Illuminating the Dark Prince

By DaturaMoon

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"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on... More

Prologue- The Crimson Crowning (Pt. 1)
Prologue- Abyssal Abdication (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Mischance
Knight of Nightmares
Sleeping in Shadows
Tongue Tied
Kindling the Flames
Illusions of the Orb
Kissed by Darkness
Romance in the River
Deceiving the Demon
The Amethyst Forest
Redamancy for Darkness
Royal Realization
Lurking Lloigors
Rain on the Mountain
Strange Visitors
Remnants of Humanity
The Spark of a Soulbond
A Sense of Community
The Dungeon
Matrimony and Mayhem
Important Note On Plagiarism
The Beauty of Life
The Sunrise
The Man Around the House
True Beauty
The Calm Before the Storm
A Perilous Proposal
Secret Shenanigans and Summonings
The Heights of Hell
The Wingman
Edging and Erotic Enticements
Riding The Vovin
A Dance of Shadow and Flame
Back to the Abyss
Terror and Tragedy
A Gift from a God
The Winds of War
Rise of the Serpent
The Fall of Tenveriel
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.1)
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)
Dawn of an Illuminated World
Renewal of Vows
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 2)
Epilogue- A Kingdom of Light
Author's Note

Hope for the Brokenhearted

3.9K 185 54
By DaturaMoon

Little chocolate crumbs clung to the colorful polka-dot paper liner while I eagerly though carefully peeled it away from the cupcake in my hand. The pretty pink frosting and perfectly fluffy cake enchanted my tastebuds with their heavenly sweetness, as I took a big old bit like a starving piranha munching on some poor unfortunate fellows leg... It was my third one of the night. 

Holy fuck, that's delicious...

The ambery firelight flickered over Valarendrik's smiling face while his grey clawed thumb gently swiped a pesky little crumb away from my lip. I giddily smiled back up at him the best that I could with a mouthful of cake and snuggled deeper into his side. We were cozily seated on a very gothic-style black and red victorian couch, telling our anomalous abyssal tale to the others. My legs were tucked up beneath me and Valarendrik's arm was draped around my shoulders to hold me close. He'd changed out of his armor and now wore a cozy outfit that Azathoth had lent him. It consisted of black sweat pants and a black tee-shirt with a large triangular hole in the back that snapped together beneath his neck. No doubt designed for someone with wings.

I was also feeling much better and cozier. It turns out that Azathoth had the ability to heal and had healed the bruising on my face and neck, making the throbbing pain in my cheek completely vanish. I'd mentioned how I would have never imaged a demon to have healing powers, and he'd explained that the ability was due to him being half dracrulian. A demonic dragon-like race created to specialize in violence and combat. They greatly benefited from the ability to heal themselves and others for war purposes... Or so they could repeatedly torture someone.

"Okay, time out." Azathoth placed his clawed fingertips on his forehead while shaking his head in confusion. His huge demonic frame was leaning against the fireplace with the flame licking at his leg, making me wonder how his shirt and pants weren't catching on fire... Oh wait, it's probably fire-proof clothing... "The beginning of this story still isn't really making a lot of sense. So you fell into the abyss because you activated some sort of enchanted necklace on a dead tenverian scout?" His fiery eyes curiously bore into me as though he were looking into my soul. "And then Valarendrik heard you shouting and saved you from wolves?"

I quickly swallowed the rest of the cupcake. "Um, yes?" My mind began to reel, wondering what about our story wasn't adding up.

Valarendrik scrunched his brows in confusion, while the others who were also seated around the fire donned expressions of bewilderment as well. "I do not understand what's so difficult to grasp about it?" The crown softly twitched as he spoke.

"It's not the story itself, but the likeliness of it. If Cerindier sent the scout from Tenveriel, then logically she should have ended up in Tenveriel." Azathoth gestured to me. "And yet out of all the places in such a huge fucking world, she just so happened to wind up in the forest within earshot of you? Honestly, what are the chances of that?"

"We did briefly discuss how strange it was that she didn't wind up in Tenveriel. But that was right after performing the tongue rooting spell." Valarendrik leaned forward in puzzlement, then looked at me with a shrug. "I suppose we both sort of forgot about it since it didn't really matter at the time."

I took another bite of my cupcake, considering what the demon had said. The more I thought about it, the more unlikely it seemed that I would randomly drop into the abyss so close to the one wandering prince within the entire world... That is unrealistically serendipitous... I quickly swallowed again. "Do you think the necklace was enchanted to locate Valarendrik?"

"That might explain it." Gwendolyn said while waving her half-eaten cupcake up in a circle. She was seated on the other couch across from us, now wearing a cute black bathrobe with her long wavy hair pulled back in a high ponytail. "But why the heck would Cerindier bother sending one of her ghoulish goons all the way to earth, only to have them go back to the abyss to find him when she could've just sent someone out into the forest?" 

William was sitting on the opposite end from her with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He'd taken his hair rollers out, making his long pale waves bounce as he nodded and hummed in agreement with a mouthful of cake. "Mhmm, there's no need for the extra step." His voice was all muffled.

"Yeah, something's not adding up." Azathoth agreed while pushing off of the fireplace.

"Well, don't you have a necklace with you?" Darrell asked Valarendrik from his spot on a nearby chair. He was the only one who hadn't changed into something cozier. "I'm pretty sure there are demons who specialize in decoding enchantments?" His inquisitive dravite gaze shifted up to Azathoth.

"I do. It's in the guest room in my pant's pocket." Valarendrik absentmindedly ran the smooth backs of his claws up and down my arm while he answered. Azathoth and Gwendolyn had already insisted that we take up residents in one of their guest rooms for the time being. Of course we agreed, considering we were wanted in the abyss by a psychotic queen, and now probably wanted for murder on earth.

Never would I have thought that Hell of all places would be our best option...

"That's not a bad idea, Darrell." Azathoth's wings folded in a little closer into his back while he began to walk over to the couch. "Get you're feet off my coffee table." He quickly swatted William's feet away with agitation, then took a seat next to Gwendolyn. "Abyssal enchantments would be very difficult for the average demon to decode though. Luckily, I know of someone who specializes in foreign magic. He owns an erotic performance club down in Asmodeus's domain." One of his menacing horned wings gently wrapped around Gwendolyn, pulling her closer into his side. Her emerald green eyes twinkled up at him with immense love and utter devotion. "It's a bit late now. But perhaps we could bring it down there tomorrow evening?" He held his palm up with a shrug while questioningly glancing around.

"Very well." Valarendrik nodded. "I usually wouldn't care, because fuck Cerindier, but I am rather curious to know if she placed any additional enchantments on it. Especially since we have one with us."

"I'm always down to watch a good erotic performance. So you can count me in too." William slyly smirked, then leaned over and grabbed another cupcake from the coffee table. I internally smiled, feeling proud that they were such a hit.

Yep, my brilliant baking skills have done it again...

"Good, we'll find out tomorrow then." Azathoth leaned back, relaxing further into the seat. Deep love and adoration glimmered in his fiery eyes as he placed a quick kiss on top of Gwendolyn's head. "Now, what else happened in the abyss that led to you winding up on earth with a pregnant wife?" He turned his attention back to Valarendrik and me with a quirked brow. 

Valarendrik quickly cleared his throat, getting ready to tell more of the story now that our little rabbit trail was over. "Right. So after the lloigors destroyed the cave, I had intended to take Lucilia to the lake abode... Yet, once again I'd foolishly complied with the subterfuge of the crown." He slumped with remorse while shaking his head, seeming ashamed of his poor decisions. "It convinced me to avoid you by going to the abysmal cremation grounds instead. That way Lucilia would have more time to fall in love with me." He tucked his hair behind a pointy ear while shifting his crimson gaze around. "I now know that it was only trying to lead us closer to Tenveriel."

"It sure is a devious little fucker, isn't it?" William scoffed.

The crown seemed to ominously click with malicious agitation back at William. "It certainly does have a pestiferous personality." Valarendrik softly chuckled despite the brooding bones on his head. "It even ensured that conception happened while we had taken shelter on the high mountains. Everything was a part of its plan to get an heir to Tenveriel."

"But not the survivors." I piped in while happily pointing up at the ceiling.

"No, not the survivors." He agreed with a soft laugh. "The crown had no idea we'd run into them."

"What the fuck are the survivors?" An expression of pure confusion fell across Azathoth's face.

"They're other humans who we found in the abyss!... Well, sort of. They're not really humans anymore." I excitedly shrugged, then polished off my cupcake while gazing up at Valarendrik's profile. The paper lining folded nicely, then I placed it with the pile of other discarded liners on the coffee table.

"Um, what?" Gwendolyn said with a befuddled chuckle, then glanced around at everyone else's utterly bewildered faces. "Now you guys are really talking gibberish."

"It's true. They look just like tenverians but without any rot, and they have human souls." Valarendrik further explained.

"That's impossible." Azathoth skeptically leaned forward. The flames seemed to crackle louder within the fireplace as their amber glow gilded his disbelieving expression. "Human souls are not native to the abyss. They can't be reincarnated there by natural means."

"No, it really is true!" I insisted while scooching to the edge of the couch as well. "They all had human names, spoke only English or Spanish, and I even quizzed them on the presidents of the United States! They knew that Taft got stuck in the bathtub!"

"Yes, they are genuine." Valarendrik leaned forward as well, with shadows beginning to wisp through his hair. "I intend to go back and meet with them again. You should come with me and see for yourself. There are only about fifty of them including the children. And they've been living in the ancient ruins, scavenging off the wildlife and trying to avoid becoming meals themselves." The others continued to stare at us in confusion, so he just continued talking. "Believe me, I was skeptical at first too, but I have no doubts that they are truly human souls."

"Now, hold on." Darrell raised a hand as if to silence us. "Human souls are sort of my specialty, and I've never even heard of such a thing being possible. Sure, there are several afterlives and dominions of death that we can end up in, but being reborn as tenverians in the abyss? Another dimension? That just doesn't seem plausible."

Azathoth leaned to the side to look at Darrell. "The teloch axe sends the souls of those who are killed by it to the abyssal pits, but that's been safely kept by Satan himself for almost fifteen years now. So I agree with you. It's just not plausible."

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I excitedly slapped at Valarendrik's thigh like an overly enthusiastic seal smacking at a puddle with its flipper. "They did say that they were all originally from Sycamore Valley! And that they all remember being turned into mind-controlled zombies then killed with swords!" Azathoth's mentioning of that whatever-the-fuck-he-called-it axe had reminded me of such details.

William began abruptly choking on his cupcake, while Azathoth, Gwendolyn, and Darrell's jaws seemed to simultaneously drop in shock. "Wait...?" Gwendolyn's wide green eyes peered over at me with disbelief... And also, a strange glimmer of something else? "Say that again."

"It's true." Valarendrik casually reiterated over the tortured sound of William coughing. His pale hair cascaded down to his calves as he hunched over with his head between his knees as though he were going to vomit. "In all honesty though, it would be easier if you just came to the abyss and met them for yourselves. They're quite friendly, really. That's um, actually where Sagacor is right now." He scratched the back of his head. "Perhaps Belzar would like to come as well? Speaking of which, where is Belzar?" He curiously glanced around.

Azathoth's eyes were now intensely whirling with flames. "And you say they were all killed-"

"What were their names!?" William suddenly snapped back up, looking like a disheveled madman with crazed watery eyes. His arms wildly flailed out as he stumbled off the couch like a scrambling drunkard and hastily made his way over to us. His perfectly manicured hands viciously grabbed a hold of the front of Valarendrik's shirt, leaning in until their faces were almost touching with a downright psychotic expression, eyes brimming red with emotion. "Was there an Ol-" His bottom lip trembled as though he could hardly bring himself to finish the name. "An Oliver among them?" He whispered.

Valarendrik awkwardly leaned his head back, shifting his gaze around with a weirded-out expression. "Um, yes, actually."

"William..." Darrell softly drawled with a look of concern for his friend. "Take a breath, my man. It might not be him." He and Azathoth exchanged wary glances with something unspoken lingering heavily in the air. "We shouldn't be jumping to any conclusions."

...William... His name drifted through my mind with a sudden sense of familiarity.

There was a strange moment of clarity which seemed like a few full minutes but likely only lasted a few seconds, as I stared at the single glistening tear gliding down William's cheek. It was like a veil fell from within his light blue eyes, revealing an utterly broken soul full of pain and regret. As though the weight of deeply rooted sorrow and guilt finally cracked and was crushing his fractured spirit. And there was a sense of yearning precariously dancing with the fear of hope etched onto his features. It was a look I'd seen before... In Oliver's crimson eyes.

But Oliver remembered killing his lover?

"Is your last name Eskildsen?" My voice quavered as I softly asked my seemingly random question.

He quirked a perfectly shaped brow at me, still holding Valarendrik's shirt hostage with trembling hands. "Yes." His voice was suddenly a broken whisper.

Holy shit! Could he really be Oliver's dead lover!?

"Okay! Stay right here!" I quickly sprung off the couch like a spring snake and began quickly running up the beautifully curved stairs, leaving everyone behind with no explanation whatsoever. 

My bare feet quietly pattered upon a long black rug stretching the length of a sumptuous hallway that looked like it belonged in some gothic medieval castle. The sinisterly designed wall scones cast malevolent shadows upon the stone walls and dolorous paintings, as I pushed open the intricately carved dark wooden door leading to the elegant guest room we were to be staying in. I quickly rushed past the little tank Speedy was happily sleeping in, over to the extravagant canopy bed, and swiped up Valarendrik's folded pants from the black velvet coverlet.

As I held them up before my face, the tantalizing scent of his masculinity suddenly wafted to my nose. My lower stomach quivered in response, thinking about his downright addictive precum coupled with such a fine specimen of manhood. I suddenly imagined us riding Sagacor along the beach at sunset, licking whipped cream off of one another's intimate nether regions together... 

Focus, Lucilia! Focus! Now's not the time to be drooling over the thought of his aphrodisiac appendage!

"Come on, where is that damn letter..." I grumbled while frantically searching his pockets, shaking my previous thoughts away. "Ah-ha!"

It was a bit crumpled due to having been hastily shoved in his pants, but still intact. I quickly straightened it out the best I could, then rushed out the door and back down the hallway. I wasn't sure which rooms the hellions were in, so I tried to be extra quiet as to not wake them. Everyone was standing around as I jogged back down the stairs, their murmuring voices falling silent while all heads turned towards me. 

Azathoth and Darrell seemed to have been asking Valarendrik more questions, while Gwendolyn was half-hugging William, with his large yet slender arm wrapped around her. She stepped back as he slowly glanced up at me, with the shiny tear trails streaming down his cheeks glistening in the firelight. My stomach flipped with apprehension while I slowly walked up to him and held out the letter, keeping the side with his name beautifully scrawled across it up for him to see.

"Oliver gave this to me to put on his lover's grave." I softly said with a small smile.

His sorrowful puffy blue eyes glanced between my face and the letter a couple of times, then he gently took it with a trembling hand. Then he scoffed with a sad smile while lightly running his fingertip over the lettering. "This looks like his penmanship."

A heavy atmosphere of solemnity and anticipation filled the room like a thick suffocating cloud. The fire crackled all around us, mingling with the sound of William delicately unfolding the slightly crumpled paper. The page quivered in his shaking grasp while his gaze trailed along each written word, becoming more watery with every line. Then his free hand moved up to cover his mouth as he shook his head, making his hair gently sway.

"Well, what does it say?" Azathoth asked while trying to peek over his shoulder.

"Shhh!" Gwendolyn sibilantly shushed with a threatening glint flashing in her green eyes. 

"It really is Oliver..." William brokenly glanced around at everyone with tears dripping from his flushed face like little rivers of anguish. "He's- He's in the abyss. We have to go find him." Sobs began to wrack his chest as he covered his face with one hand. He held the letter to his heart like a precious treasure, weeping as though all the sadness in the world was drowning his very soul.

Valarendrik gently wiped my own tears which I hadn't realized had fallen, suddenly standing slightly behind me. The immense sorrow which poured from William's broken spirit seemed to seep into my heart, making it bleed with grief for him. I didn't know his side of the story, but considering what Oliver had told me, I could only imagine how much pain he'd suffered.

Gwendolyn tried to comfort him as he fell to his knees, still trembling and weeping. She knelt beside him and gently rubbed his back while his broken sobs continued to fill the room for a while longer.

-: ✧ :-✧-: ✧ :-

A blood-red moon sinisterly stared back at me from its throne within the sparkling sea of otherworldly constellations. I was wistfully peering out one of the large intricately-paned windows in the guest room, thinking about all that had transpired in one night. Glowing sparks swirled up from the wavering trees and fiery flowers just beyond the glass, fading into the darkness of the nighttide. It was truly beautiful... in a strange hellish way.

Who knew Hell could be so lovely?

"I can't wait to see the morning star." I mentioned as Valarendrik came up from behind and lovingly swallowed me up in his strong arms. My dainty hands wrapped around his forearms in an attempt to hug him back. Despite all that had happened, gratefulness blossomed in my heart to be in my abyss prince's tender embrace.

A few silky strands of raven hair fell over my shoulder as he leaned down and gently kissed the top of my head. "I'm sure it will be beautiful. Azathoth used to describe it during our adventures, but it's only now that I've seen light that I can truly imagine what it must be like."

I whimsically played with the dark lock of his hair, enjoying the way it turned into misty shadows around my finger yet somehow remained tangible. "I can tell you two are very good friends." My shoulders shrugged with a gentle smile.

"Yes. His friendship is very dear to me... I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him." He quietly mentioned. At first I thought he meant here in Hell, but then I quickly realized the grimmer meaning behind his words. "I'll forever be grateful for his presence in my life." His arms tightened further around me, gently rocking us side to side.

The shadowy lock of hair slipped from my fingers as I quickly shimmied around to face him. My hands slid up his muscly bare chest while I peered up to return the loving glimmer in his crimson eyes. "I'll forever be grateful too. You did not deserve to suffer as you did, and I can't imagine life without you now. I'm so glad that you're here."

A smile as enchanting as the shimmering starlight yet as gentle as its pale caress graced his handsome features. "I am as well. All the pain and darkness I endured now seems trivial compared to the happiness I've found with you." He lovingly kissed my forehead. "I could have never imagined how lucky I've become."

Butterflies danced within my belly and the immense love I felt for my sweet prince swelled in my heart. His large palm cradled my cheek as he leaned in and kissed me with immeasurable passion. Desire ignited within my blood while I softened into his tender touch, parting my smiling lips to allow him deeper inside. He took my invitation with an eager growl, wrapping his long silky tongue around my own. It then slid further back down my throat while remaining coiled around mine like a serpent wrapping around its prey, vibrating as he purred.

Way to turn our sappy little moment into some freaky-deaky tongue play... I internally giggled, knowing how oblivious he was to his own erotic idiosyncrasies.

His claws gently pricked my bum while he swooped his hands down to lift me up. My arms eagerly wove around his neck, entwining my fingers within his shadowy hair while my bare legs wantonly wrapped around his torso. The tempo of my breath increased as he released my tongue, then began to heatedly trail his kisses down along the side of my neck. The evidence of my desire soaked through my panties, as my needy little bud pressed further against the muscular swells of his stomach.

A path of little red marks was left behind while he kissed his way back up to my mouth and began walking over to the bed. The black velvety coverlet slightly puffed up around my body as he gently laid me down. Shadows danced through his hair and seemed to swallow all color in his crimson irises while he leaned back to lustfully gaze down at me. Yet despite his obvious desire, he seemed to hesitate, hovering over me as though suddenly unsure of himself.

With a touch as light as lotus petals floating upon the somnolent surface of a pond, he lovingly caressed my cheek with a soft smile. "Lucilia..."

"Why did you stop?" My chest heaved with frustration while I tightened my legs around him.

"I don't want you to feel obligated to partake in intimacy if you are not ready... after what happened." Sadness and shame suddenly lingered within his black eyes, overshadowing his lust like a dark cloud. "There is no need to rush if you are not emotionally well enough just yet."

Tears threatened to well within my eyes as I gazed up at him, hating yet feeling grateful that he'd asked. There was no doubt that what Justin had done would leave a lingering scar upon my spirit. But there was nowhere I'd ever felt safer than within Valarendrik's loving embrace.

I nodded, letting a few tears slip out. "I love you, Valarendrik, and I want you to make love to me." My hand trembled as I reached up and gently caressed his cheek with my fingertips, smiling softly at him.

His hand rested on top of mine, then he pulled it to his mouth and pressed a tender kiss to my palm. "Then I shall make love to you, my beautiful wife. But I want you to know that if you ever feel uncomfortable, tell me and I will stop. No matter what." He gently kissed my forehead, then my cheek. "I promise that I will never force your touch..." He kissed my other cheek, then my nose. "And I will never harm you."

I hastily reached up and grabbed his head, pulling his lips to mine for another kiss. Love and gratitude for him swam in my soul and fluttered in my heart. The crown twitched while he mumbled something of surprise against my lips, but I didn't care. I wanted the man before me. Needed him. And my core was singing out with wanton desire, making my heart beat faster with anticipation for his commerce. 

A deep growl rumbled into my mouth like an augmenting storm creeping over the horizon. Shadow lashed through his hair and began to swirl from his soul while he impassionedly reached under my tank top and cupped my right breast, giving it a good squeeze. I gasped as his fingers began to pull and play with my hardened nipple, before he quickly slid my shirt completely off over my head. 

My golden hair spread out around my head, contrasting the ebon velvet beneath us while he began to rain fervent kisses upon my bosom. His tongue passionately caressed each heaving mound with sensual craving, flicking and laving over the sensitive flesh. I dug my nails into his scalp, pulling him even closer so that my breasts were forcefully squished up against his face. He lasciviously growled in approval and began nuzzling into them like an unbridled libertine.

He probably would be suffocating to death right now if he actually needed to breathe...

A gasp snuck from my lips and my back unwittingly arched up as his sharp teeth grazed over my left nipple. Each pointed tooth left a trail of tingles while they raked across the soft knoll. Then his lips took to work, torridly sucking and kissing to paint pink petals of pleasure across my pale skin.

"I love your blossoms- I mean your tits." He growled, then licked my needy nipple, leaving a thin thread of saliva behind.

With dissolute desperation, I pushed on his forehead. My fingers threaded through those of the crown as I tried to force him lower to my weeping center. "Please, Valarendrik..." I breathily whimpered, needing to feel him down there. "I want your tongue inside me."

His claws glistened in the dim light as they lengthened, while a low seductive snarl vibrated against my feverish flesh. I bit my lower lip in expectation as he passionately kissed down along my stomach. His silken tongue dipped into my belly button while his hands began sensually dragging my soaked panties down my thighs. He stepped back only for a second to remove them from my ankles, then carelessly discarded them to the floor. Slowly, his monstrous frame knelt on the floor as he grabbed my legs and pulled my butt up to the very edge of the bed, spreading me wide for his viewing.

"Such a beautiful little cunt." He predatorily purred. 

The shadows within his silky hair licked at my inner thighs like dancing tongues, as he threw both of my legs over his strong broad shoulders. My pussy twitched while he softly blew on the glistening folds, making me squirm and moan with need. With tender adoration, he lovingly kissed my lower lips like one might kiss a long-lost lover... Then his freaky serpent of a tongue snaked out.

"Oh my god!"

It glided all the way up along my slit, then he wrapped the tip around my sensitive little bead... "Oh"... I gasped and threaded my fingers through his hair, feeling my belly somersault with salacity. His tongue coiled and constricted, sending heat webbing through every inch of my veins. Then it mindfully retracted, taking the same path as though it were put in reverse. It sensually slipped through my arousal glossed lower lips, then dipped inside of my heat. It remained shallow at first, dexterously flicking and swirling against my inner walls.

His black eyes lustfully twinkled up at me and he smiled against my womanhood with dastardly delight. Then his tongue shoved deeper yet, making me arch my back and squirm with avidity. His clawed hands pushed my tightening thighs further apart, then he abruptly snarled and shoved his face further against me. I could feel the vibration of his growl all the way up beneath my belly button, consuming every part of my lower abdomen.

Shadows began to creep up along the sides of my breasts, swirling over my nipples to stimulate the peaking pink beads. More appeared between my thighs and caressed my little bud, nearly throwing me into a fit of complete pleasure. Spasms threatened to consume my writhing body, while one of Valarendrik's hands left my thigh and slipped down to where I could not see it. He then lifted it back up with a few drops of glistening pearlescent precum on two of his fingertips.

Oh, snap!

My heart rate dramatically accelerated with anticipation while I watched him bring it to my throbbing clit, teasingly hovering right over the spot as the shadows dissipated. He sinisterly smirked against my cunt, knowing full well how much I needed it. "For fuck's sake, Valarendrik!" I hissed and frantically bucked my hips, desperately trying to touch it. A deep purr suddenly vibrated through him and straight inside of me while he simultaneously began rubbing his precum over my bud in small steady circles... 

I thought my soul left my body. Every inch and fiber of my being was drowned in immense waves of elevating pleasure. My muscles seized and quaked while a throaty scream poured from my lips. With fervent desperation, I clawed at his head and tightened my thighs around him, arching my back to shove my cunt further against his sinful lips. My toes curled and hot white light flashed behind my eyes. Then as the pulses of passion ebbed away, I limply slumped back onto the bed like a deflated balloon.

My thighs quivered around his head while he greedily lapped away my release, purring in approval. He slowly kissed up to my navel, then carefully stood back up, making my legs limply droop over the edge of the bed. I looked up at his face, finding that he was lustfully drinking in the sight of my naked, flushed, and trembling frame.

The bed dipped from his weight as he crawled back on top of me and gently nipped at my neck. "You're so beautiful, Lucilia." He murmured into my ear.

My heart fluttered while his lips pressed to mine with amorous hunger. His arms swooped beneath me and held my body close to his chest. Then he lifted me up and used a tendril of shadows to unfold the coverlet. I frowned in confusion while he gently placed my fatigued frame within the silky crimson sheets, resting my head carefully upon the soft pillow.

"Wait, what about you?" My eyes trailed down to the tantalizing tent within his pants.

He warmly smiled while caressing a disheveled lock of hair from my forehead. "You have slept very little tonight, and I can see the weariness in your eyes." He looked down at his bulge and chuckled. "I can wait until you awaken, but you need the rest."

I pursed my lips together, knowing that he was right. I was utterly exhausted and running on pure adrenaline from all that had happened... I suppose a police chase and being teleported to Hell by a demon in the same night would do that...

A yawn slipped from my mouth as though my body was trying to make its point known. "Okay, but you're going to stay with me while I sleep, right?" I pleading gazed up at him, concerned that he hadn't entered the bed yet. I knew he didn't actually sleep, and I was worried that he would rather go catch up with Azathoth or something.

His crimson eyes twinkled like the stars as he lovingly stared down at me. "I would never let you sleep alone, my love."

I contently smiled as he crawled into the bed on the other side, making the sheets rustle with his movement. His arms wove around my sleepy frame and pulled my back flush against him. I closed my eyes and naughtily wiggled my butt against his erection, making him hiss in a gasp.

"Lucy! I am really trying to do what's best for you and the baby here!"

"I know." I mischievously snickered.

It felt more like I was in Heaven than Hell as I laid cozily snuggled up into his monstrous embrace, sleepy and satisfied. Tomorrow we would figure out the mystery of the necklace, if there was any at all.

And then, it was back to the abyss to reunite William and Oliver.

~Just a reminder that you can read several chapters ahead on patreon, OR you can now read one chapter ahead on Lutionary for free. :)

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"I don't have a heart . " he said leaning away from her touch . her light was too overwhelming for the darkness inside his very soul . he was the tr...