The summer that changed my li...

By Elinofsweden

32.4K 555 44

Elena have just graduate high school. She goes on a vacation to USA with her two best friends Sarah and Sofie... More

The summer that changed my life
The flight
You look familiar
Hey I'm Elena and I'm having dinner with the Jonas family.
love at first sight
This can be the beginning of something wonderful
Let's get it out in the opened
My life is like a fairytale
We need to step in
The date
Prove it!
Here we go!
Good morning sunshine!
Welcome back!
What really happened
I need to think about it
Love advise
Should I stay or should I go?
Things will changes
A broken heart or a broken heart?
It's all up to faith

We're going to America

2.2K 39 2
By Elinofsweden

I woke up next day with a big smile on my face remembering every detail of what happen yesterday, I still can't believe that I graduated from high school!

* Beep Beep*

I grabbed my phone  and open the message.

From: Sarah
Rise and shine! :) are you up for a coffee? x


Ofc! :) time and place? have you spoken to Sofie? x

From: Sarah

12:00 at Starbucks? :) Yeah she will be there too! :) x

Sounds great see you then :) x

I put down my phone at the nightstand and got out of bed and in to the shower. When I got out I brushed my brown hair and then let it dry. I walk up to my desk and put on my ipod the song that started to play was "When you look me in the eye"  my favorite song by the Jonas Brothers. I started to sing along and walked to the closet to pick out an outfit. Jeans shorts, a T-shirt with the British flag, and then my white converse. I took my phone and wallet from my nightstand, turned off the ipod and went down to the kitchen.

When I stepped into the kitchen I saw a note on the kitchen table 
We went to watch Oscars football game, we'll be home in a couple of hours/ Love mom

I made myself a sandwich and a glace of juice, I sat down by the kitchen table and looked at the clock it was 11:00. When I was done I went to brush my teeth and then I wrote a note to my parents and left the house to meet up with the girls.

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When we have ordered our coffee we started to look after an empty table. 

" What about there?" Sofie said and pointed at the table in the corner.

"Perfect" Sarah said.

" So what did you guys do after the ceremony yesterday" I asked.

"Nothing special really, celebrated with my family and then I went on a dinner date with David" Sarah answered. David is Sarah's boyfriend, he cares for her a lot, he is exactly the type of boyfriend I'm looking for. 

" That's sounds so romantic, where did he take you?" Sofie asked.

" To The goose you know that new restaurant down town?"

" Yeah I have heard that the food is amazing" I said.

" It was!, what about you Sofie what did you do?

" Well not much celebrated with my family and then I took a walk in the park, and I may have met someone"

"You what!?" Me and Sarah said at the same time.

 " I met someone in the park "

" Who? how did he look?, where's his from?" I asked.

" You guys know him, Sam from our Spanish class"

" Sam! Sam, the hot one with the brown eyes, cute smile, the one you have had a crush on since secondary school? I asked.

" Yep that's the one"

" But what did you guys do and what did he say?" Sarah asked.

" He was also on a walk and we bumped into each other and started talking and he asked me out"

"He asked you out? That's amazing I'm so happy for you Sofie" I said and hugged her. 

" Thanks it means a lot to me that you guys suport me! I don't know what I would do without you"

" Well you wouldn't have a problem with finding boys" Sarah said and we all started laughing

*Beep Beep*

While Sarah continue to question Sofie about Sam, I open the message

From: Mom
Hey! hope you have a good time with the girls! I just wondering if you want to take the girls with you home and have a sleepover or whatever you call it? :) x

Reply: We're having a blast! :) Yeah that sound really great mom I will ask them :) x 

 " Hey girls, what about we go home to me and have a little sleepover, my mom just texted me and said it was okay"

" Yeah that sounds great then Sofie can tell us more about what happened on that walk" Sarah said and we started laughing.

"Well lets go then" Sofie said and we left Starbucks and drove back to my place.

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" We're here" I shouted.
"Come to the livingroom" my mom answered.
When we got into the livingroom we didn't just meet my parents we also met Sofie's and Sarah's parents. 

" What's going on, have we done something wrong?" Sofie asked.
" No darling we just want to talk to you girls, please sit down" Sofie's mom answered.
We sat down in the sofa and our parents stood right infront of us like they were going to interrogate us.

" Well now that you all are here we want to tell you guys something" Sarah's dad started.

" Now that you have finished school with good grades we want to give you guys something to show how proud we are"

They were all quiet for a bit but then they shouted " You guys are going to USA for the summer"

I'm in chock did they just say that we're going to USA all by ourself without parents?
Sarah, Sofie and I just looked at each other with the same face expression. Sofie was the first of us to speak.

" Did you guys just say that we are going to USA"
" Yes sweet heart"

" On our own without you guys"

Sofie, Sarah and I looked at each other and then we shouted" THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!"  and hugged all of our parents, then we all scream together

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