Illuminating the Dark Prince

By DaturaMoon

269K 12.6K 5K

"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on... More

Prologue- The Crimson Crowning (Pt. 1)
Prologue- Abyssal Abdication (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Mischance
Knight of Nightmares
Sleeping in Shadows
Tongue Tied
Kindling the Flames
Illusions of the Orb
Kissed by Darkness
Romance in the River
Deceiving the Demon
The Amethyst Forest
Redamancy for Darkness
Royal Realization
Lurking Lloigors
Rain on the Mountain
Strange Visitors
Remnants of Humanity
The Spark of a Soulbond
A Sense of Community
The Dungeon
Matrimony and Mayhem
Important Note On Plagiarism
The Beauty of Life
The Sunrise
The Man Around the House
True Beauty
The Calm Before the Storm
A Perilous Proposal
Secret Shenanigans and Summonings
The Heights of Hell
Hope for the Brokenhearted
The Wingman
Edging and Erotic Enticements
Riding The Vovin
A Dance of Shadow and Flame
Back to the Abyss
Terror and Tragedy
The Winds of War
Rise of the Serpent
The Fall of Tenveriel
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.1)
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)
Dawn of an Illuminated World
Renewal of Vows
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 2)
Epilogue- A Kingdom of Light
Author's Note

A Gift from a God

2.5K 141 44
By DaturaMoon


My mother's heinous display of despotism sliced into my soul like a venomous blade of unfathomable torment, leaving me writhing in the deepest sorrow I had ever known. An anguished scream poured from my broken spirit as the black veil of hellish smoke dissipated around us, revealing Azathoth's living room once more. I gripped my head in blinding despair, claws digging deeply into my scalp while the crown wildly squirmed with my misery. Rivulets of blackened blood trickled down my face while I fell forward onto my knees and let out another gut-wrenching abyssal scream. The walls began to tremble and cracks violently webbed across the stonework. Picture frames and other fragile objects fell and shattered on the floor.

"Oh, shit. Not my house again..." Azathoth quickly grabbed my upper arm and teleported us away, leaving William behind to wobble in the rumbling room.

Black smoke clouded my vision once more, giving way to a lush field beside a steep seaside cliff. Heavy silver raindrops pelted down upon my tearful face as though the sullen grey skies shared in my sorrow. Meanwhile, the dark temperamental waves seemed to roar with the acidic anguish engulfing my heart as they violently crashed against the sharp formidable cliffs. The ground loudly cracked along with my sanity, splitting the drenched grass, soil, and stone beneath my knees. Pieces of rock exploded and floated up, chaotically whirling all around as the sheer might and depth of my suffering drowned my soul deeper than any raging ocean. And despite my unbridled display of power, I was still unable to stand on my feet, remaining crumpled to the ground like the utterly broken man I was.

I have lost everything...

My drenched hair twisted around my head and even the salted air I sucked into my dead lungs felt scathingly painful. Azathoth had staggered back from the intense force of my emotional breakdown, shielding his face with a wing to protect himself from the white lightning frenziedly crackling all around me. His long soaked hair whipped in the furious winds while electric bolts shot up into the sky, illuminating the oppressive veil of the storm. His boots sank into the slippery ground, becoming coated with thick mud as he attempted to take a few steps toward me. The waves of the sea ominously lifted like a title wave high above the cliff, whirling wildly in the air before chaotically crashing back down. Even the raindrops began twisting and turning, falling in unnatural pathways from the clouds to the soil. 

"Valarendrik!" Azathoth's bellowing voice barely pierced the whirling cacophony of despair within my mind. My clawed hands trembled as I held them out before myself, unable to handle what had just happened. "Val!" He braved the lightning storm churning around me, flapping his wings to ward off the sparks. My chest heaved and my whole body shook as his arms desperately wrapped around my shoulders in a side-embrace. "I'm so sorry, Valarendrik... I'm so sorry, my friend." The dark strands of his hair coiled upon the ground while he mournfully hung his head next to my shoulder. 

His grievous voice reached my ears with far more impact than his shouting had. The lightning faded and the stones floating around us gently returned to the ground. I could not find any words to say. My mouth hung agape, allowing the rainwater to cascade down my face and trickle from the pointed tips of my teeth. The black rivers of my tears washed away in murky grey streams, fading as they fell to the grassy puddles below. I struggled to truly fathom what had just occurred. And yet, the image of my mother slaughtering my dear companion and the sound of his dying screams continued to vividly replay within my mind like some sort of heinous torture session. 

I could not bear the thought of never seeing him again. Of never lovingly stroking his face or scolding him for eating too many pieces of caedis fruit. My chest physically hurt and my ribs rattled as I thought about all our adventures. All the places we had ridden together. All the times he had been nothing but a faithful steed and dear friend... That time he ate an unguarded pair of Azathoth's pants and remained incapacitated for an entire week due to the stomach ache they caused, groaning and naying in misery... And now he was gone. Guilt and regret began to mercilessly gnaw at my soul, tearing away every last scrap of my dignity.

I should have never left him and the others... I should have never taken Lucilia to Tenveriel, or back to the abyss... I should have protected them... And yet, I have failed them all...

'Indeed you have..."  The crown cooed in amusement. "You have never been anything but a failure..."

"We have to get Lucilia back." I brokenly whispered. "I can not lose her as well."

"We will save her, of this I have no doubt." Azathoth firmly spoke. "I promise that I will do everything within my power to help see that she is safely returned and that Cerindier pays for all the despicable deeds she's done." His clawed hand squeezed my shoulder as he softly scoffed in sorrow. "I loved that dumb horse too, you know."

"Thank you, my friend." I mournfully hung my head, unsure what else to say. 

Pain enwreathed my dead heart like a burial shroud, while we allowed the onslaught of rain to shower us in gloaming silence. I recalled all the times that I could have easily murdered my mother, imagining scenarios in which I had done so and spared us all this grief. She was unredeemable. Her soul a mere shadow of what one's spirit should be. It was not her fault that she could not feel sorrow and guilt. That there was no love nor compassion within her rotten heart. No, that was the lloigors doing. What they had done to all tenverians. And because of that, I did not want revenge. I wanted justice. 

...I should have killed Cerindier long ago.

The baneful path of my thoughts was suddenly interrupted as an astonishing phenomenon began to happen, making me glance up and all around. Each raindrop had begun to shimmer like a flurry of thousands of tiny lucent gems, quivering as though affected by some unseen vibration while they fell to the ground. The gloom of the storm was cast away by a blindingly bright golden light. It beamed from somewhere before us, setting the wet grass agleam and seawater aglimmer.

Azathoth swiftly snapped up to his feet, standing with a look of great pride and honor etched across his features. I curiously gazed up at him, wondering what the fuck was going on. Twinkling droplets dripped from the ebon tendrils of his hair, while his glowing eyes held nothing but deeply-rooted reverence within their fiery depths. Then he slightly bowed his head with a soft, relieved-looking smile.

"What are you doing?" I softly inquired with furrowed brows. Then my eyes drifted to where he was staring... My jaw almost dropped at the sight of the ethereal demon standing before us. 

Long golden hair cascaded around a strikingly handsome face, flowing around the twin white horns which sprouted from the top of his head. Each horn was lavishly embellished with bejeweled golden rings, and had a brilliant blue flame burning between them. Glossy white claws tipped his ring-adorned fingers as he held a magnificently menacing golden trident. His tall and impressive frame was clad in a flowing robe of the darkest midnight, tied stylishly at the waist by an over-lapping golden sash. The lustrous white and gold striped feathers of his four massive and gloriously spread wings bristled with power before gracefully closing in behind his back. A golden serpent with one ruby eye and one sapphire was loosely coiled around his neck and shoulders. It was so otherworldly that I would have thought it to be fake if it hadn't been flickering its slender black tongue at me.

The very storm appeared to bow to his divine resplendence, and although the rain continued to fall, he did not get wet. An aura of bright golden light shone all around him, while fathomless blue eyes glowed down into mine. It felt as though one glimpse at me was all he needed to know the very essence of my soul. I stared back at the demon with both confusion and awe, wondering who this shiny stranger was. 

"Who are you?" I questioned as the rain drizzled down my teary face.

"Do not talk to him... Just get the fuck out of here right fucking now!" The crown fearfully hissed into my mind, yet it did not dare to move.

A benevolent smile curled upon his lips and amusement danced within his eyes. "Only someone who has been intrigued by the great display of power which has just occurred at this place. However, I now understand what has caused it." The deep timbre of his silken voice thrummed like tangible energy all around, and if I wasn't mistaken, the grass even became slightly greener at the sound of it.

"Oh, right..." My hands trembled as I removed the crystal necklace, not wanting to lose control of myself again despite the emotional turmoil I was in. "I apologize. I did not intend to disturb anyone's peace."

Bright and benignant blue flames softly danced from his trident while he gracefully knelt down before me. "The only peace which has been disturbed is that which is within you." He held out his pale clawed hand. "May I have a closer look at that necklace?"

"Don't do it!" The crown hissed.

I glanced at the hand before me, then up at Azathoth, seeking reassurance that I should trust this clearly divine being. Although, something in my within my soul had already given me the go-ahead. Azathoth nodded, and the look on his face told me that this was someone I should be highly respectful towards. The dark crystal gleamed in his grandeur as my shaky grey hand placed it in his palm, letting the silver chain coil over his fingers.

The shimmering rain cascaded all around him and his smile grew slightly wider. "I would like to give you a gift, for I too understand what it is like to be misunderstood and maligned." 

A glittering blue mist suddenly began swirling out of the crystal. The crown angrily writhed and screeched as it gently floated through the air toward my face. It mystically wisped around my head, creating a strange tingling sensation all throughout my body. My eyes fluttered closed and it felt as though something vile and weighted inside of me was breaking away, like a prisoner feeling his heavy shackles removed for the first time in many years. When I reopened my eyes, the demon was still smiling at me. 

"You will no longer have any need for this, except to gladden the hellion who gifted it to you." He handed me back the necklace and elegantly stood up. I remained confused yet felt oddly euphoric while stumbling back up to my feet. He then turned his attention to Azathoth, who straightened out a smidgen more. "You may use the few hundred who are ready within your legion of dracrulian warriors to fight for this cause, for such an opponent is a disease which ripples within our universe."

"Thank you." Azathoth respectfully nodded with a grateful smile.

"Take pride in what you must destroy and know that it will be rebuilt tenfold by those you will have liberated. There is good in both the light and the darkness, yet one without the other will always lead to suffering. You must restore the balance within your world." He nodded to me. "Remember that it was the powers of Hell who came to your aid, and may the abyss always consider us as an ally." The rain became dull and dark once more as he then disappeared as quickly as he came. 

I stared at the spot where he just was, feeling utterly dumbstruck. Then I glanced back up at Azathoth with confused furrowed brows. "Who was that man?"

An expression of pure bafflement fell across his face. "That was fucking Satan himself, you bonehead!" He dramatically gestured to the spot where the other demon had just stood. "The supreme ruler of Hell and god of enlightenment! And not only did he just remove Cerindier's spell like it was a pesky piece of lint on his shirt, but he just gave us a few hundred dracrulians to attack Tenveriel with!"

"Oh... OH!" The realization of it dawned on me, filling my spirit with a glimmer of hope. I held out my hand and willed a few bright white sparks to dance between my finger. "Holy shit! He actually removed Cerindier's spell!" I stared at my hand in awe. "And what of the demons? Will they be enough to surpass the lloigors?" 

"I'm not entirely sure, especially considering that we have no idea just how many are lurking within the abyssal shadows. But it's a lot better than trying to fight them off all by ourselves." He tapped his chin and bristled his wings to shake the rainwater off. "We need to come up with a strategy and possibly think of a way to obtain more manpower." His clawed hand excitedly gripped my shoulder, then we quickly vanished once more.

-: ✧ :-✧-: ✧ :-

We all stood around Azathoth's circular kitchen table while I furiously scribbled a map of Tenveriel and beyond onto a large piece of paper. "Holy shit, it looks like the real deal..." William leaned in to better see the frantic movements of my pen. "This is kinda blowing my mind right now. You're like a robot!"

"Thank you. I have practiced for three thousand years to perfect the skill." I nodded but did not pry my gaze away from the task before me, nor did I ask what a robot was. The sooner we came up with a plan, the sooner we could get Lucilia back. And not to mention that with every passing moment, more human souls could be dying at the hands of my murderous mother. The quicker we worked, the more lives we could possibly save. "Alright, there is a secret passage leading into the castle from this small beach right here..." I pointed to the spot and then lightly circled it. "To my knowledge, It is the only one that leads directly into the castle."

Azathoth clasped his hands behind his back while his golden eyes raked over the map, looking every bit like the war general he was. "If we have the dracrulians descend into the world here..." His claw pointed to the sharp peaks of the high mountains. "It will draw the enemy's attention in the opposite direction, thus creating a window of distraction to allow us to sneak inside."

"Yeah, but who's going in while all the fighting is happening? And what about all the tenverian guards and shit?" Darrell casually asked, then sipped some malty-smelling drink from a brown bottle. 

"I could do it." Gwendolyn suggested with a shrug. "I'll just put on some trusty dusty armor and use my flaming-"

"Absolutely not!" Azathoth quickly cut her off while aggressively chopping the air sideways. "These are tenverian fucking guards we're talking about. They're far stronger, far faster, and a million times more ruthless than any human could ever be. That is a big fat 'no' with a capital 'N.'"

"I could go in with her." William sassily crossed his arms and leaned towards Gwendolyn. "That cranky old bitch took Oliver, and I'm getting him back one way or another."

Azathoth shook his head and sighed in exasperation. "You're human too, William. Look, I don't mean this in a demeaning way or anything... but... you have way less natural strength and stamina than tenverians. They have better hearing, eyesight, smell-" He began to point to his fingers at he listed each thing before William interrupted him.

"Bitch please, in case you're forgetting, I can use magic which comes from pure sunlight." A bright white glowing orb appeared in the palm of his hand to make his point. "And you said yourself that the sun blinded and vaporized the souls of the tenverians you brought with you to earth." A strange green plant with thinly pointed fan leaves swiftly grew within the light, then he plucked a small cluster of green clumps from the top. "Do you mind?" He handed it to Darrell.

"Sure thing, man." Darrell held it up and seemed to drain it of all vitality with a purple mist, making the cluster dry and shriveled.

"Thanks." William responded while crushing it and rolling it up into a small piece of paper. Then he put it between his lips and used a fire-creating device to light the tip while sucking on the opposite end. "So, as I was saying, I think we have more than an advantage over those Frankenstein freaks." Smelly swirling smoke wisped from his mouth as he spoke. I curiously tilted my head, finding it rather fascinating. Azathoth mumbled something along the lines of how he'd be strangling him for smoking in the house if it weren't for our dire situation.

"Yeah, William's got a point. Plus most of them will be out on the battlefield anyway. We can definitely handle it." Gwendolyn pointed between herself and William.

"I don't know..." Azathoth began to reluctantly say, but then Belzar started whining and tilted his head toward him. His golden eyes looked wide and pitiful, as though he was pathetically pleading for something. "Don't give me that look! It might work for snacks, but this is entirely different!" Azathoth crossed his arms while glaring at the wolf. Belzar whimpered even louder and flattened his pointed ears back, still staring up at Azathoth. 


Belzar whimpered again. 

"Absolutely not."

...Another heart-piercingly pitiful whimper.

There seemed to be some sort of standoff, then a demonic growl finally rumbled out of Azathoth. "Alright, dammit, fine! But Belzar has to go with you two in case you need to be teleported out of there in a hurry." 

"Haha! Yes!" Gwendolyn and William happily high-fived one another, while Belzar woofed and wagged his fluffy tail. 

"Wonderful." I nodded in approval. 

"Now, the next thing would be to figure out if there's any possible way to get more manpower." Azathoth thoughtfully tapped on the map. "These are lloigors and tenverians we're up against, so we'll need all that we can get. I could search across worlds, but that would take a while. And not to mention it would take a lot of effort to teleport them all into the abyss once I did find someone willing to help." His clawed hand ran through his hair and his brows furrowed in deep thought.

"Too bad there isn't another army already there." Darrell said disappointedly while tucking a few braids behind his ear. "You're sure Tenveriel's the only kingdom in the entire world?" He waved his hand in a circle.

His words brought back memories of my vision within the void, thinking of how all other kingdoms were eradicated, and how their armies were entrapped as trees while fighting against the darkness. "No, Tenveriel is all that's left. All others were destroyed, leaving their armies as corpses trapped within the trees." I sorrowfully mentioned, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the odds against us. The crown gently clicked with my worry. 

"The corpses within the trees..." Azathoth curiously tilted his head. "You did mention that they fought against the lloigors long ago, did you not?"

"Yes, but it's not like we can call upon them. You know as well as I do how they're insane and withered husks of who they once were." I lifted my palm while shaking my head.

Azathoth's eyes burned with thought as he shifted his gaze between William and Darrell. "This might sound insane, but I think I might have an idea. You still have the orb right?..."


The sounds of soft weeping and crashing waves filled the gloomy dungeon. My back was sore from being strapped to the table for so long, and weariness was swiftly taking over my entire body. My tired eyes had surprisingly already adjusted back to the state they had been during my extended stay here... Although I wished that they hadn't... The Elder Graith's sickening mouth of needle-like teeth was hovering just above my face. He grinned while performing weird spells over my stomach, seemingly using some sort of strange abyssal voodoo to gather information about the baby.

Jayden was still crying from his spot on the floor, unable to look at the headless remains of his beloved son. A few others tried to comfort him but to no avail. There was no taking comfort after something as barbaric and painful as that. My own tears had slowed, yet an onslaught of grief still flooded my heart.

"Lucilia?" Oliver's deep voice floated across the room. "I know you're gagged and all, but can you tell us if Val knows we're here? Maybe... I don't know, tap once on the table for 'no' and twice for 'yes.'"

My eyes shifted to the graith, who was currently preoccupied with painting eldritch symbols in blackened blood over my stomach. The restraint on my wrist was tight, yet I still managed to curl my knuckle and tap the table twice. The knock was soft, yet audible nonetheless.

A bunch of relieved murmurs came from the group. "Do you think he'll try to get us out of here?" I recognized Miguel's thick Hispanic accent. 

Once again I knocked twice, knowing that Valarendrik would surely be on his way. He would undoubtedly fight until his last breath to save us... If he actually had breath that is.

"What of Rosalie? Have you seen her? Do you know if she's okay?" Oliver's voice was filled with concern and fear.

"The horse did what!?" Cerindier suddenly shrieked from down the hallway, making me flinch in fright before I could answer. The shrill sound was followed by a deep gurgled gasp and a heavy thud... No doubt she'd just slit someone's throat. Then her skeletal figure came furiously bursting into the room like a stampeding stick bug, with her ghoulish dress billowing out behind her and a bloody dagger dripping in her hand. She looked downright psychotic, seething with her sharp teeth on full display. "Elder Griath!" She demanded while storming over to the table. "What have you found!? Has the prophecy changed at all!?"

The Elder Graith fumbled with his jar of blood-paint, scrambling to answer the enraged queen. "I'm afraid not, Your Highness. The heir is still ill-fated." He glanced down and sullenly shook his head, making my insides twist with fear for my baby. "Though it does appear to be healthy, so we must try to preserve it as best we can." 

A sinister snarl tore from the queen's throat. "Are you fucking serious? How the fuck am I supposed to kill Valarendrik when he attacks if the fucking heir is still destined to die!?" She shrieked while waving her dagger all around, shifting her cold creepy gaze over to the others. I immediately began to thrash with dismay, internally pleading that she wouldn't murder anyone else. 

"No, Your Highness! I must implore you to seek other means of bloodshed! It greatly distressed the princess when you killed that one." He gestured to poor Parker's headless corpse. A wide puddle of black blood was still pooled around his stump neck. "I fear it would be too much for her if you killed another."

Cerindier growled, but remained in place. "Guards! Go fetch me a few peasants and bring them to the room of eternal scaphism." She exasperatedly huffed and placed her boney clawed fingertips on her forehead. "Valarendrik... the imbecile that he is... has declared that he's going to attack the kingdom." 

My heart swelled with joy and I released a breath of relief upon hearing her words... Valarendrik's coming!

The corners of the Elder Graith's mouth drooped upon hearing her words. "This is grave news, indeed. Perhaps-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Cerindier snapped while lifting a hand in irritation. "He's no threat to us. He's weak. He doesn't have an army. And sure, that annoying winged beast can certainly do some damage, but there's only one and I doubt he's any match for the swarm of lloigors guarding our walls. The main problem is that we still need the damn orb from him."

"I do not believe it is wise to underestimate the mad prince, Your Highness." His long spindly fingers placed the jar on the table with a clink. "Let us not forget what was forewarned during his crowning." 

"He is a weakling!" She threw her hands up and began rapidly pacing back and forth. "Let him wage war if he'd like! He can try, but he will fail!" She was acting like a crazed foaming at the mouth madwoman. However, I knew that it was because beneath that mask, she was scared shitless... Although, I didn't fully understand why? 

...Perhaps it is because she knows of his true power? But she doesn't know that he's found a way to unleash it, so why all the fear?

"And once we have our heir, he will be nothing more than bones to decorate my throne." Her decrepit hand glided over my bare stomach like a dragon coveting its treasure, pulling me away from my thoughts. "Although, I'm starting to really regret eating Rhistven..." She grumbled.

"Well regardless, let us assemble the army and prepare for war." The Elder Graith rasped. 

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