Her Alphas

By graceshreeve

363K 8.1K 1.1K

πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž There is a description inside the book. Cover made by @heartssymphony you should check her out if y... More

1. I was never here-
2. I didn't see you there-
3. Its Kathrine-
4. A great night-
5. Let me explain-
6. All in-
7. Explain please-
8. A disappointment-
9. Must be broke-
10. Wolf den-
11. Ocean spray-
12. I didnt stutter-
13. Naughty things-
14. Hopefully-
16. Wet again-
17. Man who provides-
18. A total 180-
(Short update)
19. Yet-
20. You Luna-
21. A powerful one-
22. Witches-
23. Hate me-
Something new-
Cookie jar-
Kathrine only-
I love you-
Mark me-
Choose, darling-
She went willingly-
Forever and Ever-

15. Round two-

12.6K 237 29
By graceshreeve

When I arrive at the hotel a group of men in uniforms help us carry everything up.

Right to the penthouse....

I take a nervous breath in.

Alright I had nothing to be sorry for. They beat my father and I reacted in. Calm rational way.

But my female instincts told me I'd never find someone better and that I should take all the blame and beg for forgiveness.

It sucked.

I feel like most women were brought up like this. It was a joke even.

For example in ninth grade I tutored this boy with a car and I had a massive crush on him.

Anyway before every session he'd ask me where I wanted to eat and I would respond 'You choose, I don't care.'

But I did care. I just wanted him to be happy even if it meant sacrificing hot yummy pizza for stupid cold Chinese food!

I wasn't about to give up the respect they gave me just to get them to stay.

I step from the elevator and nearly choke on my own resolve.

The place was massive.

The kitchen was stocked with glossy kitchen appliances. It had dark marble tops that nearly were sparkling.

The living room had a couch that looked like it came out of a pricey James Bond movie.

  I was in literal heaven.

I was in the bat cave, if it was a lounge.

I was in my dream house.

I was in-

"Hello bella." I jump and turn to Dominic. He takes the box I was holding.

Kolton takes the cart full of boxes from one of the men, sending them a nod of thanks.

They get back into the elevator and ride down, their eyes lingering curiously for a moment.

"We can help you unload the rest if you'd like." Kolton says hesitantly. I shake my head.

"No." He bows his head and peers into a box.

"No I mean that's all." I add, not wanting to hurt them.

Resolve... slipping!

"I'm sorry bambina." Dominic says.

I nod. "Why?" I wait patently. They could say sorry all they wanted but I needed to know they wouldn't do what they did again.

"He's your father. And we hurt you in turn." Kolton says.

"Yes. And you were treating him the way he treated me. If you hated that he hit me you shouldn't have turned around and done the same thing." I probably should have done it first...

But he was my dad. I didn't want a relationship but I didn't condone violence without purpose.

I'm not changing my moral codes even if it was a little pleasing to see my father black and blue.

"We know." They say. I shrug.

"Good. Now I don't have to worry about it happening again. No point in worrying he wasn't very great of a father anyway. I say we call it karma and don't talk about him." I shrug.

They smile and quickly move toward me.

Dominic's lips find mine. I feel Kolton kiss me from behind. 

I moan into Nic's mouth. I feel my knees give out, thank goodness Kole was holding me up.

I tangle my fingers in Nic's hair and tug lightly, drawing a sexy-as-sin groan from him.

His lips break from mine and a second later Kole's find mine.

Nic rips my dress from behind and I gasp.

Well that escalated quickly... some part of my brain processes the thud of me dropping my purse.

Kole picks me up, and whilst I was fretting over my dress they managed to get me into the bedroom.

That was my favorite dress.

"We will literally hire a designer to hand sew you a new one Kats. Calm down." Kole mumbles against my lips.

The mate bond must be getting stronger, as they could pick up on my mood and thoughts.

I nod, not really caring. He sets me down on the bed gently, which was surprising since the kiss had been heated and aggressive.

"Do you want this?" He asks breathlessly.

I nod and pull him down.

"Words." Nic demands, pulling Kole back.

"Obviously I want this." I promise impatiently, breathless.

A hand wraps around my throat and I whimper.

"Patience." Nic murmers, and I shake my head, pulling his lips onto mine.

The kiss he presses to my lips was dominant and heavy. I moan when a hand presses to the outside of my underwear.

Right about now I was glad I'd stolen the witches waxing kit about three days ago.

Yes I contemplated death. And yes I cursed the inventor who thought hot wax was a good idea, but everything was mostly ready.

"Fuck." Kole growls as he feels how damp I was. I moan against Nic's lips.

He growls too and pushes me onto the bed.

Nic pulls my underwear off and Kole pulls back to look. They both growl deeply, making me blush.

"You're perfect." Nic mumbles. I whimper and shift impatiently.

They chuckle.

"Patience angel." Kole murmurs. He kisses down my jaw and along my collar bones.

I feel Nic kissing up my inner thigh. I moan when his breath hits my heat. He presses a soft kiss to my clit and my hips buck. Kole catches my hands before they can fly to Nic's hair.

"What did we say about patience." He growls. I moan shamelessly when his hand squeezes my throat lightly.

"Kinky too eh?" He asks. I smirk. "Didn't some moon goddess know we were supposed to be together? That wouldn't happen unless we were both kinky." I say.

He presses his lips to mine hungrily.

I scream against his lips as Nic suddenly attacks my clit. I try to buck my hips desperately but he holds them down with a strong arm.

I moan as he lightly bites my clit. He try's to put two fingers inside but switches quickly to one.

I reach down, wanting to please them too. Kole groans loudly when my fingers reach his throbbing length.

I look into his eyes and moan again, feeling my stomach mussels tighten.

"She's close." Kole warns Nic and for some reason those words turn me on.

Nic slams two fingers into me forcefully and I scream, feeling myself get closer to the edge.

My toes curl. I grip the sheets with one hand and pump Kole with the other.

Kole takes my bra off and attends to my hardened buds. I feel myself lose control as his lips cover my nipples.

I yell their names as they push me over the edge.

The best orgasm of my life takes over. Nic holds my hips down as I squirm and Kole continues his assault on my nipples.

I didn't know weather to push up off his lips because the pleasure was to much or ride the wave. 

The orgasm wracks my body and I moan loudly as it starts to ebb.

Then he pumps his fingers again and a second just as intense feeling takes over.

I moan as I orgasm a second time.

Fuck I didn't even know about whatever that was.

He lays a light kiss on my clit again and Kole stops rubbing and pinching my nipples to switch spots.

Round two...

Uhm.  Yep. What did u think?

Who's your favorite actor, and your favorite role they played?

I like Chris Pratt because he is funny but if I was being honest I like the way Alan Rickman brought Snape to life.

He was just such a hard character to like in the books but Alan Rickman just really put his soul into a character we took for granted.
Love u all.

<3 love and kisses

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