The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36.1K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


14.3K 438 116
By Sydney3027

The hardest thing Lyra did was leaving her boyfriend's flat. He begged her to stay, and she wanted to, but she knew her mother would notice her absent and would come after her, probably with back up. She couldn't risk their lives.

She used the Floo Network to get back home. She felt this numbness in her bones. She felt so broken. The happiness was sucked from each room. The house looked so dark, so cold.

She suddenly heard her brother's cries, he was screaming out in agony. Her feet carried faster than ever before, she didn't know where she was going she just followed the sound of his voice, she pushed a random double-door open, banging against the wall. Her wand was out and she didn't even know what was happening, but her brother needed her and that was enough.

"Expelliarmus!" Lyra cried, Bellatrix's wand flew into her grasp. She was shaking as she held her Aunt's wand. She failed to notice Voldemort in the corner of the dark, oddly empty room, watching it all. Bellatrix was standing before Draco like a great shadow.

Draco was laying on the ground, his bones rattling. He had muscle spasms and he had vomit in a pile beside him. His muscles were still so tense. It was terrifying to see. It was like his whole body kept getting Charley horses.

Lyra didn't care. She ran to her brother's side. She cradled him in her arms and he was so disoriented, he accepted the comfort. She looked up at Bellatrix who was far from pleased to see her.

"How dare you touch him!" She screeched at her Aunt with rage burning in her eyes. She had never allowed herself to grow this angry towards a family member, but this bitch hurt her brother! "He's just a boy!" She softly caressed her brother's cheek, he looked paler than ever before. This was far from him trying to get attention as he'd do as a child. He was actually in agony and she was shaking with fear for his health and with fury.

She heard her Aunt's twisted laugh. She looked up at the witch. "You stupid girl. Draco needs training. He needs to know what it feels like to be hit with the Cruciatus Curse. His next challenge will be to cast it." She held her hand out for her wand, she gave her an expected look, but Lyra wasn't moving.

"Are you mad? He's not even sixteen yet! You could have damaged his brain! Look at him!" She looked down at her brother who was slowly coming to, his eyes now focused on his sister with confusion.

Lyra felt herself being pulled away from her brother by her hair, she let out a screech of pain. Long nails digging into her skull. Draco tried to sit up when he heard her, he weakly called her name. He tried to find his wand through a hazy mind and blurry eyes. Lyra was pulled to her feet. She felt Bellatrix yank back her wand. "Don't disrespect me again, girl. Or you'll end up just like poor Drakey." She said the last bit with a baby voice.

"Bella, let her go." They heard a weak voice intervene. At that, Lyra dropped to her knees, her hair no longer being in her grasp. "You will not harm Miss Malfoy in any way."

"Yes, Master." She bowed into submission, switching quick from the angry harpy.

Draco was finally able to see clearly, though his bones ached like never before, he could see his sister by Bellatrix. He didn't dare speak. But he found it embarrassing that she came to his aid, he wanted to be treated as a man. He is the one who needed to protect her.

"Lyra, leave us." She heard Voldemort order. "We shall meet in the evening." That made the blood in her veins run cold. She forced a weak nod and grabbed her wand and shot a look at Draco to make sure he was okay before leaving the room.

Her heart was hammering in her chest. She raced up the stairs. She ran to her bedroon to retrieve a money pouch. She rushed back to the fireplace. Her hair was wild with her untamed curls, she was still wearing the clothes from the night before. But that was far from a concern. And it seemed no one noticed the state she was in.

She stepped into the fireplace with a handful off powder. "Borgin and Burke's," she was transported to that dark, wicked place. She remembered her father going there. He'd sell the owners dark objects that he no longer had use for. She once came with her father, she got in trouble when she ignored her father's orders 'don't touch anything', but she touched this ghastly hand, and she got trapped in it's grasp. She let out a holler that soon had Mr. Borgin to help free her. Her father was pissed and she wasn't allowed to ever go with him again. But he wasn't there anymore. And he may have something Lyra needed.

She knew this could be dangerous, it was dangerous. But she had to do this. To protect herself. Then, she can can focus on protecting her family. She needed to convince Draco not to stay. She needed to talk him into leaving with her, that would be difficult and she had no idea how to persuade him. But they needed to leave. They could take their mother and George would have connections. Andromeda would take them in. Perhaps she could ask for her advice to get her family out of this hell.

She navigated through the store, careful not to touch anything. She saw many warning cards on objects. There was a hat that caused baldness, she found that strange. It seemed like something that would be in the twins' shop. Perhaps Lyra could suggest it, but she wouldn't want them testing on themselves. But she knew they would. They always did.

She arrived at a counter. She waited patiently. She glanced outside the display window where dark wizards walked by. She had a bead of sweat on her forehead from the humidity. It probably made her hair look much worse. She'd have to clean up her appearance when she got home. She hardly heard footsteps when she caught sight of someone in the corner of her eye.

She looked over to see Mr. Borgin. He had no hair on the top of his head, but around his crown. He was much older and his skin was sunken in, but it didn't look natural. He was oddly pale as well, he was far from the man she remembered.

He gave her a sinister smile. "How can I assist you, Miss Malfoy?" He glanced down at her hands that rested on the countertop, she slowly retracted her hands. "My, my, what a pretty ring you have."

"It's not for sale." She told him as stern as she could, but she knew she sounded nervous. She was. "I came for a concoction of sorts."

"I have many potions, what do you have in mind?" He asked.

"I'm looking to temporarily make me infertile."

"There's an Day-After potion in-"

"No," Her voice was really rough. "No," She tried to sound more civil. "This isn't a night after a mistake. I'm looking to make myself unable to give children... perhaps for a few years."

He gave a smile that only told her that he wasn't having pure thoughts about her, probably thinking of her as a whore. She didn't care as long as she got that fucking potion, anything. "Does your mother know you're here?"

"Does it matter? I'm seventeen now." She stated plainly. "This could be our little secret."

"Yes, yes," He agreed. "I have something. But there's a chance you'll never be able to have a child." He saw her hard exterior start to chip away, he could see a scared girl.

"What's the chances it can't be reversed?"

"I dunno on the top of my head. This is often used a revenge tactic, not something one give to oneself." He leaned closer, and he smelled like tobacco ash. "But, for you. I can brew a little concoction that will work as an inhibitor. I do not know how long it will last. I'd say you should save it until you really need to use it. I don't think it'll last very long."

"Are you just brewing a Day-After potion?"

"No, no. This will work to completely stop you from being able to get pregnant. Not even the Day-After potion can do that. When you take this, you may have unreliable menstrual cycles. But it will have an expiration date. It will not last a few years in your system. A few weeks possibly."

"How much?"

"A hundred Galleons."

She scoffed. "That's mad."

"I need the resources and it's expensive to concoct. It could easily be more, but I see your family as... a friend." More like they supplied his bloody shop.

"Alright." She forced past her clutched teeth. "But you get your payment when I get my potion."

"Of course, it should be ready by the next full moon."

"So a few weeks." She hated how he was trying to be cryptic.

"Yes, precisely."

She nodded her head. "I'll be back."

She went back home and changed and did her hair. She wasn't looking forward to seeing Voldemort. When dinner came, she ate with her family, Voldemort was not there this time. Draco looked deathly pale with purple bags under his eyes. His hand shook when he lifted his utensil.

Bellatrix and Narcissa talked about Draco and his strength. But she didn't mention Lyra's intervention. She did send her a curious look. One Lyra couldn't answer for. She knew she wanted to know why Lyra was to see the Dark Lord tonight.

"The Dark Lord mentioned wanting Lyra's entertaining. Though, I cannot think of a reason why he'd want to see her again." Bellatrix voiced. She was most likely jealous of her niece, at least from the way her eyes burned with envy.

"Neither do I, perhaps you could ask him." Lyra replied as she put a forkful into her mouth.

"You've been quite disrespectful, perhaps someone should beat obedience into you. Lucius did say Lyra was a mouthy one."

Narcissa tightened her jaw. "Lyra is under lots of stress. Both the children are. They have school stress and Draco is given new responsibilities. Not to mention they don't have a father." Lyra noticed her mother trying to remain strong for the eyes on her. But she could see how broken her mother truly was. Would she leave with her? Or would she suffer and stay?

"My beau also dropped out of our marriage agreement." Lyra added to take the light off her mother. She didn't need her Aunt to see her mother's sadness, she'd taunt her, calling her weak.

"Yes, such a shame. I heard he was quite handsome." Bellatrix replied.

A house-elf appeared out of thin air. "Mistress Malfoy, the Dark Lord has requested your, young Master Draco, young Mistress Lyra and Mistress Bellatrix to join him in his sitting room when dinner is finished."

"Thank you, Groke." Narcissa spoke up curtly before the elf disappeared.

"Why did you thank it?" Bellatrix questioned. "My, you have gone soft. Are you going to come out as a Blood-Traitor next?"

"That's enough!" Narcissa snapped, hitting the table with her fist. "You will not speak ill of my children and you will not disrespect me in my own home!"

That shut her up.

After supper, they all carried down the corridor, no one saying a word. Lyra didn't dare tell them of his proposal- more like demand. She was to give him a child. She felt so sick to think about it once again.

When they approached the door to his sitting room, the doors automatically opened. He was drinking tea with Nargini laying before the fire. Lyra hated that snake. She knew that was the snake who attacked Mr. Weasley, it just would fit. No random snake would attack him. It was with purpose.

Everyone bowed and Lyra was once again a second late to their unison bow. "Rise, sit." He ordered lazily.

They all complied and sat at the couches before him as he sat in a black armchair, his robes blending in. Lyra kept her eyes on the snake who seemed to be staring at her as well. How could every one ignore it? She instinctively grabbed her mother's hand. Narcissa reassuringly rubbed her thumb over her knuckles. She clutched Draco's wrist beside her. She was frightened to let go of her children. Bellatrix fawned over the Dark Lord once again.

"How do we have the honor to be blessed with your presence, Master?" She asked like a good pet, leaning forward to show her prominent breasts. Lyra was sure he was not interested in anything but himself and his bloody power.

"Lyra," He called, looking past her Aunt, perhaps ignoring her question. "Come," She felt her mother's grip tightened. She looked at her child, she was confused. Lyra had to force her hand free. She stood tall on weak legs and approached Voldemort. She didn't know what to do. What the fuck would he do? "Stand beside me," She gave a stiff nod and stood next to his chair. A part of her expected to be murdered. She tried her best not to close her eyes and prepare for the killing curse. "Lyra has agreed to carry my heir."

The room went silent. Lyra could see her mother's shock, her horror, but she couldn't say a word. Bellatrix looked betrayed. She looked confused and hurt. Draco just looked plain shocked.

"My Lord-" Narcissa was cut off as he raise his hand to silence her.

"I agreed to wait until she graduates to carry my heir." Voldemort answered her question.

"This is an honor." Bellatrix stated.

"Yes," Of course he'd chose a Malfoy. The most powerful Wizarding family in the UK. "I find she will give me a strong heir. I can sense her strength. She's powerful. She is also... motherly." He seemed to loathe the last word. She wondered if he knew his mother. She wondered what he was before all of this.

"You chose a great witch, My Lord." Bellatrix forced out once again.

"I know she'll suit me well. Bellatrix, Narcissa, I'd like you to help her raise my heir. She's young and will need guidance."

"Yes, My Lord. It's an honor." The words rolled off her tongue easily. Narcissa nodded her head but couldn't speak. Her eyes were on her daughter who looked so indifferent, so withdrawn from herself.

Lyra couldn't say a word. She felt him lift her hand to kiss. She felt sickened but didn't say a word or show any emotion. He smiled at her, she felt nothing with his smile. She saw flashes of George in her mind. Of him holding her the night before. His smile, his beautiful smile. She wasn't abandoning that smile for this vile creature, for this vile life.

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