A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland...

By LittleAkime

146K 3.7K 2.3K

(Y/n) was on a Mission with her team when they were attacked by ninjas and (y/n) got taken to a different wor... More

Chapter 1: mission gone wrong
Chapter 2: talking raccoon?
Chapter 3: entrance ceremony
chapter 4 - Ramshackle Dorm
 should I be SUS? 
Chapter 5 - The card of Ace 
6k special: the Day you become a child [1]
Chapter 7 -dwarfs mine
Please read this
🥀Down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 Down the Rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🍰The apology🍰
23K special: fnaf 
🦁Long live the king🦁
Y/n info
🦁Long live the king🦁
My weird dream
🦁Long live the king🦁
This will not be tolerated
🦁Long live the king🦁
A little rant
Another weird dreams
53k Special: the day you become a child [p2]
How dating (y/n) will be 
🦁long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king 🦁
New story y'all
I wanna do a little Q&A
A little apology gift
New cover
I need help...

Chapter 6 : 100 Windows and fishy little fishes

4.7K 160 211
By LittleAkime

Last time

You:' this is not going to end good' and my prediction was right The wind Blow the fire away from him and went Towards the statue of the Queen of hearts surrounding it in it's fire I panicked looked around there wasn't a river or lake so I couldn't use a water style jutsu to stop the fire and if I used a wind one it may make it worse.

Ace:"AAAAAH!!oh no! The Queen of hearts statue is burnt black!"

Grim:"it's because you changed the flames direction with the wind! It just got burned insanely!"

Ace:"you think there's someone who'd get burned on purpose!"

You:"stop blaming each other and help me stop it before-"


You:"..he gets here.." I sighed and looked Down.

This morning isn't going any better.
I turned around and saw Mr.Crowley marching Towards us with his whip in his hand I couldn't see his top face but you can tell that he is fuming with anger The students that were around us start running away definitely not wanting to get in trouble while some of them stayed holding A rectangle thing in there hand and was pointing directly at us I looked at ace and Grim and they looked pale as paper and about ready to run for their lives

Ace:"Ah! It's the headmaster"

Grim:"that guy. He'll bind you with his whip of love! RUN!" They turned around and tried to book it keyword:tried. But the headmaster was faster than them .

Grim/Ace:"AAHHH/OOOWWW!!!"the whip hit them on they're back with a very loud smack it made me cringed at the sound then it wrapped itself around them tying them up together making them smack each other's forehead against each other and fell on the floor.

Grim:"fugyaa!! That's two days in a row it hurts!"

Crowley:" it's the whip of love it's 100 years too fast for you to run from me *sigh* I thought I said earlier to not to cause a rucus. Furthermore. To Burnt black the Great seven statues it seems you want to be expelled so much" he said looking down at the Two

Ace:"wait!! Not that" he was looking at Crowley with pleading eyes but Crowley ignored it and turned around looking at me crossing his arms over his chest

Crowley:"you too, you can't call this taken care of Grim"

You:" I tried to stop it headmaster but that orange haired guy won't stop talking and it made grim angry
And won't listen to me, I'm sorry " I said looking down I know it's not my fault but I couldn't stop thinking it was I could've done something but I didn't want to show everyone what I can do.

Crowley:"Honestly,... you what's your name and year ?" He asked turning around again to Ace

Ace:" Ace Trappola...I'm a first year"he said looking down

Crowley:"well then Trapppola grim and you"he points at me" as punishment I order you to clean 100 windows" All of us looked at him wide eyes.

Grim:"Nya! It's his fault he made fun of us" grim protested crossing his arms The whip around them had come undone letting them go.

Ace:"Eeh!?Me too!?"

You:'100 Windows that's so unfair I didn't even do anything I was the one trying to stop it' I clenched my fists but didn't say anything not wanting to make the matter worse.

Crowley:" of course! after school, come to the cafeteria. understood?

Grim/Ace/you:" Yes/yes sir/fine" Three of us said looking down I grabbed grim by his bow and start walking away

Grim:"can you believe him it's all that Ace guy fault he-"

You:" shut up, I don't wanna hear a word" he flinch at my cold voice, good, I left him up to my eye-level and he had a scared face when he saw my glare"it's yours and him faults because of your short temper and ignoring me you burnt one of the statues. now if you still want to stay in this damn school I suggest you start listening to me and do as I say or else you'll be kicked outside with no tuna understood?" He nodded very fast definitely not wanting to know what will happen if he argued back.

You:"good" I dropped him on the floor and start walking again"Now behave because I'm not getting in trouble and taking your blames now follow".

He did as I said and ran on 4 to keep up with me we walked inside and start working.

Time skip

After asking Crowley where the Janitor closet is we started cleaning from the entrance hall halfway to the library the whole Time Grim will be grumbling and complaining about how boring and tired he is and I ignored him every time we pass Ace I had to grab grim so he won't jump on him When they start throwing insults at each other I will throw at both of them a glare to shut them up and it did.

Me and grim are now In the hallway that leads to the library I had send coconut to get something from the Janitor closet and he's not back yet I hope he's ok.

Grim:" [grumbling]"
You:" stop with that we're almost Done see?" I pointed at the doors of the library" we just need to clean all the way to that and we're done"

Grim:"but we still have 100 Windows to go" he whined throwing the brush he was sweeping with in the bucket.

You:"and who's fault is that?" I said glaring at him daring him to say something he didn't he avoided eye contact Picked up the brush and start swiping while grumbling again

You:"sigh" I shook my head and went back mopping that's when I heard noises coming from behind me from the other side of the hallway I turned around and saw coconut running Towards me jumped on my back and wrapped his tiny arms around my neck hiding his face in my hair.

You:"what's wrong coco what happened?"I asked patting his head to come him down what happened on the way to the closet?,did someone try to hurt him? I swear if they did they won't live another day coconut isn't just my familiar or pet he's my friend and I'm very protective of my friends if someone tried to hurt them they will face my wrath.

Coconut:(scared monkey noises)" he pointed at the direction he came from.

???:"come here little Monkī~ I just want to squeeze you~" I turn my head back to see a figure running Towards us I couldn't make out who it is since the hallway was a bit dark The person got closer And I can now see his whole Features.

a VARY tall male with dirty blue hair and one string from it is black miss match eyes one is grey and the other one is yellow like gold A goofy smile that showed he had sharp teeth i'm guessing he's a student as well seeing he has the same Strange outfit everyone in here has but his looked quite messy like he put no effort putting on he stopped in front of me and HO-LE IS HE TALL he's literally towering over me and he's just standing there......just.....looking..I felt very small under him.

You:"hmm...can I help you why were you chasing my monkey?" For some reason I felt nervous under his gaze.

???:"ohh~~? That's yours~?"he tilted his head while his smile gat wider.

You:"yes he's mine now can you tell me why were you chasing him?" He's giving me creepy vibes but I'm not Backing down if he did something to coco I'm not letting him go free.

???:"he looked so~ small~ I just wanted to squeeze him~~" my eyes went wide.

You:"S-squeeze?! The hell do you mean by that?"I backed away while hugging coconut in my arm to protect him but then my back hit something or someone

???:"Don't worry he doesn't mean it as in actual squeeze" I turned around and saw the same guy dirty blue hair, miss match eyes, tall as hell , and the outfit but his looked more tucked in He didn't have the creepy smile the other guy had but a more Normal one though he still give me the creepy vibe like the other guy

I looked at him then looked at the other guy Then back at him pointed at him then the other guy then back at him.


???:"I see that your A bit confused haha" he said placing a hand on his chin

You:"yeah sorry it took me a Second  to realise you two are twins I thought he made a copy of himself or something" I said rubbing my temples then they start chuckling again .

???:"haha Nope I can assure you I'm not a copy"

???:"but it will be so cool if there is many me's ~more people to go squeeze together hahah~~" he said with a closed eye smile And putting his hand behind his head.

You:"yeahh... anyway what did you mean by not actual Squeezing?" I ask the guy in front of me.

???:"that's just his way of saying he wants to hug" he said tilting his head that doesn't sit right with me

You:"that's a weird way to say it"

???:" well these Two always had their own way of showing affection" another voice popped out I turn my head to see someone coming from behind the guy I bumped into.

You:'where does these people keep coming from?' At this point I may need to get used to it I took a closer look at the guy and realised it's glasses from the interest ceremony what was his name again?

???:"I'm truly sorry if he bothered and scared you and you're familiar he just couldn't help it seeing how small and cute it was"he said with a smile.

You:"it's fine but I'll appreciate if he doesn't do it again my monkey isn't exactly used to people other than me and it's a he not it" I said the last part with a  glare I hate it when people refer to my monkey as "it" he's not an object he's living being.

???:"haha of course sorry again...my mistake" his eyes tells me otherwise

???:"oh now I remember you~ your the one from the Entrance ceremony~ The one that doesn't have magic~" I turn my head to one of the twins that spoke to see his face just inches away from mine I tried to back away unfortunately the other twin is blocking my way.

???:"hahah~~you sure did a show there with that talking Animal~ it was really boring before you came should I squeeze you as a reward~~?"he extend his arms But I grabbed them and put them back down

You:"no no thank you I'm good can you just...back away little please"

???:"Floyd you making him uncomfortable back away would you" The other twin said to who I'm assuming is Floyd though I can tell by his tone that he's enjoying this.

Floyd:"huh~? But Jade I want to squeeze him~ he looks almost as small as goldfish~~"

???:"haha I have to agree he is pretty small"who I'm guessing is Jade said still not neither of them are moving I'm surprised coconut didn't try to attack them or growl at how close they are he must be very scared of them.

I looked at glasses and he seem to enjoy everything that's happening I could disappear and reappear away from them But everyone thinks I'm normal and I think its best to keep it that way unless I need to he looked back at me and seem to finally realise what I'm trying to say and a semig smile came to his face.

???:"Jade,Floyd You avoiding his personal space please back away " they listened and and took a few steps back I released a breath of relief.

You:"..T-thank you.."

???"no problem at all you seemed very uncomfortable but I had to agree with Floyd that was quite the show you put with the talking creature"he said with a amused smile.

You:"yeah..." it wasn't even my fault.

???:" even...that fire tornado you made " he said with a side smile and a low tone my eyes went wide at what he said but I quickly put them back.

You:"what Tornado?"I asked tilting my head in confusing let me tell you something when I was walking around I heard some students talking about what happened at the entrance ceremony about the fire tornado and everyone believes that a student had did it since I have no "magic" i'm guessing he's been observing me since I came in and saw me doing it.

???:" don't lie we saw it A strong wind came and picked up the fire and start surrounding you like a tornado"

Floyd:" Yeah~I saw you do weird hand signs and that when it happened you were like" then he proceeded to do the hand signs I did which just some weird hand movement which is kinda cute "and then you screamed wind style something~"

You:" sorry I don't know what you talking about I did see it happened but I'm not the one who did it if you're heard what the mirror said you'll know that I don't have any magic it could be a student here " I said trying to lie my way out, these three seem the type to figure things out easily and fast so I better keep myself calm and my dull face on.

???:"ohh? Are you sure about that?" He said stepping a foot closer with a glint in his eyes and something else.

You:"yes I'm sure" I said looking at him with challenging eyes (does that even make sense, challenging eyes?)

You:"now please excuse me I have work to do"

???:" yes of course sorry for keeping you we were just interested in a bit curious about the school new handyman"

Jade:" you seem to be very good at your job"

You:" thanks I try" I said trying to leave but they were blocking my way

(A/n:" let me explain how the layout is Floyd standing to you're left and Jade is on your right and Azul in front of you and behind you is a wall so you're stuck basically ^w^)

You:"can you please move?"

???:" the job of the school handyman doesn't pay much I don't think it will be enough for you and your pets so how about I interest you in a deal" he said ignoring what I just said

You:"a deal?" I asked raising an eyebrow a bit sceptical.

???:" we own a café in our dorm and we are looking for new employees here's my card" he said handed me a card and on it it says Mostro Lounge.

You:"Mostro Lounge cafe for all sort of entertainment and business Deals?" I read what on it.

???:"that's right and we're hiring. the payment is really good"

You:" what's with the business Deals part?" I asked for some reason those "Deals" don't sit right with me.

???:"is our special service Anything you desire I can make it happen"

Floyd:"you want someone to fall in love with you or be popular~"
Jade:" or get good grades"

???:" Anything you want could come true only for a good payment and-" I cut him off.

You:"who's Azul ?" I asked still looking at the card.

???:"Ah? oh how rude of me I apologise I haven't even introduce myself" he cleared his throat and adjust his glasses

???:"I'm Azul Ashengrotto the owner of the Mostro Lounge and dorm leader of Octavinelle and those are my best and most trusted man Jade&Floyd Leech"

Jade:" nice to meet you" he said potting his hand where his heart is with a smile
Floyd:"Hello~ I still need to figure out a name for you~"

You:"will Azul does whatever you Three just Mentioned involves bringing me back home?" I asked still not looking at him

Azul:"umm? I..don't think I can do that-" I cut him off again.

You:"then I'm not interested in Anything you said cause. one I'm not a student so I don't have to worry about grades and even if I was I won't because that's cheating and I don't live for that I like to get things by hard work. Second it won't be real love if I Force someone to it and I don't care for popularity I like being unnoticed it keeps more eyes away from me so if none of these help me get back home then sorry but the answer is no and also.." I take my eyes off the card and looked at him with a small glare.

You:"something tells me that the "payments" of those deals Doesn't involve money"I said not breaking eye contact.

everything became silent no one said anything still looking at him but I could see in the corner of my eyes the Twins reaction the one with the goofy smile his got wider and start giggling and the other one looked surprised and amused at the same time while glasses didn't even move I kept looking at him to find any reaction his eyebrows twitched and went down for a second then back up.

He then smiled and even chuckling little putting a hand on his glasses looking at me with interested eyes I could see something els but I don't know what it is.

Azul:"haha, your interesting one we have only mat and you already know everything"

I looked at the clock behind him and is almost noon I need to get out of here if I want to finish working and the 100 windows fast.

Azul:"what do you think of working at the Mostro lounge"

You:" I appreciate the offer but I'll have to decline I'm ok with this job and I get to work when it's less crowded so that's a point and don't worry about the money I'll manage" I said handing him the card back but he pushed it back to me still in my hand.

Azul:"you sure? I'm giving you a great opportunity right here you'll get to have free food or drinks if you want, after work of course"he said a bit shocked that someone actually rejected his offer to work for him.

You:"yes I'm sure" I said pushing the card back but he pushed it back to me again.

Azul:" The payment is very high you know"

You:"I know and and I appreciate you trying to help me but the answer is no" yet again pushed the card Towards him with bit more force but he pushed it back.

Azul:"how about I put you with Floyd&Jade be one of my best man, you'll have free access to the VIP room".

You:'why is he so desperate for me to work for him??I Sighed A bit annoyed I don't have time for this I still need to clean all the way to the library then I have 100 windows after so I took the card and put it in my pocket.

You:" i'll think about it after I finish today's work now can you please move"

Azul:" of course take your time sorry for keeping you from your job" he said with a smile and moved a bit so I can go

You:"thank you, have a nice day Azul Jade and Floyd" I said with a slight bow and walked Towards the cleaning supplies which is a bucket of water and a mop and a towel and picked them up.

You:"come on Grim"


You:"grim?" I looked at the spot where he was When I didn't get an answer to see the spot empty.

You:"what the- where did he go?" I asked looking around me

Floyd:" oh he run off when we were talking saying he won't be doing any of this and going to get his tuna"

I looked at him blankly processing what he just said, so that little rat tried to escape his duty and punishment and put it all on me?I was so mad I clutched the mop I was holding so hard it broke in half a dark aura surrounding me making the three males back away I still had my poker face and couldn't see my whole face from the mask but they can see the anger in my eyes.

You:"coconut" I called and a very low Dark voice (mind you this whole time you've been talking with anyone you had your male voice don't want to get U confused)

He jumped from my arms and on the floor looked up at me ready for order he knows that if I called him only by his name No nickname or anything, that it's about to get serious real quick.

You:"go find and bring him back drag him by his tail or ears if you have too or better yet from his bow and tag on it hard so he chokes a little" he nodded his head and ran to do as he told.

I turn my head to the three Who were still there and they immediately looked away pretending to be busy with something and didn't see anything One of the twins who I forgot the names was whistling while looking around and the other one coughed and had his arm behind his back and crossing his fingers on the wall for any dust and Azul Took off his glasses wiping them with a napkin.

I Took the cleaning supplies and walked off going to get a another Broom and to find that little rat.
Time skip (coconut found grim and dragged him back to you by his bow and was actually choking you lectured him and told him He won't be getting any Tuna if he ran off again)

In the cafeteria

We are now in the cafeteria after school so the place was empty I looked around analysing the place it was pretty big with long tables I looked up at the ceiling and saw a chandelier that look like tree root with lights hanging from it, it looked quite beautiful to me. we started working and when I said "we" I meant Me while grim just Laid on the table looking bored out of his mind and rethink his life choices and Ace is still not here I split the hundred between us so each of us will clean 33 Windows while I'll have 34 to complete the 100 and grim didn't want to take the extra one.

Grim:"I'm already tired from cleaning all day..."he then Rolled on his stomach facing me"but now we have to clean 100 Windows"he said in a very tired voice and at the edge of falling asleep.

You:"Aww~ and who's fault is that?" I said sarcastically finish my 5th window coco was helping as well cleaning the high spots that I couldn't reach.

Grim:"why can't you do the clone thing you did yesterday and do them all. that way will be done faster"he said closing his eyes and Carson his arms over his chest.

When he opened his eyes he jumped back seen me right in front of him looking down at him with a glare.

You:" well Grim I won't do that because that will be unfair for me to do all of the punishment by myself It's already enough I'm part of it when I don't do anything and also.." I put my hand on the table and lean down to his  level looking at him straight in the eyes with a serious look"I will appreciate if you keep whatever I did back in the dorm such as the clone and the fire out of my mouth a secret"

Grim:"huh? But why? Why not tell them you actually have a magic? you could be a student here"

You:"I don't want to be a student I already have a school  I go to and it's nothing like here Plus I don't know anyone here so my trust to anyone is very little and everyone thinks I'm normal and it's safe to keep it that way Until I go home or if there is situation calls for me to step in  Other than that no one will know except you so grim... can I trust you to keep it a secret?" I looked at him not breaking eye contact or blinking.

Grim:"...... fine I guess I owe you after convincing the principal to let me stay" he said I was so happy he agreed so I picks him up and hugged him close to me.

You:" thank you grim I'm glad I can trust you"I said calmly patting his head I expected him to squirm around trying to get out while telling me to let go and not to do that but was surprised when he snuggled closer and leaned into the touch i'm guessing all these years of being a street cat or monster and people kicking him away had left him feeling lonely and touched starved poor grim.

You:"now can you please start helping me clean ?" I said putting him down he Whined but then sighed and grabbed a towel and started cleaning the Windows.

Grim:"Anyway, that Ace person is late. He has a lot of nerve making me wait! I'm getting annoyed"

You:" let's wait a little bit maybe he's changing his clothes so they won't get dirty or something"

And so on we waited.

And waited....

Annnnnnd waited......

That rat better not had bailed and left us to do all the work I'm Guessing grim had the same thought because he's started to get angry too

Grim:"he can not be this late! Did he bail on us!"he said stopping the cleaning he was on his 10th window and I was on my 25th.

You:" I think he did let's go look for him and drag him back here" I said putting down the towel

Grim:" i'm not gonna let him run away and leave us with a punishment. Let's go we're going to catch him and make him help us clean the windows" he said throwing the towel he was cleaning with on the floor and dashed out of the cafeteria with me and coconut following behind him.

Somewhere else __________________________________________
In the Ocatvinelle Dorm.

3rd PoV

In the VIP room entered the Three males Azul sat in his Office chair adjusting his glasses sighed. elbows on the table in a thinking position closing his eyes the Twins stood in front of him.

Jade:" so what do you think of him?".

Azul:"hmm..he's interesting one I'll say that by the looks of him he isn't the type to break Easily".he said still not opening his eyes.

He's still thinking about the Conversation you both had how nice and polite you are but also bold and honest as well, didn't take interest in what ever they said and figured out behind his deals and the fact that you actually rejected it he's still shocked about that never in his life in this business had anyone reject his offers.

And those eyes. Those miss match eyes tho they look cold and emotionless there is something behind them something locked in and forbidden to get out there's a bunch of stories behind that stare but refuses to tell. honestly the longer he looks in them he felt like he's looking at nothing but a dark abyss no matter how many times he tries.

But for some reason he finds them hypnotising their quite Beautiful their like pearls once you find them under the sea and clean them they'll start to shine and sparkle and he wants to see that sparkle he felt pulled by them and the scar on one of them just makes them more Beautiful you- HOLD ON WHY IS HE THINKING LIKE THAT?! And about a guy? Last time he Checked he's pretty sure he's straight so what happened?.

Floyd:"Hello~ Boss~ are you there?" He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a hand that belongs to Floyd waving in front of him.

Azul:"yes sorry I was just thinking what where you saying?"

Floyd:"I was asking about the mask he wears he never took it off while cleaning all day what do you think?"

Jade:"He's obviously Hiding his true identity but I have a feeling that it isn't the only he's hiding" Jade said putting his hand on his Chin.

Azul:"so you felt it as well he's hiding something and doesn't want anyone to figure it out"

Jade:" should we keep an eye on him?"

Azul:"hmm..yes do keep an eye on him and see if you can find anything and reported it to me immediately"

Floyd:" Wait. do we even know his name?"


Azul:"he didn't tell us his name"he said rubbing his Temples and sighed in announce.

Jade:"is either we forgot or he's a smart one for not telling"

Floyd:"yeah~to bad he whispered it when the mirror asked him or we've already know"

Azul:"try to find out his name later but for now keep in eye on him and make sure you aren't seen"

Floyd:"what are you going to do with the Information ones you have them?"Floyd asked with a knowing small Azul smirked and looked at the Twins in front of him with mischievous and the Two looked back at him the same way already knowing the plan.

Azul:" I think you already know. he may declined now but I'm sure he'll come around soon especially if we have something against him i'm sure what ever he has is worth taking hehe~"

Jade:"hehe you already going for it sir?"
Floyd:"I can't wait to play with little fish~ I already wanted to squeeze him the moment I saw him"

Azul:"go along now the cafe will open soon and don't Forget what I said"

Jade/Floyd:"Yes sir/Hai~~" they both said there smile getting bigger sowing their sharp teeth turned around and left leaving Azul alone with his thoughts.

He couldn't stop thinking about you, and he didn't know why you where an interesting one. the moment you walked in the ceremony you cut his eye tho he couldn't see you from the hood and the mask but there's still that aura around you. that aura that pushes everyone away but keeps them wanting to come closer and it cut him you are hiding something and he wants to what it is he wants to-No he NEEDS to know who you are.

He needs to know who his little Pearl really is


A/n is finally here so sorry for the wait I hope you like it and if is there any bad grammar please tell me and here's a picture of what you wearing I Drew it myself

You can change whatever you want in it but please keep the mask on and the mismatches eyes one is gray and the other one is (F/c) and the scars you have theirs a lot of them all around you body they are very important to the story .

Goodbye my love's see you next Chapter <3 ^w^ <3

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