Phoenix Drop High: Ashter's S...

By IcicleKun

7.9K 217 73

"Even amazing stories have a backstory to them." Says a voice as Ashter thinks about his new life, his friend... More

Chapter 1: Ashter's High School Year
Chapter 2: Inner Strength
Chapter 3: Ivy's new enemy.
Chapter 4: A LONG day.
Chapter 5: Ears and Tail?
Chapter 6: Part of the pack now.
Chapter 7: Shadow Knight Scandal
Chapter 8: Jogging turns to a reunion. Pt. 1
Chapter 9: Dinner Night (JTTAU Pt. 2)
Chapter 10: Odd Dinner Night (JTTAR Pt 3)
Chapter 11: A Scandal ruined by magic.
Chapter 12: Recovering
Chapter 13: Calm her down
Chapter 14: A surprise change
Chapter 15: Magical Rivalry
Pre-1K Special!
Chapter 16: Surprise visit
1k Special!
Chapter 17: Rights of Alpha
Chapter 18: What did you do!?!
Chapter 19: What's wrong with my baby!?!
Chapter 20: Regaining Friendship
Chapter 21: Who's FC?
Chapter 22: Guard Dog
Chapter 23: Regaining Half Of Myself
Chapter 25: Ashter's Mental State
Chapter 26: Prom!?! (Prom Excitement! Pt 1)
Chapter 27: Auras (Prom Excitement! Pt 2)
Chapter 28: Special Effects? (Prom Excitement! Pt 3)
Chapter 29: Mythical Realm
Chapter 30: The 'A' Trio breakup... (Phoenix Drop High: Ashter's Story(FINALE))
Phoenix Drop High: Ashter's Story Evaluation!

Chapter 24: Boy to girl, girl to boy

177 6 3
By IcicleKun

"Hehehe... And did you see the look on his face when my mom chased him?" Aphmau says as Ashter holds back a laugh, remembering the look on Aaron's face.

"Hehehe, it was PRICELESS!" Ashter says as he shows a neatly detailed drawing of Aaron's face to Aphmau, as she starts laughing historically.

"Oh my, Irene! This is pure GOLD!" Aphmau excitedly says as Ashter puts away his sketchbook, walking with Aphmau as she wants to reach her locker.

"So, I heard you did well on your tests," Ashter says as Aphmau groans, not excited about what Ashter said.

"I did horrible, you don't have to salt in the wound there, Ash," Aphmau says as Ashter continues walking but his eyes widened as he says,

"But I'm telling the truth! You did amazing!" Ashter says as Aphmau just rolls her eyes, as they continued talking to one another as they stop in front of Aphmau's locker...

"So, have any tests still?" Ashter says as Aphmau rummages through the said locker.

"Nope... And thank Irene for that, it's been a stressful few days, okay?" Aphmau says as Ashter rolled his eyes, very much aware of that as he moves his figures in certain motions as a few books exchange themselves in and out of his locker.

"Wow, you HAVE to teach me how to do that someday!" Aphmau says as Ashter remembers how short she is, before smiling.

"Sure... I'll teach you someday," Ashter says as he smelt a scent of... Cologne? And a strong one at that... But that scent soon intertwined with Aphmau's scent as Ashter turns his head to see a blue-haired student say,

"Hey, baby..." Says the voice as Ashter then growls.

"Huh?" Says the student as he turns to meet Ashter, but upon doing so a hand slaps said student as he stumbles back, saying,

"Ouch!!!" He says as it's none other than Dante.

"You didn't have to hit me that hard, jeez!" Dante says as Asher was surprised to see Dante of all people... Wasn't he a few years above Ashter?

"Well, maybe next time you should think before you speak!" Aphmau says as Ashter smelt the scent of... The same Cologne? But cheaper? As Ashter sees Travis profusely apologizing to Aphmau about Dante's actions.

"Aphmau I am so very sorry!" Travis says as Aphmau then yells,

"Travis!?! Dante!?! What is going on!?!" Aphmau says as Dante turns to see Ashter, saying,

"Well, it isn't my fault that your new guard dog made me mess up!" Dante says as Travis apologized to Ashter about Dante's behavior.

"Oh my, Irene! Ashter he didn't mean to-"

"It's... Alright, Travis." Ashter says as he closes his eyes, and just as he did he hears another slap, assuming it's done, Ashter opens his eyes to hear Aphmau yell,

"Dante! Calling a Werewolf a dog isn't funny!" Aphmau says as Dante gets up,

"Okay okay! Look I'm sorry, but all in trying to do is help Travis pick up the babes!" Dante says as Ashter and Aphmau looked at one another, seemingly confused, before the two laughs in Dante's face.

"Oh...! My... Irene! Well, then whoever made those pick up lines is some real hotshot!" Ashter says as Aphmau giggles to herself,

"Those are some lame pick-up lines then, Dante," Aphmau says as Dante does the some sassiest pose ever, defending with,

"Well, at least it helped me get 4 girlfriends! Unlike the two of you!" Dante says as Ashter and Aphmau looked at one another before Aphmau then says,

"Well, they're horrible ways to talk to a girl! Especially one you barely see!" Aphmau yells as Travis does give a good point,

"Actually... Some of the things Dante says are pretty good." Travis says as he holds out a paper book, labeled,

'Ways to pick up the babes'


It says as Aphmau then says,

"Let me see that!" Aphmau says as Travis hands her the book, as Ashter and Aphmau both read the first page, before Aphmau holds the book in the air, as Ashter lights it on fire as it disappears completely.

"H-Hey! That was my only copy!" Dante says as Ashter says,

"Even I wouldn't use that advice! It's very... Rude!" Ashter says as Aphmau nods in agreement.

"Yeah! Even one of your kind agrees!" Aphmau says as she tilts her head to Ashter,

"No hard feelings?" She says as Ashter sighs before nodding, before Dante then proposes a challenge.

"Well, why not both of you run around in our shoes then!" Dante says as Travis buds in, reminding Dante,

"Uh... Dante, I don't think we should mess with a-"

"Oh, is this a challenge?" Aphmau says as Travis groans and Ashter face palms himself.

"Why yes, it is! And if you two can't get a girl's number by the end of the day, Ashter will attend me and Aphmau's date." Dante says as Ashter's eyes glow red, growling,

"What!?!" He yells as Dante nods,

"Yep. So, what do you say, chickens?" Dante says as Ashter steps forward, saying,

"I'll show you who's chicken-"

"Deal," Aphmau says as Ashter turns to her, Aphmau wasn't phased at all... Before she walks up to the nearest person, coincidentally, it's Kawaii~Chan.

"What the... Hey! That's cheating!" Dante says as Aphmau walks back to the three.

"Hey! That was cheating!" Dante says as he clears his throat.

"Well, I got a girl's number so there!" Aphmau says as Ashter calmly claps his hands,

"Nice going Aph, you really-"

"But you too Aphmau have to be a boy as well," Dante says as Aphmau chuckles,

"Or what?" She says as Dante holds a Potion in his hand.

"Or else I'll use this Love Potion on you," Dante says as Ashter felt the aura around said Potion, it wasn't a Love Potion...

"He's bluffing! Can't you believe it, Ash?" Aphmau says as Ashter slowly turns his head to his friend,

"That's... Not a Love Potion..." Ashter says as Travis studders,

"D-D-Dante... Whatever you do, be careful with that Potion..." Travis says, somehow knowing what's going on.

"Oh c'mon! It's not like it's going to hurt anyone! Ooooohhhhh~ Look, I have a Potion!" Dante says as he wiggles the bottle containing the liquid... Ashter and Travis yell,

"Dante!" They said as it was already too late. The Potion falls out of his hands, landing on the ground as it bursts open, the liquid turning into a mist as it surrounds the four students, a small flash of light soon covers the four student's bodies as low and behold... A GenderSwap Potion.

"Oh no..." Ashter says as Aphmau... Aph? Starts yelling,

"Dante! What did you do!" Aphmau says in a very voice that sounds like a handsome young man, Ashter's sounding like a young teenage girl as Travis and Dante sounded around the same but the tones were different.

"Wait!?! Why are we... Oh no oh no oh no!" Dante says as he looks at himself, everyone had the opposite uniforms as well.

"Ashley? Right?" Aphmau... Says Ashter giggles, blushing a bit.

"Hehehe... I... I just thought it was a nice name..." Ashley says as Aphmau then points to Travis and Dante.

"You're... Dana... And Travis is... Trisa?" Aphmau says as Dana yells,

"Don't give us names! This isn't how this was meant to go!" Dana says as Ashley yells,

"Well maybe if you haven't dropped that Potion maybe we all would've been fine!" Ashley says as she flips her now ponytail as it hangs from behind her head.

"Well, then why not ou be Adrian?" Trisa suggests as Aph... Adrian agrees.

"Yeah... Maybe this will teach poor old Dana a lesson." Adrian says as she yells,

"W-Well you're still going to do that challenge!" Dana says as Adrian groans at the demand.

"Fine~!" He groans as he walks off, leaving Ashley and the two others there, as Dana groans.

"Ugh! I didn't want this!" She says as Trisa chuckles a bit.

"But... I can get used to this..." Trisa says as Dana cocks up an eyebrow at her as Ashley then says,

"First time?" She says as Dana looks at Ashley with a concerning look.

"You... Been a girl before?" She says as Ashter gives Dana a concerning look.

"Didn't Trisa say I study Magic?" Ashley says as Dana then groans.

"Great... Now I can't rub my win in your face that you're a girl." Dana says as Ashley's eyes glow red as she glares at Dana.

"What was that?" She says as Dana nervously reassures it that it's nothing.

"I-I mean! N-Nothing!" Dana says as Ashley steps back as her eyes stop glowing red.

"Hey, Ash!" Yells a familiar voice as Ashley turns to see Adrian rushing along to her.

"Um... A-Aph... I mean! Adrian!" Ashley says as Adrian huffs and puffs before saying,

"Can I have your number!?!" Adrian yells as Dana jumps in surprise.

"H-Hey! You can't get your friend's phone number!" Dana yells as Ashley writes it down.

"You didn't specify the rules~" Adrian mocks as Ashley happily gives her friend her number.

"Pleasures mine," Ashley says as Dana groans.

"Ugh! I can't believe this!" Dana says as Trisa calms Dana down.

"I-It's okay really!" Trisa says as Ashter is seen dropping a Potion on the four as they revert to their original genders, upon doing so Dante yells,

"Oh, sweet Irene! Man did I miss my body!" Dante says hugging himself as Travis says,

"It's only been half an hour..." Travis says as Aphmau does sigh,

"You know... Having those boxer things you guys wear wasn't half bad!" Aphmau says as Ashter blushed a tiny bit as Aphmau calls to her friend,

"C'mon! We have class!" Aphmau yells as Ashter jumps a bit, yelling,

"Coming!" He yells as Ashter notes down his encounter... A weird one, but an experience...

Note: Also, shout-out to gabbytull for the recent votes and support in my last fanfic as well as Kaiju178 for the same support! You two are amazing!

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