing them to me. I looked up to see King Agreste. No it's ok thank you so much, sir. I said before he walked away. He went up the stairs to his castle and went inside.

I began to walk to Marinette's castle becuase I needed to tell her something important. I walked in the castle only to see her mother. Didn't you hear, I don't want you coming here anymore? Queen Cheng said. You're not my boss, Princess Marinette is? I said with a polite response. She groaned in frustration heading upstairs towards Princess Marinette's room.

I pray that she will not make Marinette cry again. I said as I stared to walk towards her room. Then I saw her mother walk in. I stopped in my tracks. Princess Marinette said if I'm in the room with her before her mom walks in its ok. But if I'm not in the room with her and her mother goes in then leave her be. I heard yelling and screaming come out of the room. Mrs. Dupain-Cheng left with her head held high and smiled with pride. I ran in the room seeing Marinette crying.

Princess Marinette, are you alright? I said placing a hand on her shoulder. Yeah I'll be alright. Thank you. She said wiping her tears with her hand. So how was your morning? Well you know...before your mother came in. I asked. It was ok. It's getting harder and harder to get out of bed becuase of what happened a few weeks ago. She said sniffing. It will take time. I said hugging her.

Princess Marinette's POV:

So what was the important thing you had to tell me? I said as I placed my head in my hands. Oh, yeah so you know Harold right? Alys said. Yeah. I said. Your father hired him back. Alya smiled Really! I gasped. He also made him stay here permanently. She said. I can finally tell him about what I have been doing with my life. I said. I'm glad to have him back in our castle and for good this time.

How did my father do this right under my mother's nose?

Prince Adrien's POV:

Father I need to tell you something? I asked with a shaky voice. Ok. Go ahead. He said. I have been hanging out with Princess Marinette these past few week and I think I'm in love with her? I said with a smile on my face. What about Princess Chloe? You guys are like best friends aren't you in love with her? He said. No, sir I'm in love Princess Marinette not Chloe? Sure Chloe is my best friend of all time and everything, but I only love her as my friend not romantically. I said.

Hmm? I really thought you loved Princess Chloe? Is this..Marinette girl a Christian? He said as he took his eyes off the magazine and looked at me. Yes, sir she is. I said. Hmm? Ok? He said with his eyebrow raised. You wouldn't mind if I go to visit her? I said. Go ahead have fun. Oh and Adrien? He said standing up a placing the magazine down. Yes, father? I answered. I'm sorry for the time that I frightened you.... I was just so worried for you? He said hugging me. I gasped before hugging him back.

Going down the stairs to leave the castle and then was headed to Marinette's castle. Hey little bro? How are you feeling? Felix said ruffing up my hair. I'm feeling ok. How are you? I answered as I fixed my hair. Well?....you know I feel so great. Like l can do anything? He said with a grin. I chuckled. Well see ya later. I said waving before climbing up the stairs and knocking on the door. It then opened right away. Hey Alya, may I speak with Princess Marinette please. I said with enthusiasm. Of course. She said going to get her.

Hey. Marinette said opening the door. Hi. I said. What are you doing here? She said as she gave me her hand to step outside. I wanted to see you today. I said. Y-you d-did? She stuttered. Yes, and I need to tell you something but we can't do it here? I said grabbing her hand before going down the stairs. Where are we going? She giggled. Some place private? Not even my father knows about this spot. I said covering her eyes. I'm a little bit scared? Is it safe? She said holding onto my arm. It's ok it's safe I promise. Nothing to be scared of? I said uncovering her eyes. She gasped in astonishment she looked so happy which made me happy.

Princess Marinette's POV:

I was absolutely amazed by the place I was in. The flowers around the water fountain. The whole hide-out was filled with flowers. So your father doesn't know about this place. I said as I was fidgeting with my fingers. No he doesn't. Adrien said. Isn't that lying? I said as I pursed my lips. He then chucked. Did you like make all of this yourself or something? I asked. Yeah it has become my new favorite hide-out. Adrien said with excitement. This place is so beautiful. I said spinning around as clasped my hands together.

Not as beautiful as you. He said causing me to blush. Next thing I know Adrien grabbed my hands smiling at me. I gasped. You have made a real difference in my life, Princess Marinette. He said gently caressing my cheek. I gasped at his gesture then blushed. I-I h-have? I said being honestly surprised as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He nodded as he placed his forehead on mine. I giggled. I then saw him lean down and kissed me ever so gently. I was a little surprised but then kissed him back just the same.

His hand on my back felt so warm and gentle. I felt his smile on my lips. I giggled a bit before he stopped. I'm guessing you like me back? I said as we both laughed. I sighed. What's wrong princess? He said caressing my cheek. It's my mother what if she finds out about us, she would kill me. I said looking at him. I could maybe figure something out? He said with his eyebrows furrowed. Next thing I new he picked me up bridal style and spun me around. I giggled. Then he placed me back down on the ground but his hands were on my waist. I blushed before he kissed me once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. We then headed back to my castle then up the stairs.

Thank you so much for today. I really needed it. I said as Adrien grabbed my hand before I went in. Wait, one more kiss goodbye? He smirkied. I chuckled as he pulled me closer and kissed me slowly.

Bye. I said closing the door. I walked up to my room closing the door. Then I slid then down it smiling. I cant believe I kissed Prince Adrien, I thought as I internaly screamed. I have to find Alya. I said before opening my door.


Mariisbugaboo - What do you guys think about the chapter? Comment your answers below. Please vote and have a great rest of your weekend.💕
.🐞Spots Off!🐞

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