Inferno Part 2

By Lucy5230

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This is the 5th book in my Embers' series. Please, Please, Please do not start with this book. Please start i... More

~1~ My Life
~2~ Slacking
~3~ Is This What You Want?
~4~ Why Are You Mad?
~5~ Making The Kids Mad
~6~ Curly Top
~7~ Tutor
~8~ Crappy Situation
~9~ Village
~10~ Drew
~11~ Feel Safe
~12~ My Everything
~13~ Killer Hill
~14~ It's Time
~15~ We're A Family
~16~ Proud and Pig-Headed
~17~ Paddle
~18~ Music
~19~ What a Great Birthday
~20~ Smooching
~21~ Really Hurt
~22~ I Hate the Awkwardness
~23~ I'm Jealous, Ellie
~24~ Horrible Concoction
~25~ Foundation
~26~ Did You Mean It?
~27~ Fixing It
~28~ You Blew It!
~29~ Choose Your Hard
~30~ Lots of Spankins'
~31~ At That Stage
~32~ Parenting Celebration
~33~ Tree Climber
~34~ Frizzy Hair
~35~ The Test
~36~ Beyond
~37~ Better Together
~38~ Field Trip
~39~ Monsters
~40~ 3 Graduates, Lots of Tears
~41~ I Can't Do It
~42~ Ultimatum
~43~ The Talk
~44~ The Book
~45~ Painting Disaster
~46~ Isn't Going To Fly
~47~ Safe Haven
~48~ Adult Problems
~49~ Don't Lose Your Youth
~50~ Another Piece Of My Heart
~51~ Thank you, Liam and Nora
~52~ Looking Forward To Lunch
~53~ You Were Kinda Being Rude
~54~ Ellie Is Wrong
~55~ Home Alone
~56~ Predator
~57~ Upper Hand
~58~ The Hunt
~59~ Just Need A Second
~60~ Darker
~61~ Coma
~62~ Walking Home
~63~ Stuffed Kitty
~64~ Scar
~65~ What Is Up With This Kid?
~66~ Dylan
~67~ Not His Night
~68~ Court
~69~ Quit Being A Creep And Get Some Sleep
~70~ My Son
~71~ HER
~72~ We Messed Up
~73~ Give Me Your Keys
~74~ Storage Room
~75~ Lance
~76~ Without Fear of Repercussion
~77~ Learned From The Best
~78~ Breaking Point
~79~ Tough Love or Encouragement?
~80~ I Hate You
~81~ Third Degree
~82~ You're Going To Be Extraordinary
~83~ Woody
~84~ Woman, You Make Me Tired
~86~ Mean Something
~87~ Underwear
~88~ Bunny
~89~ The Question
~90~ Talk About A Performance
~91~ Mama's Song
~92~ Struggling
~93~ Trust Me
~94~ New Apartment
~95~ Lousy Date
~96~ Ashamed Of Us
~97~ Squeaky Wheels
~98~ Can't You Sell Me A Timeshare?
~99~ Submissive
~100~ Ask Wes
~101~ Blinding Pain
~102~ You're Lucky I Love You
~103~ Not Just Dinner
~104~ It Bit Me
~105~ Two Grouches, Plus Katie
~106~ From Crazy To Quiet
***~107~ Morning***
***~108~ Mid Morning***
***~109~ Afternoon***
***~110~ Aftershock***
***~111~ Searching***
~112~ Not Enough
~113~ Storm Brewing
~114~ Let Us Run With You
~115~ Family Dinner And A Good Attitude
~116~ Lamb In The Lioness' Den
~117~ Sleepover
~118~ I Don't Need Babysat
~119~ New Handyman
~120~ Megan
~121~ We're Done
~122~ Birthday
~123~ You're A Better Man Than Me
~124~ Stars Shining Bright
~125~ Rare Picture
~126~ The Memory Continues
~127~ Shacking Up By The Pie
~128~ Know The Rules Before You Play The Game
~129~ Partners
~130~ Mow The Lawn
~131~ Car
~132~ Author's Note
~133~ Another Twist In The Road
~134~ Nolan
~135~ Humble Pie
~136~ Pleasant Surprise
~137~ Flicker
~138~ My Brain Works Good
~139~ Estrogen Extravaganza
~140~ Swift Kick In The Ass
~141~ Strike #1
~142~ 1 Day, 5 Teens
~143~ Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop
~144~ Tacos And Cupcakes
~145~ Blast From The Past
~146~ Don't Lie To Us
~147~ My Brain And Heart Are Arguing
~148~ Strike #2
~149~ Barely Functioning
~150~ If You Call, I'll Answer
~151~ Sarah
~152~ I'm Always Ok, Sir
~153~ Three Strikes, You're Out
~154~ Despair
~155~ You Guys Are Unbelievable
~156~ The Journey
~157~ The Destination
~158~ Finding Our Rhythm
~159~ Woody Showdown
~160~ Feud
~161~ Clumsy
~162~ Discovery
~163~ Are We Safe?
~164~ Walking Blindly By Faith
~165~ Breaking And Entering
~166~ I Need Him As Desperately
~167~ This Better Be The End Of It
~168~ Is It Really Over?
~169~ Time To Process
~170~ Getting Ready
~171~ Promise You Won't Say Anything?
~172~ I Can Be Friends With Whomever I Want
~173~ New Neighbor
~174~ My Mother's Child
~175~ I Will Never Forgive You For This
~176~ This Sass Is From Eleanor
~177~ I Need Help
~178~ Do Ducks Have Teeth?
~179~ He's A Punk
~180~ The Grass Isn't Always Greener
~181~ Summer Is Here
~182~ Who Are You Texting?
~183~ Emmy, I'm Going To Lose Her
~184~ Emma Scares Me
~185~ The Woody Wager
~186~ Create Your Own Magic Tonight
~187~ I Would Have Taught You!!!
~188~ Make The Crab Un-Crabby
~189~ Part Of The Club
~190~ I Will Not Lie Again
~191~ Long Week
~192~ You're My Strength
~193~ What A Sad Story That Would Have Been
~194~ Author's Note
~195~ Baby A and Baby B
~196~ Lady
~197~ First Night Home
~198~ Disgusted By You
~199~ Very Best Life
~200~ Inferno Part 3

~85~ My Poor Guy

1.4K 51 13
By Lucy5230

Ellie's POV

Wes and Taylor have been working outside all day. Somehow, Wes found a fence that will work for both Taylor and me. I can still see the pretty tree, except for when I'm in the hot tub. I pouted about it, but Taylor put his foot down.

"No, Ellie. Half the time we come out here in the hot tub naked when everyone else is asleep. I'm tired of always wondering if Katie is watching."

"Fine" I grumble. We only use the hot tub at night, and you can't see the tree at night anyways.

Taylor and Wes have taken their shirts off. It's a warm day today, and the sun is beating down. Looking at my man's tanned skin, glistening in sweat, is seriously so sexy. As long as it's from a distance, of course. I'm not crazy. It may be sexy, but it's still nasty.

I'm watching him from my window, and wishing he was in here with me. I see Katie sitting on her back porch, watching them put the fence up. She's staring at Taylor a ton, but I also catch her watching Wes. Wes is extremely attractive. He always has been. It doesn't surprise me that Katie has noticed him, especially now that he has his shirt off. He still has a six-pack too.

I go back to my work, ignoring my handsome man. A person could lose track of time pretty easily staring at something so beautiful.

Mason comes downstairs, and he looks funny.

"You ok?" I ask him, putting my dishrag down.

"Yeah" he says, shifting uncomfortably.

"Why are you lying?"

He shakes his head and chuckles. "I'm not"

I just nod.

"Think this will take them all day?" He asks, looking out the window.

"All weekend, probably."

Mason nods. "Think they want help?"

I snort. "Wes probably does. He's doing the majority of it"

My poor guy. He tries so hard. He really does. He just isn't a handyman.

Mason smirks and goes outside.

I watch as Wes smiles and grins at him, clapping him on the back. He points to a section, and Mason starts working. I'm watching him. He definitely is a handy-man too. The way he immediately knew what to do was impressive. I wonder who taught him that stuff.

After an hour, I look out the window, and Mason has taken his shirt off too.

I glance over, and Katie is about to get whiplash. She can't decide who to look at, so her neck is bouncing around between all three guys.

He's going to be my son-in-law one of these days, but goodness. He is attractive. He is VERY attractive.

About twenty minutes later, Taylor comes in, his hand gushing blood.

"Darling, what did you do?" I ask, getting a rag and rushing over to him.

Taylor shakes his head in disgust. "I just shot a nail through my damn hand instead of the fence."

"You what?!?" I ask in horror.

He just nods, mad.

I sigh as I inspect his hand. Man this looks wicked. "Come on, let's get you to the hospital."

"No. I don't want to spend all day there. Can't you just fix it?"

"Tay, it's going to hurt horribly."

"Trust me, Ellie, it already is."

I sigh. "You're going to have to go anyways and get a tetanus shot. You haven't had one in over 10 years."

"Ellie, you have so many connections. You're telling me you can't call someone and have them bring you one?"

I look at him. This isn't how these things work.

I sigh as I get out my phone. I have a doctor buddy that I still keep in contact with.

"Eleanor Freeman! How longs it been?" He asks, in a good mood.

"Forever, Dr. Mark. Listen, can I call in that favor?"

He chuckles. "After 25 years, you finally want me to pay up, huh?"

"Yes sir" I chuckle.

He laughs. "Sure. Lay it on me."

I tell him what happened, and Dr. Mark is howling. "Ouch!" He says finally.

"Yeah. Any way you can help a girl out?"

"Sure. I'm actually at the hospital today anyways. I'll start a chart for him here, go to your house and check him out, and then get you one. I'll sign off on the chart when I get back."

"You're awesome. Thank you!"

I go back to Taylor, and he is completely miserable.

"Ok, tough guy. Let's get the nail out of your hand."

He takes a deep breath and nods. Wes and Mason have come in, and they look nervous.

"You sure, Freeman? It's in there deep."

"Talk to him. I want to take him to the ER." I snip.

"I've got a friend on the way." I say in a more gentle tone. I didn't mean to snap at Wes.

"Who?" Taylor asks.

"A doctor I met when I was a paramedic at 92."

Taylor rolls his eyes, but says nothing.

I get my stuff, and start working. This is in there really good. He's lucky it didn't go all the way through his hand.

As I'm digging, Taylor is groaning and making weird throaty noises. He's dying.

"If we were at the hospital, they would have numbed it." I say darkly.

"Stop it" he says, putting his head on the counter.

"Wes, give me those tweezers" I say after a minute.

Wes hands them to me. After a couple more minutes, I'm able to get the nail out. This guy is shaking, he's in so much pain.

I clean the wound, and press gently, making sure there isn't anything else in his hand.

"Ok. I'm not bandaging it up until Dr. Mark gets here." I say as I go and get him some Tylenol.

About twenty minutes later, the doctor gets here.

"Man, Freeman, you haven't changed a bit" he smirks as he gives me a hug.

"Where's the patient?" He asks.

"Right in here" I say, motioning him in.

"Chief Preston! I had no idea you two were married" he says in shock.

"Good to see ya, doc. How's the wife?" Taylor asks.

"Eh, I'm sure she's fine. I'm paying her enough alimony, I don't see how she wouldn't be" he snorts.

He grabs Taylor's hand and inspects it. "Ouch" he says, pressing gently on a few spots. He looks at it another minute, before he nods in approval.

"Looks good, Freeman. You haven't lost your touch, little lady"

I just smirk at him.

"This would have been a whole lot less painful at the hospital" he says sternly to Taylor.

Taylor says nothing.

"Ok. Here's the Tetanus. Remember how to administer it?" He teases.

"I do" I chuckle.

Dr. Mark chuckles and gives me a side hug. "I've officially returned the favor. My debt is paid" he laughs as he leaves.

"What favor?" Taylor asks once he's gone.

I start working on his hand again. "Oh, nothing" I say, brushing it off.

Mason and Wes are still here, confused too.

"What, Ellie?" He asks. He's cranky. He is not in the mood for evasiveness.

I sigh as I put on some ointment. "There was a girl who had a huge crush on him and wouldn't leave him alone."


"So, one day after dropping off a patient at the hospital, she was there and driving him crazy. I pretended to be his girlfriend, and kissed him. She
never bothered him again."

"You what?!?" He asks, shocked.

Wes snorts and shakes his head.

"Well, the kiss must have been good, it kept you from spending all day at the hospital."

Taylor rolls his eyes

"Ok, mister. Stand up" I say, getting the tetanus shot ready.

"Can't you just put it in my arm?" He asks, not thrilled at all.

"I could, but this will be so much more fun" I smirk.

"Chop chop" I say, holding the syringe in my hand.

Mason cringes. He must not like needles.

Taylor sighs in disgust and shakes his head. He comes around to where I am, out of the line of site from the guys.

"You're enjoying your power a little to much, Nurse Preston" he grumbles as he unbuttons his pants.

"It's not everyday a wife gets to shove a needle in her husband's ass," I chuckle.

Wes chuckles. "Remember when Trace got his? He was miserable."

"Thanks man" Taylor snaps, pulling down his pants and leaning on the counter.

I disinfect the area, and give him the booster.

"Damn that burns" Taylor whines.

I chuckle as I take the needle out and dispose of it correctly.

"Want a bandaid for your tushy?" I ask sweetly.

"Cute" he says, glaring at me. He is not a happy man.

"Trace wasn't exaggerating" Taylor says as he pulls his pants back up.

"Well, the worst thing you can do is lie around. It will make it ten times worse."

"So continue putting up the fence is what you're getting at?" He snaps.

I hide my chuckle.

"Of course not. You're grounded from that. Call Liam and Alex over and make them help Wes and Mason."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"Mow the grass" I suggest.

"With my hand?" He asks, even less amused than before.

I just look at him.

He sighs and shakes his head. "Come on, guys. I'll be your assistant. I can't mess anything up just handing you stuff, can I?" He grumbles.

Wes squeezes his shoulder. "Come on, Preston. Ignore the lady. You're not grounded." He says as he shuffles him back outside.

They spend the rest of the afternoon working on the fence. Poor Taylor has to take several breaks to rub his butt. I can't decide what's hurting him worse. His hand or his behind. Poor guy.

That night as we're lying in bed, Taylor is uncomfortable. I turn around and look at him.

"What was with you today? Why wouldn't you go to the hospital?"

"I couldn't" he says simply, laying on his stomach,


He looks at me and shakes his head. "The last time I went there, it was because my son was on fire. The time before that, it was because my wife was attacked. All that place ever does is bring me pain." He says, putting his cheek back on the pillow and swallowing hard.

I kiss his cheek. I get it. I really do.

The next night, it's just me and Taylor in the living room, watching TV.

Mason comes downstairs, and he looks weird again.

"What's up?" Taylor asks, noticing how weird Mason looks too.

"I wanted to talk to you guys yesterday, but after the whole shot in the ass thing, I figured I better wait."

Taylor chuckles and shuts off the TV.

Mason sits down on the couch, and looks at both of us.

"I need to talk to you guys."

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