Good Girl Gone Bad [LIV BLAC...

By adolescentmuse

51.2K 1.3K 1.3K

Sirius Blacks daughter cared by Remus Lupin. "She would never! She's a good girl!" "I'm sorry, Lupin, but it... More

01 | azkaban
September, 1991
September, 1991
September, 1991
June, 1993
July, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
December, 1993
Christmas Eve, 1993
Christmas, 1993
January, 1994
how to disappear completly. march 1994
April, 1994
April, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JULY, 1994
sirius' arrival, july 1994
Forgive & Forget. July, 1993
33 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
34 | Gentle Sin

October, 1993

1.1K 31 34
By adolescentmuse

DESPITE IT BEING the first Hogsmede weekend, Liv stormed round the Gryffindor common room with such an attitude her face rested with a 'dont-fuck with-me' look. Harry was speed walking at her side, desperate to keep up with her angry strides, and desperate to take in every word of her rant about 'how sick they are for keeping you locked up here.'

They hadn't yet found a plan to sneak out, and time was running out.

Sure, Harry could try blend in with the surrounding third years – as simple as that, but it was Harry Frickin' Potter. Harry Potter didn't blend in. He could simply use his invisibility cloak as he'd tried to explain to Liv multiple times, but Liv was stubborn, and Liv would never put her friends at risk of expulsion – because that's what would happen if they didn't come up with a better, fool proof plan.

Hermione, waiting firmly in the portrait hole beside Ron, hand on her hip, called Liv for the last time. "Liv? Are you coming or not?"

Liv briefly stopped pacing to glare at Hermione. "You're joking! If I wanted to hear endless bickering for the next hour I'd simply sit myself between Padma and Lavender,"

"Hey!" Padma called out in defence. She was sprawled out on the large Gryffindor couch and had moved the magazines from infront of her face, revealing an offended look.

"Well Harry's not going, are you Harry?" Hermione spoke stubbornly, face plastered with concern.

"You are not his mother!" Liv replied before the boy got a chance to respond.

"I know that –"

"Well stop acting like it!" Liv interrupted, sick of Hermione always control what Harry can and can't do. "Harry deserves his fun like the rest of us,"

"I want to go, Hermione," Harry nodded – Liv smiled to him.

"See? He wants to go," Said Liv turning back to face a defeated Hermione. "And I want you too go now too, you're distracting us,"

"Fine, get caught!" Hermione huffed, scrambling through the portrait hole infront of Ron. "See if I care!"

"See if you care?" Liv shouted back. "You have a heart attack everytime someone breaks the rules!"

The portrait hole slammed forcefully behind the pair, and Liv was left in the common room with Padma, Harry, and a bunch of first and second years who had been interrupted to the noise. Fred and George soon made their way down from their own dorm to join them, George had his hands protectively over the sides of his ears.

"Alright, enough shouting on my freshly woken ears," he said. Liv quickly flipped him off.

"Heard you need help sneaking out," The Weasley twins had appeared by her side, and were now grinning – never seemed to be a good thing, especially when someone like Liv was in a mood.

"It's far too early for your games, Weasley," she scowled back.

"Oh, she's feisty this morning," George answered, unbothered by the attitude. "We're here to help Potter escape,"

"And to help you get back at Malfoy," Fred added.

"I already got back at Malfoy," Liv narrowed her eyes, not looking at either of the boys in face but focusing on marching to the great hall as quickly as possible.

"Get back at him for good,"

"Okay," Liv asked with a roll of her eyes. "What is it you have thats so great it can solve both our problems,"


From behind Fred's back he pulled out a blank piece of parchment he'd been hiding. The twins were grinning wide, Harry and Liv, on the other hand, started between the two as if they were crazy.

Liv laughed. "A piece of parchment?"

"Not just a piece of parchment," George winked. He gave the papers to Harry, pulled out his wand – and muttered a few words.

Liv, having enough of there boys shit, dragged Fred by the arm as Harry fussed over what seemed to have turned into a map. "How's this going to help me?"

"The plans all set, we just need outside help,"

"Outside help?" Liv grinned. "I know lots of people that would do stuff for me – no questions asked,"

"No, no," Fred shook his head. "None of your friends or.... followers. Someone innocent, someone they'd never suspect,"

"They?" Liv asked. "I thought it was just Draco,"

"Those good old Slytherins – they come as a group," Fred said.

Liv thought for a moment. Harry was smiling up and down between the parchment and George – it seemed as though whatever I was, it was going to help the both make it Hogsmede unnoticed.

Someone innocent. Liv continued to think. She was well respected at school – pretty privilege was definitely a thing, for she'd never spoken to half of the people she'd noticed go out of their way to make her day just that little bit better. But they wouldn't do, they weren't innocent and they wouldn't be able to go unnoticed either. She needed someone irrelevant to her life, but someone who would do this dirty task for her no questions asked.

"Freddie! Freddie!" Liv squealed, and jumped up and down in the air like a child in excitement. "I know just the person!"


"Hey, Colin!"

Using what the Twins had called 'The Marauders Map' Liv had managed to sneak Harry out of Hogwarts, through a long, earthy pathway under the ground and straight into the HoneyDukes cellar. They'd both gasped at the sight, shelves upon shelves of all sweets and chocolates imaginable. She thought about the look on her Father's face if he stepped in this shop with this amount of chocolate.

She eyed around the shop, everyone was either busy chatting with their friends or staring wide eyed at all the candy. When she knew no one had her eyes on her, she quickly shoved a couple chocolate frogs in her coat pocket to being back to her Father. If only she'd had some money to pay for it herself.

Now, Liv was settled in one of the booths at The three broomsticks as Harry ordered the pair two glasses of butter beer from a very attractive bartender. Liv looked away as she began to blush.

As she looked away, her eyes fell upon second-year Colin Creevey, who definitely should not have been out and about in Hogsmede. Second years weren't even allowed to go! He'd probably get in more trouble for being out there than Harry would. Liv called for him, he smiled at the noise of Liv calling his name, and came happily bouncing over.


"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to be here," he winked and gestured around the bar. "But my Dad works down the road in the Hogs Head, so I'm allowed to come visit him,"

"Right, whatever," Liv responded, remembering the only reason she'd called him over. "Listen, I'll get you Harry's autograph if you meet me outside the girls bathroom on the third floor corridor at –" she looked down at her watch. " – half seven tonight?"

Colins grin grew five times bigger – Liv could practically see his eyes sparkle with excitement. "You'll get me Harry's autograph!"

"Yep – you'll have piece of the chosen one with you forever," Liv tried to sound excited, but really wanted to bash her head into the table about how cringe she was being – but she guessed it was needed to get Colin in on the plan.

"Wow!" Colin gasped. "Cool!"

Liv smiled to the boy, waiting for him to return back to what ever the fuck he was doing in The Three Broomsticks, but he did not retreat. He stayed, bouncing on the tips of his toes excitedly – beaming from Liv to Harry over at the bar.

"What are you doing?" Liv said, irritated. She didn't exactly want to be seen with the second year, and people were beginning to stare.

"You're going to get me his autograph!" Colin beamed back.

"Yeah, once you've done the dirty work. I can't have you bailing on me," Liv said, and watched as Colin stopped bouncing on his toes, and let his beam fall into a very sad (or maybe angry) frown.

"Well – that's not fair!"

"Oi," Liv stood up so she towered a few inches over the small boy. It wasn't as threatening as she'd had hoped. "The chosen one does not give out free autographs like this. In fact, you'll be the first. Do you know how lucky you are? Now scram before I change my mind,"

Colin nodded. He tried to give a reassuring smile to which Liv also tried to return, and finally disappeared.

"Colin bothering you again?" Harry asked. He'd returned to the table with a bottle of butter beers in each hand. Liv took one with a smile.

"Aw, thanks," Liv said. "I'll pay you back. I'm so stupid forgetting my money like that!"

"Don't worry about it," Harry nodded.

"I may or may not have promised Colin your autograph if he helped me out," Liv said, and eyed him carefully so see any change in his emotions.

There was. Harry's face immediately turned sour from the pleasant look he had on his face from when he'd taken a sip of butterbeer.

"You owe me!" Liv giggled at his response. "I'm risking my ass being out here with you,"

"That's true," Harry agreed and held out his bottle. "Cheers to that,"

Liv clinked her glass against Harry's own and they simultaneously took a sip.

"We better not get caught, you've got a big game tomorrow," Liv grinned at the infamous quidditch player infront of her.

Harry groaned. "Don't remind me, Oliver's going to kill all of us on the team if we don't win,"

"Of course you will!" Liv reassured. "Besides, I'll be in the stands – I'm practically a good luck charm,"

As the pair clicked their drinks once more, the soft ringing of the bell indicating the pub door was being rang echoed throughout the room – Liv was not pleased at who she saw.

"Quick, quick Harry!" Liv rushed the boy. She grabbed up the cloak beside her and chucked it over Harry. A moment later, she felt him fall into the seat next to her.

"I thought you were a good luck charm!" He hissed. "This is the opposite of goodluck!"

"No shit, that's the minister of magic!" Liv gasped. She tried to conceal herself behind the wood surround the booth they were in, and used a small hole to look through. Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, Flitwick, and the minister of magic himself were now inside the pub.

"What are you doing this side of town?" Rosmerta asked, leading the group to the table, inconvenienty, next to the one Liv was at.

"I daresay you'll see the news in the headlines tomorrow," Fudge said shortly. "Black's been sighted near,"

The table hushed Rosmerta as she let out a gasp, Liv's own breath had hitched. Fuck.

"Do you think he's still in the area?" Rosmerta asked.

Liv saw Fudge nod. "Not for long, though. The dementors will be working extra, extra hard.... the protection is needed, we all know what Black's capable of,"

"I still find it hard to believe. Of all people to go over to the dark side, Sirius black was the last I'd have thought –"

"You don't know the half of it, Rosmerta, Dear," Fudge spoke thoughtfully. "The worst he did isn't widely known,"

"Worse than murdering those poor muggles, you mean?"

"Indeed," Fudge nodded.

"You remember him from Hogwarts, Rosmerta?" McGongall asked. She nodded. "Do you remember his bestfriend?"

"Naturally, you wouldn't find one without the other. They were always in here causing trouble – always a good laugh, though. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter,"

Liv didn't know if it was the mention of Harry's father, or the mention of both their Fathers in the same sentence. Either way, she couldn't help but let her hand find it's way to Harry's own and slip comfortably inside it. Harry squeezed her back, right.

"You'd have thought they were brothers," Professor flitwick chimed in. "Inseparable,"

"Nothing changed when they left school," said Fudge. "Best man at Lily and James' wedding, and even named him Godfather to Harry. Harry has no idea, of course. You can imagine the idea would torment him,"

The grip Harry had on Liv's hand suddenly loosed. Liv knew it was the shock, for she felt the same way. She wouldn't rush him, but soon she hoped he'd relax again, and not do something stupid after hearing the news.

"Because he turned out to be on You-Know-Who's side?" Rosmerta said in a whisper.

"Worse than that, m'dear," Fudge sighed. "Black was the Potter's secret keeper, naturally,"

"James Potter told Dumbeldore that Black would rather die than tell where they were," added Professor mcgonagall.

"So – so you're saying he betrayed them?" Gasped Rosmerta.

"He did indeed,"

Harry's hand didn't return back around Liv's. Instead, he let his head fall and rest on her shoulder. Liv meandered her arm under the cloak and around his waist to hold him tight – to hold him close.

"Clearly tired of his double agent roll, he was ready to declare his support openly for you know who. But of course, you know he met his downfall in little Harry Potter. Powers gone, he fled and left Black in a very nasty position indeed. His master had fallen the moment Black had shown his true colours, so he had no choice but to run for it–"

"Filthy, stinkin' traitor!"

Liv had jumped in her seat as Hagrid's loud voice echoed across the grounds. The entire bar fell quite, even McGonagalls quiet 'hush' towards Hagrid managed to echo across the bar.

"I met him!" Growled Hagrid. "Right before he killed all them people. It was me who rescued Harry from that house after they was killed! Poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead – an' his parents dead – an' Sirius Black turns up on that flyin' motorcycle he used ter ride. You know he was shakin' he was. An' yer know what I did? I COMFORTED THE MURDERIN' TRAITOR!"

"Hagrid, please! Keep your voice down!"

"I thought he was upset with James' and Lily's death, I was! An' he tells me, 'give Harry ter me, Hagrid, I'm his Godfather, I'll look after him –" but I'd had other orders from Dumbledore. He told me ter take his motorcycle cos he wouldn't need it anymore. Should have known it was something fishy, he loved that motorcycle he did,"

"But what if I'd given Harry to him, eh? He'd probably pitch him off the bike in the middle of air he would. His bes' friends son!"

"Alas, if only us at the ministry could have caught up with him." The minister sighed. "It was little Peter Pettigrew who got to him first –"

"Pettigrew.... that fat little boy always tagging along after them at Hogwarts?" Rosmerta questioned.

"He died a hero's death," Fudge nodded. "Eyewitnesses – muggles, of course, we wiped their memories later. They told us how Pettigrew cornered Black – they say he was sobbing, 'Lily and James, Sirius! How could you?' And then he went for his wand. Naturally, Black was quicker. Blew Pettigrew to smithereens..."

"I – I will never forget being the first one to the scene. Bodies everywhere. Muggles screaming. Black was standing their laughing, with what was left of Pettigrew infront of him.... mere fragments,"

"Well there you have it, Rosmerta," He sighed once more, rubbing at the hairs on his chin. "Black was taken away and has been in Azkaban ever since – well since before his escape,"

"Is it true he's mad?" Rosmerta asked. Liv hoped the answer was no! Merlin, no! He's completely sane... yeah... Completely sane – as sane as mass murdering wizards can get.

Fuck. Sirius Black was definitely mad.

"I wish I could say he was,"

Liv's eyebrows formed together in a frown. Um, what?

"He seemed... surprisingly normal... on my visits," Liv brought her eye to the small hole in the wood to spy on the adults again. Fudge looked concerned, and so did Rosmerta.... and Mcgonagall... and Hagrid... Merlin, not a single person at the table didn't look on edge.

Rosmerta turned to Fudge once more. "What do you think he's broken out to do? You don't think he's trying to rejoin You-know-who?"

"I dare say that is his – uh – eventual plan," he shuddered. "But we hope to catch him black long before that,"

Liv felt Harry pull away from the comforting grasp he had around her and rise to his feet. Should couldn't see, but "Harry!" she began to hissed. "Harry, no!" But in a moments time, the bar door mysteriously opened with no signs of anyone walking in or out.

Liv couldn't leave. She couldn't get up from the table and see her the group of adults – she was Sirius blacks daughter for merlins sake! So she slumped down in her chair as low as possible, hoping to make herself invisible, and sipped her butterbeer feverishly.

"I do believe he may a second plan," Fudge sighed. "Black has a daughter, you see,"

This really couldn't get any worse for you, could it? Livs brain began to scream in her head. There's no more being Olivia Black for you, just Sirius Black's daughter. The murders kid – that's all you'll ever be known as.

Rosmerta gasped. "A daughter?"

"Yes, and if things couldn't get worse, the mother is none other than Bellatrix Lestrange,"

The mention of her mother's name made Liv stir with discomfort. She knew of her mother, and she knew of her vacancy in Azkaban, her name, though, she wasn't used too.

It made her sick.

"Well, where is she?" Rosmerta asked, eyes wide with bewilderment. 

"Probably right here exploring the village like any normal teenage wizard would be," Fudge chuckled, gesturing out towards the window into Hogsmede town.

"She's at Hogwarts?""

"Of course! One my own," McGonagall answered. "A Gryffindor, i mean,"

With a gasp of realisation, Liv slapped her hands together and began to pray to the Lords above – thanking whoever was up there for making Harry storm out the moment he did, and not a mere 40 seconds later. Because Harry putting together the pieces of the puzzle these adults were so freely handing and finding out she was the daughter of the man who killed his parents would really add the the shitness of her really, really shitty day.

"I remember hearing the peculiar news," Fudge said. "Reports of a baby's wailing... in Azkaban! Can you believe it? She'd been there about four months by the time she was found – a miracle she survived that long. Couldn't believe it, the first ever, and last, baby to be born in Azkaban!"

Liv's hands quickly parted. Whoever was up there really shouldn't have put her through all this shit anyway – and now she had being born in Azkaban to add to the list. Azkaban, the most dangerous, unhappy place on earth, had been where she took her first breath.

"But – yes – I am afraid his Daughter and Godson are apart of his escapeé plan,"

"What do you think he wants from them?"

"With the boy –" Fudge began. "He probably wants him dead, finish off the potters once and for all. The girl, I'm afraid, holds power. I mean, the daughter of two of You-Know-Who's biggest supporters?"

"You think he wants to.... bring her to their side?" Rosmerta asked in such a whisper Liv feared she might have misheard her, sadly, she didn't.

"Just an idea," Fudge spoke solemnly.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Mcgongal sniffed, her high authority voice making even Hagrid, four times her size, cower in his seat like a dogs. "She grew up with Remus Lupin – the fourth of that little gang, the most responsible one. She couldn't have turned out better, she'd never –"

"Again – just an idea, Minerva," Fudge raised a hand. "We all know he's capabale of doing so,"

Liv left The Three Broomsticks the moment she got the chance. With all these new thoughts racing through her mind she'd forgotten to try find Harry, and had been unknowingly following some stray mud-foot prints along a path she didn't recognise. She let a sigh, a long, deep, well-needed sigh, and continued to follow the prints knowing it would lead her somewhere far from Hogsmede and would definitely end up lost.


For some reason, she imagined the high-pitched, teenage female voice to be that of Sirius Black's, and flew her hands out infront of head to protect herself from a very confused Hermione Granger.

"Are... are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

Liv quickly let her hands fall to her side. "Yeah. Yeah I'm great!"

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked. Ron had appeared by her side digging into a large bag of HoneyDukes sweet. Like remembered the chocolate frogs she'd secretly slipped into her pocket for her Father. She reached for them – they squished under the weight of her fingers, they'd melting under the heat of the Hogsmede bar.

"We – we heard some bad news," Liv told the pair. "I think it was a bit too much for him, but I'll let him tell you when he's ready,"

"We also heard bad news," Hermione eyes swelled the moment the words escaped her lips. "Buckbeak – Malfoy got his father involved and he's been sentenced to death,"

"What!" She hadn't exactly forgiven the large bird for nearly killing her, but she didn't want it dead! "But, Hagrid –"

Hermione nodded thoughtfully with a sniff. "We spoke to him, he's really upset. Gosh, it's just awful!"

Ron was staring into the distance beyond the battered wooden fence the three of the were stood around. Liv noticed, finally, a large shard a couple hundred yards ahead. It certainly matched the battered fence, and Liv felt pity the poor fella who had to live their. It was giving her the creeps.

"Where are we, anyway?"

"That's the shrieking shack," Ron said proudly – Liv knew it was because he knew something Hermione didn't for once. "It's  supposed to be the most haunted place in Britain,"

"Why's that?"

"The people of Hogsmede say they used to hear all sorts of noises – that's why it's called the shrieking shack, but it hasn't made noise for a good 15 years,"

"Maybe the ghost moved out," Liv shrugged.

Ron shook his head. "Not a ghost. I reckon something much dangerous, you know, something that eats children,"

"Enough, Ronald!" Hermione snapped. "We should get back and find Harry,"


As big as Hogwarts was, it was rare to be able to walk down a corridor without a first year zooming around, fearful they would be late for class, or a pair of sixth years pressed up against the wall making out – because, apparently, when you get older your sense of privacy vanishes. Liv was enjoying the quiet, knowing in just a moment she'd find herself in the loud, bustling Gryffindor common room. She hummed to herself until the pounding of what could have been mistaken as elephant hooves echoed along the walls behind her.

To her surprise, Padma Patil came bounding down the corridor toward her smiling wider than Liv would have ever believed possible. She flung her arms around Liv, who stumbled back at both the force and shock, and pressed her lips hard onto her's.

"Wow," Liv gasped when they broke apart. "Is that your new way of greeting me?"

"Maybe," she winked. "Come on, Fred's got some new freaky prank shit from Hogsmede and is doing a display in the common room"

Liv happily abliged as Padma began to drag her by the arm in the opposite direction she'd been heading. She thought of all the things she needed to tell Padma that she'd learnt that day while she'd been stuck up in detention with Snape: Sirius Black being sighed, him behind Harry's Godfather, Liv being born in Azkaban, that freaky Hypogriff on death row....

"Wait, wait!" Liv rushed, pulling her arm out of Padma's grasp. "There's something I need to do, will you take me to the kitchens?"

Without hesitation, Padma said, "Sure, I'm starving. This way m'lady,"

Padma led the smaller girl on the rather long trek down to the bottle floor where the kitchens were hidden, to where they were greeted by dozens of overly-happy, overly-enthusiastic house elves desperate to do the job their poor excuse for clothes suggested they definitely weren't paid for.

"The usual, Miss Patil?" One of them asked eagerly.

"Make it double," Padma gestured to Liv. "For my girlfriend,"

The house elf spun in excitement, it's little apron spinning in the air as he did so. Liv, saddened to stop his happiness, stopped him by placing an arm on his little shoulder.

"Actually, I need some cupcakes," she half asked, half told the house-elf, (she wasn't quite sure how this worked. "You know, cute little cupcakes that are decorated so nicely you forget about something as horrible as death,"

A couple of them beamed between each other, one was already armed with piping bags in both hands. Liv couldn't believe how quick they had moved. The one with the piping bags said, "I can do flowers?"

"Flowers!" Liv mirrored their wide beams. "That's perfect, thank you!"

The kitchens erupted in sound and movement of, the bustling house-elves zooming around grabbing flour, utensils, and baking bowls quicker than Liv had ever thought imagine. Two plates of ham sandwiches were slid Liv and Padma's way – they dug in quick, and in no time at all, a plate of vanilla cupcakes coated in yellow frosting and green flowers were slid their way too.

"Ooh, who are these for?" Padma reached for one of the cakes, Liv quickly swatted her hand away.

"Not for you!" She stressed, grabbing the cake from her grasp. "They're for Hagrid. I need to go down there – Malfoy's gone and got his Hypogriff sentenced to death,"

"The one that tried to kill you?" Padma eyed her, "you should be happy, Malfoy's doing you a favour,"

"Hagrid's my friend," Liv replied, reaching for a cake and splitting it in half. She passed one to Padma. "It was partly my fault, too. Merlin, these are delicious!"

"Do you want me to come down with you?" Padma asked, tilting her head slightly.

"No, it's alright," Liv smiled. "I need to do this myself,"


"Liv?" What are you doing 'ere?"

Liv was pleased Hagrid opened the door so quick, it was dark out, and very cold. The warmth from the hut hit her immediately – as well as the stench of rum. Hagrid always seemed to drink when he was sad.

"I heard about what was happening to Buckbeak," Liv said. Hagrid's face fliched, and immediately turned sad. "I brought you these, to apologise,"

"Awh," Hagrid sniffed as he eyed down at the cakes (that Liv now realised were very, very small – she should have asked for giant cupcakes) "Would you look at that," he reached for a little cake that sat sadly in his large palm, and smiled down at it sadly.

"What are yer doing apologising for? It wasn't yer fault, not at all,"

"I guess not," Liv shrugged dolefully. "But Malfoy's not going to apologise and you're definitely owed one,"

Liv giggled as Hagrid's other large hand reached down and ruffled at her head. "Come in yer sweet kid,"

Liv placed the cakes on the table and slipped down into her usual seat. " 'ere yer are," Hagrid offered a large glass of suspicion liquid. Liv, without thinking, gave it a sniff. Rum.

"That's okay, Hagrid," Liv smiled politely and pushed the glass back over to Hagrid. "I think you need it more than me,"

Hagrid let out another loud sob. Actually, Hagrid had probably had enough. She grabbed up the glass and Hagrid's large bucket of rum and took it to the sink to discard it. She sometimes did it for her father too when he got too drunk, but that was usually a funnier experience, for he wasn't hysterical sobbing into his arms.

"Is there anything anyone can do, Hagrid?" Liv asked trying her hardest to comfort the giant.

"Dumbledores tried," he began to wail. "But what 'append to Malfoy and, and you Liv, it's all too much,"

"But nothing happened to me, and what happened to Draco wasn't your fault! They should know this!" She said, placing a hand on his large shoulder.

"But you were so close to being squished," He sniffed. Liv was pleased to see the tears rolling down his cheek could now be classed as silent. "I don't know what I wouldn't done if yeh 'ade bin! What would I 'ave told your Father, eh? If Buckbeak 'ade killed yeh!"

"I'm sure his life would be much more peaceful without me," she was only half-joking, Hagrid didn't seem to appreciate it anyway. "But this never happened, I'm perfectly fine and so was Draco, we just didn't get lucky with Buckbeak,"

Hagrid swallowed hard. He wiped his tears on his sleeve, leaving large circles of wetness.  "Yeh've always been a good girl, haven't you,"

There was peaceful silence for a moment. Liv approached Hagrid's company, and his hut – it reminded her of her own home many miles away. Even after three years she still wasn't used to being so far away from it.

"About yer father, Sirius, I don't know if you've heard –"

"Yeah, I've heard," Liv had a feeling if Hagrid had been sober he wouldn't be speaking about such a thing. Infact, he'd probably sworn a couple hours prior he wouldn't breathe a word.

"Yer safe 'ere at Hogwarts, but yer can't be doing anything silly. Don't be walking the grounds alone, y'know. No being out after hours, don't be goin' out in the dark,"

"Right.... okay," Liv nervously looked towards the window where it was clearly dark, clearly after hours, and where she had clearly arrived by herself, alone. Hopefully Hagrid was too drunk to realise.

Liv wasn't so lucky this time.

"You can't be 'ere!" He suddenly bellowed, before clutching his mouth in surprise. "Merlin! Who am I letting you be down here in the dark so far away from school when your murderous fathers on the loose!"

Liv couldn't help but laugh at the giants outburst. "You just said Hogwarts was safe!"

"We can't take any chances," he ushered. "We need to protect yer! Now go! Go! Go!"

Liv let herself be rushed out towards the door. She gave fang a quick kiss on the head goodbye, and waved sadly to Hagrid.

"Wait! It's bloody freezing out there, give me a moment,"

As he rushed around his little home, his footsteps echoed like that of an elephant. A moment later, Hagrid reappeared with a large (as in giant large) blanket and wrapped it around Liv's small frame. She was definitely going to trip on it, but she was thankful it was so warm.

"There yer are, nice and warm," With his big hand, he cupped Liv's face. "Stay safe out there yer sweet thing,"

"I'll see you around, Hagrid,"

She stepped into the night, immediately regretting coming out so late. Winter was definitely on the turn, and she shuddered at the ice-cold breeze. Wrapping the large blanket around her tighter, she pulled her wand.


The grounds ahead lit up. There was a light fog forming just about the wet grass – Liv let out a slight whimper at how far away the school was. She wished she'd waited for morning to do this due to her slight fear of the dark. And the night. And the forbidden forest a mere meter away. And her murderous father on the loose.

Liv bolted towards the school. Any moment more in the darkness and she'd literally die. At least, that's how she felt. Carefully not to trip on any uneven ground or the large cape-like blanket blowing behind her, she closed her eyes and pretended she was running through a sun-lit field of daisy's.

The air got colder, ridiculously colder. Colder than she'd ever thought possible for the start of October. The chill literally made her bones shake, and in no time at all, she'd ran out of breath. With deep regret she opened her eyes, for swarming high above her head was a group a dementors, ready to attack.

Without time to scream, she set off in a run again. The cold, unhappy feeling was back again, and it was making her weak.... if only she could get back to the castle.... it was so close.... so close.... but they we're getting closer.... and they were getting hungrier.... but she was getting weaker.

There were those familiar shrieks, and that familiar sensation of her scalp turning ice cold, descending down her roots until the entirety or her hair gave her a head cold, and finally, that warmth she'd so desperately been looking for. She engulfed herself in it, letting it hear her up from the insides out. She'd managed to reach Hogwarts, and oh Merlin was it a relief! Except the shrieks continued, and the cold continued to creep up on her, not a single happy thought could be formed – it was like she couldn't control her own mind.

As she sprinted, her foot caught in the blankets material forcing her to the ground. She fell down into the wet Earth, letting the dementors creep closer and above where she lay. The only thing left she could do was scream.


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