Can Yaman International Prese...

By CYInternational

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Can Yaman's 2017 series Dolunay (Full Moon) tells the story of tough, successful businessman Ferit Aslan (Can... More

Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 1
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #2
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #3
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #4
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #5
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #6
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #7
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #8
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #9
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #10
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon): Episode 11.
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 12
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #13
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #14
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #15
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #17
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #18
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #19

Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #16

2K 11 3
By CYInternational

At the end of Episode 15:  Ferit is dressed in his tuxedo waiting at the wedding location surrounded by their guests. He paces back and forth, constantly looking at his watch. As the time for the wedding to start draws near, he calls Nazli but gets no answer. Ausman and Fatos are also trying to reach her also with no response. Ferit asks Fatos why she is not coming and she says maybe Nazli is just scared. Ferit grows angrier with each passing second. He thinks Nazli has changed her mind and is running like she always does. All the while, Nazli is in the freezer yelling for help, in vain. She eventually slumps to the floor and begins to succumb to hypothermia.

(Author's Note:  Please read to the end of the episode guide and leave your comments. Your vote will be appreciated too. Thank you!)


Nazli is barely holding on to consciousness, but her thoughts are on getting to the wedding and Ferit. Hypothermia is setting in and she curls up against the wall.

Ferit is at the wedding location with the girls and Engin. He is livid because he believes Nazli has run away. Engin makes an excuse that Nazli is ill and all the guests leave. Ferit takes off to look for Nazli with fury in his eyes.

Engin catches up with Ferit at his house. He asks if he has had any luck locating Nazli. Ferit yells that he has checked everywhere, the restaurant, her apartment, everywhere he can think of and nothing. Engin tries to calm him down to no avail. Ferit replies how can he be calm when Nazli stands him up on their wedding day. He is worried about what people will think, and how they will be able now to convince everyone it is a real marriage. 

 Engin tells him he is sure Nazli will have a logical explanation. Ferit doubts this and draws his own conclusion. He thinks Nazli's head got messy again and she didn't know what to do so she left. He can only blame himself though because he put too much faith and trust in her. Engin continues to stick up for Nazli and points out that not even Fatos knows where she is, and they share everything. Ferit isn't listening. He is sure Nazli is on some park bench somewhere deciding what to do and will call him in after a while.

Meanwhile inside the fish market freezer, Nazli is barely holding on. She is giving herself a pep talk and believing that someone will come soon. Meanwhile, the girls are at the restaurant frantically trying to track Nazli down by calling everyone they know. Deniz arrives and tells them he will go to the fish market and look for her. When he arrives no one is around. Thinking Nazli has come and gone, he turns to leave and sees her bandana lying in the parking lot. Intuition tells him she is still inside the market. He calls the security guard to let him into the facility. Once inside he runs to the freezer and opens the door to see Nazli lying on the floor. He calls her name but all she whispers is "Ferit", over and over. He gently picks her up and takes her to his car.

Nazli is now resting comfortably on Deniz's couch in his apartment. He has called in a doctor who says Nazli needs to rest for the remainder of the day. Nazli briefly wakes up and calls for Ferit. Deniz tells her she needs to get more sleep. She asks how she got stuck in the freezer and Deniz says he doesn't know. She asks where Ferit is and he tells her he doesn't know that either. Nazli tries to get up telling Deniz she needs to get to the wedding, but he talks her into laying back down and resting, saying she has already missed the wedding. She asks if they know about her and he assures her he will call them. She lays back down and falls asleep but Deniz doesn't call anyone. But Demet calls him and finds out Nazli is there. She is relieved she didn't kill her and when she hangs up with Deniz, she quickly calls Ferit to gloat that she knows where Nazli is. Ferit is at the outside bar at his house. He is livid when he learns where Nazli is and leaves for Deniz's apartment.

Nazli is sitting up and drinking some tea. The ordeal has taken its toll and she looks worn out. She asks Deniz what Ferit said when he told him and he admits he never called Ferit. Nazli stands up in a panic and says, "Are you serious, no one knows about it?" Deniz defends his decision claiming he didn't think to call anyone. But he is just enjoying having her all to himself. Nazli asks for her phone but it is in her bag which is still in Deniz's car. Nazli starts to panic that no one knows where she is and puts on her coat to leave. The sudden movement is too much for her. She sits back down on the couch and sips her tea.

The doorbell rings and Ferit walks up the steps. He says her name and she immediately gets up and tries to explain. Ferit has already made up his mind and cuts her off. He asks, "What lie will you tell now? You forgot we were getting married today? What are you doing here?" Nazli says, "Let's go and I will explain." Ferit heatedly continues to jump to conclusions. "There is no need to explain anything, Nazli. I understand everything." Deniz sees this isn't going well and looks to intervene but Nazli says it is between her and Ferit. Barely holding his temper, Ferit asks Deniz to leave them alone so they can talk. He was already tired of Deniz's interference, and Deniz is angry at the way Ferit treats Nazli.

Once alone, Ferit says, "I made a big mistake trusting you." Nazli again tries to explain, but Ferit cuts her off again, saying he doesn't believe anything she says. She asks, "Is that so?" With a bit in his tone, Ferit continues. "You promised me we would get married, Nazli. We were going to do this for Bulut but you went against your word. Now how are we going to make everyone believe this marriage is real?" She tries to talk but Ferit still goes on. "You have come here to talk to Deniz. What did you talk about, for God's sake? Or did you talk to him about our fake marriage plans? Come on tell me. I'm curious. Why did you come here? What is your excuse? Tell me, what lie will you say?"

Nazli sees there is no reaching him when he is in one of his moods. Realizing how little he thinks of her, she simply says, "I have no excuse." She turns away then decides better of it and strikes back. "Maybe I was confused. Maybe I didn't know what to do. Maybe I wanted to talk to Deniz. Is that okay? But don't worry. I didn't tell him about our fake marriage." She sits down on the couch then totally exhausted physically from her ordeal and mentally exhausted after sparring with Ferit.

Ferit takes a deep breath and asks the million dollar question. "What will we do now? Will we marry or not? Will you keep your promise or not?" Nazli's eyes are full of tears. "You still want to marry me?" Ferit asks, "Do you still want to keep your promise?" Nazli says, "Yes. Okay, let's marry tomorrow." That isn't good enough, Ferit yells "Today!" Nazli says, "Fine. We will marry today." When Deniz comes back in with Nazli's purse and Ferit announces they are leaving and walks out. Nazli brushes off Deniz's concern and he asks why she didn't tell Ferit what happened. She says she wanted to but saw he didn't care so why bother and she follows Ferit out the door.

The wedding is taking place at Ferit's house. The guests have been gathered, including Bulut, and everyone is waiting. Ferit looks dashing in a tuxedo and Engin is trying to calm him down. Ferit is too wound up to find humor in Engin's remarks and reminds him that everyone needs to believe in this love. Engin responds by asking, "Aren't you really in love?" Ferit gives him a look that says he can't deny it. Bulut hops over to them and says he looks like a groom too and he is going to marry Nazli. This adds some levity to the situation and Ferit smiles his first real smile of the day.

The music starts and Fatos signals that Nazli is ready. Everyone faces the staircase as she slowly floats down the steps. She looks stunning in a white gown with a lace overlay embroidered with delicate leaves. The paleness of her skin from her ordeal makes her look angelic. Her dark hair is swept to the side and comes over one shoulder in a braid and pale silk flowers adorn her head. Ferit looks at her with total admiration and love and a small smile flirts with his lips. Bulut is so excited that he meets Nazli at the bottom of the stairs. Chirping how beautiful she is, he grabs her hand and they walk to Ferit together. She exchanges a small smile with him as Bulut leaves her side. Ferit extends his hand to her and still taken in by her beauty, he leads her to the wedding table and pulls out her chair. He moves his chair closer and sits next to her.

Soon they affirm their willingness to marry and the application is signed. Bulut is bouncing around in pure happiness which makes it perfectly clear that Ferit and Nazli are doing the right thing by marrying. As they are declared husband and wife, you see Ferit breathe a sigh of relief. He looks over at Nazli and she gives him a long look and a shy smile. When the crowd starts chanting for them to kiss, Ferit lowers his head to Nazli's but she quickly turns so he can only kiss her cheek. Her message is sent loud and clear. They greet their guests and play their respective roles to perfection. After Nazli throws her bouquet, Engin announces it is time for everyone to leave and the guests filter out.

Once the lovebirds are alone, Ferit turns to Nazli and says, "It's over." Nazli turns and corrects him by saying, "I think it's just beginning," and walks to the house. As she enters, her train gets caught on the door. She is gently tugging it when Ferit walks by without giving assistance, telling her to be careful not to tear it. She says not to worry, once she gets it off, she will burn the dress with gasoline. The bickering begins in full force as Ferit counters, "I am of the same mind, I am also tired of this tuxedo. But do you know what tires me the most? To pretend that I am in love with you." Nazli rips her dress from the nail it's caught on and agrees, asking when this Hakan thing will end so they can get a divorce. Ferit says he's working on it, to be a little patient and not to worry. He doesn't want to stay married to her any longer than he needs to.

She reminds him if it wasn't for Bulut she wouldn't have married him. He flat out tells her he doesn't even like her. She tells him that they have reached the point in three hours that most marriages end up in three years. Ferit tells her she can be proud of herself. She gives him a fake smile, holding in her temper as she claims, "So everything is MY fault?" Ferit points out that she was the one that missed their wedding and shows up at Deniz's apartment. He's very tired of having to forgive her all the time." Nazli gets up in his face and says, "Don't forgive! Don't you dare forgive me, because I will never forgive you!" 

Ferit is sure he is without fault and asks what he did that he would have to be forgiven. Nazli leaves him guessing when she tells him, it doesn't matter but she knows! Through gritted teeth, she tells him that she has had enough and is going up to change and begins to walk past him. To irritate her, Ferit puts a foot on top of her train and as Nazli reaches the end, she is abruptly stopped. Of course, Ferit feigns innocence and lifts his foot. As she continues on her way, we can see he is utterly irritated to the point of boiling. It's hard to tell if he's mad at her or himself for letting her get under his skin.

Nazli is in the bedroom making a futile attempt to get her dress unbuttoned. She talks aloud as she runs through all the options from tearing the dress off to calling Fatos for help. Much to her dismay, she realizes she will have to ask Ferit for help. She walks down to a dark kitchen and pulls the ingredients out of the fridge to make a peanut butter sandwich. Ferit enters and turns on the lights. He is dressed casually and upon seeing Nazli, he remarks she must love the dress a lot. She claims she will wear it around for one week, so she doesn't have to decide what to wear every day. 

Ferit pours himself a glass of water and turns to leave. Nazli musters up her courage and calls after him. She explains she needs help getting her dress unbuttoned. Of course, Ferit makes her beg and she relents and asks him nicely (although sarcastically) to please help her. He comes around behind her to see what he's up against and makes an off-handed comment that he has unbuttoned a lot of dresses before but has never seen anything like this. Nazli says she doesn't care about his other experiences. Can he please just get hers undone? He agrees and it becomes quite an undertaking but he eventually figures it out. Once she is free, she thanks him and leaves him to clean up her sandwich-making mess.

Nazli is enjoying her newfound freedom and is tying her robe when she hears a knock on the bedroom door. She looks beautiful in her mauve robe. After being taken out of its braid, her hair lays in soft waves around her face. Her eyes are unusually bright and lined with beautiful, thick eyelashes. Ferit opens the door at her command to come in and asks her if she needs anything before going to bed. She is shocked at his sudden hospitable manner, but says no, everything is good. He hands her a book to read and asks if she has read it yet. She politely replies she has not. He says it's beautiful but we wonder if he is talking about the book or her. She thanks him for the room and the book. His gaze sweeps over her and he promptly wishes her a good-night and closes the door.

The next morning, Ferit rises first and glances at Nazli's closed door. He pauses to see if she is awake and decides she must be sleeping in. After a cup of coffee, he grows impatient with Nazli sleeping in and decides to go check on her. He softly knocks and when he gets no reply, gently opens the door. He sees she is still in bed laying on her side with her back to the door. When she doesn't respond to his questions, he approaches the bed and sees her shivering violently with a sheen of sweat on her face. He sets his coffee cup down and puts a hand to her forehead. She is burning up. She tells him she is freezing. He pulls back the covers and tells her he is taking her to the hospital. She tells him not to uncover her because she is cold. Ferit calls his doctor and tells him about Nazli's condition and asks for an urgent solution.

The doctor tells him to get Nazli into a cool shower right away to help lower her temperature. Nazli hears this and tells him she will not get in the shower. Ferit knows he has little time and pulls back the covers, picks her up off the bed and carries her to the bathroom as Nazli pleads for him not to do it. Once there, he gently sets her down and reaches for the belt of her robe, she tells him she feels terrible and suddenly realizing what he is doing, tells him that in order for him to take off her clothes, he will have to kill her first. Ferit assures her he can do it without killing her, that he just needs to take her robe off. He helps her discard it and explains that the doctor said the water needs to be cool. She gives him a dirty look as he walks into the shower leaving her to stand there and shiver. 

 Once he adjusts the water temperature, he reaches for her and pulls her into the shower with him. She tells him he is the cruelest man she knows and that he is an awful person. Standing before her, he gently raises the shower head to run the cool water over her back, slowly wetting her hair and pajama top. She is shivering uncontrollably as he directs the water right over her head. She moans as the water pours over her heated skin, wiping it away from her eyes. She looks at him to see if he is enjoying her misery. She tells him again that she is sick. His expression is pained. He reaches past her to lay the hand-held shower head down. 

They are inches apart and he stares into her eyes as he turns on the overhead shower. The water cascades over both of them. Ferit wipes the water from his eyes and pulls her into his arms. She is leery at first but unable to fight both him and the fever. She takes the strength and comfort he offers and melts into him letting her head lay on his strong chest. He gently rubs her shoulders as they both take in the healing powers of the cool water.

Nazli is back in bed looking like a pouting child but obviously feeling much better. Ferit and the doctor are discussing her care. Once the doctor leaves, Ferit sits at her bedside and asks how she got to be so sick. Nazli says she doesn't know. Ferit remarks that it was a good thing he interfered, that the cool water helped her a lot. Nazli isn't feeling very gracious and chastises him for putting her in the shower against her wishes. Ferit takes offense and says what else was he supposed to do when she had a dangerously high fever. He says from now on if she gets sick, he won't help her and gets up to leave. Nazli stops him by telling him she can't stay in bed all day, or at least in that room since it is colorless. She would rather lay in the salon where she can see the garden. He agrees and tells her to rest a little more and maybe they can watch a movie. She readily agrees.

When Ferit checks on Nazli later, he is amused to find her looking like a small child in his huge bed, sulking and reading the book he gave her. He hands her their movie options and after looking them over, she says she will decide on one and let him know. Moments later when she comes downstairs, she sees Ferit looking perplexed because they have a visitor. It turns out to be Selami, the owner of the Fish Market. In front of Ferit, he apologizes to Nazli for her getting locked in the freezer. He rambles on that he normally controls everything and thought she left to get to the wedding on time. He was thankful that Deniz was able to get in and save her. Ferit looks on as shock, anger and irritation swim over his face. Nazli doesn't look at him, relieved that he finally knows the truth. Ferit looks chagrined that he had jumped to the wrong conclusions.

When they are alone sitting in the salon, Ferit asks Nazli why she didn't tell him. She says, "I tried, but I didn't have the opportunity." (Meaning he wouldn't listen to her). Ferit's demeanor has changed as he realizes he could have lost her. He scolds her that her life was in jeopardy and it took Deniz to save her. He says now she is sick from that experience and she isn't telling him anything. Nazli explains it away as a small accident. Ferit asks her how she can be so sure and suggests that it wasn't an accident. They still don't know who closed the door on her. Nazli is nervous thinking someone could have done it deliberately. Ferit says that under the circumstances, it is possible. 

 Nazli tires of the conversation and says she wants to go to the restaurant and have lunch with her friends. As she rises, Ferit gently grabs her hand and reminds her that they were going to watch a movie. Nazli says she doesn't want to do that now. His tone becomes kind as he reminds her she was very sick that morning and needs to rest, so she shouldn't go anywhere. Of course, Nazli will do what she wants and says she will go and starts to leave. Ferit gently grabs her and says he will drop her off because he wants to check on something at the office anyway. He will pick her back up and they will return home together. She agrees and is taken in by his sudden kindness.

When Nazli gets to the restaurant, she tells the girls what has happened. Manami notices there are two bodyguards milling around the front of the restaurant. Nazli says Ferit probably arranged for them to be there. When Ferit returns to pick up Nazli, they are waylaid by his friends who want to have a coffee with them. Nazli makes an excuse and leaves Ferit to fend for himself. He later finds her in the VIP dining area doing some bookkeeping. Selami from the fish market brings in a young boy that claims he shut the freezer door on Nazli. Ferit becomes angry and then skeptical. When it looks like Ferit may strangle the boy, Nazli interferes, accepts his apology and tells him to be more careful. When they leave Ferit, thinks it is too much of a coincidence.

Engin, Fatos, Nazli and Ferit sit down for dinner and discuss what happened. Fatos is upset that Nazli could have died. Nazli gets to throw in her dig when she tells them that they all thought she intentionally left to escape from the wedding. Engin said they were all surprised when she didn't show up or call because they know there is this "big love" between them. Nazli and Ferit exchange a knowing glance as Fatos says that everyone knows they married over their love for each other. 

 When the subject changes to Engin and Fatos's nuptials, Ferit says when you are sure of your love, don't be afraid, marry immediately. He points out that is what they did and they are happy. Nazli continues the playacting picking up Ferit's cue and says, "Of course, canim. If anyone were to ask me what the best decision I ever made, I would say, marrying Ferit." Ferit taps his wine glass to hers and they toast their "love". Ferit interjects that he finally took his prize, and when Nazli asks if she is the prize, he looks at her with love in his eyes and says, "You are my everything." They exchange a long look and shy smiles.

Once they get back home, Nazli admits it was good that they got out. They are back to acting like polite strangers and Nazli announces she is going to bed.

The police arrive the next morning. Ferit is under arrest for a large drug shipment found on one of his company vehicles.


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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