corpse husband oneshots

By fxckmikey

113K 1.5K 1K

oneshots of corpse husband requests always welcome :) More

among us
thin walls
jealous corpse
book store
another among us

lazy day

7.4K 116 4
By fxckmikey

~ ~ ~


an argument turns into a lazy day with corpse

~ ~ ~

My head was buried in the pillow as I lay in bed, not wanting to move or do anything really.

I had slept for hours and somehow still felt exhausted. I was tired, worn-out and I didn't want to have to do anything today.

It has been a really rough week, and I hadn't talked to my boyfriend Corpse in two days now after we had argued, which only added to my stress.

He was angry I wasn't spending much time with him lately, but I had a really important deadline on a proposal to meet for work and had barely had time to sleep in the past week.

I didn't mean to make him feel ignored, but this was critical for my career and doing well with it could push me forward leaps and bounds, put me in a place well ahead of others my age.

If only he saw it that way.

On top of everything, I was just upset I didn't have Corpse here. When I had submitted my proposal last night I had been so immensely proud of myself and the only thing I had wanted to do was call him and tell him, but I couldn't.

A beep on the other side of my room distracted me from my wallowing.

I briefly glanced over to see my phone light up, various notifications filling the screen, but I was far too tired to reach for it and look at them.

I just wanted to lie in this bed and not move ever again. My eyes slowly closed as I drifted off back to sleep, eager for the darkness to consume me.

When I awoke I realised some time must have passed, I had fallen back asleep early morning and the sky outside my window showed to be around later afternoon.

Sitting up with a groan, I rubbed the tiredness out my eyes as I lazily pushed my hand out to pick up my phone.


Wow... I had slept for a long time.

I scrolled my notifications to find I had a bunch of new unread texts from Corpse throughout the day.


Hey, I'm sorry for what
happened. Your career is
important to you and I
should support that.

I guess from your no reply
your still mad at me.

I'm really sorry Y/N.

Please just answer me, I
really wanna talk

Everyone said they haven't
heard from you today, is
everything okay?

I'm getting really worried

I'm coming over.

As if on cue, an urgent knock sounded at the front door of my apartment.

I stumbled out of bed tiredly, making my way to the door. Unlocking it I found my boyfriend standing there looking extremely worried.

"You're okay." He sighed in relief, moving as if he wanted to hug me but deciding against it last minute.

"Yeah.." I stopped speaking to clear my throat when I heard how groggy my voice sounded.

I slowly moved back away from the door and headed for the kitchen to get water as Corpse let himself in and closed it behind him. I pulled myself up to sit on the counter.

Taking a small sip of the water, I glanced over at him as he leaned against the counter opposite me.

"I'm sorry to have worried you." I apologised, guilt swirling in my chest. I hadn't mean to ignore his messages, I had just been exhausted and slept.

"I'm just happy you're okay. I didn't like the thought of something going wrong and you didn't talk to anyone.. Everyone I asked said they hadn't heard from you today." He said as he played with the rings on his fingers, not really making eye contact with me.

"I'm really sorry. I was just so tired after everything and I just wanted to get some sleep." I admitted, sitting the water down on the counter next to me.

Corpse was silent for a minute before sighing loudly. "You work too hard, you need to take better care of yourself. I need to take better care of you."

I was silent, not knowing how to respond to his words.

"Did you finish your proposal?" he asked after the silence stretched a little too long.

"I did."

"And? How do you feel about it?" He was looking straight at me now. I knew he wasn't asking for the sake of it, he knew it was important to me and he genuinely wanted to know.

"Nervous, I worked really hard..." I trailed off as I stared at the man that I love, thankful he was here after everything. "I'm sorry I didn't spend time with you. I should've at least heard you out when you brought it up, not get angry. We should've talked about it."

"We should have." he agreed, slowly nodding his head. "I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding about it. Next time we talk it over."

I nodded slowly, agreeing with him.

Corpse stared at me from across the room, his stare causing me cheeks to burn as I shifted uncomfortable.

"We're good now right?" He asked. I nodded in reply, happy this fight was finally over.

"Thank god." Corpse grinned, crossing the distance between us in a second and moving his mouth to meet mine.

My hands immediately move to his shoulders to steady myself on the counter as our lips molded together. I had missed this.

Corpses hands moved to grab my waist and pull me closer, kissing me as if I was the air he needed to breathe.

He pulled back with a slow, lazy smile. "I missed that."

"Me too." I breathed out shakily, my cheeks on fire after what had just happened. Corpse's hands remained on my waist, holding me tightly as he stared at me.

"You seem tired." He murmured softly, his forehead nudging against mine as he sighed. "Come on."

Corpses hands on my waist lifted me and pulled me off the counter, setting me on my feet gently. He grabbed my hand and lead me out of my kitchen to the couch.

Sitting me down, I watched in confusion as my boyfriend disappeared down the hall. What was he doing?

He reappeared with some blankets in his arms, coming to the couch to set them down.

"We're having a lazy day." He proclaimed as he draped a blanket over my legs that felt very bare in the pyjama shorts I was wearing.

I ended up on the couch next to Corpse, his arm around me and my head on his chest. My legs were tangled with his and all the blankets had been placed on top of us both to keep us warm.

I lazily hummed in agreement at whatever movie Corpse had chosen, not really caring what it was as long as he was here.

Happy with his choice, he leaned back and pulled my further into him, his arm tightening around me as he leaned down to leave a soft kiss on my forehead.

I sighed happily in content, snuggling into him as the movie started.

We stayed like that for hours, Corpse occasionally changing the movies as I sat cuddled with him, not really paying attention.

My eyes were slowly drifting close as some old movie played on the screen, Corpse seemingly focused on it as I moved my head to get comfortable.

I felt a soft kiss on my forehead as the world faded away.

"Goodnight baby."

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