Am I Ready?

Por OneOfAKinddJewel___

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Copyright © 2012 OneOfAKinddJewel___ Rayne Simmons & Sommer Cortes. Only 15 but it seems like they going thr... Más

(Prologue) Somethinn Aint Right ...
Chapter 1: Shakinn' My Head
Chapter 2: PB&J !
Chapter 3: The Sleepover From Hell
Chapter 4: The Aftermath
Chapter 5: Ya Happy Now ?
...Chapter 8 : PART UNO !
...Chapter 8 : PART DOS
...Chapter 8 : PART TRES
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Day Of Fun ?
Chapter 11: Broken Promises PART UNO !
Chapter 12: Broken Promises PART DOS !
Chapter 13: Broken Promises PART TRES !
Chapter 14: Bad Religion
Chapter 15: Detective Cortes
Chapter 16: Forgive & Forget Right ?.....
Chapter 17: RIGHT ;)
Chapter 18: A Fresh Start?
Chapter 19: I'm Hip !
Chapter 20: Next Morning
Chapter 21: Pass That Hookah My Nigga ! Part I
Chapter 22: Pass That Hookah My Nigga ! Part II
Chapter 23: New People
Chapter 24: SH!T JUST GOT REAL!
Chapter 25: Reprucussions .
Chapter 26: OH SHIITTTTT !
Chapter 27: Partyyyyy
Chapter 28: *emotionless*
Chapter 29: She Ain't Ready? Or Is She..
Chapter 30: Don't Underestimate Me
Chapter 31: Chillin' Like Bruhmann
Chapter 32: Freaking Apologize You Idiots !
Chapter 34: Hi, I'm Jalisa - Pt. I
Chapter 35: Hi, I'm Jalisa - Pt. II
Chapter 36: Pass Out, Drank. Wake Up?
Chapter 37: Its All Good For Now
Chapter 39: But It All Led Up To This...
Chapter 40: I Am So Confused
Chapter 41: SUPER STEALTH !
Chapter 42: Absolutely Positive !
Chapter 43: BUSTED !

Chapter 33: We Spend Wayyy Too Much Time Together

4.8K 91 18
Por OneOfAKinddJewel___

picture of Jalisa on the side >>>>>>>>>

Dani POV

The fact that Adrianna was trying to step up at lunch does not sit well with me. I take eleventh grade Biology and luckily Manny and Rico are in this class. It's lucky because I really need to talk to Rico. I went and sat next to him after our teacher set us free to do our work.

"Can I ask you something?"

He sighed. "Yeah Dani, what's up?"

"So what you can't talk to me now?" I said.

"What the fuck Dani, you came over here!" He whisper-yelled.

"I just..don't understand why you didn't tell me, that's all RJ." I said softly, then I walked back to my seat and started my work.

Somebody tapped the table, I looked up to see my baby. "Don't you have work to finish?"

"I'm done. You ok?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Liar, talk to daddy."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Seriously Manny, Rico hates me."

"Come on now, Rico does not hate you..he may not particularly like you right now, but he doesn't hate you." I looked at him as he sat on the stool next to me.

"Immanuel baby, you're supposed to be on my side." I noticed the teacher wasn't paying attention so I put my arms around him.

"That's the problem Dani." He told me, I looked at him confused. "You don't come between a nigga and his girl. Especially when they've been together for as long as Dri and Rico have, that's just not cool."

"I am no-" He put his finger on my lip to shush me.

"Let me finish. If Adrianna is mad, then naturally Rico is gonna end up suffering the consequences. That's just how a relationship works. Rico's just mad because you're disrespecting Dri like that." He finished. "You got it from here?" He said to Rico, and they switched seats.

I just finished my work while he talked. Oh well.

"I'm not going to apologize for not telling you Dani, because that was Adrianna's decision. I just don't get why you hate her so much."

"Because for the past three months, nothing was said to me about this 'relationship' and at first I felt sorry for her because she actually thought you like her."

"That's the point Daniella, I do like her. All those girls I been messing with were decoys for the real thing. I love her Dani and I need you to understand and respect that because as much as I love you baby sister, I will not let you hurt my relationship." He told me as the bell rang. "Now I gotta go walk Dri to class, but just think about it D because I don't want to lose you." He kissed my cheek and got his stuff and walked out the class.

"You coming?" Immanuel said to me. He held out his hand and I grabbed it and we walked out too.

"I'm gonna see you at the end of the day, okay?" I told him. He nodded and I kissed him for a second and walked over to where Adrianna and Rico were flirting in a corner. They actually looked extremely cute together. "Uhhh Adrianna."


"I'm gonna go." He kissed her. "Be nice, both of you." He hugged me then walked away.

This should be good...


Sommer POV

I am so bored! I miss my headache..and my brother..and Dani..and the rest of those people.

"Hey." Dad and Mom said, coming into Ray's room. I need to use her laptop, so I'm in here.

"Hey parents."

"You can tell them to come over Somi, I don't want you here by yourself for too long." Mom added. I nodded and they left out to go somewhere.

I just replaced her Pandora with mines and turned the dock on, put her laptop on the charger and got on Tumblr.

About half an hour Tumblr was starting to get dry so I got onto WeHeartIt. I heard the front door open and feet come up the steps.

"Citaaaa! I am home, and I come bearing gifts!" She said all perky as she came down the hallway. "Close your eyes."

I looked back at Tumblr. "No, I don't trust people." I looked up and saw THOSE people that abandoned me yesterday. "Hey strangers."

They all recited their heartfelt apologies, we all made up and then the rest of my people came up the steps. All except Nique, Deandre, and Rico. I wonder where Nique has been for the past 3 days..

Anyways, so it is just me, Marques, Immanuel, Dani, Alex, Charisma, Adrianna, and Rayne.

"So, I'm sure there was less drama at school today since I wasn't there." I said, they all laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"Charisma almost fought Janessa, Dani almost fought Adrianna, Alex and Rima almost broke up. Typical drama." Ray told me as she looked at a text message and smiled. Probably Deandre.

"What'd you do?" I asked Dani, smiling.

"Your brother thinks that I am coming between Rico and Adrianna, but I.." She trailed off.

"And what does Rico think?"

She looked at Adrianna. "..That he really likes her, and tha- you know what? What he said isn't important, me and her made up after you went to class babe." She told Manny as she sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck. 

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I have known RJ for a really long time, and I have never seen him this happy about a girl so-" Dri cut her off.

"So we decided that we had to get along for his sake."

"That is so sweet, but where are the adults?" Rayne asked.

"They went somewhere.." I told her as I refreshed my dashboard again. 

I noticed Alex was sitting under the window looking weird, so I went over there and sat next to him discreetly.

"So how was your day, elevator shaft?" I said. He smiled remembering the nickname I gave him. I told him that whenever he annoys me, I'm gonna name something that I can push him down to paralyze him.

"Besides the fact that I almost lost Charisma today, I'm good."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Janessa came over to the table at lunch today and told Rima I had some nice lips and it went all downhill from there." I chuckled. "Seriously Somi I felt like you really were about to push me down an elevator shaft." He whispered nervously.

"Well was it as hard to get her back as it usually is?"


"Sounds like you got what wanted, then." I told him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well I know that Ques would kill to have me trust him a little bit more, but you have to be careful what you wish for." I told him. He looked at me. "If I automatically listen to every excuse/reason Ques tells me after something hits the fan, then we're not going to fight..which means we won't be able to make-up, and where is the fun in that?"

He laughed.

"You got him to laugh." Rima said smiling as she crawled over here.

"Yup I did, no charge of course." I told them as she pulled him over with the rest of the people. 

I went over there with them.

"How come Rico and Dre didn't come over?" I asked.

"Rico had to do something for his cousin and see if Twilight is on." Dani said. I got up and got the remote off the nightstand and turned to one of the movie channels Eclipse is always on.

"Twilight is my ishh." Adrianna said.

"Amen." Rima agreed as she straddled Alex and played in his hair. ADORABLE!

I was peeking over Dri's shoulder as she was texting Rico. They are some freaks! "Can I help you?" She said smiling.

"Yall are adorable." I told her, she blushed and rolled her eyes. "I'm serious!"

"You know what I just noticed." Ray said. We all looked at her. "We haven't talked to Nique in 3 days."

"I know right, I feel bad." Alex said.

"Why?" Dri asked him. He didn't answer her because he was reading something on his phone. "Hellooo?!"

Rayne POV

"Anyways, did you guys know her and Dylan broke up?" Rima told us. "He cheated on her I think." She said, leaning on Alex's shoulder. He pulled her between his legs and kissed her neck. "I don't think that's why she didn't come to school though.

"Well why didn't she go to school?" Somi asked.

"I don't know child."

"Bella is a dumb hoe!" Sommer yelled.

"I know right, and I didn't know Jasper had a lazy eye." Rima added.

'All I picked up was wolf stench, no Bella.' Jasper said.

"Ewww, Edward look jhii constipated tho!" I said laughing, they laughed too.

"So how's you guys' mom?" Dani asked.

"Pregnant, with a boy." I told them.

"That I get to name by the way!" Somi added.

"Who made that decision?" Manny said.

"Shut-up Immanuel, you're always bullying me."

"Have you decided on a name?" Alex asked her.


"...Well. Tell us what it is!"

"Chasity!" My mom yelled. I guess they just got back here.


She came around the corner looking pretty as always. "Do you have my curling iron?"

"Nope, I have your flat iron though." I told her.

"You know that's what I meant Ray, give it here. Hey y'all."

I got up and went over to my closet and got the iron and gave it to her.

She smiled. "Thank you. Wait..some people are missing.." She noticed.

"Deandre and Rico had other things to do and Nique's M.I.A. Are you gonna let me do your hair?" I asked.

"Can you do it now, I don't wanna ruin your guys' gathering thingy."

"You're not old remember, Sariyah." Alex told her.

"I guess, here." She handed me the flat iron.

"Yay." I clapped and grabbed my Diane comb and plugged in the extension cord, then the iron. I helped her sit on the floor in front of my bed and waited for the iron to get hot. "Where is my father?"

"Hell if I know. Did you know that your grandmother is supposed to be coming over here?" She said.


"If you burn me child I swear you will regret the day you were born."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright."

"Wait a second, I don't know you. What's your name?" She said to Adrianna.


"I like that name, I'm Sariyah. It's nice to meet you. Can you hurry up Rayne."

"It just got hot mom, geez." I said, straightening the first piece of hair.

"Since I became a mother very early in life I try not to be too irritating but I feel the need to ask y'all if you have homework."

"The eleventh graders are doing testing, so we don't have homework." Ques told her, smiling. Somi hit him. 

"And who's in eleventh?" She asked. Ques, Alex, Manny and Dri raised their hands.

"Okay so Ray, you have homework and Charisma and Dani too so..y'all gotta do that."

"Immanuel has to help me with mine." Rima said. He looked at her like she was crazy. "Please?" He rolled his eyes and nodded and she got her shoulder bag that has her books in it.

This flat iron is magic on my mom's thick ass hair. Her hair's grown so much during her pregnancy and this iron is helping me breeze through her hair. I'm almost halfway done.

"Adrianna is such a long name, so what can I call you?" Mom asked her.

"You can call me Anna."

"You don't let me call you Anna, what's up with that Dri?" Alex said as he grabbed his chest in fake hurt.

"I like her, shh." She told her. 

Rico POV

Damn I wish I wasn't at home right now. My mom's side of the family has been over my house for like three days now and most of them are my age. Especially my cousin Tiara's friend Jalisa, she is cute and kinda thick and all, but she don't measure up to my girl Dri. I'm not trying to get into it with her but Jalisa just keeps staring and flirting with me. She tryna ride a nigga nuts and shit, I'm only human but I'm trying to control myself.

"Hey RJ, you alright?" Tiara says as she came into the living room. I was watching TV.

"Control your friend T, before I end up single and alone." I told her, smiling.

She sighed. "Sorry about that, I didn't plan on her acting like that. I didn't know you had a girlfriend though." She said. 

I smiled. "Yeah I do, and I don't want to get into it with her."

"What's her name?"


"Well she sounds pretty, she doesn't know about Jalisa does she?"

Baby Anna - i miss you ;)

Me - you sure?

"Nahh, I'm keeping it like that too c-"

"T, your mom wants you in the kitchen." Jalisa told her. Tiara went out the living room to the kitchen. "Hi Rico."

I looked at her. "Wassup?"

"So I heard you have a girlfriend."


She walked behind the couch and put her arms around my neck. "How long have you two been together?"

"Uhhh three months."

She came around and sat on my lap, straddling me. Damn. "I think..we should have a little fun." She whispered in my ear all sexy like. She started grinding on me and unbuttoning her shirt a little. Her titties was just sittin up. Made a nigga hard as fuck.

I grabbed her hands. "I think we should stop."

She smiled and leaned down to my ear. "You sure?" I was just about to get on top of her when my phone vibrated.

Baby Anna - i am positive baby, i love you 

"You should go help Tiara in the kitchen." I told Jalisa. She sighed and fixed herself and walked out.

I know that's not the last of Jalisa because she's transferring to my school. Sadly, I have a feeling I'm gonna end up giving in sooner or later.

Dani POV

"Why can't you just tell us Somi?" I asked her. We were trying to figure out the name she picked out for the baby.

"Because it's a secret! I can give you the initials though." She said as Rico called me. I laughed and answered it.


"I just fucked up." 


"I just almost did a very bad thing Dani." He says whispering. 

"Haha, I knew that was going to happen. You need t-"

"Don't say her name out loud. Where are you anyway?"

"At Sommer's house."

"Well I need some weed or something cause Adrianna is going to kill me."

"Just tell me what happened and we'll take it from there."

"Give the phone to one of my niggas but don't let any of the girls see the Caller I.D."

"Yall not boutta be playin puff puff pass with my phone boy." I told him before I gave the phone to Manny since he was closest.

Fifteen minutes later they were still on the phone and we made Sariyah stay in here with us.

"I swear to goodness if yall pass that damn phone one more fuckin time it'll be the last thing you ever do!" She said getting irritated.

All of the boys were hip except me and that's my damn phone.

"Last time Sariyah, we promise. Here Dri." Ques said, handing her the phone.

She looked confused at first but she took the phone anyways. "Hello?" She suddenly got this big ass smile on her face. "Hi..sure..I don't know about all that RJ..oh, everything ok? too.Bye." She finished.

"Yall some freaks." Somi said.

"You have no room to be talking Sommer." Ques told her, she hit him. "Ow!"

I don't know what happened, but I know Rico is going to be in trouble tomorrow.


I just wanted a fun chapter..but I had to add a LITTLE fun to it. Y'all know how Rico is. Do you think Jalisa's going to try to seduce him again, and if so, will she succeed?

Get used to Jalisa and Tiara because they've become characters as of like .. the beginning of this chapter. :)


VOTE and FAN too if you want, but I need comments so I know what you guys think! 

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