Me or that B!tch? Choose one...


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It's a love between two guy who thought they were straight.. But turn out they are homosexual. The worst part... More

Me or that Bitch? Choose one will you?! (BxB)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Epilogue)

Chapter 12

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Me or that B!tch? Choose one will you?! (Chapter 12)

            Jessie's POV

          "Please help me, I'm begging!" I shouted but got another fist on the face. I fell back and smashed myself on the floor. I groaned and covered my face that was bleeding endlessly. My eyes hurt, my jaw cracked, even my legs were sprained. The man came forward and stepped on my injured legs that caused me to scream in agony. I would not drop a tear, it was not worthy. The man stepped away and went away. I grabbed his leg before he moved any farther. He looked down, kicked away my hand and stepped hardly on it. I was screaming again. I heard 'crack' from it. I bit my lips causing blood flow out to bear the hurt from my hand. He moved away again but I hurried grabbed it.

                  He went down to grab me by the collar and slapped me on the brick wall, using his right hand to punch my stomach repeatedly. I couldn't barely breathe in a single oxygen and hot liquid kept coming out from my mouth. Suffocating... I couldn't die like this, I was going to save Troy.

                  The punch slowly decreased it strength, arms suddenly around my waist. I was sliding down but the arms caught me, held me up to steady my feet. He was crying and it soaked my front shirt along with blood. I couldn't stand it anymore and I dropped my feet and black out.


                    I awoke with bandages all over me. I felt like I was in Egypt and a mummy arise again. I felt less pain now and more energy gained. I looked around, still the same old same old room. It didn't change much since I come here. The table unmoved even those magazines were untouched like before. I stood up, and stretched a liitle bit. I think his ability worked once again. I went over the table and pck up one magazine to read. I was flipping through those pages when he hugged me from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder, and caressed my front. But I politely removed his hands and turned around.

                    He's the same old black hair Finn I met a few years ago. His golden eyes still sparkle even in the dark. Skinny but had a tremendous strength. He's dashing and wise. I think he's still the same attitude. You'll know it later...

                    "So what do you want Jess." Finn said and sat down on his bed, crossing his legs and arms. His gold eyes were eying me carefully, like he's going to see through me. I walked and sat down beside him. I was grabbing his hand, but he slapped it away. Yes, he still got the fire.

                     "Please Finn... I'm begging you... I am very grateful that you wasted your energy to heal me... But please... Just this once..." I dropped my knees in front him.

                      "What's with that dude that you love about!? I'm better than him! Why you chose him instead of me!?" He shouted and pushed me away.

                       "No Finn, I did choose you. You were the one that didn't appreciate this relationship...I think..." I replied, stood up and sat on the bed again. He was in a deep thought of what I was talking just now. He sighed and joined me. I patted his head, kissed his cheek. His cheek was now reddish. I smiled and kissed it again. But he caught my lips with his. I didn't fight it and we kiss until we're out of breath. No! I was not cheating on Troy!

                       "So..., what you want to do is to destroy your ex-psychopath bitch's plan?" He asked.

                       "Yes..." I was feeling a little hope.

                       "So you don't want to save your precious boyfriend?" He asked.

                        "Of course, when you destroyed that crazy person. It equals to save Troy." I explained, when he became so dumb?

                        "Oh my God, you don't know?" He shocked as he saw a ghost.

                        "Know what?" I asked, I was kinda losing my patience now.

                         "That I only can do one task for you..." He told me.

                          "Of course I know! That's why I told to destroy Angela!" I shouted.

                           "No Jess, listen to me. Troy is in the hospital now. He was fatally injured. He got into an accident." He said.

                            His words caught me off guard. Wait...what!? Hospital? When?

                            "WHat!? When? How you..." I asked him when he wide eyes showing me a 'Duh' look. Oh yeah, he's a psychic. Yes people, he's a psychic. That's the reason why I want him to help me. I didn't get all the way up here in California for nothing! But I was really nervous and going to cry. What happened to Troy!? I just went for a while and he just got himself into an accident?!


                             "He's fine, but he's in coma now. There are a piece of dry poisonous stuck in his brain and if it don't remove it immediately. It will cost his life..." He said slowly.

                             My eyes were stung and I was shaking. I was going to go back now when Finn grabbed me.

                             "I can help you. I can remove the blood easily. But if I help you with this, I can't help you anymore with the case of Angela's plan. I really am sorry, but is the rule. One own, one repay. I can't give 'buy 1 free 1' special discount." He said, hugged my waist tightly.

                            "No, I know. Can those doctors do anything?" I asked with my broken voice that caused by the crying.

                            "No... Maybe. But it will be too late for him. You're going to think..."

                            "No need. Follow me now. I want to save his life... NOW!" I shouted and grabbed Finn's arm and got into my BMW.

                             Please be okay Troy. I'm coming.... Don't leave me.....


Tired><....VOTE people!!!!! plz!!!

By OMGguyLOL <3



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