Adventures in The Omniverse:...

By TheMiraculousMatt

715 59 126

Destiny!Error, Matt, and Crayola's adventures. Fun! All AUs mentioned go to respective owners MommaCQ belongs... More

The. . . Anti-void?
That One Time Crayola Accidentally Created an AU
Mattie, Karma, and Crayola meet ???
The Castle Pt. 1
Castle Pt. 3
Castle Pt. 4
Castle Pt. 5
Castle Pt. 6
Castle Pt. 7
Matt and Mattie meet Young Matt and Mattie
Castle Pt. 8 Finale
Alt. Delete.(Control Pt 2)
No Money
I Pulled a Raven
A Conversation
Lord Fantastic
Karma and Mattie meet - ???
Literally Therapy... + Fluff
Charlie Miraculous
Its my Birthday Today..?
Are You Alright?
Omniverse Gen2 Chat + Token Kids
Sneak Peak

Castle Pt. 2

29 2 14
By TheMiraculousMatt

   In that moment you could hear a pin drop. Matthew mouth went dry as his eyes watered. Is he dreaming? He's had dreams like this before... There's no way he's actually here. 

   "Matthew!" James was the first one to snap out of it. He crossed the room his cape fluttering behind him. "Oh stars look at you. You're so much taller but still like your mother."

   Matthew flinched as his father came in contact with him. His dream father never made the first move. Tears built in his eyes as he clutched the fabric of his fathers cape. "Dad! I-I thought you were-"

   James ran a hand through his eldest's hair. "Oh Matthew... I thought we were the only ones left." He whispered.

   Matthieu trembled his throat swelling. He was glad no one except Matthew could see him. He pulled at his hair and tossed his glasses away. Come on. Breathe damnit. 

   Matthew looked up at his father. His glasses were fogged and smudged with tears. He sniffled. "We?"

   James blinked and gave a soft smile through his tears. "Your mother and I." 

   Matthew gasped. "Mum? But she- I... I saw her die! I saw him kill her!"

   Matthieu flinched knowing who that was directed at. He couldn't breathe. (Not that he needed to breathe but his panicked mind didn't register that.)

   "Matthew. I taught you better than that." James smiled and pat his sons head. "No one is really dead unless their code is erased."

   "She's really here? Where is she?" Matthew asked his eyes lighting up. 

   "Can someone explain what the hell is going on!?" The kid was back up again. He frowned and tapped his foot. 

   James laughed softly and let go of Matthew. He ruffled the shorter boys hair. "Charlie. This is your brother. Matthew."

   "Brother?" Matthew blinked. 

   Matthieu took another blow to his fragile mental state. 

   "Matthew?" Charlies eyes lit up. "As in THE Matthew!?" 

   "The Matthew?" Matthew asked looking to his father for an explanation. 

   "You're quite the topic here. Your mother tells the children stories of you." James gave a fond smile and wiped his eyes. 

   "Woah. You do wear purple like mum." Charlie paused and flushed. "You tripped me!"

   Matthew was taken aback. "You were getting to big for your britches!"

   "You talk like an old man!" Charlie stuck his tongue out. 

   "I am an old man."

   "If you're old then I must be ancient." James chuckled. "Come on boys. Your mother will be excited to know you're here."

   Matthew hurried after his father. His mum was here. His mum was alive. Oh how he missed her. 

   Matthieu was helplessly pulled along...


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