By mhyz-serena

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~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... More

B. Y. ... BYE 👋


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By mhyz-serena

Ali rubbed his eyes as he left his room, closing the door quietly. He stumbled his way down the stairs and as he approached the dining area, he could trace sounds coming from the kitchen.

He stopped, thinking who it could be.

Amira's sister and cousins spent the night so it probably could be one of them. But then it won't hurt to confirm first cos he desperately wanted a hot cuppa.

Taking gentle steps, he leaned on the wall and peeped inside the kitchen.

She's just seiving chips out of the oil and the little satin strap-sleeve nightie she had on made it impossible for him to take his eyes off her.

She hummed to a song that's obviously playing in her earplugs as she poured another bowl of finely chopped chips into the hot oil making the sizzling sound flood into the calm early morning air.

His eyes trailed the smooth skin on her back and only then did he notice that her scars had faded. He could also trace the outline of her waistbeads and that thigh short, barely-not-an-undie satin thing she had on as shorts was utterly provocative.

She had to make matters worse by going over to the cabinet and go on tiptoe to get a flask from above. Her little clothing stretched up as she stretched her little body to get the flask revealing more skin and that simple gesture almost turned him on.


She turned and he thought she'd caught him but then realized she's only looking at the stools, maybe thinking of picking one to boost her height but she pouted and slumped her shoulders, looked up at the golden flask above as if begging it to come down to her.

She'd have seen him if he wasn't hiding but would still have if she at least glanced at the door.

She went on tiptoe again, her fingers wagging in the air but she's still not up to what she sought.

How then did she put it there and why isn't she using a stool?! But oh boy, she's drop dead gorgeous.

She jumped and looking at her quite supple body shake like that was torturing his hormones. It's like she's doing it intentionally.

She kept jumping but could still not get the flask down and it grew more unbearable with every jiggle of her body, waistbeads and her anklet.

Did he mention the ass? It's the main torture.

He proceeded into the kitchen and she only noticed him when he's a feet away from her and before she could turn, his arm rounded her waist and his chest met with her back immediately.

He closed his eyes at the pleasure of feeling her warmth and her soft perfume filled up his nostrils, her hair smelling of coconut and olive.


She held her breath as his arm tightened around her and her heart started thumping wildly. She slowly dropped from her tiptoe but his other hand started to trace discrete lines on her left hand which she's trying to bring down.

She sighed softly at the feel of his warm skin on hers, when he reached her palm he twined their fingers together from the back and slowly brought it down, all the while his lips were everywhere they could possibly be on her neck.

"Ali," She called in a soft whisper, her voice trembling.

"What do you do to me Amira?" He husked on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "Why are you doing this to me?"

She thought he's gonna move from her when he let go of her fingers and waist but seems she guessed wrong as he slipped them immediately under the material of her nightwear, the direct contact at that part of her body sending a gasp out of her lips.

That one sound aroused him like never before and he knew he had to stop but was glued in to her.

She's his then why does he have to stay away?

"Why?" He murmured into her ears.

She felt dominated by his act, Ali could control her without even speaking and she's left helpless as his fingers moved treacherously around her body.

"Tell me to stop." He clutched the piece of clothing tightly, forcing himself not to lose control.


"Tell me to stop, please." He begged fervently.

"Stop it Ali."

But he still didn't.

"Stop!" She said more sternly.

He leg go but didn't step back and she missed the contact instantly. There's silence for some fleeting moments.

"Should I lift you up?" He asked softly and she also missed the lust in his voice.

What the hell is wrong with me?! "No_" Her voice hitched as he grabbed her waist and lifted her up.

She's taken aback but still picked the flask and he brought her down slowly.


He moved away silently and held his hands behind him while Amira continued with her work.

If Ali didn't come to her like that, she's supposed to be angry at him for shouting at her like he did without even apologizing. And he really didn't come with her to the dinner party, she had to take Khalid with her, for 'safety'.

But she's told by Nabeelah and Umaimah that he came back home and even spent the night locked up in his room.

Whatever, she's still angry at him.

But... urgh!

"Coffee?" She asked without looking at him and reduced the volume on her phone.

"I'll get it." He said and made for the cabinet but she stopped him by holding his hand.

"No, I'll get it."

His eyes followed her every move as she went to the cabinet he keeps his coffee beans and then to the espresso machine. He watched keenly as she first rinsed the machine before turning it on. He broke his gaze from her and went to the chips frying on low heat and turned up the fire a little.

Their silence stretched longer through his cup of coffee which he intentionally had there in the kitchen, his eyes turning to her direction intervally but never meeting her eyes.

He felt a little hurt at how she ignored him but knew he'd done a great deal of that to her so yeah, he's having a taste of his own medicine.

Goodness gracious!

It's freaking hard for him to stay away and even harder to stay close. What sort of torture is this?!

But then knowing the type of wife he has, he must apologise for what he did yesterday else this is gonna stretch out to a level he can't bear. He'd wanted to do that since then but then he's just not himself and apologising had only been easy and possible with her.

He cleared his throat after the last drops of the coffee burned their way down his throat and into his system, waking up the last remaining of his slumber nerves and giving him the full gear to begin his day.

He stood up from the stool and walked over to the sink to dispose off the empty cup and saucer.

Amira was slicing tomatoes for a sauce when he held her hand and kept the knife away, laced his fingers with hers all the while his eyes not meeting with hers.

He didn't want to see her scowl or glare or whatever look it was in them, he had to talk first. "I'm... I'm sorry."

The hard face she had on loosened instantly but his eyes were still not about to meet hers.

"About... yesterday I'm... really sorry. I didn't mean to act the way I did and also snap out like that, I apologise." He finally mustered the courage to look at her eyes

"It's okay." She murmured after a moment of silence.

"I promise to make it up to you."

She nodded twice.

Ali let her hands go and pinched the tip of his nose. "And I also couldn't congratulate you yesterday... congratulations Amira, I'm so proud of you."

She gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"So umm... what do you want for a gift?"

Amira bit softly on her lower lip as she thought of an answer. "Let's go on a vacation this holiday."

Ali bit his jaw at that, scratched the back of his neck. "I have plans for this holiday."

Amira's grin slowly withered away. "Oh."

"Some other time then?"

She nodded. "Okay." And went back to her work.

"Is that all you want?"

"Yeah." She answered without looking at him and Ali could clearly tell that she's upset.

What again? "What is it?"

"Nothing." She turned around for the fridge but he held her hand.

"Talk to me."

Amira closed her eyes and puffed out. "Would you answer me if I asked you a question?"

"Which is?"

She faced him. "What did she do that made you so upset?"

They stared fixedly at each other for what seemed like forever before he looked away, sighing.

When nothing came from him after a few more seconds, she slumped her shoulders and went to the fridge.

Ali stared at her dispiritedly, what even made him so uptight?

It's just her, just the sight of Asiyah.


"No, I understand."

He pursed his lips then sighed, moved closer to her. "I just_"

"Amira where do you keep your_" Nabeelah walked into the kitchen but stopped by the door when she saw Ali who took two steps away from his wife instantly.

"Umm," Nabeelah moved her eyes between the duo cursorily. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting_"

"No no, I was just about to take my leave." Ali said, glancing at his wife.

"Okayyy, good morning." She drawled.

"Morning, Nabeelah." He kept his eyes on Amira before reluctantly leaving the kitchen.

"Oops, I hope I didn't disrupt something." Nabeelah whistled as she walked in, making for the colander containing fries.

Amira mumbled a good morning to her and brought down the frying pan.

Nabeelah noticed her bleak mood. "Menene? Did you have a fight?"

Amira shook her head and mumbled a no.

"You know you can just tell me about it, if it's shared, it could be solved."

Amira sighed and dumped the dirty dishes in the sink, her eyes staring out the window blindly.

"I don't know what's happening it's just..." She blew out some air. "Ali's hard to get okay? Like very very hard to understand. I don't know cos I'm trying, I'm trying hard to just... to do something to... it's very hard. Everything's just very hard." She scrubbed off the tears on her cheeks with the back of her palm.

"Is it about yesterday?"

"I don't even know." She sniffled and turned back to the stove.

"But who was that lady?"

"His ex."


"Wife. He's married before."

Nabeelah scowled before her eyes flashed in remembrance. "Yeah right, he's once married. But what happened?"

"They got divorced."

"Not that, I mean yesterday."

"Do I know?"

"What's really the problem here Amira?"

"That I care." She hit her palms on the island top. "That I care about what I mean to him. That I want him to acknowledge me in his life. That I'm expecting so many things from him Sis. That I feel like I'm falling in love with him." She mumbled the last sentence slowly.

Nabeelah rounded the island to where her sister was, sobbing. She held her shoulders and turned her around. "Ali's your husband."

"I know." She wiped her face.

"And it's very okay to let him in."

"Like this?" She gazed at Nabeelah with teary eyes. "It's easier said than done Sis."

"But Ali loves you."

"You know nothing." Amira muttered and started making the sauce.

"I know something Mira, he even came for your commencement yesterday. How many far less busy men make time for their wives in such manner?"

"He wouldn't have come, his cousins forced him to."

"Or he forced them to. Amira Ali likes you."

"I don't think so. You don't know who I have as a husband."

"He's a busy man Amira, understand."

"I'm trying to, it just isn't working."

"Maybe you both should talk it out."

"It's of no use."

"Should I talk to him?" Nabeelah tilted her head to take in Amira's face.


* * *

Ali draped a satin robe over his shoulders and stepped out of his room, heading for his wife's.

His mind replayed the conversation he had with Nabeelah a day before and he felt really awful. Even before Nabeelah talked to him he was feeling bad about his behaviour to his wife. He loved her, but he didn't know how to show it. He's scared of showing it.

You don't have the 'look'. Her voice echoed in his head.

If not for your bastard money do you think any girl would want you? Love you?

He just couldn't help feeling unworthy, insecure, he felt so... 'not enough'. Amira deserves more than him, she deserves more than he can ever give.

But he wasn't about to let her go, not ever. He still had to try, he wants to prove to her that she does means something to him. She means a lot to him.

He knocked once and stepped into the room without waiting for a reply. She's making her bed and only glanced at him before going on with her work.

"What?" She asked, tucking a pillow in its case.

"Let's go to the gym." He said as if it's a normal routine or something.

Amira paused for a beat before asking, not looking his way. "Why?"

He huffed and moved closer to the bed, sat adjacent her. "Don't you wanna come with me?"

"Why should I?"

"Cos we do gym together."

"When last did we do that?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It does." She glanced at him for a second.

"C'mon, let's go." He stood up with a sigh.

"I'm not going." She adjusted the pillows and laid down.

Ali stared at her then went into her closet. He came back three minutes later with a blue t-shirt and white leggings.

"Get up." He extended his palm but she didn't budge as she kept scrolling on her phone.

Ali plucked the phone from her fingers and she shot him a glare.

"Give it back."

"Gym with me." He said again, the clothes he brought for her hanging on his arm.

"And I said no, what part of that don't you understand?"

"Every. I never take no for an answer Amira, you know that."

"Piss off Ali." She spat and climbed down the bed but he held her hand before she walked past him.

"Let me go." She frowned.

"I wanna spend time with you Amira, why won't you let me?" He asked softly, releasing his grip on her.

"We do that?"

"We can start, now."

"Why're you doing this? So you'd get on my good side?"

"Are we fighting?"

"Whatever, you didn't answer my question."

"Cos I wanna make it up to you."

"Who asked you to do this?"

"Can't I be good to you because I want to?"

"It's not so easy to believe Ali, someone or something definitely made you want to do this."

He moved the strands of hair dangling on her forehead to the back of her ear. "Your sister talked to me, before she left, I know I was wrong and I'm trying to do something about it. Don't push me away, for the love of God don't."

Amira looked away as her throat worked. "What did she talk to you about?"

"What you two talked about."

"What and what, exactly?"

He turned her face back to him. "You worry about me, we should try and get closer and I should also spend quality time with you."

"Nothing more?" She asked, hoping she didn't add the 'falling in love with him' part.

"Anything more that I should know of?"

"So you're doing this because she asked you to?" She looked into his eyes, changing the topic.

"Because I want to. And you have no other choice."

Ali had always been commanding, it never really seized. But now he was in a more lovable way.

"And I'm going because I want to." She snatched the clothes from him and headed for the closet.

Ali smiled. I love her.

* * *

"How did you learn how to swim?" She asked as he took a dip.

They're just coming from the gym after a two hours workout and Ali led them to the pool.

"I'm in the Navy, little girl." He took a lap.

"Don't call me that." She scowled and sat at the brink of the pool, slipping her legs into the cold water. Ooh!

"Baby girl."

"Stop with the silly names."

He swam to where she's seated and belted his wet arms around her waist. "What name even fits you?"



"You speak Arabic?" She ran the tip of her finger along his nose.

"It's my mother tongue." He smiled at her and dived in once more.

"You do speak it fluently, don't you?"


"With who?"

"Those who understand."

"Teach me."

He turned around to face her. "I don't think it's easy."

"Yeah, I still wanna learn."

He slowly swam back to her. "You're a queen, Princess."

"You aren't a king." She jeered.

I'd be, for you. "I'll speak it with you, on a condition." He slipped his wet hands under her arm and she shivered at the coldness of his body.

"What's that?"

"Are you on your period?"

Her brows pulled together in confusion but she still answered in the negative, wondering what he's talking about.

The half smile that broke his lips pitched the reality of his intent in her head.

"Don't_" Her voice was broken as she got totally submerged in the ice cold water. She gasped and tried to get her head up which he helped her to, laughing.

"You look beautiful." He held her close, not letting go.

"I don't swim, Ali." She wiped her face with her wet palms.

"I know. And I'm gonna teach you that too."

"I just..." She sneezed. "It's cold, I don't like it."

"Are you catching a cold?" He held her hands, worry taking over his amusement.

"Thanks to you." She hit his chest and sneezed again.

"C'mon, let's take you out." He helped her out and climbed out too.

"Put this on." He hung his robe on her shoulder.

"And you'll walk like that?" She looked him up.

"I'm in my house, and you're the only one here." He slipped into his slippers.

She sneezed. "You're only in shorts Mister."

"Not naked."

Her eyes landed on his abdomen and the scar there caught her eyes. "This closed up quick." She ran a finger over it.

Ali stared at it and answered. "Yeah, it did."

"You have good skin." She stared at his face.

"Why do you think so?"

"It's evident." She referred to the wound. "Was it a surgery?"

"I think so, yeah. Let's go." He held her hand and she shook off the robe.

"Cover those ugly abs." She tossed it at him, sniffled.

"I'm not ugly." He whined and she almost laughed. Almost.

"You are." She walked away, hugging herself and the smile on her face broadening.

Oh boy. He jogged to catch up with her.

"Really, put it on." She said and stood by the kitchen's threshold, blocking his entrance.

"Okay, Ma'am." He slipped it on while she admired his silky wet hair.

"I like your hair." She said as he climbed up the stairs.

"I've been getting a lot of compliments lately."

"From?" She sought.

"You." He smiled and her heart fluttered, it always does when he smiles. "And you know what else?"

She shook her head, sniffled.

"I like yours too." He wrapped her shoulder and they walked out of the kitchen. "Lemme make your hair."

"Okay! I've downloaded a lot of pretty styles you could pick from_"

"Oh you, I'm just doing it for today."

"No p."

"You'll hate it." He whispered into her ears and she rolled her eyes, chuckling.

He opened his mouth to say something but they heard footsteps coming from the stairs and they both turned to meet Fauziyya jogging down the stairs with her phone in hand.

She froze the moment she saw them and she sent her palm to her eyes, spun around.

"Subhanallah, I saw nothing." She kept chanting and running back up.

Ali smiled and let Amira go. "Seems I won't be seeing the styles today."

"Tomorrow." She held his arm.

"I won't be here tomorrow, I'm going to the base later today."

Amira pouted and slumped her shoulders which made him pull her closer to drop a peck on her forehead.

"Some other time, I promise."

She nodded and forced a smile and he headed up, she following behind him.

You have to stop feeling this way Amira, you really have to.

* * *

"How've you been?" She sought as she arranged his clothes in his wardrobe. Lawrence just brought them in and she volunteered to do it.

Ali sighed and used the towel on his neck to wipe his face. "Good."

"You sure? You've been blue since you returned."

He sat on the edge of the bed and hung his head between his shoulders. She knew something was definitely wrong with him so she kept the ironed shirt she's holding and went to sit beside him.

"It can be solved if it's shared." She placed her hand on his, hoping Nabeelah's words would work on him.

He glanced at her and gave her a small smile. "I'm good, just stressed out that's all."

Okay, it didn't. "Should I give you a massage?"

He shook his head. "I'm good."

"You aren't Ali." She squeezed his palm and he sighed again, hanging his head.

"What's the problem? You can talk to me."

He swiped his free hand down his face, pinching the tip of his nose.

"So?" She urged and he sighed.

"We're gonna go on an operation next month,"

"What sort of operation?"

"Work, it's just a basic operation, nothing too special, the thing is..." He sighed again. "I'm gonna be commanding the team under a captain and the captain is... he's someone we don't get along with."

Amira pulled her brows together. "Why's that?"

He pinched the space between his eyes. "We have a past, he's just... I don't like him, he doesn't like me and it'll forever stay like that."

"Just like that?"

"Nah, he thinks I snatched his girlfriend from him."


"Wish I knew."

"You've known each other for long?"

"He's in S3 when I was in S1, now he's a rank higher than me."

"Who's he?"

"Usman Madaki Shira."

Amira's heart slammed against her ribcage. "Usman Madaki Shira?"

"You know him?" He asked, curiosity lacing his voice.

Amira flickered her lashes, shook her head. "No, the name just sounded familiar."

"He's a Bauchi guy."

"I only stayed in Bauchi when I was little, I possibly can't know everyone there."

"I wasn't expecting you to know him." He stood up from the bed. "And I don't want you to ever know him."

"So... his girlfriend, she's also a student?"

"His mate."

"Her name?"

"Funny enough, I don't even know." He searched his wardrobe for a shirt. "Think it's Khadija or Fatima or something."

"Then how could he think you snatched her away?"

"Why are you so interested in this?" He faced her.

She shifted and shrugged. "Just curious. I wanna understand how much the hate between you two is."

"I don't hate him." He turned back to his search. "I just never wanna have anything to do with him."

Well you're married to his sister. Amira thought. This is bad, real bad.

"You didn't answer my earlier question."

He shut the wardrobe door. "Turns out the girl liked me, was even ignoring him because of me and he had to vent his frustration on me. That guy was the very first person that punished me until I couldn't move, and he always made sure I was sore and bleeding at the end of it, profusely. He made my life in NMS hell. Salis and Ahmad even confronted him once about it and we spent the whole day on labour. It wasn't funny then but now it is, well not currently."

"And then you met again in NDA?"

"Yup, and the story continued."

"With the same girl?"

"And a different one." He murmured, looking at the chinos in his hand absently.

"And who was that one again?"

"Just a random girl." He kept the trousers and picked his body spray.

"Were they also in the Navy?"

"I don't know." He said dismissively, wishing she'd stop with the questions. The last thing he wants to talk about is his past with Zainab and definitely not with Amira.

She also picked up his disinterest and kept quiet. How could she forget that Yaya Usman is in the Navy? Now he'd definitely know that Ali is her husband. Maybe he's even the one that wanted Ali to be in his team else aren't there Commanders in his base? She knew just how heartless her elder brother can be so what Ali said didn't surprise her one bit. Now only Allah knows what his intention is, he definitely wouldn't want to work with someone he hates for a good intention, when will this man just let me be?!

She stood up, fiddling with her fingers. "Can't you opt out of the operation?"

"It's an order Amira, not a request."

"And if you defy?"

He glanced at her, belting his trouser. "I face penalty."

"And it's gonna be serious?"

He strolled to where she's standing, cupped her cheeks. "I'll be okay, stop worrying."

"A..." She bit her lip before she rambles what she shouldn't.

"I'll be fine, trust me."

She looked deep into his eyes and was almost relieved by the assurance in them, but almost. She can never be safe with the Shiras, never.

She swallowed and batted her lashes. "Okay."

* * *

Amira set the bowl of noodles and coffee on the tray then placed a can of malt for her before proceeding out of the kitchen.

She climbed the stairs, listening to Holy Ground by Davido on her earpods and headed to Ali's section. Using her legs to widen the door, she stepped into the cold room where he's typing on his laptop with papers and files lying carelessly on the floor and coffee table. She's already used to his section's deviant temperature.

She placed the tray on the rug, piling the papers there together. "Have something to eat."

"Let's eat together."

"I've eaten."


"Before you came."

He checked the time on his wristwatch. "Almost two hours ago. Eat a little."

"Feed me then."

He took his eyes off the screen to stare at her. "I'm the one working, you feed me."

"So you're expecting me to stay here with you but you'll keep working and I'll keep watching you as if you're interesting?"

"What does that mean?" He asked amusedly.

"My rules don't go that way Ali, stop what you're doing and focus on me, not like you're even interesting if you do that." She rolled her eyes.

"Fiery." He saved his work and kept the system aside.

"So?" She wobbled her brows.

"What?" He glanced at her, sipping his coffee.

"How's work?"


She scowled. "So I'm not?"

"I didn't say that, Amira." He glanced at her again.


He rolled some noodles around the fork and led it to her mouth.

"Eat first."

"Ladies first."

"Do you think I poisoned your food?" She scowled.

"I didn't say that, Amira." He also frowned, but not deeply.

Amira looked away guiltily. Gosh, what the hell is wrong with me?!

Ali ate the noodles and topped it with another spoon. "Satisfied?"

Amira swallowed and shifted nervously on her butt. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, now let's eat." He fetched some noodles and fed her.

They ate silently until they're almost through.

"You said you have plans for the holiday?" She started, sipping on her malt.


"Are you travelling?"

He glanced at her. "You'll know when it's time."

She felt bad at the answer he gave her and her mind kept telling her she's being too inquisitive... and bitchy.

You need to pull yourself together Amira!

"Ah." He urged her to open her mouth.

She shook her head, pushing the spoon back to his lips. "I'm full."


"I'm okay, honestly, let me go to bed." She made to get up but he held her hand.

"Why? You said we're gonna watch a movie remember?"

"Next time, I'm feeling sleepy." She got up while he followed her with confused eyes.

"Amira what's wrong?"

She stopped by the door, biting on her lip. "Nothing, I'm just feeling sleepy that's all."

"I honestly don't seem to understand you these past few days, if there's something bothering you you might just tell me about it."

She shook her head and faced him. "I'm really alright. Good night." And she quickly left before he stops her again.

What in crap's name is the meaning of this?

* * *

Ali shut the trunk of the car after putting his bag and checked the time on his phone.


He sighed and went back in, she has to be up.

Well even if she isn't he'll wake her up.

Stealthily, he made his way to her room. He opened the living room's door slowly and stepped in, he could pick up her voice reciting from her room and he stopped.

Whoa, so Amira recites? Thought she said she didn't.

He continued slowly and upon reaching the bedroom's door, found her sitting on the other side of her bed, backed to him and reciting the Qur'an under the table lamp's light which was the only one illuminating the room.

Her voice was slow and silvery as she tunefully recited Sūrat Ãl-Imrān. She gave every letter it's due right and her soft voice seeped into the calmness of the morning, giving her room a heavenly feel and her, an angelic persona. He reclined against the door jamb, not wanting to interrupt such symphony. He wished he could watch her face as she recited but knew announcing his presence was declaring this pleasure over.

He knew she had a beautiful voice and she sang excellently but never thought she's this good in Qur'anic recitation. Amira is a gem, his gem.


He didn't know when his lips smiled and realising so made him broaden the smile. He loves this girl, and he wouldn't have wanted anything else.

If only he could live forever with her, just that forever ain't promised.

He didn't know what was happening to them, Amira's keeping a distance, a distance he gave but didn't like. He hates every second he doesn't spend with her. He wants every moment to be with her because he's slowly going, he feels it, he believes it.

His mind returned to her voice as she ended her recitation. She closed the Qur'an and kept it on the nightstand then raised her hands in prayer which she did for about three minutes before finalizing it.

"Masha Allah tabarakallah, that's a wonderful qira'a."

Amira's eyes had already whipped to the door from his first word.

"Amin to all your beautiful prayers and I must say, you have a very beautiful voice." He smiled as he proceeded to where she was, her eyes following his every move like not wanting to believe he had been there all along.

Thank God I didn't say my prayers aloud.

"Good morning, princess." He sat down besides her, leaving a reasonable space between them.

"What're you doing here?" She asked instead and immediately hated how rude she sounded.

"I have every right to come into my wife's room, whenever I want to, actually."

Now that irritated her. "What's your problem Ali?"

"Our problem, you mean."

Amira sneered before looking away, rolling her eyes. "Now can you leave? I wanna have some sleep."

"I came here for something, Amira."

"Which is?"

"I'm going somewhere, and I wanna take you with me."



"And why should I go with you?"

"Don't you trust me, Amira?"

"Stop bringing the issue of trust in our discussions."

"Why?" He asked sharply.

"Because it doesn't exist between us."

"It does, Amira."

She reduced her eyes to slits. "I'm going nowhere with you."

"I want a reason, a good one."

"Because I own my life and I said so." She took off her hijab and threw it on the bed before laying down.

"Amira why are you doing this?"

She didn't reply him.

"Will you give me an answer Amira." He said rigidly and she glanced at him for some seconds before sitting up.

"I don't owe you an explanation Ali."

"You do."

"Then you owe me one also."


She huffed and rolled her eyes. "I don't owe you an explanation."

"You see this is the problem Amira, you do things and you just expect me to understand why you do them... I don't read minds for fuck's sake."

"And what about you? You never talk about your problems and just always want to be left alone to yourself, how then do you expect me to voice my own feelings to you?"

Ali turned away from her, gnashing his teeth. Bullshit!

"So now who's with the problem Ali?"

Ali sighed and scratched the side of his eye with his thumb. "We're travelling, I'll pack your bag." And he went on his feet.

"Where?" She called after him but he ignored her question.

"Ali or whatsoever you call yourself I'm going nowhere with you! Don't you touch my things..." And she rambled on and on as she followed after him to her closet.

Ali tried to block out her rants but found it pretty difficult, she was difficult.

When she put her hand again to collect the cloth he picked from him, he held her arm and in a second, pinned her to one of the various closet doors.

Her words immediately ran out as she stood nose to nose with him, inhaling his breath and eyes fixed in his which were commanding on their own.

She wasn't the roaring lion again but was neither a cowering rat. She's just silenced, silenced by his sovereign aura.

"You're travelling with me, Amira." He said hushedly, his words colliding with her lips.


'Shh." He shushed on her lips and for a moment she thought he's gonna kiss her, but he didn't.

"Amira come with me."


"Wherever I'd take you to, won't you come with me, Amira?" The emotions in his eyes as he asked that question held a lot of words, words far beyond what he let out.


"I'll protect you Amira, with my life if I have to."

She didn't feel good about this, not one bit.

"Are we going together?" She asked softly.

"And staying together."

"What's this travel about?"

"Can I not tell you?"

"I don't like the way you're making me feel." Her eyes glistened with tears.

"I won't hurt you Amira, not willingly."

The assurance in his eyes and words let out an okay from her without her mind knowing. Gosh what did I just do?

She knew she always felt safe with Ali but something about the way she woke up and what he's talking about just didn't sit well with her. Ya Qayyum protect us.

"Go get dressed, I'll finish this."

She's a bit reluctant but still agreed.

"Where do you want me to get dressed?"

"I don't mind but if you do, you can go to your bedroom."

Amira rolled her eyes and took a cream belted A-line gown and went to her bedroom.

He smiled. Pixie.

* * *

"You recite very beautifully Princess." Ali's voice hummed through her train of thoughts.

She whipped her eyes and attention to him. "Hmm?"

He stretched his right hand to hold hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You have a beautiful voice."

Amira turned her gaze to the road running beneath them. "Oh."

"How far are you in the Qur'an?"




"Are you going farther?"


He glanced at her. "And if I may ask, why?"

"That's all I intend to have."

"Why?" He probed.

"I can't have all of it, I won't be able to keep it."

"You can."

"I don't want to." She looked at him. "Ten is all I wish to have."

"We'll talk about this when you're in a better mood." He let go of her hand and focused on the road.

"Where are we heading to?"

"Somewhere." He said in a dismissive tone.

Amira rolled her eyes and slouched back into her seat, groaning internally at the safety belt that's hindering her comfort. Did she mention that Ali never allows her in a car without the belt on? The annoying thing is he never wears it himself.

She put her hand to unhook it,

"Don't even think of it."

With a loud frustrated sigh, she slouched more into her seat.

* * *

"Okay, what's the meaning of this?" Amira asked with a scowl.

"We've arrived, partly." He drummed his fingers on the wheel as he waited for the security man to open up the gate.

"So we were coming here?"

"Don't you like it?" He turned to her with knitted brows.

She sneered. "Honestly? Guys take girls on vacations out of the country or perhaps in some exotic place but nah, my husband is bringing me to my elder sister's."

"And who told you we're here on vacation? Wait you thought we're going on a vacation?"

"So what's it? You got me a whole trolley of clothes, we're definitely not only visiting. Or perhaps you're dumping me here and going on your own holiday."

"You always think negatively." Ali wheeled the car in while Amira shook her head.


They both alighted the car after he parked under the avocado tree and she waited for him to meet up with her before they proceed.

A squeal sent both their eyes to the front door and came Na'eemah, bolting to them with her hands spread out and dressed only in a bum short and tee.

Ali immediately averted his gaze while she jumped on her sister in an all-encompassing hug.

"Gosh I missed you so much." She gushed, swinging them to and fro.

"Nimah I believe you can do with something more concealing." Amira slowly pulled herself out of the hug.

"I'm at home." She whined.

"Go and change." Amira deadpanned while Na'eemah turned around, grumbling under her breath.

"Sorry about that." She apologised to Ali who only nodded.

"Let's go." He offered and they went on.

The house was pretty lively as it's during the weekend, Ali stopped at the living room while Amira continued to the kitchen where Nabeelah was, cooking with the house help. The kids all did their hugs and welcomes

"Ya hanya?" Nabeelah asked as Amira settled down with a glass of water.

"Alhamdulillah." She replied, not feeling the least easy about their coming there.

"Ali fah?"

"So you knew we're coming here." She gave her sister a disappointed look.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Living room."

"Mumcy came back from Lagos yesterday. We're going to her place after this."

"Hmm, he knows?" She asked uninterestedly.

"Why don't you inform him?"

Amira blew out a breath and stood up from the stool she's seated, heading for the door.

"C'mon, bubble up. Get him something to drink too."

She hardly suppressed a sigh and went to the fridge for a glass of whatever she could find.

* * *

They had just finished eating and clearing the table at Hajiya Salmah's, the kids all went out to play and the adults were still loitering around.

Ali salaamed and came into the living room. He'd left earlier with Hammad to God knows where.

He greeted and was about calling his wife out when Hajiya Salmah asked,

"Yaushe tafiyan naku? (When is your trip?)"

Amira moved her eyes from her mother to husband, clueless of what she's saying. Ali on the other hand stared at his wife, he's just about to talk to her about this in a more matured way.

"Tomorrow." He answered, planting more curiosity in Amira's heart.

"Where are you going to?" She asked, not wanting to put a 'we'.

"We are going to Jos." He answered calmly. Too calmly for Amira's liking.

Wait, "Where?" She asked again, not wanting to believe her ears.

"Jos, we're going together."

"You're mistaken." She stood up from her seat, putting back her earplugs.


"Did we ever talk about going anywhere?"

"We are, now."

"Piss off Ali." She refrained herself from hissing and moved ahead.

"Amina." Her mum called sternly and she groaned internally.


"What's the meaning of this?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"


"I'm going nowhere. No fucking where so keep me out of this."

"Will you stop talking to your mother like that." Ali rebuked.

"Piss off." She eyed him and moved ahead but he held her hand and dragged her out of the living room.

"Don't irritate me Ali!" She fumed and plucked herself out of his grip.

"Look I'm sorry,"

"Don't even start with that."

"We are going to Jos."

"I'm not!"

"I'm not asking_"

"Neither am I pleading!"

Ali stared at her for lazy seconds then exhaled. "I really wanted us to have this discussion in a more civilised way."

"Civilised or not, there's no bloody way I'm going to Jos!"


Her mouth hung open as she reviewed him. "You don't have to know."

"Then we go."

"I'm going nowhere Ali, chapter closed." She went back in and headed straight for the stairs.

"Amira." Her mother called and she groaned.


"Come back here."

"Look Mumcy_"

"I said come here!"

Amira rolled her eyes and went to the dining area.

"Wai me ke damunki ne? (What's your problem?) Is this what you've turned into?"

"I'm an adult Mumcy and you all can't go about making decisions for me without my consent. I have a say in my life!"

"And we don't?"

"I own my life Mummy and I live it."

"And as your mother_"

"Sorry to cut you off Mumcy but no, I'm not going to Jos. Even if he's dead or dying I'm not going."

"Amira what rubbish are you saying?" Nabeelah rebuked.

"I mean it Sis_"

"Dan uwarki you'll tell me today if I gave birth to you or the other way round, just take a look at your useless self. If not that your marriage was arranged do you think that any man would marry you without knowing your roots? What sort of a legitimate child will keep a grudge on her own father for years?"

"He's not my father." She said in a tight voice, trying hard not to let the waterworks begin. She loathed anytime her mother made her feel useless. She just hated it and will always hate it.

"Idan ke shegiya ce to ki sani ni ban haifi shegiya ba. (If you're misbegotten then bear in mind that I never birthed such.)"

Ali quickly headed to the table noticing that the arguement was about to go south.

"I don't care." She croaked, the tears flowing out. "All I know is that that man is not my father,"

"Amira," Ali pulled her arm, wanting her to keep quiet but seems she wasn't about to do that.

"Stay out of this." She warned with a teary face then turned to her mother. "The worst you can do is curse and throw me out and I prefer you do that a hundred times to having to go to that place."

They all went speechless, shocked by her declaration.

Hajiya Salmah contorted her face and spat in disdain. "You took after your father, completely, and that's why I don't blame you but rather pity you. I hope you know the type of life he's living so be very careful. Better him, he's a man, but you're a woman and married. Gwamma ki bi a hankali. (You be careful.)"

Amira bit her lips as the tears rushed out even more, her chest squeezing painfully from immense pain and anger. She shut her eyes and took in deep breaths first because if she'd open her mouth immediately, hell will definitely break lose.

"You know what?" She smiled through tears.

"Amira let's go." Ali pulled at her arm but she wouldn't move. He knew his wife pretty well and Amira wasn't leaving until she said her mind.

"Perhaps you're right, I do take after him and I'm not to blame for that but you know who's to be blamed?"

Ali pulled her again. "Enough Ami_"

"It's you." She said, peering straight at her mother.

"Amira stop." Ali begged silently.

"You're to blame Mumcy cos if you hadn't gotten married to a man you barely knew and for whatsoever reason it was then I wouldn't have had to deal with the fact that he's my father or perhaps wouldn't have even been born! Then I wouldn't have had to hate myself every single day for being who I am! Sometimes I just wish I was never even conceived, never existed but what can I do? Why did you even give birth to me Mumcy why?!" She broke down in tears and Ali gave her a supporting hand.

He felt her pain, even though he didn't know what or why they're having that sort of discussion. All he knew was his wife definitely isn't on a good page with her father and despised the mere thought of home.

Hajiya Salmah stood up from her seat and rounded the table to where the couple were.

"Ma'am I apologise on her behalf, I'll talk to her I promise."

Hajiya Salmah didn't look at him and kept her eyes on her daughter who had wiped her face but was still snivelling.

"I sincerely do regret getting married to your father but I don't regret having any of my children." She paused before adding. "Don't make me start with you."

Amira turned her eyes to her mother's and saw the seriousness in them. They kept locked gazes for some seconds before Amira turned away, biting on her lip. That her mother's words didn't even ruffle her made her know how much she didn't even care.


Hajiya Salmah went up the stairs for her room leaving only Nabeelah, Amira and Ali.

"You should follow her and apologise." Nabeelah said.

"Tell me to do something you know I would." She grunted.

"Amira that was disrespectful." Ali stood before her.

"Was this your idea?" She sought, the tears itching again.

"And if it was?"

"Then I'm not going,"

"We're going together_"

"Ali please," She joined her palms together, the waterworks resuming. "I beg you,"

"Please stop this." He said.

"I don't want to go there please." She reduced to tears again, slipping to the floor.

Ali followed her down and cupped her face. "Look I'm sorry but _"

"But what?!" She hit his hands away. "Ali I can't go to Jos please understand."

"Explain why and make me understand."

"You mustn't know! I don't want to go and I won't! So go there if you want to but count me out." She sprang up to her feet and ran up the stairs.

"This isn't going well." Nabeelah mused.

Ali sighed and stood up also. Amira shouldn't make him snap for the love of God.

"Maybe you should try calming her down and talk to her."

"Amira only calms down when she feels like it."

"Well, you're her husband..." She trailed off as they heard footsteps running down the stairs.

They both turned around only to meet her in a hijab, heading for the door.

"And where are you heading to?" He asked which she ignored.

"Amira don't you step out of this house!" He thundered and she stopped, just by the door.

"Are you giving me an answer or no?"

"No!" She countered, squaring him.

Ali left the dining space and walked up to her. "Then head back up."

"And who are you to tell me that?"

"Amira don't irk me." He warned.

"Bugger off Ali, I'm going back home!" And she turned on her heels.

"And I told you not to step foot out of this house." He ordered and she stopped in opening the door.

"Now listen and listen carefully," He stepped closer to her and she turned around. "It seems you're forgetting but I'm your husband Amira, not your wife. Now I'd really love it if you'd respect yourself and get your ass back upstairs before you make me lose it."

She stared into his icy eyes for long seconds but her morals won't just let her defy him. In moments like this does she really hate being under someone.

She refrained herself from hissing and rolled her eyes, headed back for the stairs.

Ali huffed and closed his eyes. Perhaps they'd need some rough handling.

* * *

He salaamed and walked into the room to find her lying on the bed, her phone on her pillow as she cried to whoever it was on the line.

"But it's not fair! At least he should've told me about it before we left home." She turned to see who came in and went back to her call.

"Would you have agreed to go with him if he did?" A male voice asked and Ali rightly guessed who it was.

"Of course not! We're talking Jos here Yusuf!"

"Mila it's honestly high time you go back, Ya Ali's doing the right thing."

"Gosh forget I called you."

"Please Mila, try and cooperate, you have him there with you so just calm down."

"I can't, I don't want to." She wiped her tears.


"Good night Yusi." And she waited till he replied before she ended the call.

She put on her earplugs, pulled the blanket over her shoulder and closed her eyes, ignoring her husband who's still by the door.

He sighed and took off his shoes, stared at the bed first before moving towards it. That was the first time they were sharing a room and it was pretty awkward. Very.

"Amira." He called and she ignored him. He sat on the bed and tapped her.


"I want to talk to you."

She sat up, plugged the earpiece out of her ears. "You know, it's very uncomfortable having to spend the night with you alone and on the same bed so can you just... stay in your space and leave me alone?"

"Well we're a couple and we're bound to start sharing a room at some point." He shot back, not wanting to let her know he wasn't comfortable either.

Amira raised a shocked brow at him, her jaws hanging. "Come again?"

"I wanted _"

"Oh please," She waved at him to stop. "Don't even try anything funny with me alright? Lie down and go to sleep, pretend I'm not even here."

"Look I don't like where your mind is drifting to but do you think I need to beg you if I wanna sleep with you?"

"Oh, so you're gonna rape me?!"

"You're my wife."

"And raping your wife is halaal?!"

Ali held his head and grunted. "Look this wasn't even what I wanted talking to you about."

"Well right now you've made this situation more awkward. I'm getting out of here." She climbed down from the bed and he held her hand before she walked away.

"Stop this childishness."

"No you stop this arrogance." She plucked herself away from him.

"I hate it when you get this mad."

"Well it's all your fault! All of you!"

"Can you keep your voice low? It's late."

"To hell with it. Wait why did you even bring this Plateau talk now why?"

"And I want to know why you don't want to go to your own father's house, it doesn't make any sense. I can't believe you even lied to me that he was dead."

"Because he is dead, he's dead to me. For a very long time now." A tear dribbled its way down her cheeks.

He drew closer to wipe it away but she did so herself.

"Let's talk about this, please. Like adults."

"Just trust me, you won't want to go to Jos. You won't like it there, not the least."


"Must I tell you why?! Just believe me!"

"No, I need reasons. Concrete valid reasons."

"You just said that you hate seeing me mad but I'm always mad in Jos Ali. I'm always mad and angry at everything and everyone, I always feel like killing everyone so please,"

There's a frail knock on the door and they both looked at it.

"Sugar," Anwar's little voice called.

Amira wiped her face and sniffed before getting the door for him. Nabeelah had left all the kids at their grandma's to spend the weekend.

Amira hoisted him up with his little teddy bear in his arms.

"Why aren't you asleep sugar?"

"I want to sleep with you." He said with a pout and Amira smiled, pinched his nose.

"But you won't disturb Sugar and Uncle okay?"

He nodded his head eagerly and she closed the door, went to bed.

Ali sealed his eyes and sucked in a long breath. "You do know that our flight is scheduled for tomorrow right?"

"I'm going nowhere tomorrow." She answered, patting Anwar to sleep.

He turned to give her a better look. "We'll go first, Nabeelah said she'll try to make it in a later date."

"You guys really planned this right?"

"You can't keep staying away from your roots Amira."

Amira sat up. "I'm doing this for both of us. 'My roots' isn't a place you'd want to go Ali, you know nothing."

"Then tell me something." He begged, desperate.

They stared fixedly at each other for long moments before Amira adjusted her pillow and laid down. "Good night."

* * *

Chill guys, I really had a hard time writing this chapter. But alhamdulillahi here it is, all done 🙃

So what do you guys think? Amira's realizing her feelings for him, that's a good thing isn't it?

And just who is this Zainab? 🤔

And this Jos trip, I believe there'd be lots of drama, first and foremost, she's a sister to someone 'he wants nothing to do with'. 😅 how I wish I could see his reaction when he learns about that, it'd be priceless😜

Let's let our imaginations run wild as we anticipate the next chapter, love y'all 🥰

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