Shooting for a Star. (Star x...

By XLunarFoxX

54.1K 1.3K 5K

This is a Star Butterfly x (non-gender based) Reader (Which means the reader will be referred to as they/them... More

Author Note
This is for thanking people.
Star comes to Earth
2: Party with a Pony
3: Match Maker.
4: School Spirit
6: The Other Exchange Student.
7: Cheer Up, Star.
8: Quest Buy.
9: Diaz Family Vacation.
10: Brittney's Party.
11: Mewberty.
12: Pixtopia.
13: Lobster Claws.
14: Sleep Spells.
15: Blood Moon Ball.
16: Fortune Cookies.
17: Freeze Day.
18: St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses.
19: Mewnipendance Day.
20: The Banagic Incident.
AN: Sorry...
Apology for putting the story on hold Special
Q&A Answers.
5K Special
21: Interdimensional Field Trip.
Looking back
22: Storm the Castle.
Special because I want to.
(early) 10k Special!
Special again :)
Another special
23: Mr. Candle Cares.
Incorrect Quotes nr. 1
Incorrect Quotes nr. 2
Incorrect Quotes nr. 3
25k special pt. 1
Incorrect Quotes pt. 4
24: Star on Wheels
Incorrect Quotes pt. 5
Incorrect Quotes pt. 6
Q&A Time!
25: Star vs. Echo Creek
Incorrect Quotes pt. 7
Another canon special
Incorrect Quotes pt. 8
26: Goblin Dogs
Incorrect Quotes pt. 9
27: Game of Flags
28: Sleepover
Memories: Royal Pain
New cover!

5: Monster Arm

1.6K 43 220
By XLunarFoxX

(AN: Hi again! Sorry for the slow update but i have a lot of tests so i have less time to write. I hope you enjoy the new update and please tell me what you think of it!)

3rd person p.o.v.

*You're on your way to Marco's house because you agreed to walk to school with Star and Marco today.*


"Hiii-yah!" Marco says, chopping a wooden plank in half.

"Whoa. You hate wood, too? Yeah, crush that wood! Wood's the worst!" Star said.

"No, I'm practicing for my upcoming Tang Soo Do tournament." Marco said.

"Oh." Star said.

*Mr. Diaz opened the door for you, and you go upstairs to Star and Marco.*

"You see, Star, martial arts is all about honor and discipline. Which is why... I'm going to kick Jeremy Birnbaum's butt!" Marco said.

"Jeremy Birnbaum? Isn't that the talking bear that used to rummage through my parents' garbage?" Star asked.

"He's just this creep in Marco's dojo who's only any good because his rich parents buy him fancy equipment and private lessons." You chip in.

"Hi (Y/n)!" Star says, happy that you arrived.

"But Saturday, he's gonna get a taste of this!" Marco says, stacking three planks of wood.

"Hiiiiii-YAH!" Marco yells, chopping the wood.

*You hear a sickening crack, Marco yells in pain, and you look at Marco's arm in horror.

*After a trip to the hospital that's not in the cartoon*

*Now back in Star's room, you are writing and drawing something on Marco's cast, Star just finished her drawing.*

"Done." You say, putting down the marker and looking at what you made, You've written 'Get well soon!' and a couple of bones around it.

*Marco groans.*

"This is a nightmare! If I can't fight Jeremy, he'll say I wussed out, and he'll never let me live it down!" He said, while Star is toying around with your hair and her wand, continuously changing it from a ponytail to pigtails and back to a ponytail.

"Pigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails?" Star says, changing your hair with each word.

"Wait a minute. You have a wand! You could just fix my hand!" Marco said.

*Your hair is now a mess of pigtails and ponytails, one of the pigtails even has another ponytail.*

"You know... That sort of spell is not really in my comfort zone. Oh, but if you like, I can give you a pretty wicked set of pigtails." Star said, giving you pigtails again, and doing the same to her own hair.

"Pigtails?" Marco says, then groans.

"Unless... I could look up a bone-healing spell in the that came with the wand." Star said, pulling a giant book from under her bed.

"What?! This whole time you had a magic instruction book?" Marco said.

"Yep. Whenever the previous owner of the wand mastered a spell, they scribbled it down in here." Star said.

"Wasn't that obvious Marco? What kind of dangerous thing comes without instructions?" You say.

"You and Star do..." Marco says.

Good point. You think.

*Star opens the book, creating a cloud of dust.*

Geez... Star did you ever even use it before? You think.

*Star and You cough.*

"But it's a complete disorganized mess. It's gonna take me foreeeever to find—Oh! Here it is." Star said.

"Really?" Marco said.

"Hmm. It's in an ancient language." Star said.

"Releasio Demonius Infestica!" Star says.

(AN: Yes im certain this is the correct way to write the spell, i found a transcript from the episode..)

*Star shoots a beam of magic that coils around Marco's cast.*

"Ahh... ahhh...! I can feel it working! My fingers are tingling!" Marco said.

*Then his arm turns into a long, blue and purple tentacle.

*Marco screams, you jump behind Star.*

"Don't worry! There must be a spell in here that can change it back!" Star says, flipping through the pages, looking panicked. You help her search.

"I can fix it!" Star says.

*You look up, and quickly jump back, pulling Star with you, as the monster arm slaps the book out of the window, taking a bit of the wall with it.*

*You decided to call home and asked if you could stay over.*

*After dinner, you helped Star search through her spellbook all night.*

(Time skip brought to you by Marco getting bullied by his monster arm)

"Morning, Marco. Morning, monster arm. We were up all night, but we haven't found a way to reverse the spell." Star says, You walk behind her, still half asleep and leaning on Star tiredly.

*The monster arm grabs Star's orange juice, pours it on Marco's head, and throws the empty glass away.*

*Now at school, Marco, You, and Star walk with lunch trays, Marco keeps his tray out of the monster arm's reach.*

(AN: 1 and a half hours spent writing already, not even close to halfway so there will be a couple of time skips later on.)

"Hey, kid. I got a joke for you." You hear Lars saying to someone, but you're too tired to turn around and see what's happening. So you decide to just lean on Star's shoulder instead.

"What's the most important meal of the day?" Lars continues his stupid "joke". You're starting to get tired of it so you turn around, planning on giving Lars a piece of your mind. You saw that Lars was harrasing Francis.

"Huh?" Francis said.

*Lars slaps Francis' lunch tray out of his hands.*

"It's breakfast!" Lars says, and starts laughing.

"That's a good one, Lars." Francis says, laughing nervously.

*Francis leans down to pick up his tray, and Lars shoves his face in pink frosting.*

*Just as you're planning to go over and punch Lars in the face, Marco's monster arm does exactly that.*

I wanted to do that... You think.

"Who did that?!" Lars yells.

"Uh..." Marco says, pointing at his monster arm.

"No one hits La—!" Lars starts, only to be cut off by Marco's monster arm hitting him continuously. Lars runs away, crying.

*The monster arm picks Francis up and cleans his face.*

"I, sir, am in your debt." Francis says.

*Ferguson pops in and knocks Francis aside. You glare at Ferguson because now everyone completely forgot about Francis.*

"You're a hero!" Ferguson says, everyone starts cheering.

(Time skip brought to you by people adoring a creepy, slimy tentacle.)

"A-ha! I found it!" Star says. 

*You and Star were searching through Star's book of spells, while Marco plays with his monster arm on Star's bed. Your parents are on a business trip for 2 weeks so you're staying over.*

"A reverse tentacle spell! I think." Star says.

"Uh, maybe you should practice on something first." Marco says.

"Way ahead of you." You say, as you pull out a potted plant.

"Returnio Armius Normalritecus!" Star says, shooting a spell at the plant, and burning it to a crisp.

"Uh, I'm going to bed now." Marco says, leaving the room.

"Don't worry! We'll get it!" Star says, as you take out another potted plant.

"Returnius Armius Normalrinny!" Star says.

*The plant explodes.*


*You and Star continue your patern. You take out a plant, Star tries the spell, something goes wrong, repeat. You and Star also had to shake eachother awake a couple times, but you both were Determined to succeed.*

*Now the next morning, the failed attempts resulted in a stump with eyes, a green foot, a multi-layered hand, a foot with six toes, a large rock arm, flowers with toes, and ballooned hands, and a whole lot of shards from plant pots.*

"Returnio... Armius... Normalrino..." Star says, exhausted. 

*Star's spell makes a normal human hand, and it gives a thumbs-up. You take this as a sign to fall asleep because your mission is accomplished and you're tired as hell.*

"Marco!" Star yells, waking you up again.

*Star runs out of the room, then comes back to retrieve both you and the hand. Marco does push-ups in his room with the monster arm. Star drags you along while you try to sleep.*

"673... 674... 675..." Marco says.

"We did it, we did it, we did it, we did it, we did it, WE DID IT!" Star yells.

"Hey, I think this monster arm might actually help me take out Jeremy. Hiiii-YAH!" Marco says, breaking nine stacked pieces of wood with the monster arm.

"Wait. You're gonna fight with that? That sounds kind of unfair." Star says.

"Ohhhh, funny how you never have a problem using your magic when it benefits you or (Y/n), but as soon as it gives me an advantage, you want to take it away!" Marco says, while slowly approaching you and Star.

"Marco, I think that arm's a bad influence on you." You say, standing up and giving up on trying to sleep.

"And I think you should go." Marco says, pushing you and Star out of the door.

"What? Fine! But I don't—!" Star says, only to be cut off by Marco slaming the door in Star's face.

"Huh! Man, what do they know?" You hear Marco say through the door.

"Don't listen to them. They're just jealous." You hear, you then put 1 and 1 together and come to the conclusion that the monster arm grew a mouth.

(Time skip brought to you by tiredness.)
(Also starting from here i've made a lot of writing errors, most of them i think i've fixed but please point it out if i missed any.)

"Excuse me." Star says, dragging you along with her through the stands of the dojo.

"Ooh! Watch it!" Someone yells.

"Sorry." Star says.

"Hey! Ow!" Another person says.

"Sorry. Sorry. ...Sorry." Star mutters, seating you and herself next to Alfonzo and Ferguson on the top row and carefully shaking you awake again. 

"Are you two okay?" Alfonzo asks.

"You two look terrible, and I have very low standards." Ferguson says.

*You and Star yawn.*

"We've been up for two nights trying to fix his monster arm, then he gets mad, and then We got to come here and watch him cheat by using the monster arm, you know?" You explain tiredly.

"Allow me to introduce our first competitor, Jeremy Birnbaum!" Marco's sensei says.

*On one side of the dojo, a seemingly tall man in a blue cloak sips water served to him by one butler while another butler massages his shoulders.*

"Hiii-yah!" Jeremy says, pushing the butlers away and throwing off the cloak, to reveal a little boy standing on a footstool.

"That's Jeremy?!" Star asks you.

"Yeah." You reply.

"That kid can't be any more than eight years old!" Ferguson says.

"Yeah." You say again.

"We love you, son!" Jeremy's mother says.

"Shut it, Mom!"Jeremy yells back.

Bitch... You think.

"And his opponent, Marco Diaz." Marco's sensei continues.

"Hey, wait! He's got a monster arm! That's not fair!" Jeremy says, after spotting Marco's monster arm.

"Yeah! Pretty cool, right?" Marco's sensei says. You facepalm.

*You and star fall asleep on eachother's shoulder.*

*Marco's monster arm lashes around Jeremy's neck and tosses him around the dojo. Jeremy screams.*

"Hey-oh!" Marco's sensei says.

*Jeremy knocks into a trophy shelf and through the ceiling and then lands on the floor, covered in bruises.*

"Point, Diaz." Marco's sensei says.

"Where are your private lessons now, Jeremy? Huh?" Marco says, as the monster arm picks up Jeremy.

"He's beaten. Now finish him!" The monster arm says.

"What?" (Marco)

"This is what you've always wanted. Destroy him! Eat his bowels!" (Monster arm)

"Not my bowels! I love my bowels!" Jeremy mutters.

"Hey, listen, I just wanted to win the tournament so he wouldn't make fun of me!" Marco says.

"If you're too weak to finish him, I'll do it myself!" The monster arm says, tearing appart Jeremy's shirt to reveal his stomach.

*Jeremy screams*

"Star and (Y/n) were right about you...! You are a bad influence!" Marco says.

"And you are pathetic." The monster arm says, throwing Jeremy into a punching bag, which swings back and hits Jeremy in the face.

"Point, Diaz." Marco's sensei says.

*The monster arm attacks Marco, attempting to eat him.*

"Star?! (Y/n)?! You can change it back now!" Marco yells.

"Star! (Y/n)!" Alfonzo and Ferguson say in unison.

*Star sleeps with her head on your shoulder, and you with your head on Star's head. Ferguson tries to shake you two awake.*

"You two gotta wake up!" Ferguson says.

"Star!" Marco yells.

*The monster arm repeatedly hits Marco against the ceiling.*

"Staaaaar!!!" Ferguson yells.

*The monster arm uses Marco's arm to slap his own face.*

"Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself." The monster arm says.

"Hey! Wake! Up!" Ferguson yells.

"Here, try this." Alfonzo says, handing Ferguson a drink.

"Oh, thank you so much." Ferguson says, and tries the drink.

"No! On them!" Alfonzo says.

"Oh, right." Ferguson says.

*Ferguson splashes you and Star with water, and you both wake up, spitting out the water.

"I really hope for you that that was water." You say, glaring at Ferguson intensely. Ferguson shudders.

"Star!" Marco yells, as the monster arm coils around his neck, choking him.

"Returnio Armius Normalrino!" Star yells, aiming for Marco's monster arm. It dodges and a punching bag turns into a hand.

(Time skip brought to you by me not wanting to write 10 times of dodging)

*Star finally hits the monster arm, that is being held down by a dozen of arms. It starts shrinking.*

"You'll never get rid of me! I'm part of you now! You can treat the symptoms, but you'll never cure the viruuuus...!" The monster arm said. Marco's arm was now back to normal.

"Marco, are you okay?" Star asks.

"My arm! My beautiful arm. It's back to normal!" Marco says.

*Marco's fingers suddenly crack and snap out of place.*

"And totally broken." You say.

"Broken arm? Hah! Well, it looks like I win." Jeremy says, then a brass knuckle falls out of one of his gloves.

"Brass knuckles? Seriously?" Marco's sensei says.

"Pfft! Brass? They're gold." Jeremy says.

"You boys have brought shame and dishonor to this great and noble sport. 'Tis a sad day for strip mall dojos everywhere." Marco's sensei says.

*Jeremy briefly looks at Marco before angrily kicking over some arms and walking away.*

"Oh-ho, bravo, son! Bravo!" Jeremy's mother says while clapping.

"I wish I could fight you, Mom." Jeremy says.

Brat... You think.

"What a turd." Ferguson says.

"Sorry. I should've listened to you, Star, (Y/n)." Marco says.

"I know." You say, rolling your eyes.

"Hey, uh, when the monster arm said he'd be back, that's nothing to worry about, right?" Marco says, looking very worried.

"Uhhh... probably not?" Star says.

Aaaand done! I hope you liked the new update, please tell me what you think of it, and sorry for the slow update time, i just haven't had much time to write. Cya in the next update!

Time spent writing: About 6 hours.

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