tutor • mashton [✓]

By lhemmingsdaily

315K 16K 9.7K

"And why the hell do I need to know the answer of y² - x³ = 432?" "Well, because if you solve it, I'll kiss y... More

2.0 (not really)


13.9K 756 336
By lhemmingsdaily

m i c h a e l 

"And starting from today, we, teachers, are going to prepare you, students, to the big final exams."

Let's see how many times I heard this sentence today? Well, good enough to scare the hell out of me and make me stick next to Ashton the whole lunch.

"And could you please explain about the imperialisms again? Because oh God, I ca-"

"Michael, shut up!" Ashton said a bit rudely as we both walked for our last class of the day. "I understand you're scared with all those exams, but trust me I already did them and I know you'd be great."

"But I need he-"

"I know you need help, and yes, I'm going to help you but not now in this hall. That means, you're going to meet me in my car after school and then we're going back to my place to study. Alright?" He said, one more time interrupting me, but now calmly placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and blushed a bit leaving the boy on his classroom as I kept walking till mine. Thankfully, my next lesson was with Mrs. Hemmings, who is definitely less harsher than the other teachers.

I always thought she was like that because of Luke, something I like to call "Perks of Having An Adolescent Son". And I wasn't wrong though. If you have someone at home with the same age as your students, you'd know how to treat them.

After hearing the bell and going back to my sit at the back, Liz walked in the room smiling like always and placed her bag over the teachers' table.

"So who is already sick of hearing about the big final exams?" She exclaimed getting in response lots of raised hands. See? She understands us.

"Yeah, thought so. But seriously, you have nothing to worry about. Only do the exams like it's any other test you're gonna be good." Mrs. Hemmings smiled and I felt more relieved.

"Ok now you guys, pick a partner! We're doing some exercises together today." She continued and sat on her chair waiting till everyone find a partner.

I looked around lazily because hell, I hate working with a partner. Usually, I stuck with some reject kid or just ask if I could work alone but today was different. Before I had the chance to raise my hand, someone was already sitting next to me.

"I think we end up together on that Mikey!" My partner, or may I say Luke, affirmed happily.

"Yeah fine, wait since when are you in this math group? I thought you said you hate having classes with your mom because she embar-"

"She makes you what sunshine?" A voice suddenly said above of our heads making both of us look up. Liz was standing there with papers in her hands as she smiled sarcastically at Luke.

"Mum not now!" Luke whispere-yelled, already blushing. She laughed lightly and handed us some papers.

"You two can use the time that you need. If you don't finish it here, take it home with you and bring it tomorrow. Ok?"

We nodded and started the exercises. Not gonna lie, I was having big problems while Luke did it easily like it was nothing. And this is what I call, "Perks of Having a Math Teacher Mother."

"Are you having problems?" Luke asked me worriedly.

"Eh, yeah. I don't know where to start."

With that, Luke tutored me temporarily. He'd speak slow only for me be able to understand, and somehow I got everything he told me. Liz would look at us and smile proudly at her son. Knowing Luke, he'd probably follow his mom's career and also become a math teacher.

"Ok so we're done here!" The blonde guy exclaimed closing his books.

"Oh man, we still have half an hour till class is over." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Let's talk then!"

"Talk about what?"

"I was thinking about tutoring you math today after school?" Luke said offering me help and when I was about to thank and reply him, I remembered I had 'plans' with Ashton.

"Oh sorry can't. I'm already studying geography and english with Ashton. But maybe another time? I'd like your help." I said hoping he would still want to teach me.

"Of course! Whenever you want." He said simply sitting on his chair with his arms above his head. "Now, tell me about Ashton. Any feelings for him?"

In less than a minute, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and my heart beating faster. I tried to speak but I knew that I'd probably stutter, so I stayed quiet staring down at my lap.

"Holy crap, you like him!" Luke shouted, getting some odd looks, and poking my red cheeks.

"Shut up Luke! Of course I don't like him, he's straight." I answered him quickly and obviously lying.

"Oh Mikey! And? I bet you can make all the straight boys turn gay only by staring at you."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm not gonna lie mate, you're really hot. Especially now with this blue-purple hair. And if Ashton doesn't think that, then well he definitely needs new glasses." Luke said placing his hand on my head and tapping it.

"Ok first, don't touch my hair." I said rolling my eyes and pulling his hand away, "Second, Ashtons glasses are perfect and third, he already told me I'm beautiful."

"No-way! When?"

However, I ended up telling Luke everything that happened between me and Ashton. Finally, the bell rang and school was over. I packed my school things fast obviously wanting to leave but stopped when Luke grabbed my left wrist.

"Thanks for telling me all that. This really means a lot to me, particularly because now I know I have your trust back." He said and I couldn't help but pull him into a hug.

"Thanks for listening."

And then, I left the room waving goodbye to Liz. I soon went to my locker getting everything I needed and walked to the parking lot. I spotted Ashton already leaning on his car playing with the keys.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked and I nodded shyly getting in the car.


"I finally get it!"

"See? I told you you can do it!" Ashton exclaimed after we finished studying geography and english.

"Well, I own this to my tutor." I said poking his sides playfully and making him laugh.

"Don't do that, I'm ticklish!" He said still giggling, "Wanna eat something? I can order some chinese food."

"Sure, I'll just text my mum."

A while later, the food arrived and we both ate quietly as we watched some random movie on TV. Even if neither of us spoke a word, the moment was comfortable by only having each other's company. When I finished eating, I noticed how late it already was and how no one from Ashton's family have arrived yet.

"Uhm, so what about your parents do you live with them?" I asked Ashton curiously, who practically choked while drinking his Coke. "I mean, that's none of my business."

"No no, don't worry. It's just, my dad doesn't live here anymore and my siblings stay the week at my aunt's house." Ashton explained, and of course I could hear sadness in his voice as he kept talking, "And my mum, eh she, well she..."

"Ash, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I told worried and moving closer to the boy who could break down at any minute.

"No, you already told me some of your secrets and I feel like now it's my turn." He said looking me straight in the eyes as I kindly ran a hand through his curls but took it back to my lap quickly after I realised. "My mum was diagnosed with lung and bronchial cancer last year, and after that...my dad left us. I couldn't take care of my mother and my siblings at the same time, so that's why they spend most of the time with my aunt. I usually visit her at the hospital after school, but even so that's n-not enough be-because I miss her so bad an-"

"Alright, alright. I get it, don't need to talk anymore, just come here." I whispered and pulled the older boy into my chest as he started crying.

Slowly and carefully, I played with Ash's hair with one hand while the other one rubbed his back lightly. His head, somehow, was perfectly nuzzled in the crook of my neck like it was made to be. His breath soon got normal and he stopped crying, but my arms were still wrapped around him.

"Can you sleep over tonight? I'm tired of sleeping alone." Ashton said, nearly whispering, never letting go of me.

"Of course Ash."


people! hello, i decided to update since i got lots of cute comments last chapter.

anyways. enjoy it. bye-e ly

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