Illuminating the Dark Prince

By DaturaMoon

269K 12.6K 5K

"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on... More

Prologue- The Crimson Crowning (Pt. 1)
Prologue- Abyssal Abdication (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Mischance
Knight of Nightmares
Sleeping in Shadows
Tongue Tied
Kindling the Flames
Illusions of the Orb
Romance in the River
Deceiving the Demon
The Amethyst Forest
Redamancy for Darkness
Royal Realization
Lurking Lloigors
Rain on the Mountain
Strange Visitors
Remnants of Humanity
The Spark of a Soulbond
A Sense of Community
The Dungeon
Matrimony and Mayhem
Important Note On Plagiarism
The Beauty of Life
The Sunrise
The Man Around the House
True Beauty
The Calm Before the Storm
A Perilous Proposal
Secret Shenanigans and Summonings
The Heights of Hell
Hope for the Brokenhearted
The Wingman
Edging and Erotic Enticements
Riding The Vovin
A Dance of Shadow and Flame
Back to the Abyss
Terror and Tragedy
A Gift from a God
The Winds of War
Rise of the Serpent
The Fall of Tenveriel
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.1)
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)
Dawn of an Illuminated World
Renewal of Vows
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 2)
Epilogue- A Kingdom of Light
Author's Note

Kissed by Darkness

8.5K 411 184
By DaturaMoon


Flickering shadows bloomed among the tapered spears of ebon stone clinging above, and swelled upon the barren walls. The incandescent glow of the lantern glinted across our entangled forms, while I lay slightly reclined upon our bed of soft midnight pillows. My silky river of raven hair cascaded over my shoulder, flowing all the way down to her ocean of golden waves, meeting at an enlaced estuary. Her petite face was serene and dreaming, while she slept in my tender shadowy embrace. 

I, however, was anything but relaxed. My brows were pinched and my teeth were clenched, while I intensely concentrated on my clandestine creation. The daedal raiment that I'd once worn in preparation for my matrimonial ceremony and coronation of kingship now floated upon my shadows before me, all cut up and rearranged. I strenuously willed my shadows to tediously weave and thread my discarded hairs through the dark material, sowing it into something of better use... A new outfit for Lucilia. 

About a month and a half had passed since she'd fallen into this world, and her current dress was becoming increasingly threadbare and tattered as time went on... Especially around her voluptuous bosom. And judging by the way that my old coronation attire had been crumpled up and discarded on top of all my other clothing, it had not escaped me that she'd been investigating the ostentatious outfit. It's not like I'd ever wear the stupid thing again, but it would look rather lovely on her.

I tilted my head, reassessing the measurements... Should cut the neckline a bit lower? ...Yes I think I shall...

My eyes widened as the softest yawn fell from her rosy lips, and her delicate hand gripped my jacket a bit tighter... Oh shit, she's waking up! Swift as I could, I hastily willed my shadows to hustle and bustle the garment back into the chest. The moment every scrap of black material and thread of hair was inside, a tendril of shadows carefully closed the lid with a gentle click, then dissipated before she awoke... Phew!

A soft purr vibrated within my chest, as I affectionately caressed up and down her spine with the backs of my claws. My gaze fell to her slumberous face and a smile graced my lips, while I waited with great anticipation for my favorite part of her sleep cycle. The moment she reopened those beautiful sparkling blue eyes. 

She made a little clicking noise with her puckered lips, then nuzzled into my chest, still fast asleep. The corners of my mouth drooped in disappointment... No matter, I'm sure that she'll be awakening any moment now...

With a silent sigh, I relaxed my shoulders and looked up towards the ceiling, watching how the shadows moved about the stalactites like venom pooling around the sharp teeth of a predator. I then smiled again and closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling of having her within my arms. 

I greatly enjoyed the sensation of her soft feminine curves laying peacefully across my hard body. The silken waterfall of her golden hair tickling my side. The warm caress of her breath across my ashen skin. Feeling her living heart rhythmically beating against my undead chest. Sometimes I'd even secretly hold her just a smidgen closer, imagining what it would feel like if my heart could beat too. 

My eyes reopened to drink in the sight of her peaceful countenance, and agony lurched in my soul. With every passing day, it was only a matter of time before Azathoth returned. The harsh reality of it frustrated me greatly. I had grown rather fond of my cute little human friend, and greatly enjoyed the responsibility of keeping her safe and comfortable. She provided my hollow and insignificant life with a purpose... And our time together was dwindling.

I hated the fact that I'd soon be reliving my empty existence as a condemned wanderer of solitude. Left to dwell on thoughts filled with grievous contemplations of permanently leaving this charnel world of suffering. Once again feeling my spirit slowly fracturing beneath the crushing weight of my untold loneliness. Haunted by the bitter remains of unforgotten torments biting at my soul like festering ghouls gnawing at the ankles, while I aimlessly wandered alone and adrift in this dark and ashen world of sorrow. Forced to return to my bereft and decaying reality, companionless. 

"Don't let the demon take her away..." The crown quietly whispered like the passing of a soft breeze.

My claws wove themselves through the golden threads of her hair, while I swallowed a wave of sadness, trying to cherish these precious moments we still had together. Though I tried to be optimistic and savor what was left of our ephemeral friendship, I couldn't ignore the cruel verities whispering into my mind, harsher than the crown's voice could ever be.

Even though I will greatly miss her, I'll still have to let her go... 

As I wistfully gazed down upon her features, I could not deny that I was indeed highly attracted to her. I adored her bright exotic colors. The beauty of her radiant smile. The kindness of her heart. Her laughter chiming musically through the air. Her sensual body gracefully dancing within the darkness.

Although Azathoth had gifted me with the appearance of a living being, by healing my undead flesh of all rot and decay, I was still very much an abyssal creature of death. And the more I began to admire her, the more self-conscious I became.

I knew that I was no match for her beauty. Even if I was, I had never been intimate before. I had never met anyone who actually made it seem worth the risk of accidently producing an heir. But she was beautiful, living, and pure of heart... 

And yet, I was monstrous, undead, and tarnished. A four thousand year old virgin without the slightest clue about how to enrapture a woman. So, I'd decided that it would be best for her to not know the depth of the affection I felt.

She sleepily yawned, while arching her back and stretching her arms up towards my shoulder, cutting the silver thread of my melancholic thoughts with her enchanting movement. At last those bright blue eyes softly fluttered open, glistening like gemstones in the lantern light, causing my chest to constrict in excitement. She blinked up at me with a drowsy smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning." Her soft voice hummed. I didn't actually understand that particular greeting, but I had never asked for an explanation either.

I chuckled at her slumbery state, while a rush of fondness welled up in my chest. "You slept longer than usual." My shadows slowly retreated back into my soul, revealing the length of her alluring frame and sculptured curves.

Her mouth flattened out into a straight line. "Well, I'm not surprised. We've been sword training none stop lately, and it's exhausting." Her cheek pressed against my chest, while she snuggled a little bit closer. I relished the feeling.

It was true. Once her injuries seemed healed enough, I'd been adamant about teaching her to wield her own swords. Not only was it a useful skill in the abyss, but she could bring them back with her to earth. I didn't like the thought of not being able to protect her once she was gone, but took comfort in knowing that if anyone dared to mess with her there, then she could chop off their heads!

"Yes, and that's exactly why I think we should go for an adventure now that you're awake. You know do something fun." I smiled while raising my palm. "Besides, I can tell that Sagacor's been eager to go on a journey." 

I gestured over towards the cave entrance, where Sagacor's large cadaverous head was peeking in from around the corner. He often did so while she was asleep, probably making sure that we hadn't perished or something. His milky eyes reflected the lantern light with a golden glimmer, while he happily nickered and stomped his front hoof once.

A soft giggle rang from her rosy lips. "Is that true, Sagacor? Would you like to go on an adventure today?" She joked while sitting up.

Sagacor immediately whinnied and came clip-clomping in. "Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" I scolded. He was notorious for knocking over my tables and bookcases like the boneheaded stumblebum that he is.

My reprimanding was of no use though, and he happily made his way over to us, then flopped his huge body down halfway onto the pillows. Lucilia let out a small scream that was quickly drowned by her laughter, while I sat straight up in surprise. "What the!" The reins jingled as he shook his head with a nicker, then nuzzled his face into her arms, begging to be pet. She gladly obliged with more giggling. 

Her pale skin was a stark contrast against his midnight black fur, as her hand affectionately stroked his face. She even caressed the side with exposed bone, something I that surprised me quite a bit. I couldn't help but feel enamored by the sight of it, and how much Sagacor seemed to enjoy having her here too.

I reached over to stroke his fuzzy forehead, then gave him a good scratch behind the ear, causing his back hoof to repeatedly kick out in a circle with a joyful neigh. "Alright, well let's get you some breakfast and water, then we'll be off." I smiled at Lucilia while rising to my feet.

"Thank you. That sounds wonderful." A bright excited smile beamed back at me, as she ran her fingers through his mane. 

I began to slowly glide backwards, continuing to smile at her with a strange fluttery feeling creeping into my abdomen. She giggled at me from the pillows while shaking her head, as slipped out of the cave to gather her some fruit. 

-: ✧ :-✧-: ✧ :-

"Are you sure about this?" Lucilia warily asked while peering down the formidable massive slope of huge entangled roots, weaving all the way down into a blanket of swirling fog.

"Yes I'm sure. Trust me, it's going to be really fun!" I excitedly reassured her with a grin, while tapping my bare foot on the very edge of the drop off.

We were exceptionally high up upon the gaunt and twisted trunk of a great pestiskae tree. Their massive interwoven roots and barren gnarled branches intricately webbed out like veins, making up the whole tree, and were well known for being very slippery. The ebon bark was coated with a dark red algae-like moss which draped over the edges like gossamer curtains. The wind had a bitter bite to it at this altitude, a sort of cold rush like the passing of a specter, as it aggressively flowed through the dancing tendrils of our long hair.

I gazed out over the shadowy expanse of corpsen trees and menacing mountains, watching how the glowering skyline caressed the lofty jagged peaks. Seeing the far off spiked cliffs and gulches of screaming souls. Hoards of rotting gargoyles flew over the shadow clad trees and swirling mist, while harrowing screeches, howls, and sounds of things getting mauled echoed all across the land. We were so high up that there was even a void visible in the distance. It's saturnine black mass seemed to voraciously swallow the edge of the forest with endless darkness... It was a lovely view.  

Aw, sweet tranquility...

I had left my jacket and boots at the bottom of the tree with Sagacor, smirking while I did so because I knew how this was going to end... and she didn't. Ever so cautiously, I took a few steps to close the short distance between us. She placed one arm gently around my back while the other hand rested on my stomach, with her soft breasts pressing against my side.  

"I don't know if I want to do this. It seems really dangerous." She nervously bit her lower lip while gazing up at me.

Mischief twinkled in my gaze as I slyly smiled down at her. I then turned to take her hands in mine. "Oh, well if you don't know, then perhaps I should help you decide..." I allowed myself to suddenly slip off the edge, pulling her down with me.


Her startled words morphed into a terrified blood-curdling scream, while we expeditiously slid down the massive slimy roots like a slippery slide. I effortlessly maintained my balance with astute acrobatic agility, sliding down sideways with one foot before the other, while still managing to hold her upright. Her hands gripped mine tighter than I think she ever had before, while she fumbled with her feet, trying not to clumsily fall onto her butt.

The gnarled roots rapidly twisted and turned, sending us hurdling in one direction after another. Little perched flying creatures rapidly took off in fright at the sudden sight of us. Her screaming never let up, as she spewed out a seemingly endless stream of curse words. The dark glooming atmosphere contrasted her dramatic lively reaction, while her face became as crimson as the moss. 

I laughed and let go of her hands, causing her to immediately fall onto her butt with flailing limbs, just as I expected. The roots suddenly forked, one going up, one going down. I swiftly glided up the higher path while she wildly floundered down the lower. I found great amusement in watching her silly antics from a higher point of view.

"I am going to fucking murder you!" Her shouted words blended in with the chorus of all her other screams, as she continued to hysterically slide down the serpentine pathway.

My hair whipped out beside me as I gracefully slid sideways, facing her while we continued to plummet through the labyrinth of twisting roots. "I don't think you could even if you tried!" I shouted back in a taunting manner, holding my hand next to my mouth. 


The mist suddenly swallowed us up, as I effortlessly leapt across the trench between us, landing in front of her. I swiftly turned so that I was sliding backwards, then swooped up her thrashing, screaming frame, and cradled her against me. I spun around just as the roots made a coil, giving the illusion of a tunnel. With my feet planted firmly upon them, I used the momentum of our descent to gracefully spiral upside down all the way through, while she seemingly held onto me for dear fucking life.  

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" She screamed directly in my ear.

"You're fine." I reassured her with a laugh, although she didn't appear reassured at all.

The roots made and abrupt upwards turn, and flung us high up into the air. "OH MY GOD!"  With a poof, we broke through the top layer of mist, causing little wisping tendrils to swirl out around us. Her wide eyes were glued to the foggy veil of obscurity which drifted below, while we began to plummet back down.


Her arms constricted so tightly around my neck that I might have actually suffocated had I needed breath. Then we both suddenly landed in a lake with a big splash. The dark inky water enveloped us, and swayed through our sprawled out hair. Lucilia began to kick within my embrace, so I used my shadows to quickly propel us back to the surface, laughing the whole way up. The mist laden pebbly beach was adorned with the tangled base of the pestiskae tree, a plethora of plant life, and the massive mossy skeleton of a hydra washed up upon it's shore.

Oh yeah, I remember killing that thing... 

She gasped for air as we breached the wavering surface, frantically pushing her disheveled sodden hair out of her face. "You!" Her voice was laced with venom, while rage swirled within her eyes. I continue to laugh. "How dare you! You big awful jerk!" She smacked me on the shoulder with her weak human hand. 

"Eh, I told you it would be fun." I replied while chuckling. 

She flusteredly sputtered out a few incoherent noises. "FUN!? FUCKING FUN!? I thought that I was literally going to die!" Her hands peppered more little frantic slaps across my chest.  

I swiftly grabbed both of her hands in mine to cease her miniscule assaults, then spread our arms out to the side. The movement caused her wavering body to slowly drift against my steady one. Then she wrapped her legs snuggly around my waist. The dark water gently lapped at our chests, while the ghostly mist swirled all around us.

The rage quickly faded from her face, and was replaced with a look of confusion. "Wait, how deep is it here? How are you standing?" She curiously inquired, noticing how still my body was in the water, while she had been lightly bobbing up and down.

"Oh, it's very deep right here. I'm just using my shadows to steady myself." I grinned and wrapped them around her back, holding her closer to me.

She jumped in surprise from their touch. "Oh! I though that was a fish!" She giggled, while looking down with a smile, then back up and into my eyes.

"So, you had fun. Admit it." I playfully teased, secretly hoping that she wasn't actually mad that I'd sent her hurdling down a great pestiskae tree.

She huffed. "Alright fine. I suppose it was sort of enjoyable. Terrifying, but enjoyable. It reminded me a bit of a rollercoaster, actually." The corners of her mouth twitched as she tried to suppress her laughter. She failed, and her giggles chimed through the air, mingling with my deep chuckling. 

I didn't have any clue what a rollercoaster was, but whatever. I was too concerned with the way her wet dress was now almost completely see-through, making her hardened nipples quite visible as they rubbed up against my chest. The sensation made my pants begin to grow tighter, and a carnal desire lurched within my soul. 

Thankfully, her core was pressed against my stomach, so she didn't feel the evidence of my arousal. I didn't want her to be frightened, or make her worry that I might try to take advantage of her. My hands released hers, while I moved one below her butt to inconspicuously keep her above my waist.

Her dainty hands moved to rest upon my shoulders, while I stared longingly into her enchanting blue eyes to distract myself from her luscious bosom. I could get lost in them, drowning in whatever seductress spell she'd woven over me, hypnotized by those earthly jewels. Without really thinking, I reached out and slightly lifted her chin, leaning my face down a little closer to get a better look.

The sound of her heartbeat quickening filled my ears, while she began to gently nibble on her plump lower lip. The more I stared into her beautiful eyes, the more I saw a deep yearning lurking within them. A silent plea. There was an anxious desire for something hidden within their depths, creating an unspoken tension between us. It was something completely unknown to me... But I wanted to know

"What is it that you want, Lucilia?" My lips hovered just above hers, and I could feel her warm breath upon them. I liked the feeling.

She looked slightly nervous, with her heartbeat quickening further yet. "A kiss." She softly whispered with slight hesitation, looking up at me with pleading desperate eyes and uncertainty.

I had no idea what in the fuck this "kiss" thing was, nor how to get one, but I could tell that she greatly desired it deep within her heart. And dammit! With the way she was looking at me, I would travel to the ends of The Abyss to retrieve her one!

Our noses were practically touching, as she stared into my eyes yearningly. Some creature screeched of in the distance, while the misty water caressed our sensually entwined forms. Then she fluttered those beautiful blue gems closed while slightly parting her rosy lips.

"What's a kiss?" I gently asked.

Her eyes immediately popped back open, blinking a few times as if I'd stunned her. "Oh..." Her brows furrowed in confusion. "You mean, you don't know what a kiss is?"

"No, but if you tell me then I will do what ever I can to retrieve one for you." I smiled endearingly.

To my confusion, she suddenly looked both saddened and ashamed. "Oh, um, you know what, nevermind. Let's just forget that I asked." 

Her hands slipped from my shoulders, then she gently moved backwards and did that beautiful color changing thing called blushing. She shyly leaned her head away and flickered her gaze downward, but not before I got a glimpse of the swirling emotions tainting her beauteous eyes. She seemed embarrassed, disappointed, and even upset?

No, fuck! Have I upset her somehow!?

Panic squeezed my heart. "No, wait! Lucilia, please I will do what ever I can to get you a kiss! Just tell me what it is and I will!" The crown twitched with my dismay.

She started to swim towards the shore, gracefully paddling through the inky water. "No, it's alright. Don't worry about it." 

My shadows steadily propelled me forward, as I glided along beside her splashing body with elegant ripples fanning out behind me. "No, it's not alright. If it's something that you desire, then it is my desire to get it for you." I swooped my arms around her, continuing to move us towards the dismal shoreline.

"Valarendrik, please. Let's just drop it already." She firmly requested while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"No, I'm not going to drop this. It was highly evident in your eyes that you truly desire a kiss, and I'm going to give one to you... One way or another..." My deep tone was even firmer than hers, as I looked at her with complete determination. She was not going to get away with this. I was going to give her a damn kiss if it was the last thing I ever did.

With a defeated sigh and look of regret, she distraughtly gazed off into the distance until we reached the shore...   


Bright flames danced and crackled within the confines of the firepit, while I sat cross-legged, roasting a few edible plants upon the top stone. One of them both looked and tasted very similar to beetroot, making it a favorite of mine... Oh yeah, I can't wait to get a bite of these... The river sang it's grievous trickling melody, while Sagacor grazed nearby within the wavering silver grass and melancholic mist. 

It would have been a rather peaceful supper time, if only Valarendrik would stop pestering me about what in the fuck a god-motherfucking-damn kiss was! He'd been relentlessly asking since that moment at the lake, only adding to the feeling of embarrassment that I felt over it. Luckily, he'd just gone off somewhere for a minute, giving me a brief moment of silence.

...Thank fucking god!

I'd felt highly disheartened when he asked what it was. Only because I had been so sure that he was actually going to kiss me. That he wanted it as much as I truly did. With the way he was gazing into my eyes with what seemed like amorous hunger. Our close proximity, only my thin threadbare dress between us. His full lips mere inches from mine... Come to find out, I was only fooling myself.

I sighed and distraughtly dropped my face into my hands. "I'm such a fucking idiot." 

My attraction and feelings for him had only grown over the duration of my stay here. He was completely unlike any other man I'd ever known. I'd seen him savagely slay mighty beasts and preform extraordinary endeavors. And yet, he was still the most kind hearted and compassionate being I'd ever met.

He suddenly emerged out from the glowering trees like a phantasmagorical wraith, causing me to pop my head back up. "Lucilia." His voice was deep with an echoed abyssal tone that said 'I mean business,' as he ominously hovered upon his shadows before me like a sinister reaper here to harvest poor unfortunate souls. I rolled my eyes. "If you do not tell me what a kiss is right this very instant, then I will be forced to take drastic measures." He glided over with his shadows tempestuously swirling about, while his hair furiously wisped around him.

I crossed my arms and lifted my chin defiantly. "I'm not telling you. So just drop it already, dammit!"

His crimson gaze narrowed, while his shadows began to rapidly whirl, swirling up along his long fluttering jacket and through his sharp black claws. It would have been I terrifying sight, had it been anyone other than him. "Very well. But just know that you've left me with no other choice." 

A small scream left my lips, as his shadows abruptly encircled me like a ring of hissing black flames. They danced and swirled, caging me in, while his boots crunched across the ground and swiftly stalked forwards with eerie calculated steps.

"Alright, get over here!" His voice was extremely deep, still laced with that harrowing abyssal echo.

"No, just let me cook dinner in peace!" I tried to swat him away, but he quickly threw me over his shoulder with another growl. "Put me down!" I screamed while furiously kicking my legs. Suddenly, the world began to rapidly whoosh by, as he swiftly carried me away and into the deep dark forest. "Valarendrik! I am going to kill you if you make me burn my supper!"

He agilely jumped up a few massive mossy boulders, then to my dismay, dropped down into some sort of pitch black godforsaken pit. I was placed abruptly on my feet, but it was so unfathomably dark that I couldn't see even an inch in front of my face. 

"Now tell me what a kiss is before Sagacor notices that your dinner is unguarded, and eats it himself." He threatened.

"Are you seriously threatening my food!" I hissed while stumbling forward, trying to find him in the seemingly endless dark. "It's innocent in all of this!"

He wouldn't dare...

"Yes I am, innocent or not. Now tell me what a kiss is and how to get one. Time's a ticking, and I know you certainly don't want those tasty crourti roots to become victims of Sagacor's insatiable appetite."

I huffed in frustration, knowing full well that Sagacor would happily gobble down my supper the very second he could. And dammit, I was hungry! "Look, it's not even a physical thing that you can retrieve!" 

"Hmm... And yet I can still give you one?" His voice held a twinge of curiosity. "So it's like a riddle, is it?" He pondered for a minute, then apparently decided that he wasn't interested in solving any riddles. "Just tell me what it is, already!"

"No! And this isn't fair! Especially since you know I can't see a single thing down here!" I said as I pathetically fumbled around the darkness like a blind dingbat. 

"Tell me." His deep voice cooed from somewhere on my right.

"No." I tried to quickly reach out and touch him, but caught only air. "It's nothing important, and I shouldn't have asked it of you."

"If it's something you wish for, then it is important to me." He said from behind. "Tell me, what's a kiss?" His voice suddenly came from right in front of me.

"No. I don't want to tell you."

"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on my left. "What's a kiss." I heard from above. "Tell me, Lucilia."

I defeatedly placed my hand on the back of my neck, shook my head and sighed. "Alright, fine." I whispered, figuring that this wasn't worth losing my dinner over. Everything immediately became deathly silent and still, but I could practically feel his eagerness all around me as if it were tangible. "It's sort of when you, well, when you touch your lips to someone else's in a show of affection." I was thankful it was so dark since I was no doubt blushing terribly. Then I remembered that he could see perfectly in this pitch black pit of godawful nothingness... Dammit.

The soft inquisitive clicks of his crown were suddenly right in front of me. "Oh, I actually do know what that is." His hand very gently lifted my chin up. "It's like this..."

An entire swarm of butterflies began violently fluttering around in my stomach, and warmth pooled within my center, as his lips lightly caressed mine. They were soft and full, tender and sensual. My eyes fluttered closed even though I couldn't see anything anyways, as I melted into the amenity of his touch. I rested my hand on his chest, and his arm wrapped around my back, gently pulling me closer to him.

I began to move my lips against his and he followed suit, moving them hesitantly at first, then with a growing amorous hunger. His tongue flicked out across my lower lip, sending a shiver of delight up my spine. I eagerly parted my lips, granting him access. 

Tentatively, the tip of his tongue touched mine with a feather light caress. Then it somehow seemed to flip upside down, and slowly glided along the length of my own, going all the way to the threshold of my throat. He purred, sending erotic vibrations through it that immediately coursed throughout my entire body, and straight to my core. I savored the sweetness of his otherworldly taste, while his tongue leisurely slipped back out of my mouth, evanescing the kiss. 

I sucked in a deep breath of his peppery rosewood scent, then reopened my eyes. A soft smile graced my lips, as I stared up towards where I assumed his eyes to be... Oh my god, we actually just kissed!

"Lucilia?" He softly asked.

"Yes, Valarendrik?" I breathily replied.

"That is a romantic gesture, is it not?"

"Yes, it is." I hesitated. "Is that okay?" My teeth nervously nibbled on my lower lip, hoping that he wouldn't be weirded out or upset that I'd requested it earlier.

A brief silent moment passed, causing my anxiety to slightly spike. "Yes, that's quite okay. But, um, did I do it right? Was that how you give a kiss?" He quickly asked with incertitude.

"Yes." I shyly whispered. 

Although I couldn't see him, the skeletal sound of his crown happily twitching made me certain that there was now a beaming smile on his face. The hand that was on my chin moved to cradle my cheek, sending warm tingles wherever it touched. Then another silent moment passed between us.

"May I give you another?" His deep voice finally broke the silence.

"Yes." I whispered again, unable to suppress my growing smile.

Within an instant, his lips were back on mine, pressing against them with an impassioned need. I returned the kiss with equal craving, desperately needing to taste him again. His shadows swirled around me, enveloping my body with their wispy ministrations, as I yearnfully yielded to his appetency. I entangled my fingers within his soft silky hair, while the darkness seemingly heightened every little touch and caress. 

Then the kiss deepened, and I was abruptly pushed against a stone wall. His tongue feverishly plunged into my mouth, with a deep libidinous growl sending shockwaves through me. I felt a massive hard bulge within the confines of his pants rub up against my center, as his hands cradled my butt and lifted me up. The feeling sent a quiver of desire between my thighs, while my pearled nipples pressed against his chest. Hastily, I wrapped my legs around his torso, knowing full well that he could feel the wetness through my panties pressing against his sculpted stomach. 

A hand sensuously glided along the length on my right arm, causing goosebumps to rise up beneath the light brush of his claws. He pinned the back of my hand against the hard cool surface of the wall by running his fingertips up along the inside of my fingers, then pressing his palm to mine. It felt like electricity was sizzling between our hands, eliciting a little yelp from me as our lips continued to dance upon one another.

Our passion suddenly seemed to burn like a bright blazing flame within the deepest darkness. Never in my life had I ever felt like this before. Been kissed like this before. Desire gripped my very soul, just as I desperately gripped onto his strong shoulder and neck with my free hand. 

His tongue literally wrapped around mine like a strangling serpent, then tugged, all while that strange purr vibrated in the back of his throat again. The vibrations went straight through my tongue and down my throat, creating more titillating heat between my legs. It felt so alien and otherworldly, sensual and erotic. 

Then his tongue unraveled from mine and the kiss broke. He removed his hand from mine and held me closely as though I were a precious treasure. I panted heavily against him, shivering with lust like a little immodest muppet... Holy smokes! He nuzzled against the side of my head with a quick deep growl.   

"Thank you for letting me give you a kiss." He softly purred.

"You're welcome." I said with a breathy giggle. "Thank you for kissing me."

He chuckled against my ear, then held me a little bit firmer. "Alright, well we should get back. I don't want your dinner to burn."

He began leaping up from side to side, using his shadows to propel him along. Then we popped back up into the misty forest, scaring away a little skittering critter that looked like a black undead weasel. We both couldn't help but exchange smiles and laugh, as he tenderly carried me back to our firepit.

The ambery glow of flickering flames illuminated the pebbly beach and caedis trees... And also Sagacor, as he guiltily laid beside the fire with a fully rounded belly. I scowled, noticing how the top stone had been picked clean, without a single trace of the plants I'd been roasting.

"Dammit, he ate my dinner!"

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