Things I hate about you (Perc...

By vedpro

14.6K 421 1.2K

Ron and Hermione fell in love at the end of their second year and attempt to have a relationship. Molly notic... More

Back from Egypt, finally
Putting plan in the motion
Just enjoying a moment
Quidditch game and Hog's Head
Revenge and aftermath
Dear Oliver

Back at the Burrow

1.6K 42 201
By vedpro

Christmas holidays are about to begin. Percy did his head boy duties and returned to his room to pack up the rest of his belongings. His wand carefully put all his clothes into the trunk and made his bed. Feeling peckish, he went to the kitchens.

As he entered he heard two voices, one of them belonging to Oliver.

"Listen, pal, I am losing my patience. I don't know how much longer I can endure it. I feel that I am being made a fool."

"A fool? You know the deal. You agreed to it," Oliver said.

"If I don't get my part of this cake soon, I will make your life hell. I thought you were good at this. How long does it take?"

"It takes quite a long time, Cormac. Don't get your panties in the bunch."

Percy decided to butt in the conversation. In his "I am better than you" headboy voice he demanded the truth about what was going on.

"What is going on here? Shouldn't the two of you be packing?"

Oliver blushed, he certainly didn't expect Percy to be there.

"What do you care?" Cormac said.

"I happen to be a headboy. I want to know what is going on here."

"Ask your boyfriend." Cormac gave him a filthy look and disappeared.

Oliver quickly made up a lie about a bet he made with Cormac, a bet that included polyjuice potion and its ingredients. He could see Percy did not buy that excuse, but Percy didn't say anything else. He wanted to give Oliver a benefit of the doubt.

Back in their dorm, after Oliver packed, Percy started kissing him. Oliver enjoyed it immensely, but the guilt about the deal with the twins and Cormac was eating him out. After a few minutes, he noticed Percy's hand going much lower than usual, first on his ass and then over his front, lower side.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Percy kissed him and tried to take off Oliver's belt but Oliver stopped him.

"I don't think we should do that. Stop it." He pushed him off and turned around, not wanting to look at Percy's hurt face.

"So what are you going to do this summer?"

No reply. Percy already took his bags and left the room.

Percy felt humiliated, he expected Oliver to respond enthusiastically, but he was mistaken. Not wishing to see anyone at the moment he walked to the gates of the school. Unfortunately, Ginny saw him.

"Percy, what are you doing?"

"Leaving, I will apparate back home. I am not in the mood to go by train."

"But, Percy...?"

Her question wasn't even finished when, with a loud crack, Percy disappeared and apparated back to the Burrow.

"Who's there?" Molly asked.

"Just me, mom." He replied.

"Shouldn't you be on the train?"

"I decided not to go on the train this time. I have too much to study with the NEWTs approaching. Bunch of students on the train would just distract me."

"Did you tell anyone about that decision?"

"Yeah, I saw Ginny and told her that."

"Ok, but you are not going to study without some food. I can make you pancakes."

"Thanks, mom. Where's dad?"

"'At work, of course. Is everything okay?"

"Just dandy."

Percy ate pancakes quickly and went upstairs. Out of frustration, he hit a wall with his fist.

On the train, Fred and George played Exploding snap with Lee Jordan when Oliver entered.

"Have you seen Percy?" He asked.

"Ginny says he disapparated before the train started going. Why do you ask?"

"Lee, can you leave us alone?"

"No." Lee said.

"Get out!" Oliver yelled.

Lee jumped up, got out and Oliver closed the door.

"Percy wanted to have sex with me and I declined."

Fred and George gaped at him for a moment.

"You turned down Percy?" Fred chuckled.

"I don't know what happened. We were kissing and he put his hands in my pants and I stopped him."

"As Percy's brother, I am glad you did not shag him. As your friend, I am very disappointed in you."

"Can you just talk to Percy for me?"

"Maybe you can talk to him yourself. Does Percy know we know about the two of you?"

"No, he still thinks it is a secret."

"Oliver, is there any chance you can come spend holidays with us?"

"I guess. I was supposed to go to ski trip with my parents, but I can get out of it."

"Great. You will come to our place then. We will sort things out with Percy." George said.

"Come on December 26, around 5 p.m." Fred informed him.

"Ok, see you then."

December 26th came too quickly. At exactly 5 p.m. Oliver was at the door.

"I'll get it," Ginny said.

She ran to the door and was visibly confused by seeing Oliver standing on the doorstep.

"Who is it, Ginny?" Molly came to the door. "Oh, Oliver dear, come inside."

Molly and Arthur were aware that Oliver was coming to stay over, but by Fred and George's pleading, they kept it a secret from others.

Fred and George hugged him and welcomed him inside. All the kids seemed surprised that Oliver is staying over, but none kept it quite as cool as Percy. He just acknowledged Oliver and acted as if this situation was everyday occurence.

"Fred, take Oliver's stuff to your room."

Fred took a suitcase and ran upstairs. When he returned, dinner was served.

Dinner was peaceful, Oliver made everyone laugh with his stories (except Percy of course who kept his head down the entire time).

"Oliver, you are really funny. You should be stand up comedian." Arthur smiled.

"I plan on being a quidditch player, I already have some offers."

Molly desperately wanted to mention how that field of work is very uncertain and potentially harmful, but she kept her mouth shut. It was first time he came to her house and she did not want to be a nagging hostess. It is not without a reason she was named "Hostess with the mostest" by Quibbler in year 1989.

"Percy, you are awfully quiet." Arthur noticed.

"Yeah, Percy, what's wrong? Usually you always have something to say about anything," Oliver jokingly tried to provoke Percy.

"That's true, but just today I lost that ability, just around 16:59."

Percy stood up and disapparated to his room.

"Mental that one," Ron said.

The rest of the evening passed quite enjoyable. Oliver found himself taken in by the Weasleys and their accepting attitude made him feel at home. Still, he wanted to talk to Percy and clear things up.

Around midnight he snucked out of the room he shared with the twins and went inside Percy's room. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He entered anyway and found Percy sleeping like a baby. Oliver felt bad for having to wake him up, especially because of how cute Percy looked while sleeping.

He nudged Percy gently with his hands. Percy awoke and was ready to scream, but Oliver stopped it by placing his hand on Percy's mouth.

"Shhh, I just want to talk." Oliver said.

"It is too late to talk," Percy replied, "go away."

"I am not going anywhere till you listen to me. I know you are angry at me for refusing to sleep with you. It is just that you surprised me, I wasn't expecting it and didn't know how to react. When I realized what needed to be said, you were gone." Oliver said in one breath.

"You think I was angry with you? I wasn't angry, you had every right to turn me down, but I felt humiliated. That is why I left, I couldn't face you after what happened, it was too weird."

"Percy, you know how I feel about you, but you need to know that communication is the key of every relationship. You shouldn't have to run away when something goes the wrong way. Also, I think our first time should be special."

Percy looked at him understandingly.

"Are we good?" Oliver asked.

Percy nodded.

Oliver kissed him.

"You know, I'm staying here for couple more days. Maybe you could show me around, teach me something interesting about this place or play quidditch with me?"

"I would love to. Except I never played quidditch, but my brothers, Ginny and Harry play it almost every day."

"I will teach you how to play quidditch and I promise I will go easier on you than I am on Fred, George and all other members of the team."

"Deal," Percy shook his hand and kissed Oliver. "Now you got to go, it would be a mess if someone caught you here."

"I wish I could stay with you forever," Oliver said in between the kisses.

"Go," Percy whispered.

"Just couple more kisses," Oliver demanded, "and I'll go."

Two of them kissed for couple more minutes before Oliver got off the bed.

"Good night, my love." Oliver blew him a kiss and Percy giggled.

Percy couldn't sleep after that so he spend the rest of the night imagining different scenarios involving himself and Oliver.

Oliver sneaked back in his room and found George and Fred awake, waiting for him.

"Where have you been?" They asked in unison.

"If you must know, in Percy's room. We sorted things out."

"Great. Will you now tell the news to mom and dad?"

"What news?" Oliver asked.

"The news about Rita Skeeter writing an article on modern wizarding shoes." Fred said sarcastically.

"About you and Percy," George said," you can't keep it a secret forever."

"I don't know, I have to talk to Percy about it."

Oliver started that conversation with Percy the next day while they were alone, walking down the street.

"You know as well as I that we can't keep it a secret much longer. I am planning on telling my parents today by a letter."

"I agree, it is better if we do it quickly." Percy turned around and went back towards the house.

"I didn't mean right now." Oliver ran up to him.

"'It has to be done right now, otherwise it will never be done."

Percy and Oliver entered the house and saw all his siblings sitting by the table, Molly was making food and Arthur was drinking coffee.

"Mom, dad, I have to tell you something."

Molly and Arthur turned quizzically towards him.

"I am gay and Oliver is my boyfriend. We've been going out for about 2 and the half months. To answer other possible questions, I always knew I was gay, it is not a choice, Penelope was my beard and I am happier than ever before."

Everyone around him seemed frozen in time. Fred and George hugged him and congratulated him on coming out, Ginny remarked that it was so obvious (although Percy knew she had no clue), Ron (who already saw him and Oliver kissing) also congratulated him and made a joke about Oliver being his new brother in law. Harry and Hermione kept quiet, but their facial expressions proved that they accept him too.

Parents were still shocked, Arthur went outside without a word and Molly just stared at her son.

She came closer to Percy.

"I will need some time to adjust, but I want you to know that I accept you and your boyfriend." She looked at Oliver.

"Is that why you invited him?" She asked the twins. "So he could get Percy out of closet?"

"No, we knew nothing about it." Twins lied.

Percy turned to Oliver and smiled.

"Your turn, my darling."

Oliver took a quill and scribbled a rather long message to his parents, tied it to the owl's leg and saw it fly away.

"Mom," Ron said, "now that Percy is dating, me and Hermione are free to date too."

Molly sighed in desperation.

"Fine, okay, but be on your best behavior, both of you. Hermione, I count on you to keep him in check. And no nastiness." She pointed finger at them.

Few hours later, clock showed that Arthur Weasley was coming home. Percy grabbed Oliver's hand very tightly out of fear of what might happen.

Arthur came inside carrying a pink box and put it in front of Percy.

"Open it." He said.

Percy opened the box and found a cake decorated with a rainbow. Words "I am proud of you" were glittering underneath it.

Percy got up and hugged his father.

"Thank you, dad."

"I love you, son. You can get first piece."

"Dad, you know I don't like sweets".

"I bought it especially for you and you are not leaving without eating at least a bite." Arthur sat him down and Molly cut the cake.

Percy begrudgingly ate one piece, it was tastier than he expected but he still  could not make himself enjoy it.

Now that Percy and Oliver admitted to their relationship, Molly and Arthur let them sleep in Percy's room. Ron tried to make them let him and Hermione share a room too, but Molly refused.

"They are of age, you are not."

Last day before they went back to Hogwarts, Oliver coached Percy in quidditch. Percy obviously had talent (just like his siblings) but years of neglecting that talent made him look awkward.

"If you work hard, you could be an amazing beater." Oliver told him.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I have no aspirations for quidditch. But you are quite a good coach."

"You should tell that to my teammates." Oliver laughed.

After couple of hours of practicing, Percy asked Oliver if they could go somewhere.

"Where would you like to go?"

"I don't know, maybe just fly around." Percy answered.

"Get on my broom," Oliver said. "No need for two brooms if we are just flying around."

They got back on land and Percy left his broom in the shed and jumped on Oliver's.

"Hang on tight, baby, I love to go fast."

He really didn't joke. When the broom got off the the ground it flew so fast Percy thought he would get a heart attack but after couple of minutes he felt free, completely free, like a bird.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked.

"Never better".

They flew around for a long time, up until the sky turned to dark violet color. When they got back, they had an uneventful dinner, packed their things and quickly fell asleep.

First morning back at Hogwarts Percy noticed Hermes flying into the great hall. That owl was so uncoordinated that it flew into the table instead over their heads but it delivered its letter.

Oliver took it and saw that it was from his parents.

"I'm so nervous," his hands trembled.

"Everything will be fine," Percy hugged him.

Oliver opened the letter and was quiet for a moment. He breathed out and smiled which could only mean positive news.

"They say they accept me and love me regardless of my sexual orientation." Oliver whispered.

"I knew it," Percy replied happily.

At that moment Fred and George came by the table.

"What happened?"

"Oliver got a letter from his parents, they are accepting it."

Fred forgot that it was supposed to still be a secret (due to how freely they talked about it at the Burrow) and happily yelled.

"I am so glad for you, what kind of parents would they be if they disowned you just because you are gay?"

All the heads in the great hall looked towards them. Percy kicked Fred under the table and Fred yelped while Oliver gave him a death stare.

The news that Oliver was gay spread quickly through school. He decided to take it with dignity since he knew that this news will quickly become unimportant. Percy waited for him in their dorm.

"We'll  get through this. And when we do, we will kill Fred."

"It doesn't matter, everyone would find out eventually." Oliver said.

"Look what I brought you." Percy took out a lemon pie. "I know you like it."

Oliver ate it pretty quickly, leaving only crumbs on the plate.

"Now they are telling stories about you too, about how we are dating. Some girls I sit with during potions told everybody."

"Maybe we'll have to kill them too." Percy joked. "This is actually good thing, now we won't have to hide anymore, no more lies and sneaking around."

Oliver felt a pain in his stomach, he couldn't tell Percy that he got payed to date him, but he had to. It is better he finds out from him than from somebody else. But the words that came out of his mouth were completely different from the ones he planned to say.

"Do you want to come to the ball with me? All years except first and second will be there."

"I don't know, I don't like balls or dancing."

"It'll be fun. It will show people we don't care about their opinions.'

"What about NEWTs?"

"Couple of hours of fun will not ruin your perfect score. Come, please."

"How can I say no to you?" He smiled and kissed Oliver.

After they were outed as a couple Percy and Oliver could be seen holding hands and hugging all around the school. Professors McGonagall seemed to be very interested in that relationship and she often beamed at the sight of them. Professor Lupin, who was often absent, also seemed to be very into it.

"Ah, young love," he could be heard to say to professor McGonagall as they saw the happy couple.

Cormac McLaggen felt it was the time to ask Hermione to the ball as, according to what he overheard from Fred and George, she was now free to date.

"Hermione, can I have a word with you?" He ran up to her as she went to ancient runes class, carrying a huge book.

"I just wondered, would you like to go to the ball with me? I know it is a little late to ask, but I hope you will say yes."

"I am going with Ron," she replied.

"Are you free some other time to go take a walk or do something else?"

"No." She turned to leave.

"Why not? I thought you like me."

"Who gave you that stupid idea? I like Ron and we've been dating for almost half a year."

"You're dating him for that long?"

"Yeah, now I have to go or I will be late for my class."

Hermione gently pushed him aside and went into the classroom.

Cormac's face showed hurt and betrayal, the realization he was made a fool of caused him to seek revenge against everyone.

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