Longing For You

By briisk_333

57K 1.8K 5K

Cheryl; HBIC at Riverdale High, and Toni; one of the well known geeks at school. Cheryl has lots of girls run... More

Characters Pt 1
Characters Pt 2
Sleep Over
Get Out
Happy Birthday!!!
Let's Party!!
Having Fun
Say What Now?
Date Night
Just Friends
It's Official
A Night To Remember
Hits The Ceiling
Together Again?
"Fake Dating"
Messing With Me
Bye For Now
I Don't Remember
A Lot of Time
The Future
Is It Her?
The Silent One
Day One
Getting Shit Together
In Trouble
Home Sweet Home
Flash in the past
Calm after the storm
One last and final chance


1.4K 50 165
By briisk_333

June 18,2020

Cheryl's POV
I woke up to the sound of my family signing Happy Birthday to me. I groaned trying to shush them, but my Dad started singing louder. I sat up tiredly and said "Thanks guys, even though you woke me out of my good sleep". Paris came over to me and gave me a gift bag. I looked inside and pulled out two chains.

"Well damn, these look shiny as fuck" I told Paris holding up the chains in my hand. "Yeah I went to the store with Jason, so I chose the Chinese symbol and Jason chose the '17' one". Jason then left the room for a few minutes and came back with a box. "Open it, technically it was from Mom and Dad, but they said it's for both of us".

I nodded and placed the chains back in their boxes. I brought the big box into my lap and Jason stood next to me as I opened it. I saw a white box inside and took it out and Jason and I both gasped. "No fucking way" we both yelled excitedly.

I laid the new PS5 on my bed and got up, jumping up and down with Jason. "I'm younger than you both, but you still act like you're the youngest ones" Paris said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and Jason and I stuck our tongues at her.

We both then nearly jumped on top of our parents to give them a hug. Jason brought Paris into the group hug. "Thank you guys" I mumbled into my Dad's chest. Our parents chuckled and kissed our foreheads hugging us back.

They let go and I told them to wait since I had a gift for Jason. I brought the box out of my closet and handed it to my brother. He opened it and squealed loudly, which made me laugh. "How did you knoww" he asked me looking at his new drone. "You broke your other one, and you  kept begging Mom and Dad about getting a new one" I said with a shrug.

He brought me into a hug and I hugged him back. "Anything for my little twinny" I said which made him push me away. "Someone's mad they were born after me" I said with a smirk and he threw up the middle finger, making Mom and Dad glare at him.

"Well we gotta get to school, so everyone out so I can get ready" I spoke shooing everyone out my room. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it as I let out a deep sigh. I stayed there for a little bit, until I went to grab my phone. I got lots of text messages and notifications from Insta, friends wishing me happy birthday.

A wave of sadness came over me, realizing that the person who I wanted to text me the most didn't text me anything. I threw my phone on my bed and went to my closet, trying to distract myself by finding an outfit. After a while, I think I found a decent outfit and laid it on my bed. I went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth, then got changed into my outfit.

Cheryl's outfit

It's not the greatest outfit, but my mood went down a bit from not getting a text from my favorite person. I sighed and sat at my vanity to straighten my hair, since it looked a bit roughed up. After straightening my hair, I put on one of my new chains, collected all the stuff I needed for school and headed downstairs for breakfast.

I picked up a plate with food off the counter, and brought it into the dinning room. I sat down across from my brother and he was excitedly texting on his phone. "Who's got you all smiley" I asked him with a full mouth of eggs. "Your girlfriend" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, throwing up the middle finger. "Cheryl stop it" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen and I apologized, not really meaning it though.

After my brother and I were done eating, we placed our dishes in the sink for our Mom to wash. Usually we would do it ourselves, but on our birthdays, we get a pass on that and other chores. "Paris get a move on slow ass" Jason yelled up the stairs. I chuckled and headed towards my car, sitting in the driver's seat. I watched as Paris was hitting Jason, and Jason tried hitting her back.

I rolled the window down and yelled "If you both don't get in here in 10 seconds, I'm leaving both your asses!!". They stopped hitting each other and ran to get in the car. "Put y'all seat belts on" I spoke as I started to drive out the driveway. They buckled themselves up, and I drove quickly to get to school.

At School

It was now 4th period, and I feel like Toni has been ignoring me ever since this morning. I mean it was expected, but my birthday should at least be an exception. About a month ago, Toni had a pregnancy scare, before we even made it official. About a week ago, she had another pregnancy scare, which eventually her mom found out about and found out about the first one.

Toni's Mom had to tell Toni's Dad, and they said they don't approve of their daughter having sex right now at this age. It was understandable, but for some reason Toni has been ignoring me ever since. I tried texting her, but she kept leaving me on read, and she never answered my calls.

I plan on confronting her today after giving her a bit of space, especially since I want to spend my bday with her. I gathered my stuff as the bell rang, and left the classroom. As I was heading to the cafeteria, I heard people call for me. I stopped and turned around to see Archie, Jughead, Reggie, and my brother.

As they reached me, all except my brother squeezed me into a hug wishing me a happy birthday. You might be thinking why would I still be friends with Archie after he impregnated her? Well like I said, I've always knew Jazmine was horrible, but I always pushed it down. If Archie wants to mess with those type of girls, that's not my issues, because Jazmine is no longer my girl nor my responsibility.

"Look who's seventeen now" Jughead said ruffling my hair. I punched him in the stomach grumbling "This shit took me like half an hour dude". He chuckled and then Reggie threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked inside the cafeteria. I glanced towards the table Veronica and them sat and Toni looked away quickly. I sighed and nodded when Reggie asked if I was sitting with them.

As I sat down, the guys started questioning me. "What's up with you and Toni? Y'all haven't talked to each other for 2 weeks" Reggie asked. I drummed my fingers against the table and shrugged. "Don't really know, but I do hope to talk to her after school before she goes home". They nodded and looked at me as if they wanted to ask me more. As Archie was about to speak, some girls from the cheer-leading squad came to our table.

"Heyy Cheryl" one girl said as she looked me up and down with a smile. "Hey Katy, what's up" I said not looking at her. "Well I heard rumors that you and Toni broke up a week ago, so I decided to take my shot now. So what do you say" she asked as the other girls giggled behind her. I looked her up and down and made a stank face.

"I'm good, and just like you said, whatever you heard are rumors. Toni and I are still together and will forever be together. Now see ya!" I ended with a fake smile. She scoffed and walked away, the other girls walking behind her like lapdogs. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the boys who had fake pouts on their faces.

"Our girl Cheryl is finally in love. I know y'all heard that 'We'll forever be together'. How fucking adorable" Reggie said wiping a fake tear. I laughed and shoved him and they all started mocking me and we all burst into fits of laughter. After a while we calmed down and I felt eyes on me.

I turned around and saw Veronica looking at me with an eyebrow raised. She pointed her finger at me, then wavered me to come on over. I was confused, but told the boys I'd be right back. I got up and walked over to their table. "Hey guys" I said waving to them, and all of them waved except Toni of course.

I tried not showing any pain on my face and turned to Veronica asking her whats up. She pulled me down by my zipper and whispered in my ear. "Fucking talk to Toni right now or I'll brutally tase both of you in your sleep for being so damn stubborn" she growled. I backed away just to see Veronica evilly smiling at me and batting her eyelashes.

I cleared my throat and turned to Toni. "Toni, baby can I please talk with you in private. I just wanna know what I did wrong" I spoke looking for any reaction. She just looked up at me and said nothing which angered me a bit. I huffed and walked away back to the table with the boys.

After School

School was finally over, and it was the last day of school, which means I couldn't wait to get back home to get in some comfortable clothes and sleep. I really wasn't in the mood to go to my own birthday party later on at Reggie's house. Where's the fun if I can't spend my special day with my most special person.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Paris and Jason arguing with each other while getting inside the car. Usually I would shut them up, but that felt like too much work. They were bickering back and forth on the way home until Paris yelled "At least I have a significant other unlike you". I stopped the car immediately, making Jason and Paris groan as they hit their heads.

"That's why I say seat belts on, now Paris what the fuck did you just say" I asked as I turned to my sister. She looked down and played with her fingers. "Speak now, or I'll tell mother and father" I spoke with demand. "I have a significant other" she mumbled. "And who may that be" I asked her with a raised eyebrow. "Your girlfriends brother" she spoke with a sigh.

I choked and my eyes widened. "JUNIOR!!" both my brother and I yelled. Paris jumped and finally looked up nodding her head shyly. "I fucking knew it dudee" Jason squealed like a little girl. I turned to him and asked "How though".

He punched my arm slightly and said "You didn't see how Junior started coming over more than usual. And when he came over, it was just him and not the rest of the gang. And the smart ass bitch kept her room door closed. Y'all better have not done any nasty shit".

I looked back at Paris and she shook her head frantically. I smiled and then leaned back to give my sister a kiss on the forehead. "As long as you two don't anything nasty until like 11th grade. And room door open from now on. Look at you getting your first boyfriend thoughh" I said teasing her.

She laughed as I started tickling her, and then I stopped smiling at her. I then looked back at the road and put the car back in drive. I started driving again, being surprised at my little sis getting her first boyfriend.

Obviously Jason and I are gonna be over protective of her, but we both know Junior is a smart and nice kid, but we still gonna be protective. Looks like I have to have a serious talk with two Topazs now.

Hours later at Mantle Residence

It's been an hour since this party started, and I've had 6 cups already. I haven't seen any signs of a certain pink haired girl, but I'm still patiently waiting for her. I felt someone throw their arm over my shoulder. I looked and saw it was Reggie grinning with a cup of alcohol in his hand.

"Your girl will definitely come soon Blossom. Just trust me, but in the meanwhile, let's go have some fun it's your birthday for crying out loud" he whined out. I nodded and then another hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw that it was Veronica who looked out of breath.

"Cheryl come on, it's Toni she's outside" she panted out which made me worry. I removed Reggie's arm from around me and let Veronica lead me to Toni. She lead me outside into the backyard and I didn't see Toni. "Where the hell-" I got cut off from the sound of fireworks. Veronica pointed to the sky and I saw this:

I watched in awe at all those beautiful colors in the sky. As I was about to pull out my phone to take a pic, someone said "Veronica has it covered bae". I quickly spun around and saw my girlfriend looking like a whole different person. "You look...just wow" I said letting my eyes roam every inch of her body. And you look...let's just say sexy for right now" she said licking her lips.

Toni's outfit

Cheryl's outfit

"If you guys don't mind, I'll be stealing the bday girl for a little bit" Toni said as she took my hand and led me inside. We went down some stairs to the basement into the theater room, and it looked so cool with the led lights.

I sat down in one of the chairs and Toni straddled me immediately. "How you go from ignoring me to acting like you want to fuck me" I asked as I placed my hands on her waist. "Yeah about that...It's just that-. I don't even know how to tell you now" she mumbled playing with the collar of my shirt. "You can tell me, I promise I won't overreact or whatever" I said as I squeezed her hips softly.

She nodded and then take a deep breath. "So basically that last pregnancy scare wasn't a pregnancy scare. Turns out I was actually pregnant, and my Mom found out. I was going to tell you, but as soon as my Mom found out, she made me get an abortion. Please don't be mad, I really was gonna tell you, and I wanted to get your opinion on it, since it was your child too. I'm sorry Cheryl I rally am, but-".

I shut her up by pulling her down into a kiss. Her hands went into my hair and I rubbed my hands up and down her back as our lips moved against one another. I hummed into the kiss, feeling her nails slightly scratch the back of my neck. We stayed there kissing, until we had to catch our breath. "Better now" I asked and she nodded with a chuckle.

"Yeah, it's just this whole thing was stressing me out and I didn't know what to do. My mom also wanted me to stay away from you for a while to teach you a quote on quote lesson for getting me pregnant". I laid my head on her breasts and mumbled "I mean I do want you to have my kids, but not exactly right now, but maybe when we're older like out of college". She agreed and we stayed there in peace until she said she had some gifts for me.

I removed my head from her chest and looked at her. "Wowww what a shocker, after all this time you ignored me" I spoke sarcastically. "I could've just told Reggie to not have the party, and not ask him to help me plan this party that we're actually missing" she spoke while looking at her nails.

I slowly slid my hand from her stomach to her practically bare chest, feeling her shiver from my touch. I then gripped her neck which made her smile, meaning her freaky side was a bit out. "Who said you could dress like this though. You look sexy, but these are only mine Toni, we've talked about this" I growled tracing my fingers across her exposed breasts.

"They are yours daddy, and it's your special day, so I decided this should be one of your gifts" Toni spoke with an innocent look. I quickly spun her around in my lap, my hand still wrapped around her throat, and the other cupping her through her pants. I tilted her head back seeing her arch her back and I smirked saying "This is one of our favorites positions baby".

She looked at me with pure lust in her eyes, and I knew sometime later on we're definitely fucking. I leaned down and pecked her lips a few times, before biting it and pulling it slightly. As we started making out, fighting for dominance, I felt myself getting hard. I'm guessing Toni felt it and started rubbing her ass on my crotch.

I groaned and tightened my grip on her throat, until I heard a sound from being me. I then pulled away from the kiss and looked at the doorway. There stood Veronica recording us and I rolled my eyes. I went back to kissing Toni when someone gasped loudly. I huffed and turned around to see Kevin covering his mouth.

"Do y'all need something, cause Toni and I are kinda busy right now" I said with attitude. "Honry fuckers, they're ready to cut the cake, give the gifts, and do the body shots" Veronica spoke as she finally stopped recording. She looked at the video and said "Shiiitt y'all nasty as heck" and sent the video to my phone.

I looked at the video and smirked at how you practically only saw our silhouettes . I saved the video to my camera roll and lifted Toni up by her neck and pussy. I then turned her around in my arms, carrying her by her thighs.

We went back upstairs, and everyone started singing happy birthday as I entered. I smiled and walked over to the cake where my brother was also, as they continued singing. I let Toni down and held her hand tightly enjoying this moment right here. Right as they finished singing, I took the knife, Jason placing his hand over mine, and we both cut the cake down the middle.

"Hold on people, we doing body shots before the cake" Reggie yelled, and people yelled out yeahs. I looked at Toni to see her looking back at me. I took Toni's jacket off, picked her up and laid her on one of the empty tables. I took a random drink from Archie's hand and poured it from Toni's stomach and up. I took a lime from Reggie and stuck it in her mouth.

I climbed on top of her and pressed my tongue near the waistband of her pants, looking up at her. I went upwards, slurping up all of the liquor, making sure to slither my tongue to have more of an effect on her. There was no alcohol on her tits, but I still licked them either way, not losing eye contact. I crawled closer to her lips and took the piece of lime in my mouth.

I sucked the juice out of it and threw it somewhere. I smashed my lips against hers and we gave everyone a show as they cheered at us. I pulled away when I thought everyone got enough and looked at Toni who was smirking and moved her hands to my ass. I smiled and licked my lips, savoring the taste of the lime and alcohol.

"Whewww Toni and Cheryl the first ones, and I don't think anybody can beat that" Reggie said with excitement. I shook my head and got off the table, same as Toni. Kevin gave her back her jacket and she put it back on, while handing me a red solo cup. I smelled it and recognized the smell as Hennessy and cherry cola. I held the cup up to him and said "You know me so well Keller. Keep it up and our friendship will last foreverr".

Kevin nodded giving me a thumbs up with a smile and I wrapped my arm around Toni's neck. "I want cake" I pouted as I suddenly felt my stomach grumble. Toni rubbed my stomach and brought us over to where the cake was. She cut a slice as I sat on a chair, and she fed me as she sat in my lap. After I finished the cake, I saw people either eating cake, talking, doing body shots, or dancing.

I looked to the corner, and I saw my brother talking to Heather who was leaning against the wall which made me intrigued. I felt Toni run her nails across my exposed chest, which made me feel some type of way. "Ayy Mantle, when are we gonna do the gifts" I asked trying to speed this shit up.

"We can do it now if you want" he yelled over the music. I nodded giving him an okay and he went up to the DJ. "Attention people, I think Cheryl has something or should I say someone to do, so she wants to get the gifts done quickly right now". I chuckled while shaking my head, forgetting that Reggie knows me so well too.

Jason came over with Heather, and they sat next to Toni and I. Lots of people came and gave me gifts, especially my teammates from soccer, and Jason's friends from football, and the same for Jason. I was shocked by all these gifts, but some of these were definitely being used later on. I got handcuffs, ropes, condoms, alcohol, money, a gag, and more stuff. It was finally Toni's turn to give me gifts, and I awed at the meaning she put into them.

Long Distance Bracelets

LEGO piece heart

I hugged Toni and said "We'll set up the watches later" and she nodded. She whispered in my ear "I have more gifts, but they're somewhere else at the moment". I kissed her cheek and she grinned at me, making me look at her with pure adoration. Man, I really love this girl, and we've only been dating for like 1 month.

"Baby you ready to go" Toni asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked around and saw everyone enjoying themselves, and I shook my head saying "Let's stay for a bit longer, and have fun like the rest are".

She nodded and then I stood up, letting her down, and brought her into the middle of the room. I turned her around and she pressed her back against my front, moving to the beat of the music. Best.Birthday.Ever.

How y'all doingg?

What you guys think about the abortion?😅

Toni and Cheryl being really sexual lately?🤭

The birthday party and the fireworks Toni did?

Love you my people❤️, and see ya next time✌🏾

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