The Way You Make Me Feel [ J...

By garciasfluffypen

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There was no way this was happening. This couldn't be happening. I was just having a bad dream, right? I was... More



905 33 39
By garciasfluffypen

Being back at Matt and Kristy's place without my girlfriend by my side was heartbreaking. I missed her every second I was gone, and the three days I had with her simply wasn't enough to satisfy either of us. She said she'd come visit when she got back from East Allegheny, but I doubted that would be the case, since Rosaline was going home as well. I still fucking hated Rosaline's guts. I was this close to driving up to her family home and giving her a piece of my mind, knowing that she needed to be put in her place.

I sighed heavily and set my fork down, running my hands over my face. JJ had told me she could handle everything by herself, but part of me was still scared that she was going to come back to me, crying and in pain because Rosaline was being a bitch. They had gotten along so well until that morning, and I couldn't help but think it was my fault they were like that.

"Hey, chica." Matt came and sat down next to me. "You okay?"

"No." I leaned into his side. "I'm worried about JJ."

"I know you are, bub." he rubbed my back lightly. "And you're allowed to be scared."

"I just really love her, you know? I don't want to lose her again."

"You aren't going to lose her."

"But what if I do? What if Rosaline says something and makes her break up with me so she can salvage her relationship with her?"

"She's not going to do that." Matt gave me a firm look. "You're letting your brain make up scenarios that aren't going to happen, Y/N."

"I know... I'm still scared though." I sighed. "It's taking so much self constraint to not go up there and give her a piece of my mind."

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't want JJ to be mad at me."

"But you want her to be happy, yeah?" Matt looked at me, raising his eyebrows. "I'm not telling you to go, but if you want to make the drive down I'll give you gas money."

That was all it took for me to pop up and go grab everything I needed and text Penelope to send me JJ's address. I was in my car within the hour, pulling out of the driveway as I pulled up mapquest and made my way towards the highway. I knew going there was going to be a bad idea, but I didn't care. JJ deserved to be happy and I was going to make sure she was happy. I pulled into her driveway just before dinner, and I saw her through the window as I got out of my car. Her eyes widened and she rushed outside, meeting me in the front yard of the family farm.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to give Ros a piece of my mind."

"Please..." JJ started tearing up. "Not now."

"No, Jayje, I'm not going to let her get away with making you sad any longer." I tried to push past her, but was stopped by a hand on my chest. "Jennifer..."

"Y/N." a single tear fell from her eye, stopping me in my tracks. "You need to leave."

"Jennifer?" An older woman, I'm presuming her mother, walked outside. "Who's this?"

"It's the child your daughter is screwing."

"Excuse me?" I dropped my bag, stepping to the side so Rosaline could see me. "A child? Who gave you the right to assume shit about me when you never got the chance to know me, huh? Did you think you could just come into our relationship and ruin it by telling the fucking dean about your sister's private life?"

"Rosaline? Jennifer? What on earth is she talking about?"

"Your daughter almost ruined the one thing making Jennifer happy." I commented before either of them could get a word in. "She almost ruined her life by reporting her relationship with me to the school because she hated to see her sister happy."

"I- How dare you-"

"Rosaline shut the fuck up." I glared at her. "You don't get to redeem yourself here."

"Girls, I'm very confused."

"Mom, it's okay, she was just leaving, right Y/N?"

"No. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving till Rosaline gets it through her thick skull that she broke her sister's heart. She broke her sister's heart and I will never ever forgive her for the pain she put Jennifer through. In the time that you didn't talk to her, she went through six bottles of wine, tequila and a fifth of Fireball. Three of those bottles of wine were drunk in the time span of two weeks. Do you have anything you want to say about that, hm? About how you made your sister turn to alcohol to cope with the pain that you caused her?"

"Rosaline what is she-"

"You know what? I'm mad. I'm mad that she fell in love with someone as young as you. You don't deserve her and her love."

"That's all you have to say?" I scoffed. "That's really all you have to say? You put her through so much pain and all you have to say is that I don't deserve one of the best things to happen to me in my entire life?"

"I don't care how you met, or what happened, but you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for what you two have been doing. Your relationship... is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. You shouldn't be dating someone ten years older than you, let alone your goddamn teacher." She turned to JJ. "And you, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. Out of all the people, you were the last person I ever expected to do this. Look at her, Jennifer. How could you be so stupid!? You're better than this JJ, you can do better."

Rosaline spit in my direction, and I was about to charge at her before JJ grabbed my waist, holding me back. "The fact that you think it's okay to go around fucking your teacher is revolting as hell and frankly, I'm upset that the university didn't expel you."

"I can do better?" JJ scoffed. "Take a look at yourself."

"She's so young and naïve, and- and she still has so much to work for whilst you've practically half-way there. Hell, you might as well be her mother. You might not see it now, but this. This is gonna bounce back on you. I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"If you would just listen to us, maybe you would have learned that nothing about us has to do about my academic gain." I struggled against JJ's grasp, tears filling my eyes. "Never in my life would I ever think about fucking someone just for my gain. JJ is the best thing that ever happened to me, and if you sat down and actually talked to your sister instead of making assumptions we wouldn't be in this position right now. She saved me from myself, and for that I will be forever grateful. It's you who's the problem, Rosaline, with your stupid views and your stupid thoughts about our relationship. I drove four hours to see her. Four fucking hours only to be spit at and called names by the one person who hurt us in the first place. Do you think that's easy for me? It isn't. It isn't easy to come all the way here to have my girlfriend tell me to leave with tears in her eyes because your dumbass can't cope with the fact that she's happy with me. You need to get your shit together or you're going to lose the one thing that I wouldn't wish on anyone. You're going to lose your family and I won't be sorry for you because it's all going to be your fault."

Everyone was silent as Rosaline and I stared at each other, breathing heavily. The tensions were high, and I was absolutely happy that we were in the middle of a farm. JJ slowly let her grip go on her waist, turning around and wiping at her face. Mrs. Jareau looked between the girls and myself, and back to Rosaline.

"Rosaline, is this true?"

"Yeah, mom, Jennifer is fucking her student."

"That's not the point. That's a conversation for later." she paused. "You really tried to sabotage their relationship?"

"Rosaline almost cost me my job, mom." JJ sniffled. "I was lucky that they didn't want to fire me. She was the reason I couldn't come home that weekend because I had to talk to the dean. Because she wanted to ruin my happiness."

"Rosaline Marie Jareau! I'm surprised at you!"

"You're surprised at me? What about her? She's the one in the unconventional relationship!"

"You're just mad that I'm comfortable in my own skin!" JJ snapped. "Your homophobia is showing, bitch."




"Girls." Mrs. Jareau looked between the two girls. "I don't care what is happening right now. Both of you get inside the house now. Y/N, can I invite you in for some tea?"

"Some tea would be nice, thank you Mrs. Jareau."

"Please, call me Sandy."

I smiled, grabbing my bag from where I had dropped it and followed the girls inside, Sandy not too far behind me. She took my bag from me and placed it at the foot of the stairs, gesturing towards the kitchen, where both JJ and Rosaline were pouting.

"Y/N, right?" I nodded. "Please, help yourself to anything in the fridge. Girls, you're going to talk to each other and figure this out right now."

"In front of the child?"

"I'm 20, thank you very much." I snapped, leaning up against the counter. "You're one to speak, though, since you're acting like a two year old."

"I'm acting like a child?" Rosaline started to get up, but sat back down when Sandy glared at her. "Mom, tell her she's being delusional."

"You are acting quite rash, dear. Do you really not want your sister to be happy?"

"She's being dumb."

"I'm being dumb?" JJ let out a harsh laugh. "You're mad at me for being happy? Are you fucking serious right now? What's so wrong with us?"

"Everything! Everything is wrong with you! Do you really think it's okay to be doing this? You damn well know it's unethical as hell and you still continue to fuck your student? Your female student?! Not only that, but you end up dating her as well?"

"You really don't care about my happiness, huh?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then why won't you let me be happy, Ros? Why did you have to try and run my life?" JJ started crying again, and it took everything in my power to not go sit with her. "You always say you want me to be happy but every chance you got you tried to destroy my happiness. Why? Because you're jealous? Because you don't like the fact that I'm happy with my sexuality and who I am as a person? Do tell me, Rosaline, because I'm very curious."

"God is looking down and cursing you." she stared JJ down.

"Oh, so we're bringing religion into this now? That's what we're doing? Do you not remember Corinthians 13:4-7? 'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.'"

Rosaline rolled her eyes. "What you have, is not love. It's a shitty two month relationship that's going to fall down the drain and she's going to move on and forget you ever existed. Out of everyone you could have dated, you chose a child, and a female one at that. Do you think God's going to accept you with open arms, now? He won't. He never will."

Sandy chose this moment to butt in. "If Jennifer wants to be in a relationship with Y/N, she is more than able to. She knows about self-discipline, and how to take care of herself. I am absolutely astonished that you are acting this way, Rosaline."

"You're taking her side!?"

"Yes." Sandy stood her ground. "Your jealousy of your sister's happiness with her girlfriend is not something you should be this worked up about. I as well as anyone know what the bible says, and I'm aware that Jennifer is going against God's word. But I'm not going to punish her for that, and neither should you."

Rosaline scoffed. "I can't believe you."

"You're just mad that I'm happy in my own skin." JJ spat. "You're just mad that I found who I truly am when I moved away and I'm not the perfect little angel of a little sister anymore. I could care less what you think, and if I'm sent to Hell for it so be it. I am in love with my girlfriend, and I'm damn proud of it too."

I watched them sitting at the table, the two of them continuing to fight about everything that happened. Sandy beckoned me to the other room and I followed her, scared of what she was going to say.

"Mrs- Sandy, I'm sorry your first impression of me had to be that."

"Nonsense. You're protective of her, anyone can see that. It's sweet. And I wanted to personally welcome you to the family, Y/N. JJ told me many great things about you and I'm very happy to be finally meeting you."

I smiled. "I'm happy to be meeting you as well. I'm sorry that I came unannounced."

"Don't worry about it." Sandy smiled at me. "So, tell me about yourself, yeah? I want to get to know my new future daughter in law."

I smiled, following her to the couch. Maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea coming here after all.

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