A Wonderful Adventure For Thi...

By ihavebecomepneuma

40.2K 658 896

What would happen when a metalhead guitarist reincarnates to a fantasy world? Read and find out. More

Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems
Perverts, Panties, And Cabbage
Morning After, Practice, And A Dullahan
Gators, Tryhards, And Dullahan Again?
Alphonse, Floods, And A Layed Back Duet
Snow Sprites, Shogun, And Eris
Guy's Day, Sunset, And Succubus
1k Reads Special
Prison, Interrogation, And Justice For All
New Friends, Bath, And Duel
Gigs, Dungeon, And Party
Return, Proposal Problem, and Meeting
Vanir, Mind Control, And Solution
Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards
An Unusual Duet, Fishing Buddies, And Roadtrip
Caravan, Cultists, And Split
Apology, Becoming One, And Angry Mob
Chase, Slime, And Final Battle
5k Special: Old Ties
Crimson Legend
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 1
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 3
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 4
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 5
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue
10k Special: Sick Day
The Ten Million Bride: Prologue and Chapter 1
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 3
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 4

Wiz, Restaurant, and Spirit House

1.2K 22 27
By ihavebecomepneuma

(Y/N), Kazuma, and Aqua were currently walking down the street to a shop Kazuma had told them about.

(Y/N): "Hey I know this place."

Kazuma: "You do?"

(Y/N): "Yeah it's where Wi-"

Kazuma: "Shhhh! If you even say her name Aqua will get riled up, and I'm trying to prevent that at the moment!"

Aqua: "Say who's name?"

Kazuma: "No one."

Had it been anyone else, they would've been skeptical. But since it was Aqua, she dropped it at that.

Kazuma: "How do you even know her?"

(Y/N): "I bought a janky dagger from her before the cabbage quest. I would be mad that it doesn't cut anything, but Wi- I mean, the shopkeep is so damn sweet that I really can't."

Kazuma: "That sounds about right. Aqua, don't throw a fit when you get inside."

Aqua: "I'm a goddess. Goddesses don't throw fits."

Wiz: "Welcome!"

Aqua: "YOU!"

Aqua rushed across the small shop and grabbed the lich behind the counter.

Aqua: "You filthy undead! I'm sleeping in stables and you're out here running a shop!"

As Wiz started to fade, Kazuma walked over to the cause of the problem. He promptly whacked Aqua on the head with the sheath of his sword. As Aqua held her head in pain and argued with Kazuma, (Y/N) tried to start up a conversation.

(Y/N): "Yo Wiz."

Wiz: "Ah, (Y/N). It's good to see you. How did you like the dagger?"

(Y/N): "Couldn't cut a damn thing, but it still found a way to be useful."

Wiz: "I'm so sorry! I can give you a full refund."

(Y/N): "N-no it's alright. I've used it more as a different tool than I have a blade anyway."

Wiz: "Well that's good. I didn't want you to feel cheated."

(Y/N): "Not at all. You know, it's unrelated but, Aqua called you an undead? I know she can talk crazy, but a sweet girl like you?"

Wiz was obviously a little flustered from the accidentally flirting on (Y/N)'s part, but answered quickly nonetheless.

Wiz: "No she's right. I'm a high ranking undead, a lich."

(Y/N): "Woah, that's..."

Wiz was entirely prepared for the distaste of undead to come out of (Y/N)'s mouth. She thought it was only natural, he was an adventurer after all. But what she had expected never came.

(Y/N): "That's so cool!"

Wiz: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "Straight from the 80s and we're old school! Lich King rules!"

Wiz: "What?"

Kazuma: "Ignore his obscure references. It just means he's comfortable around you."

(Y/N): "Lich King rules is an opinion I will stand by forever."

Kazuma: "I wish I understood at least one of these."

(Y/N): "I wish you did too."

Aqua: "Are you entirely useless? Do you even serve tea here?"

(Y/N): "Ok, who's useless? And why in the fuck would she serve tea? For god's sakes, this is like a general store, not a cafe."

Wiz: "I-it's quite alright! I'll have the tea ready in a moment!"

Wiz then went into the back of the shop, and a bunch of things clanging and breaking were heard.

(Y/N): "Aqua, you're fucking cold blooded."

Aqua: "Huh?! Why would this make me cold blooded?"

(Y/N): "Cause you're making that poor sweet girl wait on you in her own store like that. It just comes across as malicious."

Kazuma: "I don't think Megumin would like how often you call other women sweet."

(Y/N): "What do you mean other women?! It's just Wiz, and I don't mean it in a flirty way, I mean it in a nice way. It's just the south in me rearing it's head, besides, how else would you describe her?"

Kazuma: "You have a fair point. She really is a kind girl."

Aqua: "I don't care how kind she is, she's still an undead, and my natural enemy."

(Y/N): "And that's why I called you cold blooded."

Kazuma: "Also, did you say the south in you? I would've never guessed you were southern. You don't act like..."

(Y/N): "Lemme guess, when you hear south, you think either cowboys or cousin-humping hillbillies."

Kazuma: "I mean, kinda. I have no clue about that stuff, I'm Japanese."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah. To be honest I kinda forgot about that, with the language barrier being taken away and all."

Kazuma: "Maybe that's why you're accent hasn't come through."

(Y/N): "Believe me, it'll find it's way out sometime. Most likely if I get real mad."

Kazuma: "You weren't really mad with Mitsurugi?"

(Y/N): "Not as mad as I've been before. One time I was finishing up a gig, and my little brother was working as a roadie for us. Some drunk dude pulled a knife on him in the alley behind the bar. That's when I got real mad. I nearly killed that guy. Nobody gets to mess with my brother but me. I guess I can't anymore though."

Kazuma: "Holy crap. You never told me you had a younger brother, I do too. Or did I guess. All we can do now is hope they do well."

(Y/N): "I know he'll do well. I taught him how to play basic drums and he took off. He was in his own little garage band before I died, and I've got high hopes for him. Your brother too. I don't know him, but he's related to you, so he has to be pretty smart."

Kazuma: "I hope so too. And thanks."

Suddenly, Wiz rushed out to Aqua and handed her tea.

Wiz: "H-here's your tea! I hope it's good enough for you!"

Aqua took a sip, and was surprised at how quickly Wiz made tea this good. She wasn't gonna tell her that though.

Aqua: "You run a warm shop, you brew warm tea, but you're still a cold undead."

Wiz: "I'm sorry! The likes of me shouldn't live in such luxury!"

Kazuma: "Oi Aqua, quit acting like a spiteful sister-in-law. Wiz, the reason we're here today is that I've got some extra skill points saved up, and I was wondering if you'd teach me a lich skill."

(Y/N): "I've got some too, so count me in."

Aqua: "What?! I won't allow a goddess' attendant to learn skills from a dirty undead!"

Kazuma: "Who are you calling an attendant?!"

Aqua walked up to Wiz and wrapped her arm around her shoulders.

Aqua: "Listen, liches like gloomy, dismal places. The whole lot of them are basically related to slugs!"

Wiz: "Th-that's just horrible!"

(Y/N): "Look, this could be our only chance to learn a skill like this."

Wiz: "I-I'm sorry to intrude, but did she say 'goddess' attendant'?"

Aqua: "Yes! I am Aqua, the goddess of the religious order of Axis! Kneel before me and weep, you filthy lich!"

Wiz cowered back and started screaming.

(Y/N): "W-Wiz, it's alright, you don't have to be so scared."

Wiz: "It's just...There's a lot of crazy people in the Axis Cult, people you shouldn't get mixed up with. And if she's the goddess they worship, then she must be..."

Aqua: "What did you say?! Curse you! This is what you get!"

Aqua grabbed Wiz's shoulder and shook her. (Y/N) walked up behind her and bopped her on the head.

Aqua: "Ow!"

(Y/N): "Go to horny jail."


Wiz: "By the way, I heard that you defeated Verdia. That's quite impressive, he was skilled even among the other generals."

(Y/N): "By the way you're talking, you sound like you knew the guy."

Wiz: "Oh, that's because one of the Devil King's generals."

Aqua: "Aha!"

After Wiz said that, Aqua was on top of her within seconds. She pinned her to the floor, ready to purify her.

Aqua: "I've got you now!"

Wiz: "N-no wait! You've got it all wrong!"

Aqua: "With you, my debt will be lifted entirely! I might even get change back!"

Kazuma: "Now hold on, you didn't even give her a chance to explain herself."

The two boys kneeled down and talked to Wiz.

Kazuma: "You know that, as adventurers, we can't just overlook what you said."

(Y/N): "But I have a hard time believing a sweet girl like you is evil, so here's your chance to explain."

Wiz: "I-I'm one of the Devil King's generals, but I only maintain the barrier around his castle! I've never hurt anyone, and there's no bounty for me either!"

Aqua: "I don't really understand, but...."

She raised a glowing fist to the air above Wiz.

Aqua: "I'll take you out, just in case."

Wiz: "Please wait!"

(Small Timeskip)

Kazuma: "So if we defeat all the generals, we can get into his castle?"

Wiz: "Exactly. The Devil King told me he wouldn't prevent me from running a shop in a human settlement, and in turn asked me to maintain the barrier around his castle."

Aqua: "So no one can invade the castle with you still alive? Say your prayers, lich!"

Wiz: "Please wait, I still have things I would like to do!"

Aqua: "I could easily break a barrier, but since she's a lich..."

Kazuma: "We'd just end up dead going as we are now anyway."

(Y/N): "I personally don't feel like dying another gruesome death."

Aqua:s "Alright fine!"

Wiz: "Thank you!"

(Y/N): "Wiz, are we still good?"

Wiz: "Why wouldn't we be?"

(Y/N): "I mean, we did kill Verdia. You don't resent us for that?"

Wiz: "Well, it's not as if we were particularly close..."

As Wiz recalled her time with Verdia, she began to tell the three.

Wiz: "Whenever I would walk around the castle..."

Verdia: "Whoops! My hand slipped!"

Wiz: "He would roll his head between my feet, and look up my dress."

Verdia: "Strike, baby! In every way, a total strike!"

Kazuma: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "You know, I still gotta respect Verdia. Just a less now."

Wiz: "Besides, I'd like to think that my heart is still human, even now."

(Y/N): "See Kazuma? That's why I was calling her sweet."

Kazuma: "Can't blame you."

Wiz: "A-anyway, I'd be happy to teach you to some skills. It's the least I could do to repay you for letting me go last time. Uh, well..."

Kazuma: "What's wrong?"

Wiz: "W-well, my skills can only be used on opponents..."

(Y/N): "Aqua, you're up."

Aqua: "Alright! What spell have you got for me, lich?"

Wiz: "This is Drain Touch. It can be used to transfer mana between people. O-of course, I'll only drain a small amount now."

Aqua: "It's ok. Drain all you need."

As Wiz locked hands with Aqua, a purple light began to glow from them.

Wiz: "Huh?"

Aqua: "What's wrong? Come on, drain as much as you can."

Wiz: "Wh-what? I-it's not..."

With a well placed hand, (Y/N) chopped Aqua on the head again.

Aqua: "Ow! What's with you? This is a fated battle between goddess and lich!"

(Y/N): "I knew that something was up when you were so eager to be a test subject."

Kazuma: "This is going nowhere fast. Just let her drain you."

(Y/N): "One baby to another said 'I'm lucky to have met you.'"

Aqua: "What?"

(Y/N): "I don't care what you think, unless it is about me."

Kazuma: "Oi."

At this point (Y/N) had already pulled his guitar off his back.

(Y/N): "It is now my duty to complete drain you!"

Kazuma: "Would you quit with these references?!"

(Y/N): "You can't fucking stop me!"

(Another Small Timeskip. Damn I'm lazy today.)

Kazuma and (Y/N) were just finishing up adding Drain Touch to their arsenal.

(Y/N): "That should be it. Kazuma, come here, lemme try it out."

Kazuma: "I'm not a training dummy."

(Y/N): "You're just a regular dummy."

Kazuma: "Fuck you."

(Y/N): "Love you too."

Wiz: "A-Aqua, you can let go now. Where you're touching is starting to burn actually. It's really burning! Please! I-I'm fading away! I'm disappearing!"

It was Kazuma that slapped Aqua's head this time.

Aqua: "Ow! Again!"

Kazuma: "I should've known you'd take advantage of the moment to do something like this."

(Y/N): "You ok, Wiz? You're looking kinda...uh, see-through."

Suddenly, a random man walked through the door.

Random Guy: "Is Wiz here?"


The party were standing in front of a mansion outside town.

Kazuma: "Looks like this is the place."

(Y/N): "That's one big son of a lich."

Everyone cringed, and looked at (Y/N) with disappointment.

Kazuma: "Go back to the weird references."

(Y/N): "Fine. Seriously though, I could fit two or three of my old house in there."

Megumin: "I heard it was an aristocrat's villa before."

Darkness: "It was surely generous for the landlord to allow us to stay here. All we have to do is exorcise the spirits inside."

Aqua: "Leave it to me! I'm a goddess, the ultimate anti-spirit machine!"

Aqua lifted her hands towards the mansion, and her palms started to glow.

Aqua: "I see! The aristocrat made a move on his maid, which resulted in an illegitimate child. She was then confined here."

Everyone's amusement quickly died out, and they started to walk inside.

Aqua: "She likes things that make her feel grown up, especially fine wine-"


Kazuma: "That should do it for the cleaning today."

(Y/N): "This was one dusty motherfucker."

Megumin: "It was just sitting here. Anything sitting like that would be dusty."

(Y/N): "Fair point."

Darkness: "All that's left to do is wait for night."

(Y/N): "Actually, I've got somewhere to be."

Megumin: "Just where would that be?"

(Y/N): "There was some guy in a suit at the guild during my last gig. Turns out, he runs a fancy restaurant in town. He said he'd pay me to play some layed back stuff like I did at the guild. You wanna come?"

Megumin: "I don't have anything better to do. When are you heading out?"

(Y/N): "Right now."

Megumin: "What?! You should've told me sooner, I could've prepared some nicer clothes!"

(Y/N): "It's alright, I'm going in denim as always."

Megumin: "But I'm a lady! I need to look good if we're going somewhere fancy!"

(Y/N): "You look good in anything you wear, goddammit!"

Megumin and (Y/N) both went red as they realized what he'd just said.

Kazuma: "Just get out of here. I'm tired of listening to lover's spats."

The two left the mansion, passing Aqua, who was still monologuing, on the way out. They started off towards town. (Y/N) was the first to break the silence.

(Y/N): "You know, I almost turned the guy down. But then he offered a free meal on top of it all."

Megumin: "Does that mean?"

(Y/N): "Yep. I don't have a long set, so once I'm done, we can have our first real date."

Megumin: "I look forward to it!"

Soon the couple had arrived at the door of the restaurant. A waiter in a tuxedo greeted them.

Waiter: "Good evening. Do you have a reservation prepared?"

(Y/N): "Sort of. I'm set to be the entertainment for tonight. The guy who runs the place promised a meal and a little extra money in return."

Waiter: "Ah, you must be (Y/N). Is this your guest?"

(Y/N): "Yes, she's here for the show and a date."

Waiter: "Then if you come with me, I'll seat you two right away."

They followed the waiter into the main room of the restaurant. They looked around to see many couples at tables for two. Some heads turned their way as they made the waiter led them to to the table.

Waiter: "Here we are. I'll be back with some water. Oh, and I'll be sure to tell the owner you're here."

The waiter walked off into a room for staff only, leaving the two.

Megumin: "I feel quite out of place here."

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's too fancy for me. But a gig is a gig. And a date with you is a huge plus."

(Y/N) was easily able to get Megumin to blush. But she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Megumin: "I-I'm glad you feel that way. I do too. After all, a date with someone you really like is always a great thing."

(Y/N)'s face fired up now. The two sat at a very red stalemate, until another man in a tuxedo walked up to them.

Owner: "I'm glad you could make it, (Y/N). I advertised dinner and a show well, so everyone here is here for you."

(Y/N): "Well I'll be damned. I'm flattered."

Owner: "Are you ready to go on?"

(Y/N): "Sure. Oh, about the meal. I brought a date, I hope it's alright."

Owner: "It will be just fine. Once you get finished playing, just come back down and we'll get your orders."

As the patrons saw the owner take the strangely dressed boy through the staff door, they made the connection that he must be the "show" in dinner and a show.

Owner: "Right this way."

(Y/N) was led up onto a small stage at the end of the room. A stool, and another makeshift microphone were up onstage, all being concealed by a velvety curtain. As (Y/N) took his seat and made some last minute adjustments, an employee lifted the curtain. The people dining suddenly turned their heads at the stage.

(Y/N): "I suppose that y'all aren't much for stage banter, so I'll just go ahead and start the first song."

The quiet talking of the people soon died out almost entirely. They all became fixated on the boy onstage, and the new music he was playing. It was like nothing they'd ever heard before, so vivid, so heartfelt. (Y/N) passionately strummed on the chords as he sang the lyrics, mixing them into a beautiful melody of melancholy. As he ended the song, he received a quiet round of applause.

(Y/N): "That one was called Two Headed Boy Part Two. I'm glad you all enjoyed. This next song is very near and dear to my heart, it's called Badfish."

The audience once again went silent. This song was different from the last, but it didn't affect the crowd negatively. As (Y/N) struck then quickly muted the chords, the audience grew to love it more each time. At the end of the song, the applause was just a little louder than last time.

(Y/N): "I can tell that y'all liked that one more than the last, let's see if we can keep that going. This song's about getting old, it's called Landslide."

This time, there was no conversation between songs. The audience was focused on taking in as much as possible. Some even forgot about the delicious meal in front of them. The highly personal, and relatable, lyrics cut their soul, moved them emotionally. The applause after this song was immensely louder, earning a big smile from (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Wow, you guys really liked that one. Unfortunately, my time here is short. I've only got time for one more song, so I thought "Why not do a long jam?" So that's what I'm gonna play, a long song that's from back where I come from. It's about rolling on down through the world, and leaving your love behind. It's called Tuesday's Gone."

(A/N. I know this is a cover, I just thought that the acoustic Metallica version sounded better in this situation)

If the audience wasn't entranced yet, they certainly were now. The pain and sadness of leaving someone or something behind was something that some of them knew well. They hung onto every last lyric, and took them to heart. At the very end, the applause reached it's highest volume. One or two even yelled for an encore. The curtain lowered, and (Y/N) left the stage.

Owner: "You did great! I'll definitely have to hire you again sometime!"

(Y/N): "Thanks. It's my first time in front of a crowd like this."

Owner: "But didn't you play a show like this at the guild?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but I kinda had a feel for the crowd there. Here, people seem a little more...refined. I wasn't sure how they'd react."

Owner: "Well it's safe to say they enjoyed it. If you'd follow me, I can take you back out to the dining room."

(Y/N): "Appreciate it."

(Y/N) followed the suited man through a couple doors leading back to the dining room. Soon he was back with Megumin, who was beaming.

Owner: "Here's your menus. I'll send someone out to take your orders shortly."

The couple were then left alone again.

Megumin: "You did so good! I swear, in front of a crowd, you become a different person. Not in a bad way, it's like you just find a whole pile of confidence just laying around."

Although a little flustered from such earnest praise, (Y/N) answered honestly.

(Y/N): "Thank you. It really means a lot."

The two smiled brightly at each other. Their bubble was burst when an unknown voice spoke up.

Waiter: "Hello, I'll be your server tonight. What do you have in mind?"

(Y/N): "Uh, we..."

Megumin: "We kinda forgot to look through the menu."

Waiter: "Well then, might I suggest tonight's special? It's a steak cooked to your preference, with a side of cabbage stirfry from the last harvest."

(Y/N): "That's great. I'll have mine medium-rare."

Waiter: "And for the lady?"

Megumin: "Um..."

(Y/N): "She'll have her's medium-well."

Waiter: "Alright then, for drinks. We serve water, unless there's something else you'd prefer."

(Y/N): "A good old mug of whiskey will do."

Waiter: "I'm sorry, but we don't serve whiskey here. We do have some fine wine, if you'd like."

(Y/N): 'I never was one for wine. But a lot of things have changed since I came here.' "That would be nice."

Waiter: "Any preference on the type?"

(Y/N): 'Shit, I don't know what makes wine good. Make something up!' "Just give me your recommendation."

Megumin: "I'll take the same."

Waiter: "Alright, the drinks will be out soon."

The waiter walked back into the kitchen, and the couple started talking instantly.

(Y/N): "I didn't know you liked wine."

Megumin: "Never had it."

(Y/N): "That makes two of us."

Megumin: "Why did you order it then?"

(Y/N): "I'm always down to try something new. Plus, I've tasted it before, but I don't think I've ever had a full glass."

Megumin: "Well I suppose we're both in uncharted territory. Thank you for helping me with ordering the steak, by the way."

(Y/N): "No problem. Had you never ordered steak before?"

Megumin: "Not til now. My family isn't exactly wealthy."

(Y/N): "Wealth isn't everything though. In my experience, the less money you have, the better person you are. You learn to appreciate small stuff, and it keeps you really down to earth. And speaking of your family, can you tell me about them?"

Megumin: "Well, before I set out to be an adventurer, I lived with my mother, father, and my little sister Komekko. They still live in the Crimson Demon village. We never really had much, but I'd say we're a happy family. What about you?"

(Y/N): "Well same as you, mom and dad, but a younger brother instead of sister. I don't know if happy would be the word to describe our family. I love em to pieces, but......We're like a high functioning disfunctional family. But we love each other. Not every family is picture perfect."

Megumin: "You're right about that. I wouldn't consider my family perfect. But they're perfect for me."

(Y/N): "That was actually really profound."

Megumin: "What? Didn't think I had it in me?"

(Y/N): "No, I knew you did. You're the number one genius of the Crimson Demons after all. I just didn't think that it'd come from a conversation about our folks. Believe me, I know you're plenty smart."

(Y/N) was giving her an honest compliment, but for a little extra flair, he winked at her as ended the last sentence. Megumin went red quickly.

Megumin: "Th-thank you."

Their train of thought was broken by two glasses full of a deep red liquid were placed on the table.

Waiter: "Here's your wine. Your orders should be done quickly."

They thanked the waiter and watched him walk off.

(Y/N): "Here it is."

Megumin: "The moment of truth."

They both reached for their respective glasses, and took a small sip. It didn't seem to bother either.

Megumin: "It isn't very strong. It has a subtle sweet taste, doesn't it?"

(Y/N): "It more of an aftertaste in mine. It's new, but I don't hate it."

Megumin: "I certainly like it better than the whiskey you usually drink."

(Y/N): "Nah, a blacktooth grin blows this out of the water. The taste is growing on me though."

Megumin: "To each their own. I have to agree though. It gets better with every sip."

(Y/N): "Would you drink it again if given the chance?"

Megumin: "Absolutely. What about you?"

(Y/N): "If somebody put wine and whiskey in front of me, I'd definitely choose the whiskey. But if we ever come back here, I'll get this again for sure."

As the taste test concluded, two plates of steaming hot beef were placed on the table. Soon two bowls of cabbage stirfry were placed beside each plate.

Waiter: "Here is your meal. If you have a complaint, let one of us know and we'll fix it up as quick as we can."

The waiter walked off to another table, and (Y/N) dug in immediately.

(Y/N): "This is good! How's yours?"

He looked at Megumin to see her not even starting to cut her steak.

Megumin: "Are these even cooked?"

(Y/N): "Yeah? Why, what's wrong?"

Megumin: "Why is it so pink then?"

(Y/N): "Man, you really have never had steak. It's cooked, but choosing how long gives different flavors. It also makes it a little more tender. Don't worry, I ordered yours a little bit more cooked."

Megumin: "That's good. I hope it's as good as you're making it out to be."

Megumin took her knife and cut a small piece of meat. She poked it with her fork and hesitantly put the food in her mouth. Her eyes lit up as she chewed the steak.

Megumin: "You weren't kidding! This is delicious!"

(Y/N): "You got that right. This date is already going a lot better than my first."

Megumin: "Hmm? Why would that be?"

(Y/N): "Well for starters, this one is with you."

Megumin's face heated up, but she was still wondering what kind of disastrous night out (Y/N)'s first date was. She was also trying to change the subject a little.

Megumin: "W-well, what happened on your first?"

(Y/N): "Well, I was on my first tour, and some chick in the crowd caught me after the show. She asked me if I wanted to go out for the rest of the night, right? So, being the absolute worst at talking to girls as I was then, I just nodded, and she grabbed my wrist and ran out of the bar. We hit a small shop, and I'm pretty sure she stole like...2,000 eris worth of stuff. After that she took me down this back alley, and into this shady looking building. Turns out, she was a mob boss's daughter. If I hadn't ran as soon as I did, I wouldn't be here to tell this story."

Megumin: "They almost killed you?!"

(Y/N): "Not as first. She took me to her dad, and started showing off her new stuff. Some of that new stuff was me. Her dad started talking about a wedding, and that's when I interrupted. I said 'Sir, I just met her tonight! I don't even know her name!' And for some reason, that pissed him off. He told two of his goons to grab me, but I was quicker than them. I ran until I got back with my band on the tour bus, and we rode off into the night."

Megumin: "What in the world is a tour bus?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, you guys don't have those here. Basically just a carriage but faster."

Megumin: "Ah, ok."

(Y/N): "So what about you?"

Megumin: "Huh? What about me?"

(Y/N): "What about your first date? It can't be as bad as mine."

Megumin: "Well you're right about that. So far I'd say it's pretty nice."

(Y/N): "Wait what? This is your first date?"

Megumin: "Yes? Why is that so hard to believe? Don't tell me you think I'm an easy woman?!"

(Y/N): "Not at all! It's just, you're so cute. I know someone has asked you out before. If they haven't they missed out."

Megumin: "I suppose I have received a confession before. But until recently, I've never been interested in any romance."

(Y/N): "Wow. Was that me?"

Megumin: "Yes, I would say so."

Before any more conversation could take place, the sound of silverware on porcelain was heard. They both looked down to see all the food they had gone. They looked around and saw most of the people that were here when they started to eat gone.

(Y/N): "Time really got away from us, huh?"

Megumin: "I didn't think we'd been here that long."

(Y/N): "I guess it's a good thing though. We had a nice time, and got to know each other a little better too."

Megumin: "Not a bad first date in my book."

Soon the waiter had come back to their table.

Waiter: "I'm sorry, but we're approaching closing time, so we'd appreciate it if you'd get ready to leave. Here's your bill."

The waiter handed (Y/N) a small piece of paper. His eyes bugged out of his head when he saw the amount he owed.

(Y/N): "B-but...isn't our meal covered for tonight?"

Waiter: "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I nearly forgot. Well then, your free to leave whenwhenever you like."

The waiter walked off and left the two. They both stood up and made their way out of the restaurant and towards home.

(Y/N): "I hope you enjoyed that, cause we're never coming back."

Megumin: "Why? I quite liked it."

(Y/N): "The bill could've have put us way farther in the hole than we already are."

Megumin: "I see."

As they walked, both of their hands started to gravitate to the other. But each time the got close, they would shrink back.

(Y/N): 'Why am I so nervous about this? You've kissed her for god's sakes! You know what? Fuck it. (Y/N), you're about to do the lewdest thing you've ever done. Ask to hold hands with your girlfriend.'

After an inner pep talk, (Y/N) worked up the courage to ask her. He was surprised though, when she started to ask him something too.

(Y/N) & Megumin: "Hey-"

They both looked at each other, blushing up a storm.

Megumin: "You go first."

(Y/N): "No it's alright, you can go first."

Megumin: "Why are you so stubborn all of a sudden? Fine, let's say it at the same time."

(Y/N): "Ok, 3, 2, 1,..."

(Y/N) & Megumin: "Can we hold hands?"

Megumin: "W-well, I suppose we have our answers."

The two clumsily interlocked fingers, awkward at first. Soon the two had settled in to it, and walked hand in hand back to the mansion. They walked in, and saw no lights left on. Someone suddenly jumped out at them on their left.

Kazuma: "HYAAH!"

(Y/N) & Megumin: "AAAAAAH!"

(Y/N) instinctively reached out and punched Kazuma. He realized what had happened and apologized quickly.

(Y/N): "Oh my god, I'm so fucking sorry! You alright?"

Kazuma: "Damn, I feel bad for Mitsurugi now."

(Y/N): "Once again, I'm so sorry."

Kazuma: "It's alright. I thought you were burglars."

(Y/N): "Slow night?"

Kazuma: "Other than a drunk Aqua crying that her alcohol 'mysteriously' was drank, yeah."

(Y/N): "Sounds like typical Aqua."

Kazuma: "Yep. What kept you out so long."

Megumin: "We went on our first official date."

Kazuma: "Ah. Good for you then. I'm going to bed."

Kazuma dejectedly trudged up the stairs. (Y/N) and Megumin followed him up, and each went towards their rooms.

Megumin: "Goodnight. I had fun tonight."

(Y/N): "Me too. Let me know if anything happens."

Megumin: "I will."

The two entered their respective rooms, and quickly fell asleep.


(Y/N) awoke late into the night. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two red eyes inches from his face.

(Y/N): "Lord have mercy, I'm too young to die!"

Megumin: "It's just me!"

(Y/N): "You scared the everliving piss outta me."

Megumin: "I can tell."

(Y/N): "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but why in the hell are you watching me sleep?"

Megumin: "I...really need to use the bathroom. But I was too scared, and I didn't make it Aqua's room."

(Y/N): "That still doesn't explain you not waking me up."

Megumin: "I was getting to it! I just got distracted, you look so peaceful when you're alseep."

(Y/N): "Megumin, your eyes are glowing pretty bright. I don't wanna seem full of myself, but are you sure you weren't distracted cause I sleep shirtless?"

Megumin: "......"

(Y/N): "It's knew it!"

Suddenly, a movement in the room caught (Y/N)'s eye. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see a small doll move slowly across the floor. He didn't hesitate to pick up Megumin and sprint out out of the room.

Megumin: "Wh-wh-what are you doing!?"

(Y/N): "Running."

Megumin: "Why?!"

(Y/N): "Because I'm not ready to be in a nu metal album cover."

Megumin: "What does that even mean?!"

(Y/N) ran until he found Aqua's room. With all the adrenaline pumping through him, he somehow held Megumin and ripped the door open at the same time. But what he saw wasn't Aqua. Instead, he saw a cluster of dolls pressed against her balcony window. He turned an ran the other way.

(Y/N): "Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope."

Megumin: "What happened to Aqua?!"

(Y/N): "She's just taking a fucking vacation I guess! Listen, I'll take you to the bathroom and make sure nothing gets in! Just hurry up, cause I've gotta piss too!"

Megumin: "A-alright!"

(Y/N) finally made it to the bathroom. He let a dizzy Megumin down, who walked into the bathroom. He finally felt out of breath, and nearly collapsed. He sat down against the wall beside the bathroom door.

Megumin: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Haah...haah...Yeah?"

Megumin: "Are you still there?"

(Y/N): "Hmm, I wonder."

Megumin: "You're not going to leave are you?"

(Y/N): "Not without you."

Megumin: "Thank goodness."

Silence descended on them after that exchange. (Y/N) was getting impatient, and so was his bladder.

(Y/N): "So are you just gonna sit in there?"

Megumin: "I can't go if you rush me! Could you... sing a song or something?"

(Y/N) responded back in the most sarcastic sing-songy voice he could muster.

(Y/N): "Oohhh, how I wish my girlfriend would hurry up."

Megumin: "(Y/N)!"

For the second time tonight, (Y/N) caught strange movement in the corner of his eyes. He looked to his side to see a cluster of dolls heading down the hall towards him.

(Y/N): "Megumin, please hurry the fuck up!"

Megumin: "I get that we're both in a tough spot right now!"

(Y/N): "Megumin, hurry up or I'm coming in."

Megumin: "What?! Why-"


(Y/N)'s adrenaline returned in full force as the dolls barreled towards him. He closed his eyes, ripped the bathroom door open and grabbed Megumin, leaving the bottom half of her clothes behind.

Megumin: "AAAHH!"


They ran for a while, and then ducked into an empty room. (Y/N) tried to catch his breath with what time he had.

Megumin: "Darkness darker than dark-"

(Y/N): "Oi, quit that! You'll blow us all to bits!"
Soon the sound of footsteps reached them.

(Y/N): "You've gotta be fuckin shitting me."

Megumin: "What?! What now?!"

(Y/N): "It's alright. Look, I'm gonna hold of the dolls. You run and find Aqua."

Megumin: "Alright."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna open the door. Go!"

As he flung the door open, (Y/N) felt the piece of wood connect with something solid. Soon enough, the sound of something falling to the floor was heard. He looked forward to see Darkness, who was looking down at Aqua, who just fell to the floor after being hit with a door.

(Y/N): "Son of a bitch."

Darkness: "A-Aqua?! Are you ok?!"

Kazuma: "Yo."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna take a leak, and I'm going back to bed."

Kazuma: "Did we interrupt something?"

(Y/N): "Fuck off."


Luna: "Here's your special reward for the exorcism of the mansion."

Kazuma: "Why were there so many spirits anyway?"

Luna: "Well you see, there's a community graveyard nearby."

(Y/N): "That's where we found...Wiz."

Luna: "Someone must've thought it would be a funny prank to set up a huge barrier around it. Since the spirits had nowhere to go, they settled in the mansion."

Aqua had a look of horrible realization painted on her face. Kazuma pushed her put of hearing distance.

Kazuma: "We won't accept the special reward."

Aqua: "Right."

They walked back to the counter.

Kazuma: "Luna, we're going to have to respectfully refuse the special reward."

(Y/N): "It's for the best."


Kazuma was outside the mansion, polishing a headstone. (Y/N) was with him, playing a peaceful melody for the girl's spirit. Wiz approached them.

Wiz: "Ah, you're cleaning the gravestone. It truly is great that you all are allowed to live here now."

(Y/N): "The landlord is a good man."

Kazuma: "I'm sorry we caused you so much trouble."

Wiz: "No, no. I think this is for the best. I know that she won't be lonely anymore."

Kazuma looked towards the freshly cleaned headstone.

Kazuma: "I'm begging you, don't cause anymore mischief."

Wiz: "Well, I have to go tend to the shop. I'll see you all later."

As Wiz walked off towards town everything seemed peaceful. The peacefulness was soon shattered by Aqua's voice.

Aqua: "Darkness! Grab Kazuma's tracksuit and (Y/N)'s jacket! The fire is going out!"

Before Kazuma could yell, (Y/N) yelled loud enough for the both of them.


Chapter 8 done. This is my favorite chapter in a while, I'm really happy with this one. I'm sorry I didn't update quicker. I got over the writer's block, and wrote a new song recently. I also figured out how to play the opening of Blackened. I even got a record player recently. I got my first record today.

It's sounds even better than I thought it would. Anyway, that's enough from me. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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