Illuminating the Dark Prince

By DaturaMoon

269K 12.6K 5K

"What's a kiss?" He asked in my right ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "What's a kiss?" He was suddenly on... More

Prologue- The Crimson Crowning (Pt. 1)
Prologue- Abyssal Abdication (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Mischance
Knight of Nightmares
Sleeping in Shadows
Tongue Tied
Kindling the Flames
Illusions of the Orb
Kissed by Darkness
Deceiving the Demon
The Amethyst Forest
Redamancy for Darkness
Royal Realization
Lurking Lloigors
Rain on the Mountain
Strange Visitors
Remnants of Humanity
The Spark of a Soulbond
A Sense of Community
The Dungeon
Matrimony and Mayhem
Important Note On Plagiarism
The Beauty of Life
The Sunrise
The Man Around the House
True Beauty
The Calm Before the Storm
A Perilous Proposal
Secret Shenanigans and Summonings
The Heights of Hell
Hope for the Brokenhearted
The Wingman
Edging and Erotic Enticements
Riding The Vovin
A Dance of Shadow and Flame
Back to the Abyss
Terror and Tragedy
A Gift from a God
The Winds of War
Rise of the Serpent
The Fall of Tenveriel
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.1)
When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)
Dawn of an Illuminated World
Renewal of Vows
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)
The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 2)
Epilogue- A Kingdom of Light
Author's Note

Romance in the River

9.2K 419 185
By DaturaMoon

The soft swish of a turning page echoed quietly through the cave, as I sat cross legged on the comfy pillow nest, peacfully reading one of the many old and peculiar books from Valarendrik's bookcases. He was currently out hunting, and likely wouldn't be back for a little while.

Luckily, he had a seemingly random collection of fiction books, and other non-fiction ones, such as materia medica for abyssal plants, spell books, magisterial guidelines for ruling a kingdom, and manuscripts about abyssal folklore. 

Intrigued by an inscription inside of a cover which read, "Valarendrik, enjoy your stupid birthday. -Aldrinan" I'd begun reading an illustrated children's story about a jolly tenverian chef who'd sing macabre songs while cutting out naughty children's tongues, and nailing them to his kitchen wall until they shriveled up into jerky. Then he'd generously give them out to all the good children to joyfully lick. "Tasting Tasty Tongues" it was called.

Disgusted by the awful book, I swiftly closed the black leather bound cover with a soft thump, then put it to the side. The pillows rustled beneath me as I got up to get a drink of water and a piece of fruit from the table. An unexplainable and ravenous craving for chocolate cake had suddenly come upon me. But considering where I was, caedis was going to have to do in order to satisfy my insatiable sweet tooth. 

Chocolate cake is definitely going to be the first thing I eat when I get back home... 

A slight frown snuck it's way onto my face with that thought. The inevitability of returning to earth no longer filled me with joy, but rather weighed on my spirit like a cold burial stone. I knew that I had to eventually go back, and my heart filled with agony knowing that I would never see Valarendrik again once I did. The fact that I didn't belong in his world, and he didn't belong in mine now upset me more than the thought of never feeling the sunshine on my face again. 

Am I a fool for allowing myself to fall for an abyss creature whom I ultimately cannot be with? 

Little pains twinged in my stomach and lower back as I gloomily made my way across the room like a glum bum, and poured some water into an otherworldly looking chalice from a matching pitcher. With a sigh, I sullenly swirled the liquid around as if it were a glass of wine, then dramatically pretended to drink my sorrows away. 

Curse this bland-ass liquid for being non-alcoholic... 

I was mid-gulp, when my eyes abruptly widened in shocked horror. Something warm and wet was slowly trickling down my inner thigh. Panic seeped into my veins, as I hastily placed the chalice back down onto the table, among the many strange knickknacks and bowl of freshly picked caedis fruit. My hands fumbled to lift my dress, and I was met with my worst suspicion. Small crimson droplets were dripping down, leaving a thin trails of blood behind.

No, no, no! For fuck's sake, no! This can't seriously be happening! I can't possibly have my fucking period while trapped in the abyss!

My heart began to wildly beat, and dread settled deep within my bones. I had no supplies and there were lots of harrowing beasts that my blood would attract. Not to mention that telling Valarendrik about it would be downright mortifying for me!

...Shit, why didn't I see this coming!? It's not like I've been able to take my birth control for the past seven weeks or anything! 

I frantically grabbed a black cloth from the table, then swiftly pattered across the cave as I made my way over to the entryway. Very cautiously, I peeked outside with wide searching eyes. Sagacor was happily munching on some reddish ferns along the ghastly forest edge, while the river peacefully flowed on by next to the caedis trees. The coast seemed all clear, but I wanted to be extra sure.

"Hello? Valarendrik?" I meekly called out into the darkness. A minute passed and I heard nothing but the rustling of long silvery grass and sibilant laminations from corpsen trees... Now's my chance. 

I swiftly scurried over to the misty riverbank beside the trickling water fall. The mossy mountainside stones from which it poured loomed high above my head, with little black ferns dangling down from the crevasses like weeping threads of lace, while shriveled purple blooms quivered upon the grey pebbles at my feet. I hastily yanked my dress and panties off, discarding them on a rock, then carefully stepped into the cool refreshing water. I'd bathed in here many times before, but Valarendrik had always been standing on guard with his back turned to me. It was highly unnerving being out here alone, especially considering all the godforsaken creatures that could very well be lurking around.

I just have to quickly get cleaned up, then I'll see what kind of makeshift hygiene products I can concoct...

The swiftly moving current gently caressed my waist and lower body like a stream of ebon velvet, while I mindfully stepped across the small pebbles and dark sand of the riverbed. There was one particularly mucky area that I liked to avoid, so I stayed closer to the trickling waterfall, finding a small pool-like area next to a large moss and fern embellished stone.

Little wispy tendrils of my golden hair danced upon the wind in front of my face, as I gazed down and began scrubbing the blood from my inner thighs with the cloth. The creeping mist parted over the inky surface of the water for second, allowing me to catch a quick glimpse of my reflection. It was a bit blurry, but I could still see just how awful I looked. 

My heart sank at the sight of it. Not only was I upset about my period, but I had always been taught that I had to look perfect in order to be considered beautiful. And here I was with messy hair, no makeup, all bloated do to water weight, looking like an ugly bedraggled hobo. My lower lip trembled and I started to softly cry, watching how my tears mournfully fell through the swirling mist and into the dark river below with faint drip drop noises. 

I imagined all the cruel things that Justin would say if he could see me now. He was always extremely harsh on my appearance, freaking out on me if I wasn't looking up to his standards. The ghosts of his hurtful words echoed within my mind, haunting me with feelings of unworthiness. Over the three years that we'd been together, I'd begun to feel unlovable and worthless if I wasn't hiding behind my mask of perfection. And my out of whack hormones were stirring up all the ingrained pain and emotions like a cackling witch stirring up her black caldron of poisonous bubbling swill.

"Lucilia!?" Valarendrik's deep voice suddenly boomed from within the forest, pulling me from my woebegone thoughts. In the blink of an eye, he swiftly emerged out from the shadowy trees with his swords menacingly drawn and long shadowy hair twisting all around him. He speedily wisped over, skillfully bouncing from stone to stone upon the rocks sticking out above the river's swirling surface. I jumped and quickly turned towards him in surprise. "I heard you call and came as fas-"

His words got stuck in the back of his throat as if they were choking him, while this dexterous and agile creature of darkness, with impeccable ninja-like balance and poise, got a shocking eyeful of my well endowed tits. He then tripped on a rock and fell face first into the river.  

Oh no!

The dark water splashed all around him, landing among the whirling rapids rushing throughout the stones. I squeaked while shyly covering myself with my arms, then quickly put the cloth on the stone and hurried back over to the shore to grab my dress. Valarendrik began awkwardly stumbling and splashing across, chivalrously shielding his eyes with his hand, while I hastily fumbled with my dress.

"I'm so sorry! I did not mean to disgrace your modesty!" He quickly apologized, with his long wet hair all disheveled and dangling down into the water. 

"It's okay. It's no big deal." I kindly reassured him, finally managing to shimmy into my dress properly. "You may look now."

His hand fell from his eyes, then he frowned when he took in the sight of me. "You are upset?" He questioned, all soaking wet and kneeling in the river. The misty water swirled around his muscular frame as he stared over at my teary face with concern.

"No, no, I'm fine." I quickly tried to wipe my tears away, while waddling back into the river. I didn't want him to smell my blood, since I was feeling rather embarrassed about it already. "I'm just feeling a bit emotional, that's all."

"Are you missing your world again?" He hesitantly inquired while wistfully glancing down into the riverine swirls. 

"No, it's not that." I felt a lone tear slip from my eye. "I'm just being overly dramatic." 

His head thoughtfully tilted to the side, while his crown twitched. "Would a kiss make it better?"

"No! I don't want you kissing me right now!" I wanted him to go away so I could stealthily clean myself up in solitude. I certainly didn't want him kissing me while I felt like an ugly disheveled slugbum on her period.

The look of rejection in his eyes made me instantly regret my words. "Oh..." He softly murmured. "You do not desire my kisses anymore? Did I do something wrong?" 

I ran my hand through my hair in frazzled frustration. "No, you did nothing wrong! We can kiss later, just not right now!" I began restlessly pacing back a forth through the water. "I just feel too unattractive right now to be able to enjoy it."

His head contemplatively tilted to the other side, dipping more of his long locks into the water. There was an analytical gleam in his ruby gaze, as it inquisitively raked over my face. "You are upset because you doubt your beauty?" He lifted a brow with a confused frown.

"Well it's kind of hard not to!" I began to animatedly freak out, waving my arms all around. "My hair's a mess! I'm filthy! I'm not wearing a speck of makeup! I'm bloated! And I just want to curl up in a corner with a slice of chocolate cake and cry!" More tears ran down my face. "I don't understand why you'd even want to kiss me righ-" 


A giant gooey glob of river muck suddenly walloped me right in the face. I gasped in complete shock, then murderously narrowed my eyes over towards Valarendrik. He looked insanely guilty and was desperately trying not to laugh, covering his mouth with his muck stained hand. 

"Did you just throw river muck at my face!?" I angrily drawled with a venomous tone, while aggressively pointing at my face.   

He literally couldn't hold back his guilty laughter. "Yes, yes I did." The walking dead man confessed, while removing his wet jacket and effortlessly tossing it to the shore with one hand.

"You!" I started to incoherently ramble and sputter in rage, while he began holding his perfectly sculpted stomach, doubled over in laughter. "How fucking dare yo-"


He threw another, nailing me right in the chest. The disgusting ebon muck splattered up my neck and across my upper right arm. I stiffened, taking in a furious breath through my nose. "That's it! I'm going to murder you!"  My filthy face turned bright tomato red as I angrily swooshed and splashed through the water like a raging rhinoceros. 

Once I was a close, I dipped my hand into the water, then scooped up a good sized glob of goo and savagely flung it him. "Take that!" 

He just laughed some more, while effortlessly blocking it with his shadows. Then he playfully swooped his arms around me. I frantically slapped at him like a crazed maniac. "Nice try, but you missed." He smugly taunted.

"That's it!" I attempted to wrap my hands around his strong neck to strangle him, as we both toppled over with a splash.

The sound of his laughter and my angry screams rolled across the river, just as he rolled us halfway up onto the river bank. He laid above me, firmly pinning me down with his weight, and started to playfully smear more mud across my face.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're you doing!?" I furiously hissed like a bedraggled river rat beneath him.

"My goodness, look at you, Lucilia." He tisked while gesturing down towards my face, ignoring my question. "You're absolutely filthy, all covered in muck. And your hair is a complete mess. In fact, you even have a twig in it." He nonchalantly said while placing a twig in my hair with an amused smile. "And yet, you are still beautiful." His eyes held my gaze with an intense but adoring look, as he firmly emphasized his words.


"Shh..." He shushed while gently placing a finger on my lips, then tenderly caressed my cheek with his thumb. "It's true, you aren't wearing a speck of makeup. And yet, you are still beautiful. You claim that you are bloated, and truthfully, you do look a tad bit thicker today." His face turned downwards as he curiously measured my waist with his large hand, his pale grey skin and black claws contrasting the faded color of my peachy pink dress. 

"Hey!" I angrily glared up at him and tried to sit back up. 

He firmly held me down while sternly looking back into my eyes. "And yet, you are still beautiful. None of those things take away even the tiniest scrap of your immense beauty." He tenaciously whispered. "I may not know what chocolate cake is, but I certainly do know that you, Lucilia, are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And I want to kiss you just as you are, if you'd let me." His eyes looked like two garnets encased in obsidian, as they desirously searched my face, flickering down to my parted lips.

My heart began to thump loudly in my chest, as I fully took note of the intimate position we were in. His large muscular body rested on top of mine, propped up with one arm as not to crush me. Our legs were entangled beneath the flowing water and his wet face was just now inches from mine. His soaked long hair silkily draped off to one side, coiling over my splayed out golden locks. A tiny bead of water dripped down off of his nose, and whimsically danced with my tears as they glided down my muddy cheek together. 

More little droplets of water fell from my dainty hand, as I lifted it up to caress his smooth ashen cheek. He smiled into my gentle touch, gazing down at me with overwhelming adoration in his eyes. My hand moved up towards his temple, where I tenderly brushed some of his wet hair behind the point of his ear, eliciting soft movement from his crown. A small breathy giggle of happiness mingled with my tears, because for the first time, I truly felt as though I didn't have to be perfect to be worthy of his affections.

"Yes, Valarendrik. You may kiss me." I whispered with a smile.

A dorky lopsided grin twisted across his face. "Oh good. I was worried that I might have to throw more muck at your face for a moment there." He murmured with a slight laugh as he lowered his lips to mine. 

Long clawed fingers threaded through my wet locks, moving to cradle the side of my head, while his lips delicately pressed against my mouth. A rush of desire flowed through me, just as the trickling river flowed around us, and I felt as though I might get swept away by it. My eyes fluttered shut, as I wrapped my arms around his strong torso, folding them up to rest my hands over his flexed shoulder blades.  

His lips seemed to worship my own, as they sensually caressed and wavered against mine like a silent benediction of yearnful passion. I tightened my grip on him, pulling our bodies flush against one another, and wrapping my right leg around his waist. One of my hands slipped from his shoulder blade, moving over the muscular curves of his bicep as I gripped his thick upper arm. The hardness of his obsidian sword holster pressing against my inner thigh suddenly matched the hardness I felt growing inside the confines of his pants. 

Warmth coiled within the pit of my stomach, causing me to breathily moan against his mouth. His long dexterous tongue took full advantage of my parted lips and swiftly flicked out, greedily searching for my taste. Tears streamed down to my temples and flowed into the river, as I smiled into our amorous kiss, relishing in the feeling of him on top of me... And then he suddenly ripped himself away from my grasp like I had the damn plague.

What the fuck!?

"Are you alright!? Did I injure you!?" He quickly asked in panic, while hovering above me on his knees. His eyes frantically raced all over my body, as he gripped his head in dismay. 

I blinked up at him in both confusion and disappointment. "Um, no, you didn't injure me?" My brows furrowed, while he carefully but hastily swooped me up into his lap to cradle me like I was made of glass.

"Yes, I must have. I can smell your blood." His head leaned down while he deeply inhaled, moving his worried gaze towards the apex of my thighs. 

...Oh snap darn it!

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" I hastily covered myself with my hands, while still firmly held in his arms. I knew that there was absolutely no way to hide this from him, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing... Why must he be an abyssal predator with an exceptionally good nose for blood?... "I'm perfectly fine. I'm just, um, menstruating." My eyes searched his face for any sign of understanding in hopes that tenverian women might also have a cycle.

His face contorted in complete and utter confusion. "What the fuck does that mean?"


I sighed, well aware of the deep blush painting my rubescent cheeks. "It means that I'm shedding blood from my womb. It's a natural thing that happens to most fertile human women." I broke eye contact and downwardly shook my head. "And honestly, this is quite embarrassing for me, so I'd rather not talk too much about it."

He stared at me as if that was the strangest thing he'd ever heard. "Hmm, I see." His eyes curiously shifted back and forth between my face to my groin a few times. Then he awkwardly cleared his throat while gently lifting my chin up. "There is no need to feel embarrassed, Lucilia. I do not mind your blood, I'm just glad that you are unharmed. And even tough I am highly curious..." His gaze moved back down to my center, then quickly flickered back up. "I will not ask you about it, other than if there's anything I can do to help?" His voice was soft and full of compassion.

I smiled up at him, feeling relieved by his response. "Well, you could start by helping me get cleaned up, considering you walloped me in the face with muck!" I pointed towards my dirt covered face with mock anger and giggled. 

"Yes, and I also put this twig in your hair, didn't I?" He laughed while pulling the little twizzly twig out of my disheveled locks, then carelessly flicked it into the water. 

My eyes followed it's path as the river's current gently carried it away into the misty darkness. Then I squeaked and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, while he stood up to his monstrous height and began walking us towards the waterfall. He grabbed the cloth from the stone, then glided over to where the tricking water kissed the steady pool. 

"Alright, close your eyes." He said, right before moving us beneath the melodious cascade. I gasped in surprise as the cool water tricked over my scrunched up face. He softly laughed while gently wiping it clean. "There, that's better." 

Ripples ringed out around us, as his hips pinned my waist against the side of the mountain stone, allowing a stream of water to softly trickle down my back. My legs were fully submerged and wrapped tightly around his waist, pressing my core to his. A small trickle from an overhanging ledge drizzled onto his shoulder, as he lifted the cloth up to my neck and began wiping more muck away. 

My eyes trailed down the impressive expanse of his torso, lingering on a few little droplets gliding down the formidable ropes of muscle forming his abdominals, until they disappeared within the wavering surface just above his belly button. He noticed my leering and lifted my chin up, pressing his lips to mine in a quick yet almost forceful kiss. 

"Thank you." I softly whispered, while fluttering my gaze up to him as he pulled away. 

"You don't need to thank me. I'm the one who got you all mucky in the first place." He swooped the cloth down past my collarbone with a chuckle.

A small breathy gasp escaped me, as he pressed his lips to my jawline then gently flittered them up to my ear. "No, not just for cleaning me. But for making me feel beautiful just as I am. For always being so kind, and taking such good care of me." 

"Eh..." He shrugged. "I highly doubt that you will still be thanking me for my kindness once I'm done berating you for leaving the cave alone, unarmed, and smelling strongly of blood, while I was out hunting." His deep voice murmured into my ear. Then he leaned away to rinse the cloth out. His brows knitted together with uncertainty, while he began to clean just above my bosom. It was as if he was unsure if he should continue going lower or not.

"Does that mean that I'm in trouble?" I bit my lip while gently lifting my leg out of the water, caressing his side with it. A shiver of excitement surged up my spine from how close he was to actually touching my breasts, causing my nipples to needily bud. 

His eyes were immediately drawn them, then they flickered back up to my face. "Oh yes, you're in big trouble." He distractedly said, while glancing back down to my chest.

The tiniest amount of muck had slid down the front of my dress, and I could practically see the inner battle happening within his mind. I wanted him to reach down there touch them. Longed for it. But then to my disappointment, he slowly removed the cloth from my skin, and began rinsing it out as if we were done. I inwardly frowned, wondering if he was just being chivalrous, or maybe he feared that I would reject his touch? Whatever the reason was, I realized that I was going to have to be a bit bold to get what I wanted.

"Um, Valarendrik, you missed a spot." I softly said, while reaching out and lightly trailing my hand up along his bicep.

He stiffened, then shifted his gaze back to my bosom, then up to my face. "Oh, did I?" He guiltily asked, feigning oblivion. 

My hands trembled just a bit, as I slowly slipped my sleeves off of my shoulders, allowing the thin material to limply fall to my waist, fully revealing my bosom to him. "Yes, there's still some muck on my breasts. Aren't you going to clean them for me?" I gazed up at him with innocent pleading eyes. 

His jaw practically hit the floor, then he seemed to become a bit frazzled. "Oh, right, right, right!" He quickly sputtered, while awkwardly placing a hand on my bare shoulder. His hips shifted a little as his hardness built, pressing into my core. "Okay, um, well let me just get that for you then." With great concentration, he tentatively placed the cloth on my right boob, then very carefully glided his hand over the upper curve, cleaning away the tiny specks of muck. "Alright, there's one."

I wouldn't have been shocked if he'd broken a literal sweat from focusing so hard, as he moved the cloth to the other one. It was both strange and confusing. I'd literally seen this man fearlessly decapitate harrowing creatures as tall as trees, and yet he seemed intimidated by my tits? It was almost as if he'd never touched a woman like this before. But that was highly unlikely, considering just how handsome and well built he was.

Perhaps there's some sort of cultural thing that I'm unaware of?

I awkwardly cleared my throat, just as he delicately wiped the last speck of muck from my boob. "I'm sorry, I probably should have asked before hand. But is this not something that's appropriate in your culture?"

He softly smiled. "Well, there isn't really much that tenverians consider inappropriate. Unless it involves the gods, or the, um... royals." He nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, okay." I vacantly lifted a foot out of the water, watching how the droplets trickled back into the pool. "It's just that you seemed rather uncomfortable about touching my breasts, that's all."

He sighed and contemplatively looked down for a moment, his wet ebon hair matching the veil of misty darkness behind him. "Look, I need to be honest with you about something that I probably should have told you much sooner." He shyly held a palm up, hesitating before continuing. "I've never actually been intimate with anyone before."

An awkward moment of silence ensued between us, the only sound being the trickling of water. 

"Oh..." I finally drawled in both understanding and surprise. The waterfall peacefully streamed behind me, while little purple petals fluttered upon the warm breeze, falling into the river's swirling embrace. "So you mean that you're, a um, a virgin?"

He let out a quick humorless chuckle. "Unfortunately." His hair silkily draped down over his torso as he bowed his head to the side, with his ruby gaze watching how the tendrils of mist were beginning to slither and coil around us like little writhing serpents. "But it's more than just that. No one was permitted to touch me back in Tenveriel. The only physical contact I ever received was from my mother's beatings, or the guards restraining me. Having you here has quite literally been the most contact I've ever had. And I'm not exactly sure how to properly show you my affection in return." He ran his clawed hand over his crown and through his hair, as he turned to apologetically smile at me. "But I want to."

This is the most physical contact he's ever had? How is that even possible?

My heart broke hearing the deep pain laced within his lonesome confession, and I found myself wondering just how miserable his life must have been before he came out here. So I did the most logical thing that came to mind, and swiftly wrapped my arms around his large wet frame, pressing my soft naked breasts against his hard chest in a loving hug. 

He relaxed and wrapped his arms around me in return. "You are too good for the life you've had to live, Valarendrik." I squeezed him even tighter. "You've done a wonderful job showing me affection so far. And besides, you're already a fantastic kisser, oddly enough."

His claws glided through my hair as he shrugged. "Kissing actually isn't a thing for tenverians. I've honestly just been mimicking what I've seen Azathoth do. He's always trying to suck Gwendolyn's face off when he thinks I'm not looking." 

I softly giggled against his neck. Then an idea popped into my head. "Would you like it if I showed you how to pleasurably touch my breasts? So you can mimic me?" I curiously asked while glancing up at him.

His hand ponderously caressed along my back a few times. "I think I would enjoy that." He softly nuzzled the top of my head. 

"Excellent!" I excitedly leaned my back against the stone to fully face him. "Just follow my lead, okay?"

"Alright." He replied with an intrigued lopsided grin.

Slowly, I moved forwards and began tenderly kissing along his neck. He growled and grabbed my waist with both hands, causing me to softly squeak. I slid my hand up to gently fondle his nipple, grabbing at the hardness of his pectoral muscle while sensually swirling my fingertips over the peeking bead. "I want you to touch me, just like this." I murmured against his soft wet skin. 

The water began to trickle over my shoulder as he slightly leaned me back. He hesitantly lifted one hand up and gently placed it on my breast, while the other slid beneath my bum to fully support me. His eyes met mine, searching for a sign of approval. I smiled and puffed my chest out further into his touch in response. His mouth then latched onto my the side of my neck, as he peppered little sultry kisses all the way down my throat. 

A breathy cadence of little moans and gasps chimed from my lips, from the blissful feeling of his clawed fingertips swirling over my sensitively pearled nipple, and the hardness of his arousal pressing against my core. My arms tightly wound around his head, entangling my fingers in his dark shadowy tresses, while he licked and suckled on the tender flesh of my throat. Sharp teeth grazed over my skin, while his crown moved as though it were caressing my jawline. Then he reluctantly pulled away.

"Like that?" He tilted his head, almost nose to nose with me. 

"Yes, like that." I breathlessly affirmed. 

A seductive smile graced my lips, as I freed my hands from their entanglement within his hair, gliding them over his broad shoulders, then swooping them around his back. I lightly kissed my way from the left side of his collarbone to the right, then fluttered my lips down to his right nipple, flicking and swirling my tongue over the hard beaded pebble this time. 

His claws instantly wove themselves through my hair, while he held my head firmly against his chest. "Is that truly what you want me to do to you, Lucilia?" His voice was rough with lust, almost a growl.

"Mhmm." I hummed, vibrating my lips against him.

An echoed abyssal snarl ripped out of his throat like a violent unfurling of pent up passion. He swiftly pulled me up and leaned me back, cradling my petite frame within his strong arms. "Good, because I really want to do that to you too." 

I gasped as he viciously growled, swooping his head down to devour my plump peaking pearls, pressing my back further against the stone. "Oh my!" Much to my surprise, he sucked and licked with an intense and unexpected primal hunger, aggressively wrapping his tongue around one nipple, and his hand around the other. It was as though I had suddenly awoken a ravenous beast by foolishly poking it with a stick. A switch had been flipped. And I'd unwittingly unlocked a dark carnal lust lurking within him... using my tits as the key.

Holy hot damn!

"Oh, Valarendr- Oh!" He lightly scraped his fangs over the top knoll of my right breast, then roughly moved onto my left, leaving a burning hot trail of wet kisses in his wake. 

I arched further against him, feeling my core set aflame with appetency. His arms squeezed tightly around me as he purred against my nipple, sending me spiraling into a state of lust induced madness. His kisses continued to rain down upon my bosom, just as the gentle trickle of the waterfall rained down upon our entwined bodies. 

His hips suddenly jerked forward, roughly thrusting his erection against my sensitive rosebud. A loud moan was torn from my lips from both the shock and pleasure of it. He paused, then very eerily lifted his head up to inquisitively look at me. His head tilted side to side with a predatory purr, while his shadows began swirling around us. My heart was slamming in my chest, as he wrapped his hand around my face, claws fully extended. 

"What are you- OH MY GOD!"

He trust up against me again, causing me to erotically cry out towards the black sullen skies. "Do you like that?" He asked in a way that seemed either seductive or threatening. I couldn't tell which. Then once again, his steely erection rutted up against my core, nailing me right in the clit, sending another shockwave though me. "Hmm, yes, I think you do." His sharp claws slowly trailed over my lips as he spoke. "Shall I continue?"

"But, Valarendrik..." I whispered, while shaking from lust. "I'm menstruating, and I'll get blood all over your pants." I realized that it was probably too late to be concerned with that as the words fell from my lips.

He kissed up along my neck. "That's okay, we're in the river. It will wash away." His claws retracted as he tenderly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "But we don't have to if you don't want. It's just you seemed to really enjoy that." He shrugged.

I nervously bit my lower lip, afraid of where this might lead, yet yearning for the adventure. "Okay, yes, continue doing that." My blue eyes shifted between his darkening crimson ones, while his crown slowly twitched.

He abruptly growled and crashed his lips to mine, thrusting against my heat once more. My butt slammed against the stone, as his tongue broke through the seal of my lips, demanding entry and muffling my screams. His shadows possessively wrapped around me, with little wisps flicking out to lick at my flesh, engulfing me in his essence. The water rippled and splashed around us, as his hips began to move at a burgeoning rhythmic pace. 

My hands desperately gripped at him, while burning hot desire twisted and coiled within the deepest pit of my core. I'd never gotten myself past this point of pleasure, and Justin had never tried. But Valarendrik's pace only quickened, dry humping between my legs like a bestial fiend, bringing me to unknown heights. 

...Is it still considered dry humping if we're in the river?

The silky length of his tongue suddenly wrapped around mine and held onto it with a dominating grip. He growled, sending vibrations throughout my entire body, electrifying every nerve ending with a pleasurable current. His hand simultaneously squeezed at my breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers with a slight pinch. The flames within me grew higher and hotter, to a roaring point were I worried that I might actually combust. 

Then my eyes widened, realizing that something kind of weird was happening around us. The dark inky water was floating and swirling upwards, as if gravity had been turned off. But I was honestly to luststricken to care, driven to the point of feverish desperation. The kiss broke and Valarendrik furiously gripped at the stone beside my head with one hand, digging his claws in and loudly cracking it with brutal strength... Holy shit!

His eyes had now completely darkened to solid black, as he tensed and vehemently thrusted, with his hard wet muscles flexing around me. Then with a ferocious otherworldly roar that sounded like a thousand wailing souls, everything came crashing down in violent waves of fervor. The water fell and splashed all around us, as unfathomable pleasure simultaneously crashed over us. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I saw stars, while powerful waves of warmth surged throughout my entire being.

I held onto him for dear life, as his lips ardently found mine once again, with the water tempestuously waving and sloshing around our embraced forms. His cock twitched against me within the confines of his pants, while his climax tapered out. My thighs quivered around his hips, and my hands trembled upon his shoulders. Panting, I weakly slumped against him, unable to maintain the kiss. My heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my ribcage, as tears of release slipped down my smiling face. 

It felt like I was blissfully floating upon sunshine filled clouds, while being served chocolate dipped strawberries and getting pampered by a bunch of sexy naked men with a little dove happily cooing on my finger, completely high from having just experienced my first orgasm. We didn't even technically have sex, and yet that was the best sexual experience of my life.


There was no heartbeat within Valarendrik's chest, nor was he out of breath. He effortlessly cradled my enervated body within his strong arms, seemingly unaffected by the passion and power which had just spilled from him. A low satisfied purr rumbled in his chest, as he tenderly kissed the top of my head. 

"You are so beautiful, Lucilia." He softly whispered, smiling from ear to ear against my soaking wet hair. 

My hands weakly tried to hold onto him a bit tighter in response, while I softly nuzzled and kissed against a few wet shadowy locks clinging to his neck. It was in that moment that I knew that I was doomed. I had fallen prey to an otherworldly predator, willingly allowed my soul to become ensnared within his shadows, and my heart would forever belong to the darkness of the abyss.

Seemingly unable to stay awake, my eyes slowly fluttered closed. I peaceful slipped into oblivion, among the inky flowing water and twisting trees, safely cradled within the arms of the dark creature who now unknowingly held my heart within his sharp black claws. 

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