Joining The Navy seal

By Xx_Mia_W_xX

22.1K 524 27

my grandfather was in the navy seal my dad was and died in the navy seal my big brother is in the navy seal ... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
-Chapter 8-
Chapter 9
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-

-Chapter 15-

761 26 0
By Xx_Mia_W_xX

before we start the chapter I wanted to say thank you so much to each one of you, my readers, the story already has more than 1000 reads! also thank you so much for all the votes I'm happy you are enjoying reading my story(: 


It's been a few hours since we got back and now I'm in a hidden spot I found in here that I don't think anyone knows of. after we got back and Jaxon told me Owen is okay and will wake up soon I went here, I needed a little quiet to calm down. that man was so disgusting and I hate that I did what I did but I had too and even Samuel didn't die he was just unconscious

ugh, I need a shower.

I got up and walked to our room hoping no one will be there and lucky for me no one was. I wasn't that lucky when I got out of the shower and saw Jaxon standing in the middle of the room

"Hey what's up?" I said as I continue walking to my little bag looking for my gums

"Owen asked me to tell you that he wants to talk to you, I don't know about what but he was worried, he wanted to come looking for you but the doctors are doing routine checkups to make sure he is okay," Jaxon said and I nodded and followed him

"Are you in trouble?" he asked me when we were on our way there and I chuckled

"no, at least I don't think so" I answered, and before he could ask me more questions we were there

"Hey Skyler, thank you Jaxon you can go now," Owen said and Jaxon nodded and left

"What happened after I blacked out?" Owen asked as soon as Jaxon was out the door with concern in his voice

"don't worry Owen I just got closed to him and distracted him a little then I took the remote so he won't be able to activate the bomb and after that, I pressed on a specific point on his neck which made him faint" I finished explaining in a more subtle version what happened. Owen looked at me like he wants to question me more but decide against it apparently

"first of all thank you, the situation would have gotten... messy, and you prevent it. I just wish you would have chosen a different way to do it" he said

" It was the fastest and safest way but I know it wasn't a good solution I won't do it again unless someone lives will depend on it," I said to Owen and he nodded

"are you okay?" he asked me

"yes I am but please don't tell about it to anyone," I said, I don't need them stressing over it especially my brother

"I need to write a report about each mission so I will have to write it there," he said looking at my reaction

"of course do what you need to do I didn't mean that just please don't tell the team," I asked and he nodded

"it's your choice and I respect that," he said

"thank you, Owen," I said and he smiled a little

"How are you?" I asked because he did get knocked out

"I feel normal a little headache but that's to be expected," he said and nodded

"Great, okay I will go now so you could rest. be well Owen" I said with a smile and walked out

It has been two days but we didn't go out on missions, we are waiting for Scar to make a move he's been quiet and I think something is up but they told us to wait a couple of days so we did I got to talk with my family which made me so happy, I got to know the team better and we talked a lot Nate was with us a little too but he was busy most of the time and I also didn't see Matthew in those days which I was grateful for, I can't bring myself to forgive him, at least not now.

"Morning guys," I said as I got out of the shower

"morning," they said back

"Someone wants to go train with me?" I asked all of them

"yeah I will come but give me ten minutes," Jaxon said and I nodded

"seriously how do you have so much energy? you are every morning in the gym" Luke said looking at me questionably and I shrugged

"I just do," I said smiling

"well I just don't get that, can you borrow some of your energy to me?" Luke said and I laughed

"you are a lost cause," Lanny said to him and Luke threw a pillow at him and Lanny threw it back, Luke wanted to throw it again but I took it

"really guys?" I said raising my eyebrow and they just shrugged

at that moment Jaxon got out of the shower

"I just need to wear shoes and we can go," Jaxon said and I nodded

at that moment we heard a knock on the door, Lanny was the closest to the door so he went and opened it

"King?" Lanny said in a questioning tone. Matthew, what is he doing here?

"Hey Lanny I need to speak to Skyler is she here?" Matthew asked, Oh god why does he need me?

Lanny looked at me in a questioning tone and I nodded, I won't act like a little girl. I walked to the door 

"what's up?" I asked in a cold tone he had an emotionless expression 

"I need to speak to you. alone" Matthew said and I shook my head

"I can't right now, I'm going to work out with Jaxon," I said and he looked mad

"I know what happened last mission" he whispered. shit

"Jaxon can I-" I started but he cut me

"sure its all good go," Jaxon said and I nodded

"thanks and sorry," I said giving him a smile and going out the door

"follow me," Matthew said and I nodded 

he led me to a bench far from everything and we sat down

"are you okay?" Matthew asked after we sat down

"that's none of your concern" I replied in a cold tone and he remained expressionless

"I know you good enough to know there is a reason as to why you didn't just kill him because you could if you wanted so what is the reason?" he asked. how dare he?

"you think you can just suddenly appear in my life and we can go back to how we were? you don't know me anymore, I have changed and it's none of your business what happened or if I'm okay, are we done here?" I said. I was so angry how could he sit there and question me? I started to get up but what he said next stopped me

"was it because of your dad?" he asked. I froze

"don't go there" I said with my tone betraying me and sounds a little hurting

"it can be hundred years but it won't stop me from knowing you, you have that cold exterior but the way you work, how you think that didn't change. you knew that if you would have killed that man Scar would have killed Adam and you didn't want that little girl you saved to be without a father, because you know how hard that is" he said and I looked down, I could look at him right now because then he will he is right

"I know you learned to hide your feelings and just ignore them but you can't do that here, no matter how strong you are and you are strong but you can't keep all the feelings to yourself it will break you. so I'm gonna ask again, are you okay?" he asked and I raised my head looking into his beautiful blue eyes, I saw in them familiarity, as he went through this himself and in a weak moment that I will probably regret later, 

I hugged him

for a moment he froze but quickly snapped out of it and wrapped his arms around me and I felt at peace, after a lot of years of worrying and keeping myself busy just so I won't begin to overthink I felt at peace,

one hug from him and I felt happy truly happy, and that scared me because except for my father death 

He was the one who hurt me the most

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