Can Yaman International Prese...

By CYInternational

37.8K 270 57

Can Yaman's 2017 series Dolunay (Full Moon) tells the story of tough, successful businessman Ferit Aslan (Can... More

Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 1
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #2
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #3
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #4
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #5
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #6
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #7
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #8
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #9
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #10
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon): Episode 11.
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 12
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #13
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #14
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #15
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #16
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #17
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #19

Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #18

1.9K 13 1
By CYInternational

At the end of Episode 17:  Ferit scoots closer to the center of the bed so he is covered. He complains that they need to sleep, that the clock closed its arms a long time ago and adds the fish are waiting for her. Nazli wants him to explain what he means. Ferit shares his own childhood story and Nazli dissolves in peals of laughter at seeing him act so childishly. They roll closer facing each other and giggle like two kids at a slumber party. Nazli is enchanted by his boyish antics and Ferit stares at her like he finally has the princess of his boyish dreams. He grows serious and says, "I was afraid and got angry". Nazli replies, "It has all passed." Ferit agrees and says, "All has passed, and I am with you as long as you want." Deniz is driving his motorcycle recklessly while remembering all the times he has had with Nazli. He plays over his last encounter with Nazli when she told him she loves Ferit. He drives faster, right into an oncoming truck.

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the episode guide and leave your comments. And don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


Lying in bed facing each other, Ferit asks Nazli to close her eyes and she trustingly complies. After a brief moment, he raises his head from the pillow and allows his eyes to wash over her then slowly lowers his head to kiss her. Just then the bedroom door opens and it is Bulut. Ferit pulls back and the moment is lost before it began. Bulut has had a nightmare and asks to sleep with them. They welcome him warmly and settle him in the bed between them. Nazli looks relieved that they were interrupted but Ferit looks frustrated.

Later that night, Bulut is dreaming and talking to his mom in his sleep. Both Ferit and Nazli hear him and wake up. Nazli comforts him and Bulut settles back into a deep sleep. Ferit is visibly upset that, thanks to Hakan, Bulut has to live these kinds of moments.

A moment later, Ferit joins Nazli in the kitchen as she is drinking a glass of water. She shares her concern for Bulut and worries about who comforts him at Demet and Hakan's house when he has these episodes. Ferit assures her that their chances are strong of getting Bulut at the next custody hearing, and reminds her that is why they need to keep up with their fake marriage. He takes the half empty glass of water from Nazli and drinks the contents. He rubs the hand in her lap in comfort and tells her to come back to bed. She smiles and they head upstairs with their arms around each other.

The next morning, Bulut is being spoiled rotten in the kitchen as Nazli feeds him his breakfast by hand. Ferit offers to take Nazli to the restaurant but she declines, telling him she needs to touch base with Ausman. She finds out Ausman is taking care of Deniz after his motorcycle accident and goes to his apartment immediately. She is relieved to see he only has a sprained arm. She asks if the wreck was because of what she said to him at the restaurant. Deniz admits that Nazli gave him the same honest treatment he gave to Alya when he told her it was over between them.

Ferit arrives at Deniz's apartment and voices his concern. Deniz quickly downplays his injuries then Ferit gets a moment alone with him while Nazli and Ausman make tea. Ferit is taking the situation a little harder since he has just lost his sister and Deniz's brother, and he could have lost Deniz himself. As Ferit and Nazli get up to leave, Ferit warns Deniz to be more careful.

Once they are in the car, Nazli tells Ferit that since they have started over, she doesn't want to keep any secrets from him. She tells him that Ausman knows about their fake marriage because her father slipped up and told her. The worst part is that Ausman is now staying with Deniz. Ferit grows angry thinking Ausman will tell Deniz, that their secret would certainly get out and they will lose Bulut. Nazli tries to assure him that Ausman will be quiet, but given her track-record, Ferit isn't so quick to give Ausman any credit. Nazli argues back and stands up for Ausman, telling Ferit she has changed. He is still skeptical and demands that Nazli find a way to get Ausman out of Deniz apartment because the two of them together are dangerous. Nazli explains she can't do that because the more she hounds Ausman, the more she will just dig in. Ferit isn't pleased to hear this but Nazli says they need to have a little faith that Ausman will keep their secret.

Back at the restaurant, Nazli confides in Fatos about her argument with Ferit over Ausman. She confirms she has nothing to apologize for and that Ferit has overreacted.

At the same time, Ferit and Engin are at the office discussing the same thing. Always in Nazli's corner, Engin sticks up for her and reminds Ferit that she has sacrificed the most to serve his penance. She argued with her parents over the marriage, and has practically shut herself down over the secret she kept for Ausman. Ferit says he is aware of all that as well as the fact that Ausman stole the documents and Nazli kept quiet about it in the first place. He tells Engin he hasn't forgotten. Engin states that even after all this, isn't Ferit in love with Nazli?

Fatos is saying the same things to Nazli. Looking into Nazli's eyes, Fatos can see that she loves Ferit. She thinks Nazli needs to give him the green light so they can become a real couple. Nazli tells Fatos they argue too much to become a couple, and reminds her that Ferit is still mad and hasn't forgiven her. So, there's no chance for them.

Engin warns Ferit that if he doesn't fix things between him and Nazli, it will only get worse. Ferit asks why should he fix it? Engin ignores his question and tells him to go to Nazli's restaurant and take her flowers.

Later in the evening, Ferit's company car rolls up to the front of the restaurant. Nazli is outside thanking a customer for coming when Ferit exits the car holding a huge bouquet of flowers. Nazli greets him with a shy smile and her eyes say it all. She is so in love with him. Nazli greets Ferit and he smiles at her, gives her the once over, and hands her the flowers. She assumes they are an apology for their earlier argument, but Ferit sets her straight by telling her neither of them need to apologize. They will just agree to disagree on the Ausman drama. The flowers are just normal flowers because, after all, they are just a normal newlywed couple.

Nazli asks if they can go to a movie. Ferit asks where that suggestion came from and looks amused. Nazli says normal couples do it all the time. It will give her something to tell her friends so that they will believe in the marriage. So, Ferit agrees to go.

At the cinema, Nazli looks happy to be out. They talk about what's playing and Ferit says he could see the horror movie but knows Nazli would opt for the Rom-Com. She takes the challenge and tells Ferit she loves horror movies, that she and the girls have a traditional "horror movie night". She describes some scenes and asks Ferit if he was scared when he saw them. Much to Nazli's annoyance, Ferit replies that he wasn't frightened and looks amused as he goes up to buy the tickets.

Nazli is seen eating out of a big bowl of popcorn as they make their way to their seatsand offers some to Ferit. He tells her he doesn't like popcorn. Nazli makes a remark that he is more of a pudding boy and wonders if they have anything in common. He says they both like horror movies. Nazli sarcastically says, "Oh, great. Now there's a commonality. Thank God."

Once the zombie movie is in full-swing, Nazli is sitting facing Ferit eating her popcorn. She has screamed and turned away from the "eating" portion of the zombie film. Even Ferit's face reflects his unwillingness to watch the gruesome scene unfolding on the screen. Nazli is convinced there is no one else left to eat, and Ferit assures her it is the zombie's job to get more victims.

He eventually notices her posture and scoots down to meet her eyes. He tells her she has popcorn on her lips. When she licks it off, she asks why he is looking at her lips. So, he stares into her eyes and the neighboring moviegoers shush them. He tells her there is a calm scene so she can watch the movie again only to have it turn bad very quickly. This has Nazli screaming and pulling her feet up off the floor. Ferit reminds her it's just a movie and they can leave if she's scared, but Nazli says she wants to see the end. He says she hasn't seen most of it, so why would she be curious about how it ends? She assures him it's a matter of pride. She has never left a movie halfway through so they both struggle through the rest of the film.

Once they get home, Nazli makes tea and is berating herself for seeing the scary movie that will take her two years to get over. She calls out for Ferit but there is no answer. She slowly walks around the bottom floor and it turns into its own horror movie. She calls out again for Ferit when thunder booms out and lightening streaks causing the lights to flicker off and on. She yells to Ferit to quit it, sure he's doing something to make these things happen. She wanders from room to room yelling his name as the thunder strikes overhead again and the lights partially go out in the house.

The coffee maker comes on of its own accord, causing Nazli to scream and back out of the kitchen. She walks into the hallway and turns to hear a pattering sound only to see a red ball come bouncing down the stairs which causes her to yell frantically for Ferit and scream louder. She runs to the sliding glass door trying to get out when Ferit appears behind her outside. He rushes in and asks if she's alright. He explains away everything that scared her. She becomes a little suspicious and Ferit tells her he went outside to get his cell phone which he had left in the car. He can see she is a total wreck but it's obvious from his expression that he planned this whole thing. He asks Nazli if she'll be able to sleep alone and she assures him she can. Ferit has a sly smile on his face as he walks away and wishes her good night. But then, he causes the lights to flicker and the thunder to roll again which scares Nazli enough that she immediately follows him, not wanting to be downstairs alone.

Nazli is too scared to sleep. She goes to Ferit's room and he opens the door before she can knock. She gives him the excuse that the small bed probably hurts his back. Insisting she is only thinking of his comfort, she tells Ferit if he wants to sleep together, they can and Ferit agrees. Once they are in bed together, he kids her about being frightened of the Zombies. She says she is not scared exactly but feels like she is in danger. Nazli tells Ferit he just needs to stay on HIS side of the bed, but not to leave after she falls asleep. She rolls onto her side of the bed with her back to him and settles in. Ferit lays down on his back disappointed that his plan didn't work like he wanted it to. He might have gotten into Nazli's bed but all he's going to get is some sleep.

The next morning, Deniz shows up at the company to see his sister, Demet. She has not come in yet so he goes to see Engin. His office door is ajar and Deniz overhears him talking to Fatos about the fake marriage between Nazli and Ferit. Deniz turns and leaves without seeing anyone. From his expression, it looks like there is going to be hell to pay.

Ferit takes Nazli to the fish market where they learn that Shaban, the boy that supposedly closed the freezer door on Nazli, has quit his job. This information instantly puts Ferit on alert and he asks for his address. No one hurts someone Ferit loves and gets away with it.

At Shaban's house, he is talking to Demet about their deal. He wants more money or he will rat her out. Demet gives him more money and threatens him against contacting her again then leaves just as Ferit and Nazli are rounding the corner of the house. Sheban sees them and takes off running with Ferit hot on his heels. Nazli runs to get in the car and catches up with them down the street. Ferit has the boy thrown up against a van and is interrogating him. Nazli jumps out and runs to Ferit and pulls him off Sheban, who threatens to call the police and then runs away. Ferit says he knows there is something more going on with him. Nazli reasons with him, arguing that if Sheban calls the police on Ferit, they will certainly lose any chance of getting custody of Bulut. Ferit agrees they have enough problems and doesn't need to add more.

Back at the restaurant, Ferit is still seething. He is confident that what has been happening is not coincidence. He informs Nazli he will have security watching over her. When she balks at how that will look to the customers, Ferit tells her there is no room for discussion. He also intends to bring his laptop and work from the restaurant as well.

Deniz comes to the restaurant and tells Nazli and Ferit he is happy for them and the love they share and honestly sounds sincere. He has a wedding gift for them, a camera. He wants them to use it to record their new journey together. Fatos take a picture of the three of them as their first official picture. They walk Deniz out of the restaurant and Ferit tells him he is happy he came. Deniz turns to leave, but from the look on his face, he has more to say and turns back. His parting remark is, "I know the love you have is fake and therefore your marriage is fake. I also know that you did this to get Bulut back. You don't have to act anymore, at least not next to me." He turns and leaves and Nazli, Ferit and Fatos are in shock from hearing his words.

Nazli and Ferit talk over the ramifications of Deniz knowing their secret. Ferit is convinced that Ausman told him. Shortly after Ferit mentions her name, Ausman walks in. They accuse her of telling Deniz their secret and Ausman passionately denies telling anyone. Ferit yells that she is the only one that knows and walks out of the room. Ausman pleads with Nazli to believe her, but she doesn't. Ausman confides in her that she came there to start over. To tell Nazli she has changed and will do everything in her power to repair her faults. Nazli is not willing to give her a chance. Tears fill Ausman's eyes as she continues to defend herself, telling Nazli how disappointed she is in her for not giving her a second chance. Ausman turns and leaves, giving Nazli something to think about.

Later that night, Ferit and Nazli are sitting outside talking about the previous incident. Nazli has given it some thought and doesn't believe Ausman told Deniz. Ferit says they need to concentrate on what Deniz will do at the custody hearing tomorrow. They decide to go and talk to him. Before they can leave, Deniz calls Nazli to tell her it wasn't Ausman that told him their secret. He adds that Nazli broke Ausman's heart when she didn't believe her. Nazli pleads with him not to tell Demet. Deniz makes no promises and tells her he will see her in court tomorrow then hangs up. Nazli feels terrible about Ausman but Ferit doesn't care two wits about Ausman. He is more worried about the court date. His attitude puts Nazli off and she goes to bed while Ferit remains sitting outside.

The next morning, Deniz goes to the company and wants to rehash the marriage topic. Ferit is tired of talking about it, irritated with Deniz's attitude and calls him out on it. He points out that Deniz is so consumed with anger and jealousy over Nazli that he doesn't even care about Bulut. Deniz says he will no longer support Ferit. Ferit doesn't care and tells him that Bulut's happiness and wellbeing are all that matter to him. He intends to do whatever is needed to reach his goal. Deniz turns and leaves.

Deniz is at Ferit's talking to Nazli in the kitchen. He asks her how long they will continue this fake marriage. Nazli is also tired of this topic and replies, "As long as is needed to keep Bulut away from Hakan and Demet." Deniz defends his actions saying he is concerned for Bulut and how he will react if Ferit and Nazli break up. Nazli says Bulut is a mature kid and will understand when the time comes that they did it for him. Nazli reminds Deniz that she loves Bulut and would never hurt him, and begs him again not to give away their secret. Deniz leaves. The stress is getting to Nazli. She rubs the back of her neck to relieve her stiff neck and has a worried look on her face.

We see Ferit and Nazli, Hakan and Demet, and Bulut in the courtroom. Their lawyers are pleading the case for their respective clients. The camera pans to Deniz standing on a pier by the water who looks like he is contemplating his next move. Back in the courtroom, Bulut is given the opportunity to say where he wants to live and it's obvious it is with Ferit and Nazli. The judge gives his opinion on the evidence presented and finds the fake marriage claims unfounded. As the judge prepares to give his ruling, Deniz walks into the courtroom and disrupts the proceedings. He tells the judge he is Bulut's uncle and has some opinions of his own that the court needs to hear. Nazli and Ferit look worried while Demet and Hakan look smug.


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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