The Beast's Rage

Galing kay b3nsler

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Olivia gets kidnapped and tortured by The Beast while someone from her past returns. After recovering from he... Higit pa

The Beast Seeks
The Beast Preys
The Beast Devours
Please Live, Liv
Not Okay
The Beast Returns
The News
Drinks & Dinner
The Beast's Friends
The Beast Plans
The Beast Communicates
The Beast Is Out
The Beast's New Chamber
The Beast Goes Further
Finding Out
Emerald Green
The Trial
True Beast
A Star
Get Out
Why Me
Anything For You
Female Rapist
Getting Through
The Devil
Her Protector
Her Protector II
Saving Liv
Saving Liv II
The Truth or A Lie?
Uncovering the Truth
An Old Friend
For Better or Worse
Last Resort
Last Resort II
The D.A.


304 7 4
Galing kay b3nsler

Olivia woke up to see the morning light shining through the window. Noah had woken her up only two hours ago and now she felt like she couldn't sleep any longer. Her body wouldn't let her.

Looking at the bed, Noah was sleeping peacefully. His chest and belly rising and falling with each breath he took. To her other side was Elliot, who was also asleep. Olivia knew that he stayed up much later than her and Noah in order to keep an eye on both of them, so he had to be exhausted. Not to mention that he was drugged with whatever Amanda put in his drink yesterday and barely had anytime to fully recover. After studying his face, Olivia looked up and saw Kat who was wide awake and flipping through the same magazine she had yesterday.

"Good morning." Kat smiled. "Want me to get anything for you?"

"No, I'm good. Has the nurse been in?"

"She was here awhile ago, so she should be coming back soon." Olivia nodded to Kat's answer and let the room fall silent before asking her next question.

"How long did he stay up?" Olivia asked while motioning towards Elliot.

"He wasn't up too late. You started making noises in your sleep so he stayed up longer to make sure you were okay."

"I didn't do that all night, did I?" Liv asked, slightly embarrassed at what she might've done or said in her sleep.

"No, you slept through the night pretty quiet after that. No worries." Kat lied.

The truth was, Olivia had whimpered a lot in her sleep. She stopped for maybe an hour after Elliot held her hand and reassured her she was safe. After that hour, which was after Elliot finally fell asleep, she was whimpering again. Turning her head to and fro every now and then, and switching which side she slept on. A couple of times Kat even thought she heard her whisper 'no' and 'please'.

Kat could tell Olivia was embarrassed about her possibly hearing anything she might've said in her sleep. There was no reason to be, Kat understood PTSD and the nightmares that came with it, but she didn't want to make her uncomfortable if she could prevent it. So she lied.

Kat tried to sleep for short periods at a time so she wouldn't miss anything. She didn't want to be in a deep sleep in case anything happened or someone who wasn't supposed to be there decided to pay them a visit. Luckily, nothing bad happened. Elliot slept. Noah slept. Olivia slept. All of them getting some rest- rest that they desperately needed.

The small knock at the door got both of their attention and withdrew them from their own personal thoughts.

"Good morning, Detective and Ms. Benson. How are you feeling today?" The nurse smiled and made her way to Noah.

"My sides hurt. Did the doctor say anything about medicine for the pain?"

"She did last night before she left. It's nothing too strong, just 800 mg of Ibpropheun, but it's better than Tylenol and Aleve. It should help lessen the pain." The nurse said and went to check the monitors that were connected to Noah.

"Is he okay?" Liv asked as she watched.

"He is. Young man is doing great and after checking in with the doctor, he should be able to be discharged today."

Olivia took a deep breath and stared at Noah as he slept peacefully. Not fully understanding the blessing he was to her and how worried she was about him. Even with their short time in knowing each other, the love between them was unbreakable. Liv knew she'd do anything for him, and if she had to testify against Amanda to keep him safe...she would.


Fin walked out of the courthouse satisfied.

Amanda took the deal. Plead guilty and told the judge what she did. Because of that, the murder, and the planned out attack, the judge sentenced her to 20 years.

Now they just had to deal with Tabitha.

Since she wasn't under arrest, she left with her aunt and uncle. They didn't want to arrest a 17 year old just yet if there was another solution. That and the way they seemed determined to make a case against Olivia would only complicate things. Hopefully, no one would even pursue the charges once they read the circumstances, but were they in for a surprise.

"Sergeant." A voice behind him greeted.

"Davidson, what are you doing here?" Fin asked after he turned to face the man.

"Just getting my case ready against Ms. Benson. Can't have a child predator on the streets."

"Are you serious? You were going to represent her so you know about the rape and drugs she was forced to take. She protected that girl-"

"By sexually assualting her?" Davidson cut Fin off and stared at him.

"You don't have a case."

"We'll see." Davidson smirked as he walked down the stairs. "See you later Sergeant."


When they finally left the hospital they had to make a stop at the pharmacy to get Olivia's pain medication. Kat made sure to drive behind them to their home and walk with them up. She explained that while they were at the hospital CSU had gone through their home and gotten evidence as quickly as they could so that they could return home.

After they put Noah in his crib, they were able to see the mess Amanda had created. The living room had pillows on the floor. Olivia's safe that had her gun in it. The broom was still on the ground and they figured CSU took the spatula for evidence.

Kat tried to help clean up. The living room was easy though. When the three of them went to inspect the other rooms they discovered just how much of a mess Amanda made in the master bedroom. Both Elliot and Kat looked at Olivia with concern.

"Um, Kat, thank you for the help. If we need anything else then we'll call." Elliot finally said.

"Okay. Make sure to call Fin later too." She said before leaving the couple. Even after her gone, Elliot and Olivia stood in silence. Staring at the disaster in front of them.

"Liv, what happened in here." He gulped. Scared that she had lied before about nothing happening.

"I don't know. She...she came back here to look for my gun. She must've got mad." Liv said back.

"You guys didn't fight in here?"

"No." Liv shook her head and looked at him. "I was in the living room the entire time."

"Okay." Elliot let out a breath he had been holding and walked into the room. "I'll start cleaning up this mess. You can lay down."

Elliot bent down to start picking up the clothes and other objects that were on the floor. Out the corner of his eye he saw Olivia bend down and start doing the same. He looked at her and she gave him a small smile.

He knew she wanted to help. She didn't want to seem useless and just watch him clean up the mess, and he knew that, so the two quietly cleaned up their room together.


Davidson watched Tabitha and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan walk out the door. He already had a plan to get Olivia alone with him.

Of course, he would have to be careful and it would be risky, but he wanted her again. He had to have her again.

Walking back inside the courthouse room, he sat down and pictured how he imagined everything would go. How he'd get her away from her friends. Away from her boyfriend. Lure her back to this room. No windows. One door.

It was perfect.

He'd even get that one officer to guard the door so no one would interrupt unexpectedly. It would play out just like at the hospital, except this time he would have more time. All of the rooms in the courthouse. There was no way her cop friends would know which room she went to. They'd spend so long trying to find her that he'd have time to have her anyway he wanted and and be able to get out of there before they knew she was with him.

He smiled to himself and walked back into the room. Shutting the door behind him and sitting down in a chair. His head leaned back and his eyes closed as he groaned and he grabbed his excitement through his pants. Quickly unzipping his pants and stroking himself fast as he imagined taking her against her will.

It was perfect.


Kat walked into the station. She had gone home and slept for about an hour before she woke up and decided she would be better off at the station.

"Kat, what are you doing here? I said go home and rest."

"I can sleep in the cribs if I need it. What happened with Amanda and that girl?" Kat asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Amanda got 20 years. Tabitha's aunt and uncle are trying to make a case against Liv."

"For what? Protecting that girl?" Kat asked angrily and shook her head.

"Rape. Liv had already told us that she had to give the girl her first orgasm or Ernesto would rape her." Fin said quietly.

"So, she was still being forced to do that. If the girl knows she could've been raped then what's the point in taking Olivia to trial? Does she not know how bad of a guy that prick was?"

"According to Olivia and even Tabitha's initial statement, Ernesto never touched her. Never hit her, raped her. Nothing."

"You think she's just as dirty as Amanda?"

"Could be. She hit Olivia with the broom. She hasn't been very helpful and Olivia won't say much about her." Fin paused. "The couple times she did say something to either me or Elliot she felt like the girl deserved to hit her."

"So Olivia saves her by raping her. Traumatic. But that girl uses that against her to abuse her? Probably with Ernesto since he didn't touch her. Why else would he spare her? He even raped Amanda when she didn't do what he wanted." Kat pointed out.

"I don't know. Once these charges drop, because they will, we can work with Barba to decide what happens with this girl."

"I never liked her. She acted suspicious. When it's time to question her, I want to be in that room." Kat said seriously.

"I'll be in there with you."


It took over two hours for them to actually get the bedroom cleaned up. Olivia had to stop cleaning to bring Noah in the room so he wouldn't be alone after he woke up. She handed him to Elliot while she ran back to the room to get the walker Elliot bought months ago so she could put Noah in it to play while they finished cleaning.

Now that they were finally finished, the three of them laid in the bed with the TV playing quietly. Elliot's focus was on Olivia while hers was on Noah. Talking to him in her baby voice and laughing with him when he tried to talk back.

Elliot smiled as he watched their interaction with one another. Liv was holding Noah up and bouncing his feet on her legs. Getting an excited squeal from Noah each time. While she was doing that, they both caught a whiff of his diaper.

"Oh, Noah, did you make a stink stink?" Liv laughed with a scrunched up face as she kissed the boy all over the face.

"Here, I can go change him." Elliot offered and held his arms out for Noah.

"Thanks. Can I take a pain pill now?" Liv asked and handed Noah to Elliot.

"Yeah I'll go get it. What do you want to eat?"

"Do I have to?"

"With the medicine, yes." Elliot said as he held Noah on his hip.

"A ham and cheese sandwich." She sulked and watched Elliot leave the room with a smile.

Elliot went to the nursery and set Noah down on the changing table. He had taken the time earlier that week to redo the room for Noah. While changing him his phone rang and he answered it.


"El, it's Fin. How's Olivia doing?"

"Her and Noah and good. They're both sore I'm sure, but they're clinging to eachother for the most part." Elliot said as he snapped the boy's onesie closed and threw away the dirty diaper. "I feel like you called for something else though."

"Amanda got 20 years." Fin said.


"And Tabitha and her aunt and uncle got a lawyer. They want to press charges against Olivia." Fin sighed.

"What? Wait, hold on, let me get Noah back to Liv." Elliot put the phone in his pocket and picked up Noah. Carrying him into the master bedroom and giving him back to Liv. "I'll be back with your medicine and food."

"Okay. Say that again." Elliot spoke into the phone once he was in the kitchen.

"They want to press charges against Olivia for rape."

"Why? She knows what would've happened if Olivia didn't." Elliot said frustrated and quickly looked towards the hallway before continuing. "Tell me this isn't gonna hold up in court."

"It shouldn't. Barba says there's no way because of the circumstances. A Grand jury, if it gets that far, wouldn't indict. Both knew what would happen if she didn't. He knew Liv knew that. He wanted her to break her own morals." Fin paused. "Barba needs Liv to come to the courthouse tomorrow though in case the judge wants to hear it from her."

"You have to deal with this. If this goes to trial it would destroy her. Even talking to a grand jury would be a lot. Why the hell is she even doing this? She didn't mention it before, Liv did, not her."

"We were questioning her. Guess she knew we were on to her. Liv said some stuff about Tabitha hitting her, but she also said Tabitha watched Ernesto rape her, beat her, and drug her. Anyone in their right mind would know that Tabitha had to do something in order to not get hit by him." Fin pointed out.

"Who got stuck with the case? I know Barba refused."


"Son of a Bitch!" Elliot slammed a fist down on the counter and gritted his teeth.

"What? What's wrong?" Fin stood from his desk when he heard he slamming sound over the phone.

"That attorney was way too suspicious. Always trying to talk to Liv alone, in fact he did the first time. I still don't know what happened, but she said she didn't want to be alone with him."

"Okay, we'll keep an eye on him. Make sure not to let them be alone."

"El?" Elliot turned around and saw Olivia standing in the hallway, holding Noah close to her chest.

"Hey, I'll talk to you later." Elliot said and hung up. "I'm sorry. I was on the phone but I didn't forget your food and medicine."

"Is everything okay?" Liv asked quietly. Running her fingertips down Noah's back in an attempt to keep him quiet.

"You heard." Elliot sighed and watched her nod. "Everything's okay. It was just something about a differnet case."

"Elliot." Olivia said, knowing he was lying.

"It was about Tabitha. You really shouldn't worry though, Barba and Fin are handling it." Elliot said and held his arms out for Olivia who walked up to him and let him wrap his arms around her and Noah.

"What about her?"

"She got scared that they were going to charge her with assualt I guess and wants to bring charges against you." He looked down at Liv bite the inside of her lip.

"Am I going to jail?" She finally asked.

"No. God no. I can promise you that." He kissed the top of her head before resting his cheek there. "The charges aren't going to stick. Barba is going to go to a judge with it and they'll most likely dismiss the charges. Most of the judges know you anyways. They know you would never do anything like that willingly, but just in case, Barba wants you to come."

"I have to talk to them about it?" She asked and inhaled sharply.

"Yeah, but it'll be okay. Here, why don't you and Noah go lay down and find a movie and I'll bring him a bottle and you your food and medicine."


Elliot watched Olivia disappear into the hallway and started making her sandwich. When he was done, he fixed Noah's milk and grabbed Olivia's pain pill and a bottle of water before heading back to the room with everything.

"Here, let me take him while you eat." Elliot set her food, pills, and water bottle in front of her on the bed before taking Noah from her. Gently bouncing the boy while he knawed on a toy Olivia must have grabbed him.

"Thanks." Liv smiled and quickly took the pills. "So, I have to talk to a judge tomorrow?" She asked quietly.

"Just so they can agree the charges can get dropped." Elliot assured her and continued to bounce Noah on his thigh as he babbled to himself.

"What if they think it should go to the Grand jury?"

"Liv," Elliot turned to look at her and saw her eyes were glossy. "baby, don't think like that. No judge would think of charging you for being forced to do what you did. Especially when they hear what would've happened if you didn't do it."

"You'll be there?"

"Of course. Come on." Elliot sat Noah on his other leg and held his arm out for Olivia to lean into.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes when she felt his arm hold her. Taking a moment to let reality set in and to control her thoughts.


Barba stood outside the judge's Chambers with DA Davidson standing near him. Both waiting for the judge to welcome them and bring them in to discuss the charges against Olivia. Barba was just about to call Elliot when he saw him, Fin, Noah, and Olivia walking to him.

"Hey, I thought you guys bailed." Barba said relieved.

"Traffic was a little bad. Hope we aren't late." Elliot said.

"No, the judge hasn't let us in yet." Barba said and looked at Olivia. "Are you okay to talk to him about what happened?"

"Yeah." She fake smiled and looked past Barba and at Davidson.

She hadn't noticed him before, but now that she had she understood why someone took the case. This was payback. All because she was the reason Elliot stopped him from coming around or talking to her alone. Now, he was trying to put her in jail. Olivia's stomach was flipping as she imagined how badly this could go since he was the other lawyer. It was making her sick and she had to stop herself from throwing up right then and there.

"Ms. Benson." Davidson greeted with a smile.

Elliot quickly stepped in front of Olivia and stared at him. Wanting so bad to knock him out, just once, but the judge's door began to open.

"Barba. Davidson. Come on in." Judge William Wright said and walked back in with both men following.

Liv sat beside Elliot on a nearby bench. Shaking her leg as she counted each minute that passed. One after another. Completely oblivious to Noah who was trying to get her attention. Only being held back by Elliot who tried to soothe the noisy baby that kept reaching for Olivia.

Fin stood beside them, watching as people passed by. Waiting for the door to open to hear what Judge Wright decided about the case.

It had been exactly 13 minutes when the door opened and Barba motioned for Liv to come in. Nervously, she stood and walked into the room. Closing the door behind her and facing the judge as he stared at her.

"Ms. Benson, do you understand the charges being brought against you?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Because of your history with Mr. Hernandez and hearing Mr. Barba give descriptions of injuries treated at the hospital, I would like to hear why you think you should not be charged." He said and nodded for her to begin.

"The girl, Tabitha, was with Mr. Hernandez when he came up to the attic one day. He said that he wanted to watch me make her experience her first orgasm." Liv took a deep breath. "I said no, and he said someone would buy her and I needed to loosen her up or else he would. I begged him not to because I know he'd hurt her, and I begged him not to make me. I told him I would've done anything to just leave her alone, but he didn't care. He just stared at me and told me to do it."

The judge softened his glare at Olivia and sat up in his chair. Leaning forward on his desk as he watched her stare at the floor with tears falling off of her face as she told him what happened.

"If I didn't do it..." she shut her eyes tight when her voice cracked and took a moment to breath before continuing. "If I didn't do it, he would've raped her, and brutalized her, and torn her. I know what he would've done and I couldn't let her feel that. I did it. I gave her her first orgasm."

"See, your honor, she admits to sexually assualting Tabitha. There was no weapon. No force. She is a predator and deserves to be punished." Davidson said quickly.

"Hush." Judge Wright held up his hand and faced Olivia. "Based on what Ms. Benson told me, I see that there was indeed force used. Maybe not physical force, but emotional force. Although I do not take lightly to anyone who assaults a minor and believe that anyone who does should be severely punished...I do not think this is the case."

Olivia looked up at Barba, who nodded at her, and then at the judge.

"It's clear that she is being punished enough by her own mind. That does not mean that young woman did not get assaulted, it means that what happened was unfortunate and despicable. However, neither of the women had control of the situation. I rule in favor of Ms. Benson. There's not any evidence that supports the claim that she was not also a victim in this."

"Thank you, your honor." Barba said and quickly went towards the door, waiting for Olivia.

"Thank you." She said quietly and slowly turned around to leave.

"Your honor! This is wrong and unjust. Tabitha deserves justice." Davidson said angrily.

"You are out of order. Sending that woman to jail for doing what she did to protect that girl, with no other choice, is not justice. I'm sorry for what she had to go through but the charges against Ms. Benson will be dropped. Understand?" There was a silence in the room before DA Davidson nodded and rushed out of the room. Making Olivia and Barba get out of the way.

"Hey, what happened?" Elliot asked and held Noah with one arm as he walked up to Olivia.

"The charges will be dropped." Barba said.

"I knew they wouldn't stand against you Liv." Fin added.

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said and wiped her cheek with her sleeve.

"Okay, I can go-"

"No. I'm okay, I just need a minute." She stopped Elliot, giving a small smile to him and Noah, and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Closing her eyes, she took three deep breaths before walking up to the mirror and looking at herself. Splashing cold water on her face to lessen the redness that had taken over her cheeks, she dried off her face and exited the bathroom. As soon as she did, she felt a hand grip her upper arm and pull her towards a differnet Hall then the one Elliot was in.

"What the-"

"Shut the fuck up and come this way." Davidson huffed and pulled her with him to a door and pushed her in before walking up to an officer he recognized. "Hey, do me a favor and make sure no one interrupts this meeting."

"You got it." The cop nodded and took the two, hundred dollar bills Davidson handed him and quickly stood in front of the door once Davidson was inside.

"Wait, Elliot and Fin are out there." Liv said and backed away from him. Walking backwards into the table that was in the middle of the room.

"And by the time they find you, I'll already be done." He said and wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her so she sat on the table. His free hand gripped each of her breasts through her shirt before letting his hand slide down and roughly grab between her legs.

Liv yelped and slapped him so he let go of her. Sliding off the table and quickly running to the other side of it, she grabbed a chair and held it in front of her.

"Just leave me alone. Please."

"Ernesto could've done better. I don't know how he got your disrespectful ass trained." He said as he stood directly in front of her. The table and the chair she held were the only things between them.

"Please. I have a family. I- I might have an std." She said. Hoping to make him lose his interest.

"Do you think I care? I'll fuck you and take some pills to make sure I stay clean." he stared at her and straightened his tie before laughing. "What do you think that chair is going to do? You can't hurt me."

He stopped smiling and jumped across the table to get to her. When she lifted the chair to defend herself, he kicked it out of her hands making her shriek from the fear that consumed her entirely, and again grabbed her by the throat. Backing her up into the wall behind her and breathing heavily in her face. 

"I'm going to have you. You make this hard, then I'll be rough and take it, but if you're a good girl, I might not hurt you on purpose." He said and turned her so her face was pressed against the wall.

She could feel his erection pressing into her backside as his hands roamed her body. One hand tangling itself in her hair and yanking it to the side so he could freely lick her neck.

"No. Please don't." She cried softly.


Elliot gave Noah a bottle after he fixed it for him and returned his attention back to the bathroom doors.

"Fin, can you go check on her?" Elliot asked, trying not to sound too worried.

"Yeah. I'll be back." Fin nodded and made his way to the bathroom. Knocking on the women's restroom door before acalling Olivia's name. When he got no response he announced he was coming in and walked inside the empty restroom. "Liv? Olivia?"

Fin opened every stall just in case she was hiding and looked around the bathroom before walking out. He looked down the other hallway that Elliot wasn't on and quickly walked down there before Elliot saw him. He didn't need to be worried right now. She could've just gone to get fresh air was what Fin told himself.

As he walked down the hallway, he remembered all the times Olivia had thrown herself in a corner or hid when she was having a panic attack. So he started knocking on each door in hopes to find her. When he saw a police officer he quickly walked over to him, describing Olivia and asking if he'd seen her.

"No, sir. Haven't seen anyone like that. Maybe check outside." the cop said.

"I don't know if she would've gotten that far before she broke down." Fin said and knocked on the door the officer was standing in front of. Not even able to call out her name before the cop grabbed his hand and put himself more directly in front of the door. Blocking Fin from it just as he heard what sounded like a muffled cry from the other side of the door.

Little did he know was that Davidson had Olivia's shirt pulled over her breasts, exposing her bra and cleavage as he gripped each breast in each of his hands. That was until he heard the knock at the door, and then he covered Olivia's mouth. Even so, she tried to scream Fin's name so he'd know it was her, but Davidson didn't like that. He kept a hand over her mouth and pulled her hair back with the other. Holding it back as he pulled her from the wall and bent her over the table. Leaning over her with his body weight to silence her.

"Sir, I can't let you in there. You're disrupting a meeting." He said and looked to both sides before making eye contact with Fin again.

"Move." Fin said.


"If you don't move, and something is going on behind that door, your badge will never see daylight again. I promise you that." Fin said sternly and watched as the cop slowly moved out the way.

Fin pushed the door open only to see DA Davidson sitting in a chair at the table, going through his bag. The table Olivia was leaning on for balance. Her shirt was crooked, and her hair was messy and to one side.

"What the hell are you doing?" Fin gritted his teeth and stared with flaming eyes at the DA.

"Nothing. I was getting my work together and she came in. I took the chance to apologize for my actions. She was just leaving though." He said calmly.

"Liv." Fin walked over to her and wrapped an arm protectively around her shoulder.

"Nothing happened, Ms. Benson." He stared at her and looked her up and down, which Fin clearly saw.

"Olivia, what happened so I can arrest this bastard." Fin asked desperately.

"I don't know. I don't know." she said putting her hands up and looked away from the DA.

"What would you arrest me for? Her shirt raised up a little when she tried to pick something up off of the table. I wasn't even near her." He raised an eyebrow as he continued to stare at her.

"Fin, can we leave?"


"Fin. Please. I just want to get out of here. Nothing even happened." she said and walked out the room.  

"You heard her. Nothing happened." The DA smiled and watched Fin go after Olivia. His smile quickly disappeared and he punched the wall. He would have her. And he knew exactly how now.

If she wanted to ruin this and play him like a game, he'd show her how bad she could lose and how good he was at winning.


Fin caught up with Olivia in the women's restroom. She was inside a stall leaning against the door.

"Fin you can't be in here." she mumbled.

"It's okay. No one else is in here but you and me. I'm making sure you're okay." He said. "How about you open the door so I can see your face."

"Ugh." Olivia sighed, knowing Fin wouldn't leave until he knew she was okay, and opened the bathroom stall door.

"Now, what really happened?"

"He just touched Fin. I swear, but you can not tell Elliot. You can't. He'll worry and be overprotective." She sighed and looked up at Fin.

"You think hiding it is going to help? He's going to know something is wrong."

"He'll just think it's because of the case and yesterday." Liv told him. "Just, please don't tell him."

"Liv," Fin paused. "he won't hear it from me. It's not my place. You tell him when and if you want to, but I really think you should."

"Thank you."

"Now come on. He's probably thinking we both got lost."



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