Young Justice and Their Grand...

By Morally_Gray

6K 406 223

The team as a mission in the picturesque town of Smallville, Kansas. They're are sent to stay with a sweet ol... More

Ma Kent
Smallville Kansas
Clark's Clone
Hurt Comfort? We Love That
A Couple of Confrontations
In-Between Scenes
Dogs, Gossip and Names
Sunday Confessional of a Grandmother
Vesuvian Tempered Family Ties
when the morning comes
Good Boy

Evening in

458 36 21
By Morally_Gray

-Thoughts on this trash story so far?-

"...And we called again, but they didn't pickup." Dick finished.

"The call was too short to trace." Wally said, disapointed. "But then some ass- jerks shouted slurs at Artemis and we... handled that so she felt better." The redhead didn't want the old lady to get them in trouble for letting Artemis beat someone up.

"That's terrible. Smallville should be caught up with the rest of the world." The woman set down plates for them.

"Thank you Mrs. Kent." Kaldur said, prompting the others to do the same.

"Please, call me Martha, or Ma Kent." Ma Kent said. "And your friend Megan helped, she did a lot."

"Thank you M'gann!" Wally dug in to his dinner, he was SO HUNGRY!

Dick tore into his own food. "Any luck Kaldur?" He felt a stare, and stopped, swallowing. "Sorry, I'm guessing I shouldn't talk with my mouth full?"

"Smart boy."

He flashed a winning smile and got back to it. "Found anything?"

"No." The Atlantean said, disapointedly.

Wally swallowed hard. "Well, we still have one lead: Jim Shepherd has a new phone, and he hung up when we asked for him."

"Maybe he's changing his name?"

"Or maybe it wasn't him who picked up?" Wally cleared his plate.

"Do you want seconds?"

Wally's eyes lit up, making Artemis and Dick groan. "Can I?"

"Of course! you're so skinny, you need to eat more."

"I'll take 'something Wally's never heard' for 500?"

"I could live here." The redhead sighed in saticefaction, thanking Ma Kent for his second helping.


"This place is beautiful." M'gann hovered ahead of the group. It was still light out, so they were going on a walk around the farm to unwind. 

"This place sucks." Artemis sniffed. "I thought my alergies were bad in Gotham!"

"What are you allergic to?"

"Straw, pollen... that kinda stuff." She sniffed again, eyes watering. Kaldur sneezed. "eh, Allergy bros!"

"My lungs and sinuses are very sensitive." Kaldur rubbed his watering eyes. He was built more for water, and was allergic to almost everything you can inhale through air, and now he was in Kansas, miles from salt water.

 "It's so warm though." M'gann kicked through the air, basking through the lingering warmth of the setting sun.

"And Mrs- Ma Kent is such a good cook!"

Dick laughed. "Wally's still high from being told he should eat more!" 

The redhead elbowed him, smirking. "Don't call me out like this! Besides! She made us a Pie! A PIE! When was the last time any of your parents made you pie?"

"Never." Artemis admitted.

"Pie doesn't exist on mars."

"Well it was a good pie!" The redhead said. "And she let us have it with vanilla ice cream on the side! SO DAMN CONSIDERATE!"

"Let's do some more sluthing tonight, I want to get this over so we can enjoy our spring break!" Artemis said.



They were slumped in the living room, working busily. "Are you doing homework?" Ma Kent asked.

"I am." The Gotham Kids chorused.

"Me two. We have a book report due after the break." M'gann exclaimed, buried in To Kill a Mocking Bird.

"We're doing hero stuff." Wally waved around at the other three. 

"How old are you? You are very young heroes."

"We get that a lot." the Redhead said. "I'm fifteen."

"Me too." Artemis agreed. "And Kaldur is about to turn seventeen, Robin is thirteen."

"thirteen? You're all very young! When Clark said 'Young Heroes', and I thought he meant young adult!" Ma told them. "What about you two? How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen too." M'gann said. "Well, in Martian years."

"Nine months." Conner said. 

"Nine months?" The old lady clearly thought he was making a joke.

"If you don't count my incubation period."

She nodded slowly, eyes returning to the tv. Her small television got three local channels, one of which appeared to be solely muder mysteries and historical dramas. The teens found themselves slowly loosing focus in their work, and gaining focus in rerun episode of Pride and Prejudice. Most of them had no clue who any of these characters were, but it was interesting.


Martha Kent looked up and realized it was almost eleven. She turned To ask if any of the children had their heart set on the spare room, and realized all their eyes were rested shut. She reached over and put her hand on Wallace, the ginger's, forehead. He didn't wake up.

She tried the space girl, she stayed curled up on the rug, asleep. She couldn't help but smile at the sleeping youth. There was no point in trying to move them, most of them were probably at least eighty pounds heavier than her. 

Instead, Martha climbed the stairs and retreived several warm blankets. She wrapped the Blonde girl in a fleace blanket, she wasn't sure about the girl; she swore a lot, and had a very negetive attitude, but she seemed nice enough.

She really liked Aqualad though, she couldn't remember his name, but he seemed sweet and helpful and polite. The space girl was nice too, just a little over-excited. 

She wrapped those two, and the little thirteen year old in warm wool blankets. Then the ginger boy, who was one of her favorites out of the bunch.

Martha crossed the room and sat on the corner of the sofa, watching the Superboy affectionately. She draped a blanket over him and tucked the covers up to his neck, patting them in place so the teen would be snug and warm all night.

He did look so much like Clark. For a moment, it was like having her little boy back. She pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on the his forehead.

Speaking of Clark, it was certaintly too late to try calling him again, she'd try again in the morning. She had a lot of questions.

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