Love You Enough

By Nicksfix

16.8K 662 276

Set in 2013: Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham are on tour with Fleetwood Mac in Europe when destiny strike... More



686 30 10
By Nicksfix

Thirty minutes later, Stevie was cursing under her breath as she walked down the hotel corridor to pay Lindsey a visit. After his call, she had sat in the tub for another ten minutes, calling this man every name under the sun, until she had gotten up to dry herself off, apply some light mascara and lipstick, fluff up her hair and throw a low-cut dark red blouse over a pair of black pants. She was definitely going to give him a piece of her mind, right now, but she sure as hell was going to look incredible when doing so, as well. Without thinking twice, she knocked at his door, her banging only getting louder the longer it took for him to open up.

"Stevie?", he sounded genuinely surprised when he stood face to face with his very agitated ex-girlfriend, all of a sudden. She didn't look amused as she eyed him up but entirely too sexy at the same time, as Lindsey quickly noticed. He swallowed hard, trying his best to not let his eyes linger for too long on the very low neckline of the semi-transparent colorful blouse he had never seen her wear before, and that showed way too much of the matching dark red lacy bra she wore underneath. Damnit, she looked smokin' hot, especially now, that she was clearly angry with him, her long blonde hair wild and curly, her cheeks slightly flushed, and that certain glint in her eyes that let him know he was in real trouble.

"What the hell did you not understand when I said I can't come over, huh?", Stevie hissed to make a point without letting the whole floor know what was going on.

"And still, here you are....", Lindsey couldn't help but smirk.

"Oh, you.....-", she didn't even find the right words to express her anger about his smugness. Lindsey grinned and stepped aside so she could enter his suite to finish their conversation inside. As soon as the door closed behind them, she turned around to start yelling at him, "I swear I'm going to lose my mind because of you. You are impossible, Lindsey. Impossible. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clearly, my dear.", Lindsey replied and sat down on the couch in the living-area to watch her pace back and forth, a wide grin upon his face as he allowed himself to be showered with abuse.

Stevie, on the other hand, was so occupied with insulting him that she didn't even recognize just how happy Lindsey was that she had actually come around, even if it was just to have a screaming match with him. "...and you are so pathetic. All this bullshit about needing me and wanting me. Do you actually think I'd fall for that?! Just how desperate do you think I am, huh?" When Lindsey didn't answer her, she turned around to take a look at him, only to find him with a smug smile upon his face he tried really hard to hide from her. "Oh, fuck you!", she yelled and threw one of the pretty throw pillows at him.

Lindsey caught it last minute before he erupted in hearty laughter, "Oh, Steph!"

"No," she tried to make a point and be serious, "This is not funny, Lindsey."

"Oh, but it is.", he said and couldn't stop laughing.

She glared at him with an open mouth. The fact that he wasn't screaming back at her was a disadvantage for her. For the first time in a long time, she had no idea how to react because he was acting quite different from usual. "I gotta go...", she muttered under her breath, all of a sudden feeling extremely embarrassed for her outburst, before she turned around to walk back to the door.

"Stevie, wait.", Lindsey was faster than expected and pulled her back against him, his smile quickly fading when he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes. "No, please, don't cry.", he said softly and enfolded her in his arms, her back pressed against his front. She tried to fight him for a second but quickly gave up and just held onto him. "I'm sorry.", he whispered into one of her ears, "I know I'm not being fair to you but I wasn't lying when I said I needed you."

"And I wasn't lying when I told you being around you is too much for me to handle.", she admitted.

Lindsey sighed sadly, then rested his chin upon one of her shoulder blades, feeling her tense body starting to relax some, "I didn't want to anger you with my call. I just guess that your present really got to me in a way. I was determined not to call you after our talk before the show, to give you the space you needed, but as soon as I held that necklace in my hands, I couldn't stop myself from dialing your number."

His honest words caused Stevie to turn her head slightly, and in that moment, she recognized the piece of jewelry hanging around his neck for the first time. Somewhat carefully, she reached out to touch it, memories of the very day she gave it to him flashing her mind. Almost exactly forty years had gone by since then. Her much younger self had bought it as a birthday present for him, she had saved every possible penny she had made back then with cleaning and waitressing just to have something beautiful for her boyfriend. Now, it was back at its rightful place, clasped around Lindsey's tanned neck, just where it belonged.

As Lindsey felt the touch of her fingertips on his bare skin, a shot of electricity ran through his whole body. He closed his eyes for a second, deep inside counting to ten to keep himself from doing something stupid he might regret later on, but failing miserably at it. Gently but with enough force to get his point across, he pushed her body up against the door she had just tried to escape through, his forehead pressing against the nape of her neck as her smell filled his nose. Both their breathing elevated, his fingers slipped in-between hers as they rested against the wooden surface of the door.

"I just can't seem to stop myself," Lindsey said in a low whisper, "Steves, I swear, I'm trying so hard to resist you but I just can't do it. The need is too strong."

Stevie tilted her head into his direction, her dark brown eyes wandered from his intense blue ones down to his lips that looked way too inviting for her liking. "Kiss me."

Lindsey's eyes turned wide, almost as if he thought he had not heard her right, "You want me to....? Are you sure?"

"Yeah", Stevie said with a nod of her head, then moved forward to do the job herself.

Both of them moaned loudly. The feeling of their mouths colliding just way too exquisite. Lindsey couldn't keep himself from pushing his hips against her ass, her whole front now pressed tightly against the door, as they kissed passionately. Soon, he started to thrust lightly against her back, he didn't even do it on purpose, it just happened naturally, but Stevie didn't seem to mind at all, as she only started to kiss him harder. His tongue swiped at hers another couple more times before his lips inched their way down the side of her face, so he could sink his teeth into the delicate skin at the curve of her neck, eventually.

The whispered 'god' that escaped Stevie's swollen lips in response to his actions caused Lindsey to dig his nails into the space between her fingers. His lust for her was so apparent that Stevie swore she could feel his low deep groans vibrating from her neck all the way throughout her whole body.

"I feel so alive with you.", she admitted, her head tilting backwards to grant him even more access, "You make me feel so good, I..-"

"I know.", he interrupted her, "I feel just the same when I'm around you."

Only seconds later, she shuddered in his arms as his tongue trailed across the ridges of her ear. He had obviously not forgotten that it was an extra sensitive spot for her.

"Fuck," he muttered, his hands wandered up the lengths of her arms to wrap around her waist instead, one hand inching higher to squeeze a breast. Stevie moaned loudly, then turned in his arms to face him, clasp her hands behind his neck and take his lips in another hungry kiss.

"You are so sexy.", he groaned as he backed off a little and caught a glimpse at her cleavage, "I swear, the minute I saw you standing in front of my door, I wanted to rip off all your clothes."

"Uh-uh", Stevie said with a shake of her head, "No sex, remember? Only kissing."

The frustrated little whine that left Lindsey's mouth was almost endearing. "Kissing in bed okay?"

"Absolutely.", she was only too eager to reply and squealed in surprise when he lifted her up all of a sudden to carry her into his bedroom.

Within seconds, she found herself underneath his much stronger body. His hands were everywhere at once, almost as if he had more than one pair of them. Stevie fell into a continuous state of moaning, her fingers on a journey of their own as they trailed up and down his torso.

Lindsey had no idea for how long they just lay there, making out like a couple of horny teenagers but he didn't seem to mind at all. Every passing second spent with his lips connected to hers was like a dream come true. He couldn't even count the amount of times he had imagined a scene like that within the past fifteen years, and even more so during the last week after their night together in London.

"I'm gonna go crazy because of you", Lindsey muttered against her lips, he took one of her hands to place it right on top of his crotch, "Can you feel what you're doing to me?"

Stevie bit down on her bottom lip as she felt his erection straining against the soft cotton fabric of his pajama pants. "Yeah, without a doubt."

"That's what happened to me every single time I thought of you these past few days.", Lindsey admitted.

Stevie moaned at his confession, her eyes closing as she couldn't keep herself from wrapping her fingers around his length. She squeezed him a couple times, then started to stroke up and down as well as she could with his pants blocking most of the access. Damn, this man had one hell of a dick. Her movements caused Lindsey to hiss at first, then groan right into her mouth, "Fuck, Steph. You're killing me."

She only kissed him harder, their tongues tangling as she felt one of his hands slipping underneath her blouse. His fingers caressed her silky skin, running up and down her stomach, right up to the wires of her bra, then down again to the seam of her black pants. She could feel in the way he was touching her that he wanted so much more than just that, and if she was being totally honest, so did she. Her thoughts only got confirmed when she heard him ask, "Are you wet for me?"

She nodded, "So wet."

"Will you let me feel it?"

She shook her head, "No."

He groaned in frustration but accepted her rules and resumed kissing her, instead. He had no idea why it was okay for her to stroke his dick through his pants while he wasn't even allowed to get a feel of her arousal, but he sure as hell wasn't going to complain. Her answer made him want to push the boundaries a little though, just to see just how far she was going to let him take this whole thing. So, while distracting her with another series of tender kisses, he reached up with one hand to pop the first button of her blouse. When she didn't protest, he popped another two, his fingers slipping inside to squeeze at her breasts.

That was when Stevie's eyes fluttered open. She whimpered lightly, then slowly shook her head, "Our clothes stay on."

"This is pure torture.", Lindsey groaned.

"I can always leave, again.", she threatened.

"Clothes stay on, got it.", he was quick to say and brought his hand back down to a safer level.

They probably made out like that for another fifteen minutes, until Lindsey decided he had enough and rolled them around to have Stevie lie on top of him, instead. This sudden change of position gave him the opportunity to explore a whole different type of areas of her body, her enthusiastic moans only proving to him she enjoyed this just as much as he did.

"Your tits look incredible in this top.", Lindsey complimented her appearance when she sat up straight to straddle him.

"I know.", she said with a shrug.

"Is this why I've never seen you wear this blouse before?", he asked and played with the fringe of the dark red item of clothing.

She nodded, "I usually don't wear stuff like that, anymore. It's too revealing."

"Are you saying you put this on on purpose when you came here? To seduce me?"

"Nah, maybe to make you squirm a little", she admitted, laughing when he groaned in response to her words, "But I seriously didn't plan for this to happen, quite the opposite actually."

Lindsey slowly shook his head, he was completely amazed by the woman on top of him. He then sat up against the headboard of the bed to meet her lips, again. Stevie sighed in pleasure when she felt the tenderness of his touch. His hands felt so good as they ran up and down her thighs, she didn't even have the heart to stop him when he started to feel up her ass.

"I love every minute of this.", he admitted, "And I can tell you, right now, I'm willing to accept any boundary you may have as long as this is the outcome of it."

His words made her laugh, "Yeah, sure. I mean you're only fondling my ass just now, and we're basically stepping over every line I drew, but sure, you're such a gentleman, Linds."

"You want me to be a gentleman?", he furrowed his brow in surprise.

"Oh god, no! Over my dead body!", she said, causing both of them to chuckle, "I enjoy this way too much."

"So do I.", he said softly and hauled her hips more into him before cradling her face in both his hands to kiss her, again. Stevie closed her eyes, her hands finding their way into his grey curls as she concentrated on the way he explored the inside of her mouth. She was so occupied with the way he was loving on her that she only realized that Lindsey had unbuttoned the rest of her blouse when his hands came to rest on the bare skin of her waist, just inches below her bra. She pulled away from him, her eyes following his line of sight, "That's against the rules. Again."

"Why, your blouse is still on, isn't it?", Lindsey said innocently while his eyes roamed her newly exposed skin without any shame.

Stevie shook laughingly her head, "Very clever."

"Yeah, I've been told that before.", he said with a winning smile and shrugged.

"I'm serious. I won't let you fuck me, again."

"You mean not ever, again, or just not tonight?"

The way he was looking up at her with that incredible pair of blue eyes made it impossible for Stevie to answer his question. So, she just leaned forward to kiss him, once again.

"Will you stay overnight?", Lindsey asked who had not missed the fact she hadn't answered his previous question but decided not to dwell on it and take it as a good sign, instead.

"And what if your wife decides to pay you a surprise visit on your birthday and finds me in your bed?"

Lindsey laughingly shook his head, "I swear, I'd probably be more surprised if she decided to pay me a visit than her about finding us in bed together." His answer and the bitter laugh that followed his words alarmed Stevie but she hid it well. After a moment of silence, she complied, though.

"Okay, I'll stay", she said eventually, causing the man beneath her to grin and give a big fist pump that was so endearing that she started to laugh before he pulled her down to kiss her lips.

"Any chance I'll get you out of these pants before switching off the light?", he asked after they had both calmed down some and she had cuddled up at his side. "I mean, I wouldn't want you to get too hot and start to sweat just because you think I can't keep it in my pants for a night."

Stevie shook her head, but the amused expression upon her face told him she was secretly enjoying all the flirting on his part. She shot him a sultry look, then reached down with both hands to unbutton her pants and slid them down her legs until they ended up on the floor along with her shoes. The surprised look in Lindsey's eyes caused her to smirk. She was basically lying next to him in nothing but a matching set of dark red lacy lingerie with an unbuttoned blouse hanging loosely off of her shoulders.

"Yep, I better turn off the lights, now.", he muttered and reached for the light switch to his right, but couldn't keep himself from adding, "...before my dick's going to fall off."

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